Closed Bug 1649298 Opened 4 years ago Closed 4 years ago

Send email button in pdf has issues with default in thunderbird 64bit


(Thunderbird :: Untriaged, defect)

Windows 10


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: raitpngman, Unassigned)


(Blocks 1 open bug)


(Whiteboard: [support])


(3 files, 1 obsolete file)

Attached file LanguageTeamMonthlyReport_v1.5.pdf (obsolete) (deleted) —

User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/83.0.4103.97 Safari/537.36

Steps to reproduce:

Set thunderbird to be default email app in windows and thunderbird. Filed out a pdf form, clicked "send".

Actual results:

Got a message that there was no default email program set and I should set up Outlook.

Expected results:

It should have sent via thunderbird.
This is only a problem in Tbird 64bit. I uninstalled tbird 64bit, installed tbird 32bit and it worked. Confirmed on a virtual machine as well. Using win10.
This is not a security issue, but the form is an internal company form I did not want public. Please remove the form before going public.

Surely this isn't the only PDF that fails to send?
What version of Windows?
And which PDF application are you using?

Flags: needinfo?(raitpngman)
OS: Unspecified → Windows
Whiteboard: [support]

I do not know if it is the only one that fails to send. I don't have another pdf to try, and I went back to 32bit tbird so that I can send it. Using Windows 10 home version 1903 64bit, Adobe Acrobat Reader DC continuous release version 2020.009.20067
I'm assuming it is reproducible with the file I sent (and maybe others too, I don't know) since it did the same thing on a clean install on a test machine.

Flags: needinfo?(raitpngman)

I'm reporting this from a different computer than the one that had the issue so the user agent recorded above isn't accurate for the case machine and settings.

The content of attachment 9160233 [details] has been deleted for the following reason:

Deleted due to sensitive document

So it only fails with 64bit?

Group: mail-core-security
Flags: needinfo?(raitpngman)
Whiteboard: [support] → [closeme 2020-07-15][support]

Correct. Uninstalled 64bit and installed 32bit Tbird and it worked. That's why I think it is something with 64bit thunderbird rather than Windows or Adobe.
I'll create a new vm today and try to duplicate with a different adobe document.

Attached image adobe form2.png (deleted) —
Flags: needinfo?(raitpngman)
Attached file DynamicEmail_AcroForm.pdf (deleted) —
Attached image problem message.png (deleted) —

OK, Started with a clean install of windows and Tbird64bit. Told windows to make tbird default email app. Set up a pop3 gmail account. Opened the DynamicEmail pdf form (attached). Filled out the top section and hit the "Email SubmitPdf" button circled in the adobeForm2.png attachment. It asked if I wanted to use the default email program. I said yes. Got the problem message.png.

Uninstalled tbird 64bit. Installed tbird 32bit. Opened same profile created in the 64bit install. Made tbird default email client. Filled out the same pdf form and hit the same submit button. It asked if I wanted to use the default email program. I said yes. This time an email is created.

tbird 32bit behaves as expected. tbird 64bit fails.

Other reports

OS: Windows → Windows 10
Whiteboard: [closeme 2020-07-15][support] → [support]

Is Acrobat Reader 32-bit or 64-bit? If it's 32-bit, it won't email through TB 64-bit. If both are 64-bit (or both 32-bit), it sometimes works if you run the full TB installer, set TB as default in Advanced setup, don't run at end of setup, reboot computer.

The Adobe reader version installed is indeed 32bit, and I am unable to find a 64bit version of Adobe Reader. :frustration emoji here: Thanks for helping to find the cause of the issue.

(In reply to sfhowes from comment #12)

Is Acrobat Reader 32-bit or 64-bit? If it's 32-bit, it won't email through TB 64-bit. If both are 64-bit (or both 32-bit), it sometimes works if you run the full TB installer, set TB as default in Advanced setup, don't run at end of setup, reboot computer.

This is a continuation of the MAPI woes of bug 1601879 I would even think it is a dup.

Closed: 4 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
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