High Frequency unity-webgl raptor-perftest Critical: Test failed to finish. Application timed out after 520 seconds
(Testing :: Raptor, defect, P5)
(Not tracked)
(Reporter: intermittent-bug-filer, Unassigned)
(Keywords: intermittent-failure)
Filed by: malexandru [at] mozilla.com
Parsed log: https://treeherder.mozilla.org/logviewer.html#?job_id=312305484&repo=mozilla-central
Full log: https://firefox-ci-tc.services.mozilla.com/api/queue/v1/task/JL6slEeKSoKRbfQM1TWEww/runs/0/artifacts/public/logs/live_backing.log
[task 2020-08-06T20:13:47.821Z] 20:12:38 INFO - raptor-control-server Info: received webext_raptor-page-timeout: [u'raptor-unity-webgl-geckoview', u'', 1]
[task 2020-08-06T20:13:47.821Z] 20:12:38 INFO - adb shell_output: adb -s ZY32259STL wait-for-device shell su -c "pidof org.mozilla.geckoview_example", timeout: None, timedout: None, exitcode: 0, output: 8344
[task 2020-08-06T20:13:47.821Z] 20:12:40 INFO - adb shell_output: adb -s ZY32259STL wait-for-device shell su -c "pidof org.mozilla.geckoview_example", timeout: None, timedout: None, exitcode: 0, output: 8344
[task 2020-08-06T20:13:47.821Z] 20:12:42 INFO - adb shell_output: adb -s ZY32259STL wait-for-device shell su -c "pidof org.mozilla.geckoview_example", timeout: None, timedout: None, exitcode: 0, output: 8344
[task 2020-08-06T20:13:47.821Z] 20:12:44 INFO - adb shell_output: adb -s ZY32259STL wait-for-device shell su -c "pidof org.mozilla.geckoview_example", timeout: None, timedout: None, exitcode: 0, output: 8344
[task 2020-08-06T20:13:47.821Z] 20:12:46 INFO - adb shell_output: adb -s ZY32259STL wait-for-device shell su -c "pidof org.mozilla.geckoview_example", timeout: None, timedout: None, exitcode: 0, output: 8344
[task 2020-08-06T20:13:47.821Z] 20:12:48 INFO - adb shell_output: adb -s ZY32259STL wait-for-device shell su -c "pidof org.mozilla.geckoview_example", timeout: None, timedout: None, exitcode: 0, output: 8344
[task 2020-08-06T20:13:47.821Z] 20:12:50 INFO - adb shell_output: adb -s ZY32259STL wait-for-device shell su -c "pidof org.mozilla.geckoview_example", timeout: None, timedout: None, exitcode: 0, output: 8344
[task 2020-08-06T20:13:47.821Z] 20:12:52 INFO - adb shell_output: adb -s ZY32259STL wait-for-device shell su -c "pidof org.mozilla.geckoview_example", timeout: None, timedout: None, exitcode: 0, output: 8344
[task 2020-08-06T20:13:47.821Z] 20:12:54 INFO - adb shell_output: adb -s ZY32259STL wait-for-device shell su -c "pidof org.mozilla.geckoview_example", timeout: None, timedout: None, exitcode: 0, output: 8344
[task 2020-08-06T20:13:47.821Z] 20:12:56 INFO - adb shell_output: adb -s ZY32259STL wait-for-device shell su -c "pidof org.mozilla.geckoview_example", timeout: None, timedout: None, exitcode: 0, output: 8344
[task 2020-08-06T20:13:47.821Z] 20:12:58 INFO - adb shell_output: adb -s ZY32259STL wait-for-device shell su -c "pidof org.mozilla.geckoview_example", timeout: None, timedout: None, exitcode: 0, output: 8344
[task 2020-08-06T20:13:47.821Z] 20:13:00 INFO - adb shell_output: adb -s ZY32259STL wait-for-device shell su -c "pidof org.mozilla.geckoview_example", timeout: None, timedout: None, exitcode: 0, output: 8344
[task 2020-08-06T20:13:47.821Z] 20:13:02 INFO - adb shell_output: adb -s ZY32259STL wait-for-device shell su -c "pidof org.mozilla.geckoview_example", timeout: None, timedout: None, exitcode: 0, output: 8344
[task 2020-08-06T20:13:47.821Z] 20:13:04 INFO - adb shell_output: adb -s ZY32259STL wait-for-device shell su -c "pidof org.mozilla.geckoview_example", timeout: None, timedout: None, exitcode: 0, output: 8344
[task 2020-08-06T20:13:47.821Z] 20:13:06 INFO - adb shell_output: adb -s ZY32259STL wait-for-device shell su -c "pidof org.mozilla.geckoview_example", timeout: None, timedout: None, exitcode: 0, output: 8344
[task 2020-08-06T20:13:47.821Z] 20:13:08 INFO - adb shell_output: adb -s ZY32259STL wait-for-device shell su -c "pidof org.mozilla.geckoview_example", timeout: None, timedout: None, exitcode: 0, output: 8344
[task 2020-08-06T20:13:47.821Z] 20:13:10 INFO - adb shell_output: adb -s ZY32259STL wait-for-device shell su -c "pidof org.mozilla.geckoview_example", timeout: None, timedout: None, exitcode: 0, output: 8344
[task 2020-08-06T20:13:47.821Z] 20:13:12 INFO - adb shell_output: adb -s ZY32259STL wait-for-device shell su -c "pidof org.mozilla.geckoview_example", timeout: None, timedout: None, exitcode: 0, output: 8344
[task 2020-08-06T20:13:47.821Z] 20:13:14 INFO - adb shell_output: adb -s ZY32259STL wait-for-device shell su -c "pidof org.mozilla.geckoview_example", timeout: None, timedout: None, exitcode: 0, output: 8344
[task 2020-08-06T20:13:47.821Z] 20:13:16 INFO - adb shell_output: adb -s ZY32259STL wait-for-device shell su -c "pidof org.mozilla.geckoview_example", timeout: None, timedout: None, exitcode: 0, output: 8344
[task 2020-08-06T20:13:47.821Z] 20:13:18 INFO - adb shell_output: adb -s ZY32259STL wait-for-device shell su -c "pidof org.mozilla.geckoview_example", timeout: None, timedout: None, exitcode: 0, output: 8344
[task 2020-08-06T20:13:47.821Z] 20:13:20 INFO - adb shell_output: adb -s ZY32259STL wait-for-device shell su -c "pidof org.mozilla.geckoview_example", timeout: None, timedout: None, exitcode: 0, output: 8344
[task 2020-08-06T20:13:47.821Z] 20:13:22 INFO - adb shell_output: adb -s ZY32259STL wait-for-device shell su -c "pidof org.mozilla.geckoview_example", timeout: None, timedout: None, exitcode: 0, output: 8344
[task 2020-08-06T20:13:47.821Z] 20:13:24 INFO - adb shell_output: adb -s ZY32259STL wait-for-device shell su -c "pidof org.mozilla.geckoview_example", timeout: None, timedout: None, exitcode: 0, output: 8344
[task 2020-08-06T20:13:47.821Z] 20:13:26 INFO - adb shell_output: adb -s ZY32259STL wait-for-device shell su -c "pidof org.mozilla.geckoview_example", timeout: None, timedout: None, exitcode: 0, output: 8344
[task 2020-08-06T20:13:47.821Z] 20:13:28 INFO - adb shell_output: adb -s ZY32259STL wait-for-device shell su -c "pidof org.mozilla.geckoview_example", timeout: None, timedout: None, exitcode: 0, output: 8344
[task 2020-08-06T20:13:47.821Z] 20:13:30 INFO - adb shell_output: adb -s ZY32259STL wait-for-device shell su -c "pidof org.mozilla.geckoview_example", timeout: None, timedout: None, exitcode: 0, output: 8344
[task 2020-08-06T20:13:47.821Z] 20:13:32 INFO - adb shell_output: adb -s ZY32259STL wait-for-device shell su -c "pidof org.mozilla.geckoview_example", timeout: None, timedout: None, exitcode: 0, output: 8344
[task 2020-08-06T20:13:47.821Z] 20:13:34 INFO - adb shell_output: adb -s ZY32259STL wait-for-device shell su -c "pidof org.mozilla.geckoview_example", timeout: None, timedout: None, exitcode: 0, output: 8344
[task 2020-08-06T20:13:47.821Z] 20:13:36 INFO - adb shell_output: adb -s ZY32259STL wait-for-device shell su -c "pidof org.mozilla.geckoview_example", timeout: None, timedout: None, exitcode: 0, output: 8344
[task 2020-08-06T20:13:47.821Z] 20:13:38 INFO - adb shell_output: adb -s ZY32259STL wait-for-device shell su -c "pidof org.mozilla.geckoview_example", timeout: None, timedout: None, exitcode: 0, output: 8344
[task 2020-08-06T20:13:47.821Z] 20:13:41 INFO - adb shell_output: adb -s ZY32259STL wait-for-device shell su -c "am force-stop org.mozilla.geckoview_example", timeout: None, timedout: None, exitcode: 0, output:
[task 2020-08-06T20:13:47.821Z] 20:13:42 INFO - adb shell_bool: adb -s ZY32259STL wait-for-device shell su -c "test -d /data/local/tmp/test_root/raptor/profile/minidumps", timeout: None, timedout: None, exitcode: 0, output:
[task 2020-08-06T20:13:47.821Z] 20:13:43 INFO - adb shell_output: adb -s ZY32259STL wait-for-device shell su -c sync, timeout: None, timedout: None, exitcode: 0, output:
[task 2020-08-06T20:13:47.821Z] 20:13:44 INFO - adb shell_bool: adb -s ZY32259STL wait-for-device shell su -c "test -d /data/local/tmp/test_root/raptor/profile/minidumps", timeout: None, timedout: None, exitcode: 0, output:
[task 2020-08-06T20:13:47.821Z] 20:13:44 INFO - adb chmod: path=/data/local/tmp/test_root/raptor/profile/minidumps, recursive=True, mask=777
[task 2020-08-06T20:13:47.821Z] 20:13:45 INFO - adb shell_output: adb -s ZY32259STL wait-for-device shell su -c "chmod -R 777 /data/local/tmp/test_root/raptor/profile/minidumps", timeout: None, timedout: None, exitcode: 0, output:
[task 2020-08-06T20:13:47.821Z] 20:13:45 INFO - adb command_output: adb -s ZY32259STL wait-for-device pull /data/local/tmp/test_root/raptor/profile/minidumps /tmp/tmpkdcdgF/minidumps, timeout: None, timedout: None, exitcode: 0, output: /data/local/tmp/test_root/raptor/profile/minidumps/: 0 files pulled, 0 skipped.
[task 2020-08-06T20:13:47.821Z] 20:13:45 CRITICAL - raptor-perftest Critical: Test failed to finish. Application timed out after 520 seconds
[task 2020-08-06T20:13:47.821Z] 20:13:45 INFO - raptor-webext-android Info: removing reverse socket connections
[task 2020-08-06T20:13:47.821Z] 20:13:45 INFO - adb command_output: adb -s ZY32259STL wait-for-device reverse --remove-all, timeout: None, timedout: None, exitcode: 0, output:
[task 2020-08-06T20:13:47.821Z] 20:13:45 INFO - raptor-webext-android Info: skipping check_for_crashes: application has not been launched
[task 2020-08-06T20:13:47.821Z] 20:13:45 INFO - raptor-webext Info: removing webext /builds/task_159674300785960/workspace/build/tests/raptor/raptor/webextension/../../webext/raptor
[task 2020-08-06T20:13:47.821Z] 20:13:45 INFO - raptor-webext-android Info: removing test folder for raptor: /data/local/tmp/test_root/raptor
[task 2020-08-06T20:13:47.821Z] 20:13:46 INFO - adb shell_output: adb -s ZY32259STL wait-for-device shell su -c sync, timeout: None, timedout: None, exitcode: 0, output:
[task 2020-08-06T20:14:23.833Z] 20:13:47 INFO - adb shell_output: adb -s ZY32259STL wait-for-device shell su -c "rm -r /data/local/tmp/test_root/raptor", timeout: None, timedout: None, exitcode: 0, output:
[task 2020-08-06T20:14:23.833Z] 20:13:48 INFO - adb shell_output: adb -s ZY32259STL wait-for-device shell su -c sync, timeout: None, timedout: None, exitcode: 0, output:
[task 2020-08-06T20:14:23.833Z] 20:13:49 INFO - adb shell_bool: adb -s ZY32259STL wait-for-device shell su -c "test -e /data/local/tmp/test_root/raptor", timeout: None, timedout: None, exitcode: 1, output:
[task 2020-08-06T20:14:23.833Z] 20:13:49 INFO - raptor-control-server Info: shutting down control server
[task 2020-08-06T20:14:23.833Z] 20:13:49 INFO - raptor-webext Info: finished
[task 2020-08-06T20:14:23.833Z] 20:13:49 ERROR - Return code: 1
[task 2020-08-06T20:14:23.833Z] 20:13:49 WARNING - setting return code to 1
[task 2020-08-06T20:14:23.833Z] 20:13:49 INFO - Killing logcat pid 779.
[task 2020-08-06T20:14:23.833Z] 20:13:49 INFO - Copying Raptor results to upload dir:
[task 2020-08-06T20:14:23.833Z] 20:13:49 INFO - /builds/task_159674300785960/workspace/build/blobber_upload_dir/perfherder-data.json
[task 2020-08-06T20:14:23.833Z] 20:13:49 INFO - Copying raptor results from /builds/task_159674300785960/workspace/build/raptor.json to /builds/task_159674300785960/workspace/build/blobber_upload_dir/perfherder-data.json
[task 2020-08-06T20:14:23.833Z] 20:13:49 CRITICAL - Error copying results /builds/task_159674300785960/workspace/build/raptor.json to upload dir /builds/task_159674300785960/workspace/build/blobber_upload_dir/perfherder-data.json
[task 2020-08-06T20:14:23.833Z] 20:13:49 INFO - [Errno 2] No such file or directory: u'/builds/task_159674300785960/workspace/build/raptor.json'
[task 2020-08-06T20:14:23.833Z] 20:13:49 INFO - Running post-action listener: _package_coverage_data
[task 2020-08-06T20:14:23.833Z] 20:13:49 INFO - Running post-action listener: _resource_record_post_action
[task 2020-08-06T20:14:23.833Z] 20:13:49 INFO - Running post-action listener: process_java_coverage_data
[task 2020-08-06T20:14:23.833Z] 20:13:49 INFO - Running post-action listener: stop_device
[task 2020-08-06T20:14:23.833Z] 20:14:04 INFO - /data/anr/traces.txt deleted
[task 2020-08-06T20:14:23.833Z] 20:14:17 INFO - Killing logcat pid 779.
[task 2020-08-06T20:14:23.833Z] 20:14:17 INFO - [mozharness: 2020-08-06 20:14:17.487627Z] Finished run-tests step (success)
[task 2020-08-06T20:14:23.833Z] 20:14:17 INFO - Running post-run listener: _resource_record_post_run
[task 2020-08-06T20:14:23.833Z] 20:14:17 INFO - Total resource usage - Wall time: 695s; CPU: 1.0%; Read bytes: 0; Write bytes: 401223680; Read time: 0; Write time: 358020
[task 2020-08-06T20:14:23.833Z] 20:14:17 INFO - TinderboxPrint: CPU usage<br/>0.8%
[task 2020-08-06T20:14:23.833Z] 20:14:17 INFO - TinderboxPrint: I/O read bytes / time<br/>0 / 0
[task 2020-08-06T20:14:23.833Z] 20:14:17 INFO - TinderboxPrint: I/O write bytes / time<br/>401,223,680 / 358,020
[task 2020-08-06T20:14:23.833Z] 20:14:17 INFO - TinderboxPrint: CPU idle<br/>2,743.6 (99.0%)
[task 2020-08-06T20:14:23.833Z] 20:14:17 INFO - TinderboxPrint: Swap in / out<br/>0 / 0
[task 2020-08-06T20:14:23.833Z] 20:14:17 INFO - install-chrome-android - Wall time: 0s; CPU: Can't collect data; Read bytes: 0; Write bytes: 0; Read time: 0; Write time: 0
[task 2020-08-06T20:14:23.833Z] 20:14:17 INFO - install-chromium-distribution - Wall time: 0s; CPU: Can't collect data; Read bytes: 0; Write bytes: 0; Read time: 0; Write time: 0
[task 2020-08-06T20:14:23.833Z] 20:14:17 INFO - install - Wall time: 43s; CPU: 1.0%; Read bytes: 0; Write bytes: 295698432; Read time: 0; Write time: 292724
[task 2020-08-06T20:14:23.833Z] 20:14:17 INFO - run-tests - Wall time: 625s; CPU: 1.0%; Read bytes: 0; Write bytes: 103620608; Read time: 0; Write time: 65076
[task 2020-08-06T20:14:23.833Z] 20:14:17 WARNING - returning nonzero exit status 1
Comment 1•4 years ago
This started appearing on today's merge on central - nightly (August 6th):
sparky, could you please take a look?
Bug 1657692 and Bug 1657686 started appearing on this push as well, they may be related.
Comment 2•4 years ago
Yup, looking into it now. Starting with some autoland backfills to see if we can find a root cause.
Comment 3•4 years ago
Fixed by backout of bug 1639153.
Updated•4 years ago
Comment hidden (Intermittent Failures Robot) |