Closed Bug 1663162 Opened 4 years ago Closed 4 years ago

Printing a PDF file with Firefox “Print” dialog (Ctrl+P) results in a lo-res impression


(Core :: Printing: Output, defect)

Firefox 81





(Reporter: kirix.isakov, Unassigned, NeedInfo)



User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:81.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/81.0

Steps to reproduce:

Print a PDF file with Firefox “Print” dialog (Ctrl+P). OS is Ubuntu 20.04

Actual results:

Resulted in a lo-res impression, like that of a lo-res screenshot of that PDF

Expected results:

It should have resulted in a “normal” print. By the way, switching to the system print dialog did the job — with the very same printer and same settings.

Component: Untriaged → Printing: Output
OS: Unspecified → Linux
Product: Firefox → Core

I'm getting the same issue with the new print dialog on OSX (81.0b1 (64-bit))

Kiril, thanks for reporting!

Does the low-res result also happens with "color" mode? I mean it happens only with "B&W" mode?

I am suspecting this is a dup of bug 1660911, thus it's a dup of bug 1660857 which means it will be fixed in the next 81.0b6.


Flags: needinfo?(kirix.isakov)

Dear Hiroyuki, the original PDF file (containing B&W text) being out of reach, I tried printing another random file.
I launched two print jobs with the Firefox's own Print dialog and in both B&W and color modes.
Result: no lo-res anomaly, but another one spurred: the output was printed in color in both cases, even though the on-screen preview rendered colors correctly.

Flags: needinfo?(kirix.isakov)

Thank you Kiril! That's super helpful. (In reply to Kiril Isakov from comment #3)

Result: no lo-res anomaly, but another one spurred: the output was printed in color in both cases, even though the on-screen preview rendered colors correctly.

Okay, so I suppose the Firefox version you are now using is 81.0b6, right? The 81.0b6 is including the fix for bug 1660857. (Or maybe it's just a result of the fact that the low-res issue does only happen in B&W mode)

Also would you mind filing a new bug for the spurred issue? It's definitely a different issue unfortunately. Thanks!

Flags: needinfo?(kirix.isakov)

(In reply to Hiroyuki Ikezoe (:hiro) from comment #2)

I am suspecting this is a dup of bug 1660911, thus it's a dup of bug 1660857 which means it will be fixed in the next 81.0b6.

Isn't it more a dupe of bug 1662980?

I believe Hiro is right that this is a dupe of 1660911 in that B&W mode would lead to low-res output in older 81 betas. That has been resolved.

Result: no lo-res anomaly, but another one spurred: the output was printed in color in both cases, even though the on-screen preview rendered colors correctly.

We could use a bug filed for this if you continue to encounter it.

Closed: 4 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
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