Closed Bug 1665297 Opened 4 years ago Closed 4 years ago

Intermittent Fis /webdriver/tests/perform_actions/ | test_no_browsing_context - AssertionError


(Remote Protocol :: Marionette, defect, P5)



(Fission Milestone:Future, firefox82 wontfix, firefox83 fixed)

83 Branch
Fission Milestone Future
Tracking Status
firefox82 --- wontfix
firefox83 --- fixed


(Reporter: intermittent-bug-filer, Assigned: whimboo)



(Keywords: assertion, intermittent-failure)

Filed by: rmaries [at]
Parsed log:
Full log:

[task 2020-09-16T08:10:29.672Z] 08:10:29     INFO - TEST-START | /webdriver/tests/perform_actions/
[task 2020-09-16T08:10:31.110Z] 08:10:31     INFO - STDOUT: =============================== warnings summary ===============================
[task 2020-09-16T08:10:31.110Z] 08:10:31     INFO - STDOUT: <undetermined location>
[task 2020-09-16T08:10:31.110Z] 08:10:31     INFO - STDOUT:   Module already imported so cannot be rewritten:
[task 2020-09-16T08:10:31.110Z] 08:10:31     INFO - STDOUT: -- Docs:
[task 2020-09-16T08:10:31.110Z] 08:10:31     INFO - STDOUT: ================ 1 failed, 2 passed, 1 warnings in 1.39 seconds ================
[task 2020-09-16T08:10:31.122Z] 08:10:31     INFO - 
[task 2020-09-16T08:10:31.122Z] 08:10:31     INFO - TEST-PASS | /webdriver/tests/perform_actions/ | test_null_response_value 
[task 2020-09-16T08:10:31.122Z] 08:10:31     INFO - TEST-PASS | /webdriver/tests/perform_actions/ | test_no_top_browsing_context 
[task 2020-09-16T08:10:31.122Z] 08:10:31     INFO - TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | /webdriver/tests/perform_actions/ | test_no_browsing_context - AssertionError
[task 2020-09-16T08:10:31.122Z] 08:10:31     INFO - session = <Session b337d09c-1cc5-4dd8-99c1-d5bc11f235f4>, closed_frame = None
[task 2020-09-16T08:10:31.122Z] 08:10:31     INFO - none_chain = <webdriver.client.ActionSequence object at 0x7f0486aff910>
[task 2020-09-16T08:10:31.122Z] 08:10:31     INFO - 
[task 2020-09-16T08:10:31.122Z] 08:10:31     INFO -     def test_no_browsing_context(session, closed_frame, none_chain):
[task 2020-09-16T08:10:31.122Z] 08:10:31     INFO -         response = perform_actions(session, [none_chain.pause(0).dict])
[task 2020-09-16T08:10:31.122Z] 08:10:31     INFO - >       assert_error(response, "no such window")
[task 2020-09-16T08:10:31.123Z] 08:10:31     INFO - 
[task 2020-09-16T08:10:31.123Z] 08:10:31     INFO - closed_frame = None
[task 2020-09-16T08:10:31.123Z] 08:10:31     INFO - none_chain = <webdriver.client.ActionSequence object at 0x7f0486aff910>
[task 2020-09-16T08:10:31.123Z] 08:10:31     INFO - response   = <Responsetatus=200 body={"value": null}>
[task 2020-09-16T08:10:31.123Z] 08:10:31     INFO - session    = <Session b337d09c-1cc5-4dd8-99c1-d5bc11f235f4>
[task 2020-09-16T08:10:31.123Z] 08:10:31     INFO - 
[task 2020-09-16T08:10:31.123Z] 08:10:31     INFO - tests/web-platform/tests/webdriver/tests/perform_actions/ 
[task 2020-09-16T08:10:31.123Z] 08:10:31     INFO - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
[task 2020-09-16T08:10:31.123Z] 08:10:31     INFO - 
[task 2020-09-16T08:10:31.123Z] 08:10:31     INFO - response = <Responsetatus=200 body={"value": null}>
[task 2020-09-16T08:10:31.123Z] 08:10:31     INFO - error_code = 'no such window'
[task 2020-09-16T08:10:31.123Z] 08:10:31     INFO - 
[task 2020-09-16T08:10:31.123Z] 08:10:31     INFO -     def assert_error(response, error_code):
[task 2020-09-16T08:10:31.124Z] 08:10:31     INFO -         """
[task 2020-09-16T08:10:31.124Z] 08:10:31     INFO -         Verify that the provided webdriver.Response instance described
[task 2020-09-16T08:10:31.124Z] 08:10:31     INFO -         a valid error response as defined by `dfn-send-an-error` and
[task 2020-09-16T08:10:31.124Z] 08:10:31     INFO -         the provided error code.
[task 2020-09-16T08:10:31.124Z] 08:10:31     INFO -     
[task 2020-09-16T08:10:31.124Z] 08:10:31     INFO -         :param response: ``webdriver.Response`` instance.
[task 2020-09-16T08:10:31.124Z] 08:10:31     INFO -         :param error_code: String value of the expected error code
[task 2020-09-16T08:10:31.124Z] 08:10:31     INFO -         """
[task 2020-09-16T08:10:31.124Z] 08:10:31     INFO - >       assert response.status == errors[error_code]
[task 2020-09-16T08:10:31.125Z] 08:10:31     INFO - E       AssertionError
[task 2020-09-16T08:10:31.125Z] 08:10:31     INFO - 
[task 2020-09-16T08:10:31.125Z] 08:10:31     INFO - error_code = 'no such window'
[task 2020-09-16T08:10:31.125Z] 08:10:31     INFO - response   = <Responsetatus=200 body={"value": null}>
[task 2020-09-16T08:10:31.125Z] 08:10:31     INFO - 
[task 2020-09-16T08:10:31.125Z] 08:10:31     INFO - tests/web-platform/tests/webdriver/tests/support/ AssertionError
[task 2020-09-16T08:10:31.125Z] 08:10:31     INFO - TEST-OK | /webdriver/tests/perform_actions/ | took 1428ms
[task 2020-09-16T08:10:31.182Z] 08:10:31     INFO - Closing logging queue
[task 2020-09-16T08:10:31.182Z] 08:10:31     INFO - queue closed```
Depends on: 1662469
Summary: Intermittent /webdriver/tests/perform_actions/ | test_no_browsing_context - AssertionError → Intermittent Fis /webdriver/tests/perform_actions/ | test_no_browsing_context - AssertionError

This intermittent test failure doesn't need to block Fission MVP unless it starts failing more frequently.

Fission Milestone: --- → Future

Checking the log again this is most likely a problem with a delayed click due to the synchronous capabilities update with the parent process. This has been removed with the patch on bug 1394354, and as such this failure should no longer happen.

No longer blocks: marionette-fission
Depends on: 1394354
No longer depends on: 1662469

Most likely fixed by bug 1394354. Closing as WFM.

Closed: 4 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME

Recent failure log:

[task 2020-10-09T22:40:23.437Z] 22:40:23 INFO - TEST-START | /webdriver/tests/perform_actions/
[task 2020-10-09T22:40:23.460Z] 22:40:23 INFO - STDOUT: ============================= test session starts ==============================
[task 2020-10-09T22:40:23.462Z] 22:40:23 INFO - STDOUT: platform darwin -- Python 2.7.16, pytest-unknown, py-1.5.2, -- /Users/cltbld/tasks/task_1602277324/build/venv/bin/python
[task 2020-10-09T22:40:23.462Z] 22:40:23 INFO - STDOUT: rootdir: /Users/cltbld/tasks/task_1602277324/build, inifile:
[task 2020-10-09T22:40:23.462Z] 22:40:23 INFO - STDOUT: collecting ...
[task 2020-10-09T22:40:23.483Z] 22:40:23 INFO - STDOUT: collected 3 items
[task 2020-10-09T22:40:23.484Z] 22:40:23 INFO - STDOUT: tests/web-platform/tests/webdriver/tests/perform_actions/
[task 2020-10-09T22:40:23.487Z] 22:40:23 INFO - STDOUT: PASSED
[task 2020-10-09T22:40:23.488Z] 22:40:23 INFO - PID 2502 | 1602283223469 webdriver::server DEBUG -> POST /session/aef6f256-f128-cb4d-ab35-ec5465cd1fbc/window/rect {"width": 800, "height": 600}
[task 2020-10-09T22:40:23.488Z] 22:40:23 INFO - PID 2502 | 1602283223470 Marionette DEBUG 1 -> [0,2691,"WebDriver:SetWindowRect",{"height":600,"width":800}]
[task 2020-10-09T22:40:23.488Z] 22:40:23 INFO - PID 2502 | 1602283223470 Marionette DEBUG 1 <- [1,2691,null,{"x":100,"y":100,"width":800,"height":600}]
[task 2020-10-09T22:40:23.489Z] 22:40:23 INFO - PID 2502 | 1602283223470 webdriver::server DEBUG <- 200 OK {"value":{"x":100,"y":100,"width":800,"height":600}}
[task 2020-10-09T22:40:23.491Z] 22:40:23 INFO - PID 2502 | 1602283223472 webdriver::server DEBUG -> POST /session/aef6f256-f128-cb4d-ab35-ec5465cd1fbc/window/rect {"y": 100, "x": 100}
[task 2020-10-09T22:40:23.491Z] 22:40:23 INFO - PID 2502 | 1602283223472 Marionette DEBUG 1 -> [0,2692,"WebDriver:SetWindowRect",{"x":100,"y":100}]
[task 2020-10-09T22:40:23.491Z] 22:40:23 INFO - PID 2502 | 1602283223473 Marionette DEBUG 1 <- [1,2692,null,{"x":100,"y":100,"width":800,"height":600}]
[task 2020-10-09T22:40:23.491Z] 22:40:23 INFO - PID 2502 | 1602283223473 webdriver::server DEBUG <- 200 OK {"value":{"x":100,"y":100,"width":800,"height":600}}
[task 2020-10-09T22:40:23.492Z] 22:40:23 INFO - PID 2502 | 1602283223475 webdriver::server DEBUG -> POST /session/aef6f256-f128-cb4d-ab35-ec5465cd1fbc/actions {"actions": [{"type": "none", "id": "none_id", "actions": [{"duration": 0, "type": "pause"}]}]}
[task 2020-10-09T22:40:23.494Z] 22:40:23 INFO - PID 2502 | 1602283223475 Marionette DEBUG 1 -> [0,2693,"WebDriver:PerformActions",{"actions":[{"actions":[{"duration":0,"type":"pause"}],"id":"none_id","type":"none"}]}]
[task 2020-10-09T22:40:23.495Z] 22:40:23 INFO - PID 2502 | 1602283223481 Marionette DEBUG 1 <- [1,2693,null,{"value":null}]
[task 2020-10-09T22:40:23.495Z] 22:40:23 INFO - PID 2502 | 1602283223481 webdriver::server DEBUG <- 200 OK {"value":null}
[task 2020-10-09T22:40:23.495Z] 22:40:23 INFO - PID 2502 | 1602283223483 webdriver::server DEBUG -> DELETE /session/aef6f256-f128-cb4d-ab35-ec5465cd1fbc/actions
[task 2020-10-09T22:40:23.496Z] 22:40:23 INFO - PID 2502 | 1602283223484 Marionette DEBUG 1 -> [0,2694,"WebDriver:ReleaseActions",{}]
[task 2020-10-09T22:40:23.496Z] 22:40:23 INFO - PID 2502 | 1602283223486 Marionette DEBUG 1 <- [1,2694,null,{"value":null}]
[task 2020-10-09T22:40:23.496Z] 22:40:23 INFO - PID 2502 | 1602283223487 webdriver::server DEBUG <- 200 OK {"value":null}
[task 2020-10-09T22:40:23.498Z] 22:40:23 INFO - PID 2502 | 1602283223489 webdriver::server DEBUG -> POST /session/aef6f256-f128-cb4d-ab35-ec5465cd1fbc/timeouts {"implicit": 0}

[task 2020-10-09T22:40:24.730Z] 22:40:24 INFO - PID 2502 | 1602283224705 Marionette DEBUG 1 <- [1,2763,null,{"value":null}]
[task 2020-10-09T22:40:24.730Z] 22:40:24 INFO - STDOUT: =================================== FAILURES ===================================
[task 2020-10-09T22:40:24.731Z] 22:40:24 INFO - PID 2502 | 1602283224706 webdriver::server DEBUG <- 200 OK {"value":null}
[task 2020-10-09T22:40:24.731Z] 22:40:24 INFO - STDOUT: ___________________________ test_no_browsing_context ___________________________
[task 2020-10-09T22:40:24.731Z] 22:40:24 INFO - STDOUT: session = <Session aef6f256-f128-cb4d-ab35-ec5465cd1fbc>, closed_frame = None
[task 2020-10-09T22:40:24.731Z] 22:40:24 INFO - STDOUT: none_chain = <webdriver.client.ActionSequence object at 0x107e962d0>
[task 2020-10-09T22:40:24.732Z] 22:40:24 INFO - STDOUT: def test_no_browsing_context(session, closed_frame, none_chain):
[task 2020-10-09T22:40:24.732Z] 22:40:24 INFO - STDOUT: response = perform_actions(session, [none_chain.pause(0).dict])
[task 2020-10-09T22:40:24.732Z] 22:40:24 INFO - STDOUT: > assert_error(response, "no such window")
[task 2020-10-09T22:40:24.732Z] 22:40:24 INFO - STDOUT: closed_frame = None
[task 2020-10-09T22:40:24.733Z] 22:40:24 INFO - STDOUT: none_chain = <webdriver.client.ActionSequence object at 0x107e962d0>
[task 2020-10-09T22:40:24.733Z] 22:40:24 INFO - STDOUT: response = <Responsetatus=200 body={"value": null}>
[task 2020-10-09T22:40:24.733Z] 22:40:24 INFO - STDOUT: session = <Session aef6f256-f128-cb4d-ab35-ec5465cd1fbc>
[task 2020-10-09T22:40:24.733Z] 22:40:24 INFO - STDOUT: tests/web-platform/tests/webdriver/tests/perform_actions/
[task 2020-10-09T22:40:24.742Z] 22:40:24 INFO - STDOUT: :24:
[task 2020-10-09T22:40:24.743Z] 22:40:24 INFO - STDOUT: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
[task 2020-10-09T22:40:24.743Z] 22:40:24 INFO - STDOUT: response = <Responsetatus=200 body={"value": null}>
[task 2020-10-09T22:40:24.743Z] 22:40:24 INFO - STDOUT: error_code = 'no such window'
[task 2020-10-09T22:40:24.744Z] 22:40:24 INFO - STDOUT: def assert_error(response, error_code):
[task 2020-10-09T22:40:24.744Z] 22:40:24 INFO - STDOUT: """
[task 2020-10-09T22:40:24.744Z] 22:40:24 INFO - STDOUT: Verify that the provided webdriver.Response instance described
[task 2020-10-09T22:40:24.744Z] 22:40:24 INFO - STDOUT: a valid error response as defined by dfn-send-an-error and
[task 2020-10-09T22:40:24.744Z] 22:40:24 INFO - STDOUT: the provided error code.
[task 2020-10-09T22:40:24.745Z] 22:40:24 INFO - STDOUT:
[task 2020-10-09T22:40:24.745Z] 22:40:24 INFO - STDOUT: :param response: webdriver.Response instance.
[task 2020-10-09T22:40:24.745Z] 22:40:24 INFO - STDOUT: :param error_code: String value of the expected error code
[task 2020-10-09T22:40:24.745Z] 22:40:24 INFO - STDOUT: """
[task 2020-10-09T22:40:24.746Z] 22:40:24 INFO - STDOUT: > assert response.status == errors[error_code]
[task 2020-10-09T22:40:24.746Z] 22:40:24 INFO - STDOUT: E AssertionError
[task 2020-10-09T22:40:24.746Z] 22:40:24 INFO - STDOUT: error_code = 'no such window'
[task 2020-10-09T22:40:24.746Z] 22:40:24 INFO - STDOUT: response = <Responsetatus=200 body={"value": null}>
[task 2020-10-09T22:40:24.747Z] 22:40:24 INFO - STDOUT: tests/web-platform/tests/webdriver/tests/support/
[task 2020-10-09T22:40:24.747Z] 22:40:24 INFO - STDOUT: :52: AssertionError
[task 2020-10-09T22:40:24.747Z] 22:40:24 INFO - STDOUT: =============================== warnings summary ===============================
[task 2020-10-09T22:40:24.747Z] 22:40:24 INFO - STDOUT: <undetermined location>
[task 2020-10-09T22:40:24.748Z] 22:40:24 INFO - STDOUT: Module already imported so cannot be rewritten:
[task 2020-10-09T22:40:24.748Z] 22:40:24 INFO - STDOUT: -- Docs:
[task 2020-10-09T22:40:24.748Z] 22:40:24 INFO - STDOUT: ================ 1 failed, 2 passed, 1 warnings in 1.27 seconds ================
[task 2020-10-09T22:40:24.960Z] 22:40:24 INFO -
[task 2020-10-09T22:40:24.960Z] 22:40:24 INFO - TEST-PASS | /webdriver/tests/perform_actions/ | test_null_response_value
[task 2020-10-09T22:40:24.960Z] 22:40:24 INFO - TEST-PASS | /webdriver/tests/perform_actions/ | test_no_top_browsing_context
[task 2020-10-09T22:40:24.960Z] 22:40:24 INFO - TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | /webdriver/tests/perform_actions/ | test_no_browsing_context - AssertionError
[task 2020-10-09T22:40:24.960Z] 22:40:24 INFO - session = <Session aef6f256-f128-cb4d-ab35-ec5465cd1fbc>, closed_frame = None
[task 2020-10-09T22:40:24.960Z] 22:40:24 INFO - none_chain = <webdriver.client.ActionSequence object at 0x107e962d0>
[task 2020-10-09T22:40:24.960Z] 22:40:24 INFO -
[task 2020-10-09T22:40:24.960Z] 22:40:24 INFO - def test_no_browsing_context(session, closed_frame, none_chain):
[task 2020-10-09T22:40:24.960Z] 22:40:24 INFO - response = perform_actions(session, [none_chain.pause(0).dict])
[task 2020-10-09T22:40:24.960Z] 22:40:24 INFO - > assert_error(response, "no such window")
[task 2020-10-09T22:40:24.960Z] 22:40:24 INFO -
[task 2020-10-09T22:40:24.960Z] 22:40:24 INFO - closed_frame = None
[task 2020-10-09T22:40:24.960Z] 22:40:24 INFO - none_chain = <webdriver.client.ActionSequence object at 0x107e962d0>
[task 2020-10-09T22:40:24.960Z] 22:40:24 INFO - response = <Responsetatus=200 body={"value": null}>
[task 2020-10-09T22:40:24.960Z] 22:40:24 INFO - session = <Session aef6f256-f128-cb4d-ab35-ec5465cd1fbc>
[task 2020-10-09T22:40:24.961Z] 22:40:24 INFO -
[task 2020-10-09T22:40:24.961Z] 22:40:24 INFO - tests/web-platform/tests/webdriver/tests/perform_actions/
[task 2020-10-09T22:40:24.961Z] 22:40:24 INFO - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
[task 2020-10-09T22:40:24.961Z] 22:40:24 INFO -
[task 2020-10-09T22:40:24.961Z] 22:40:24 INFO - response = <Responsetatus=200 body={"value": null}>
[task 2020-10-09T22:40:24.961Z] 22:40:24 INFO - error_code = 'no such window'
[task 2020-10-09T22:40:24.961Z] 22:40:24 INFO -
[task 2020-10-09T22:40:24.961Z] 22:40:24 INFO - def assert_error(response, error_code):
[task 2020-10-09T22:40:24.961Z] 22:40:24 INFO - """
[task 2020-10-09T22:40:24.961Z] 22:40:24 INFO - Verify that the provided webdriver.Response instance described
[task 2020-10-09T22:40:24.961Z] 22:40:24 INFO - a valid error response as defined by dfn-send-an-error and
[task 2020-10-09T22:40:24.961Z] 22:40:24 INFO - the provided error code.
[task 2020-10-09T22:40:24.961Z] 22:40:24 INFO -
[task 2020-10-09T22:40:24.961Z] 22:40:24 INFO - :param response: webdriver.Response instance.
[task 2020-10-09T22:40:24.961Z] 22:40:24 INFO - :param error_code: String value of the expected error code
[task 2020-10-09T22:40:24.961Z] 22:40:24 INFO - """
[task 2020-10-09T22:40:24.961Z] 22:40:24 INFO - > assert response.status == errors[error_code]
[task 2020-10-09T22:40:24.962Z] 22:40:24 INFO - E AssertionError
[task 2020-10-09T22:40:24.962Z] 22:40:24 INFO -
[task 2020-10-09T22:40:24.962Z] 22:40:24 INFO - error_code = 'no such window'
[task 2020-10-09T22:40:24.962Z] 22:40:24 INFO - response = <Responsetatus=200 body={"value": null}>
[task 2020-10-09T22:40:24.962Z] 22:40:24 INFO -
[task 2020-10-09T22:40:24.962Z] 22:40:24 INFO - tests/web-platform/tests/webdriver/tests/support/ AssertionError
[task 2020-10-09T22:40:24.962Z] 22:40:24 INFO - TEST-OK | /webdriver/tests/perform_actions/ | took 1491ms
[task 2020-10-09T22:40:25.182Z] 22:40:25 INFO - Closing logging queue
[task 2020-10-09T22:40:25.182Z] 22:40:25 INFO - queue closed
[task 2020-10-09T22:40:25.183Z] 22:40:25 INFO - Starting runner
[task 2020-10-09T22:40:25.212Z] 22:40:25 INFO - PID 2532 | 1602283225191 geckodriver INFO Listening on
[task 2020-10-09T22:40:25.703Z] 22:40:25 INFO - WebDriver HTTP server listening at

Resolution: WORKSFORME → ---
Depends on: 1666204

No more failures since my patch on bug 1666204 has been landed. Marking as fixed.

Assignee: nobody → hskupin
Closed: 4 years ago4 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Target Milestone: --- → 83 Branch
Moving bug to Remote Protocol::Marionette component per bug 1815831.
Component: geckodriver → Marionette
Product: Testing → Remote Protocol
You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.