Closed Bug 1666812 Opened 4 years ago Closed 3 years ago

Update the "Firefox Simplify Page for clutter-free printing" for the new printing UI


( :: Knowledge Base Content, task)


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: jwatt, Unassigned)




The printing refresh happening under bug 133787 is likely to be put out as an experiment to several million users in Firefox 82. Unfortunately it doesn't look like bug 1666247 will be updated in time. One workaround is to click on the "Toggle reader view" button in the address bar before printing. It would be good if the following article could be updated to mention the new UI and this workaround to the lack of the "Simplify page" checkbox.

The printing UI is rolling out now, and the simplify page support in the dialog is indeed still missing. Looking like rollout will likely happen in 86 and simplify page will land in 87.

As Jonathan suggested, the workaround until 87 will be to trigger the reader view prior to printing the document.

Hi Joni, just want to make sure this change is on the radar for the new print UI rollout. Thanks!

Flags: needinfo?(jsavage)

The workaround wasn't very clear in the article so I've updated it to make it the main recommendation. Also, I've removed wording with regards to Simplify. We'll make the additional updates when the new print-friendly UI is released:

Flags: needinfo?(jsavage)

(In reply to Joni Chan from comment #3)

We'll make the additional updates when the new print-friendly UI is released:

Format: "Simplified" will be added to the new print UI under More settings in Firefox 91 (bug 1666247).

Hi Fabi, the proper simplify page feature has been added to the print dialog now so this support page will need to be updated to reference the feature rather than the workaround. Are you the person to contact about making that change? Thanks!

Flags: needinfo?(flopez)

... where Fabi and I have both posted comments.

Edit to link (renamed article)

Closed: 3 years ago
Flags: needinfo?(flopez)
Resolution: --- → FIXED
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