Open Bug 1672859 Opened 4 years ago Updated 3 years ago

Temporary add-on (via about:debugging) is not enabled in (permanent) private browsing mode, without obvious UI


(Toolkit :: Add-ons Manager, defect, P3)





(Reporter: robwu, Unassigned)


(Blocks 1 open bug)


When I load an add-on via about:debugging#/runtime/this-firefox, then the add-on is not enabled by default. This is not at all obvious from the user interface. The "Inspect" button is visible and clicking it opens a devtools, without it being obvious that the add-on isn't really running.

Only after visiting about:addons can I see that the add-on lacks the private browsing badge.

It should be more obvious that an add-on that a user had just selected in about:debugging is not actually running. Or we should grant it access to private browsing by default (at least if permanent private browsing is enabled).

This is also the case for add-on installs triggered in permanent private browsing mode (bug 1566000), but the difference with that case is that temporary add-ons are known to disappear after a restart, so it should be safe to allow access by default. This specific issue was reported before in bug 1661906. They are basically duplicates, but I'm bringing this up again to call out that the the user experience at about:debugging is very poor, and that we are able to resolve it in a reasonable way.

During the triage meeting, we agreed to the following changes as a resolution for this bug:

  • Temporary add-on can be enabled by default in permanent private browsing.
  • No changes in normal browsing mode (i.e. when permanent private browsing is disabled) (even when about:debugging is in a private browsing window).
  • Optional: UI in about:debugging, "To manage add-on settings such as private browsing, see the add-on at about:addons".
Severity: -- → S3
Priority: -- → P3
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