Closed Bug 1674865 Opened 4 years ago Closed 4 years ago

[Fission] Unable to upload PDFs or PNGs to Expensify when Fission is on.


(Core :: DOM: File, defect, P2)




Fission Milestone M6c


(Reporter: bwinton, Unassigned)



No description provided.

Whoops, sorry about that. I meant to add that I was trying to file expenses on 84.0a1 (2020-11-02) (64-bit) and the files wouldn't upload either when I dragged and dropped them, or when I opened the file selector and chose one of the files. The website spun for a while, then popped up an error message talking about a possible invalid character or encoding, and didn't show the file. Turning Fission off lets me upload the files just fine.

Severity: -- → S2
Fission Milestone: --- → M6c
Priority: -- → P2

Jens, this is pretty severe. Could you assign this to someone in the DOM core team to fix this asap?

Flags: needinfo?(jstutte)
Flags: needinfo?(jstutte) → needinfo?(echen)

Hmm, I used to reproduce this on the nightly build around 2020-11-03, but now I could not repdouce on the today's Nightly, 20201105045247. Blake, do you still see this bug on today's Nightly. If you still see the issue, can you post a video? Thanks!

Edit: I rechecked again, actually I could not reproduce this on the nightly build around 2020-11-03, either.

Flags: needinfo?(echen) → needinfo?(bwinton)

I can't seem to reproduce it on today's nightly either. So, uh, maybe it was fixed?

Flags: needinfo?(bwinton)

Not sure. I tried to find a possible fix or regression via mozregression, but failed.
Since we didn't seem to reproduce it, let's close as WORKSFORME first.
We could reopen or file a new one if we see this issue again. Thanks!

Closed: 4 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
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