Open Bug 1679124 Opened 4 years ago Updated 1 year ago

Need iconic indication on sent messages if a return receipt was requested (`Disposition-Notification-To:` header present)


(Thunderbird :: Mail Window Front End, enhancement)



(Not tracked)


(Reporter: orwel01, Unassigned)


(Blocks 1 open bug)


(Keywords: ux-control, Whiteboard: [enterprise-relevance])


(1 file)

Attached image Clipboard01.jpg (deleted) —

User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:78.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/78.0

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Compose a message
  2. Click Receipt button (return receipt request)
  3. Send message
  4. Navigate to Send folder

Actual results:

Message was sent with Receipt request, but there is no announcement/status showing (for future purposes) that the message was send with it.

Expected results:

It would be great, if each message which was send with a return receipt request, was marked in the Send folder e.g. in the header panel of the message with some small icon or any other form (e.g. possibility to see "RR" in column).

This behavior is useful in cases, you use RR occasionally and you want after few days check, if you have asked for RR in certain message. Now, you have only to remember it in your head, what is not very practical.

There was a small and simple addon (RR BUTTON AND ICON) which worked before v60 (, but the developer had stopped the development. May be it is not too complicated to add a small icon in each message sent with RR, therefor this proposal for enhancement.

Component: Untriaged → Mail Window Front End
Ever confirmed: true

Hey orwel01, this sounds like a great idea to me, and I've wished for this many times. I think it's pretty useful for communication workflows (including enterprise) to have an easy way of checking if a return receipt was requested for a specific sent message or not.

The current workaround is pretty clumsy: You can press Ctrl+U on the sent message and check if you find a Disposition-Notification-To: <your-email> header, which is the return receipt request.

Alex, this looks like a low-hanging fruit:

  • In message reader,
  • for any messages having a known identity as sender (iiuc, we already check that as we're not showing our own return requests),
  • check if Disposition-Notification-To: header present
  • and indicate that in the UI with an appropriate icon or some such.

What do you think?

Similarly (for another bug), it would also be helpful to have some indication on a received message if it requested a receipt (even after closing the yellow bar), and if it the request was answered or ignored by me as recipient. I actually like SeaMonkey bug 430319 which requests a pref to save outgoing return requests as messages in sent folder, but at least there should be an indication on the received message. All of these may matter much depending on the communication scenario.

Flags: needinfo?(alessandro)
Summary: Icon on headers panel (in Sent folder), when the message had a return receipt request → Need iconic indication on sent messages if a return receipt was requested (`Disposition-Notification-To:` header present)
Keywords: ux-control
Whiteboard: [enterprise-relevance]

As a sidenote, I'd also wish that the disabled state of the optional Return Receipt button in composition toolbar would still show if the button has been activated - I always get confused when it's sending and the disabled button looks as if it isn't pressed, but in reality it was - yet can't tell, and it's hard to double-check in sent messages (this bug).

Perhaps we could use CSS to add a checkmark to the button label when it's disabled in pressed state?

Flags: needinfo?(richard.marti)

When does it happen to be checked and disabled?

Flags: needinfo?(richard.marti)

(In reply to Richard Marti (:Paenglab) from comment #3)

When does it happen to be checked and disabled?

During sending - as sending may take quite long, it's confusing to see the disabled button which looks not pressed, whereas it was actually pressed when the sending started.

Then a more logical fix would be to not disable the button during send. Other buttons aren't disabled during send.

(In reply to Richard Marti (:Paenglab) from comment #5)

Then a more logical fix would be to not disable the button during send. Other buttons aren't disabled during send.

Hmm, I don't think so. Can you provide an example which is not disabled? That would probably be a bug: Everything must be disabled during send, because otherwise it's easy to get into undefined states when can still change things during send.

The Security button isn't disabled.

Implementing an indicator for receipt requests in sent emails is a good idea, we can definitely do it.
Let's circle back to this after bug 1556261, since the work I'm doing there will change a lot the aspect and structure of the message header.

Let's defer the talks of implementing a clearer Return Receipt indicator in the compose window to another bug.

Flags: needinfo?(alessandro)
Depends on: 1556261
Blocks: 134040

Hi, could you please come back to this issue, which was discussed few month ago with a positive reaction? Thank you.

Also it's a pity we don't ever show the status of the mails we have so one can know if a return receipt was sent. xref bug 1818365.

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