Closed Bug 1690195 Opened 4 years ago Closed 3 years ago

Crash in [@ OOM | large | js::AutoEnterOOMUnsafeRegion::crash | js::AutoEnterOOMUnsafeRegion::crash | js::gc::AllocateCellInGC]


(Core :: JavaScript: GC, defect)

Firefox 86
Windows 10





(Reporter: worcester12345, Unassigned)



(Keywords: crash)

Crash Data


(1 file)

Crash report:

MOZ_CRASH Reason: [unhandlable oom] Failed not allocate new chunk during GC

Top 10 frames of crashing thread:

0 xul.dll js::AutoEnterOOMUnsafeRegion::crash js/src/vm/JSContext.cpp:1185
1 xul.dll js::AutoEnterOOMUnsafeRegion::crash js/src/vm/JSContext.cpp:1201
2 xul.dll js::gc::AllocateCellInGC js/src/gc/Allocator.cpp:482
3 xul.dll js::TenuringTracer::moveToTenured js/src/gc/Marking.cpp:3442
4 xul.dll js::Nursery::doCollection js/src/gc/Nursery.cpp:1212
5 xul.dll js::Nursery::collect js/src/gc/Nursery.cpp:1055
6 xul.dll js::gc::GCRuntime::collectNursery js/src/gc/GC.cpp:7747
7 xul.dll js::gc::GCRuntime::minorGC js/src/gc/GC.cpp:7713
8 xul.dll js::CloneFunctionReuseScript js/src/vm/JSFunction.cpp:2191
9 xul.dll js::Lambda js/src/vm/Interpreter.cpp:4659

Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:86.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/86.0 ID:20210131185630

Adblock Plus - free ad blocker 3.10.2
Amazon Assistant 10.2101.20.12152
Amazon Smile Redirect 2.0.11 1.3
Auto Tab Discard 0.3.7
Avast Online Security 20.2.501 [DISABLED]
Bing 1.3
DuckDuckGo 1.1
Duplicate Tabs Closer 3.5.3 [DISABLED]
Google 1.1
Nightly Tester Tools 4.0
NoScript 11.2
Print Selection to PDF 0.1.0 [DISABLED]
SortTabs 1.1.0 [DISABLED]
Tab Counter 0.4.1
Tabliss 2.1.0 [DISABLED]
Tabs manager 1.8
Wikipedia (en) 1.1
eBay 1.3

Keywords: crash

Bugbug thinks this bug should belong to this component, but please revert this change in case of error.

Component: General → JavaScript: GC
Product: Firefox → Core

This is crashing because we're out of memory. System memory use is 83%, although the crash report indicates there is virtual and physical memory available.

It looks like there's a reasonable amount of page file, too.

Does this happen to you regularly? If you are in a situation where memory usage is high, but before you have crashed, you can save a memory report from about:memory and upload it here. You can "anonymize" it if you don't want it to include URLs.

Flags: needinfo?(worcester12345)

(In reply to Andrew McCreight [:mccr8] from comment #4)

It looks like there's a reasonable amount of page file, too.

Does this happen to you regularly? If you are in a situation where memory usage is high, but before you have crashed, you can save a memory report from about:memory and upload it here. You can "anonymize" it if you don't want it to include URLs.

Would be happy to. How does the "anonymize" work?

Flags: needinfo?(worcester12345)

There's a checkbox for it next to the "Measure and save..." button. You can take a look at the resulting output to confirm that the URL information was stripped from the report.

Attached file memory-report.json.gz (deleted) —

Let me know if this looks correct. Thanks. Happy to help.

That's a very odd looking memory report. All but 1 content process has around 111 tiny windows in them.

│ │ ├───0.66 MB (00.09%) -- top(<anonymized-1739>, id=1738)
│ │ │ ├──0.50 MB (00.07%) ++ js-zone(0x21dbc70a000)
│ │ │ └──0.16 MB (00.02%) ++ active/window(<anonymized-1739>)

If you get a memory report locally that isn't anonymized, what are all of those tiny windows? My guess is that it is something extension related but I don't know what.

Flags: needinfo?(worcester12345)

I don't know how to answer your question. I'm guessing they are the many tabs I have open in about 5-6 windows. ???

I've listed my extensions up above.

Flags: needinfo?(worcester12345)

I'm wondering what the information is for these things under explicit/window-objects/top entries, where the size is around 0.66MB. Basically, what the <anonymized-1739> shows up as for the entries like in comment 8, if you do "measure" in about:memory, without Anonymize.

Flags: needinfo?(worcester12345)

(In reply to Andrew McCreight [:mccr8] from comment #11)

I'm wondering what the information is for these things under explicit/window-objects/top entries, where the size is around 0.66MB. Basically, what the <anonymized-1739> shows up as for the entries like in comment 8, if you do "measure" in about:memory, without Anonymize.

If I am reading it right, "explicit/window-objects/top entries" does not exist. The last "explicit" is ""explicit/preferences/shared-memory-map","

Flags: needinfo?(worcester12345)

I'm wondering what impact the addon here has.

It looks like the addon was updated recently. I just updated Firefox to 86B6 just now, and a window/tab appeared with info on this extension, so I am guessing it just updated itself.

Also, having a newer beta version of Firefox may change things a little moving forward.

Is there a high percentage of crashes that have certain addons?

Duplicate of bug 1472062 ?

Closed: 3 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE

(In reply to Wayne Mery (:wsmwk) from comment #15)

Is there a high percentage of crashes that have certain addons?

Duplicate of bug 1472062 ?

Not sure, but the only reason I added that "Tab Discard" addon was to see if it would help avoid/alleviate crashes, which it did not seem to do.

Maybe the developers can borrow some code from there to help things.


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