Closed Bug 1690381 Opened 3 years ago Closed 3 years ago

numbered lists numbered incorrectly


(Thunderbird :: Untriaged, defect)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: steve, Unassigned)




(1 file)

User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:85.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/85.0

Steps to reproduce:

Created an ordered list, just hitting enter, indent, change list format to alpha, hit enter to go back up a level in the hierarchy.

Actual results:

Created an ordered list, just hitting enter, indent, change list format to alpha, hit enter to go back up a level in the hierarchy.

  1. This is item 1.
    a. Item 1a
    b. Item 1b
    c. Item 1c
  2. Should be item 2, but it comes out as 4!
    A. Should be 2A, not 4A.
    B. Should be 2B, not 4B.
  3. For some reason, this comes out correctly as 3, even though the previous item in the sequence is numbered incorrectly as 4!

Expected results:

Created an ordered list, just hitting enter, indent, change list format to alpha, hit enter to go back up a level in the hierarchy.

  1. This is item 1.
    a. Item 1a
    b. Item 1b
    c. Item 1c
  2. Should be item 2, but it comes out as 4!
    A. Should be 2A, not 4A.
    B. Should be 2B, not 4B.
  3. For some reason, this comes out correctly as 3, even though the previous item in the sequence is numbered incorrectly as 4!

The actual list, shown above, was typed as:
Created an ordered list, just hitting enter, indent, change list format to alpha, hit enter to go back up a level in the hierarchy.

  1. This is item 1.
    a. Item 1a
    b. Item 1b
    c. Item 1c
  2. Should be item 2, but it comes out as 4!
    A. Should be 2A, not 4A.
    B. Should be 2B, not 4B.
  3. For some reason, this comes out correctly as 3, even though the previous item in the sequence is numbered incorrectly as 4!

I'm not sure why Bugzilla renumbered what I typed to show what actually occurs. The actual result is that the 2nd item in the outer list is numbered incorrectly as 4, not 2, as it should be.

Bugzilla is not letting me type what actually occurs when I type a list in Thunderbird! There must be embedded codes in what I copied from Thunderbird and pasted into Bugzilla. I'll try to attach a screenshot.

Closed: 3 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
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