Closed Bug 1694745 Opened 3 years ago Closed 3 years ago

[Hikari] Firefox Nightly refresh frontend only on window focus with wayland


(Core :: Widget: Gtk, defect, P2)

Firefox 88





(Reporter: github, Unassigned)


(Blocks 1 open bug)


User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:88.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/88.0

Steps to reproduce:

Start firefox-nightly under wayland after updates (2021-02-11) are installed.

Actual results:

The firefox frontend will only refresh the view, after a new focus of the window.
This only happens with wayland. Under x11/xwayland firefox nightly runs well.

Expected results:

Firefox should render the frontend.

I run mozregression to check the changes.

15:53.78 INFO: Last good revision: b0615d0577ae4f0ca373b122b74c8da14cb7dc3a
15:53.78 INFO: First bad revision: e1e5bb1b3ccf4021ab9b54a1fd4153ad3ab624c9
15:53.78 INFO: Pushlog:

The Bugbug bot thinks this bug should belong to the 'Core::Widget: Gtk' component, and is moving the bug to that component. Please revert this change in case you think the bot is wrong.

Component: Untriaged → Widget: Gtk
Product: Firefox → Core

Which Wayland compositor do you run?

Blocks: wayland
Flags: needinfo?(github)
Priority: -- → P2

Hi, I use hikari (

Flags: needinfo?(github)

Okay, Thanks.

Summary: Firefox Nightly refresh frontend only on window focus with wayland → [Hikari] Firefox Nightly refresh frontend only on window focus with wayland

Not sure if the bisected commit made it into the release, but with Firefox 87 I got hit by this too. Therefore this comment for those who experience the same, but not with the nightly version.

Since this bug was ported to FF 87, I can confirm same problems on labwc compositor. Firefox runs only well if I move the cursor.
Still happens in FF 89.

As this has been reported on FF 87, it sounds a lot like bug 1616894. In that case it should have started with bug 1629140 / - can anybody confirm?

If that's the case, then it's a compositor bug and needs to get fixed there.

FTR: this can be trivially tested by disabling widget.wayland_vsync.enabled in about:config (needs a restart).

Didn't worked for me in nightly, din't work for me in 87.

widget.wayland_vsync.enabled is the default in FF 87, and the problem still happens (under wayland/hikari) - I tried flipping that to false, and restarting, but the problem is still there.

Also still happens in labwc with widget.wayland_vsync.enabled = false.

Thanks for trying! Does enabling webrender make a difference? gfx.webrender.all

Tried webrender on/off, and makes no difference either. I often run with webrender on owing to another bug.

As this issue is apparently compositor specific, can anyone affected open a issue at the compositors in question and link it here? Or got it better by now?

Robert, for hikari this was fixed, so the situation is considerably better. However, hikari and sway both suffer from flickering on things like right-click menus, bookmark folders from toolbars, etc.. I am not sure this is related, I hear that it may be due to damage tracking, but can't really add too much more.

Thanks Gabriel! In Sway the main cause for flickering was recently fixed (bug 1696662 / - so also a compositor bug and Hakari will hopefully port that over soon (if not, please make them aware of that PR).

As the main issue here is fixed, I'll close this.

Closed: 3 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
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