Closed Bug 1704546 Opened 3 years ago Closed 3 years ago

The "active-tab" view isn't enabled when using the devtools panels


(DevTools :: Performance Tools (Profiler/Timeline), defect, P1)



(firefox94 fixed)

94 Branch
Tracking Status
firefox94 --- fixed


(Reporter: julienw, Assigned: julienw)




(4 files)


  1. Open the new performance panel in the devtools toolbox
  2. Select the "Web developer" preset
  3. Start a profile and capture it.

=> The profile view should be configured with the "active tab" view. This is visible because in this case there's a "Full view" button at the top right.

This is working when using the popup (from Firefox' toolbar) but not from the devtools panel. This is also an issue in a remote debugging setup.
In the remote debugging setup we also need to take care that we use the same preset information as the one used when sampling, when deciding which view to configure.
(I don't remember if we take it from the debuggee or the debugger, that's why I'm not more assertive here).

Severity: -- → S3
Priority: -- → P1

Nazim and I also noticed oddness around this in

The devtools panel never initializes the redux state profilerViewMode and also doesn't update it when the preset changes.
Maybe profilerViewMode shouldn't be in the state at all, and instead it should be computed from the preset when the profile is captured. That's what the popup does:

The devtools panel never initializes the redux state profilerViewMode and also doesn't update it when the preset changes.

Actually, more than this: when the user changes things in about:profiling, the devtools panel doesn't know about it.

This is something I want to fix soon.

Maybe profilerViewMode shouldn't be in the state at all, and instead it should be computed from the preset when the profile is captured.

I'll have to look at why we were doing this at first :-)

Maybe profilerViewMode shouldn't be in the state at all, and instead it should be computed from the preset when the profile is captured.

I think this would be the cleaner way to do this.

Hi Julien, just to make sure: this issue should only block removing the old panel and doesn't need to block enabling the new performance panel in Release (which would be Bug 1693316) ?

Flags: needinfo?(felash)

Yes indeed, wrong blocked bug!

Blocks: 1693316
No longer blocks: 1668219
Flags: needinfo?(felash)

Looks like I already analyzed this in duplicate bug 1716837 comment 1. Looks like I got the same conclusion than Markus too :-)

Assignee: nobody → felash
Attachment #9240345 - Attachment description: WIP: Bug 1704546 - [devtools performance] Simple change to display the expected profiler UI URL in case it's different r=jdescottes! → Bug 1704546 - [devtools performance] Simple change to display the expected profiler UI URL in case it's different r=jdescottes!
Attachment #9240346 - Attachment description: WIP: Bug 1704546 - [devtools performance] Simple change to some diagnostic text in the record and discard test r=jdescottes! → Bug 1704546 - [devtools performance] Simple change to some diagnostic text in the record and discard test r=jdescottes!
Attachment #9240347 - Attachment description: WIP: Bug 1704546 - [devtools performance] Change the record and capture test for the popup to change presets using the popup instead of prefs r=jdescottes! → Bug 1704546 - [devtools performance] Change the record and capture test for the popup to change presets using the popup instead of prefs r=jdescottes!
Attachment #9240348 - Attachment description: WIP: Bug 1704546 - [devtools performance] Select the right profiler view mode when using the devtools panel r=jdescottes! → Bug 1704546 - [devtools performance] Select the right profiler view mode when using the devtools panel r=jdescottes!
Pushed by
[devtools performance] Simple change to display the expected profiler UI URL in case it's different r=jdescottes
[devtools performance] Simple change to some diagnostic text in the record and discard test r=jdescottes
[devtools performance] Change the record and capture test for the popup to change presets using the popup instead of prefs r=jdescottes
[devtools performance] Select the right profiler view mode when using the devtools panel r=jdescottes
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