Closed Bug 1709572 Opened 3 years ago Closed 3 years ago

Intermittent [TV] devtools/client/framework/browser-toolbox/test/browser_browser_toolbox_watchedByDevTools.js | This test exceeded the timeout threshold. It should be rewritten or split up. If that's not possible


(DevTools :: Framework, defect, P5)



(firefox-esr78 unaffected, firefox88 unaffected, firefox89 unaffected, firefox90 affected)

Tracking Status
firefox-esr78 --- unaffected
firefox88 --- unaffected
firefox89 --- unaffected
firefox90 --- affected


(Reporter: intermittent-bug-filer, Unassigned)




(Keywords: intermittent-failure, regression)

Filed by: apavel [at]
Parsed log:
Full log:
Reftest URL:

[task 2021-05-05T08:47:45.020Z] 08:47:45     INFO - TEST-START | devtools/client/framework/browser-toolbox/test/browser_browser_toolbox_watchedByDevTools.js
[task 2021-05-05T08:47:48.986Z] 08:47:48     INFO - GECKO(1902) | 2021-05-05 08:47:48.963 firefox[1902:19083] Persistent UI failed to open file file:///Users/cltbld/Library/Saved%20Application%20State/org.mozilla.nightly.savedState/ No such file or directory (2)
[task 2021-05-05T08:47:49.691Z] 08:47:49     INFO - GECKO(1902) | DevTools Server for Browser Toolbox listening on port: 50898
[task 2021-05-05T08:47:49.691Z] 08:47:49     INFO - GECKO(1902) | Starting Browser Toolbox /Users/cltbld/tasks/task_1620202745/build/application/Firefox -no-remote -foreground -profile /var/folders/k9/xg9w7m2n30vc74n4wj00rwyw000017/T/tmpg5I99M.mozrunner/chrome_debugger_profile -chrome chrome://devtools/content/framework/browser-toolbox/window.html
[task 2021-05-05T08:47:49.967Z] 08:47:49     INFO - GECKO(1902) | > *** You are running in chaos test mode. See ChaosMode.h. ***
[task 2021-05-05T08:47:50.356Z] 08:47:50     INFO - GECKO(1902) | > 1620204470328	Marionette	INFO	Marionette enabled
[task 2021-05-05T08:47:50.356Z] 08:47:50     INFO - GECKO(1902) | 1620204470328	Marionette	TRACE	Received observer notification profile-after-change
[task 2021-05-05T08:47:50.488Z] 08:47:50     INFO - GECKO(1902) | > 1620204470456	Marionette	TRACE	Received observer notification command-line-startup
[task 2021-05-05T08:47:50.715Z] 08:47:50     INFO - GECKO(1902) | > 1620204470697	Marionette	TRACE	Received observer notification toplevel-window-ready
[task 2021-05-05T08:47:58.431Z] 08:47:58     INFO - GECKO(1902) | JavaScript warning: resource://devtools/shared/builtin-modules.js, line 198: debuggee 'resource://devtools/shared/base-loader.js:289' would run
[task 2021-05-05T08:47:58.431Z] 08:47:58     INFO - GECKO(1902) | JavaScript warning: resource://devtools/shared/builtin-modules.js, line 198: debuggee 'resource://devtools/shared/base-loader.js:289' would run
[task 2021-05-05T08:47:58.432Z] 08:47:58     INFO - GECKO(1902) | JavaScript warning: resource://devtools/shared/builtin-modules.js, line 198: debuggee 'resource://devtools/shared/base-loader.js:289' would run
[task 2021-05-05T08:47:58.432Z] 08:47:58     INFO - GECKO(1902) | JavaScript warning: resource://devtools/shared/builtin-modules.js, line 198: debuggee 'resource://devtools/shared/base-loader.js:289' would run
[task 2021-05-05T08:48:09.170Z] 08:48:09     INFO - GECKO(1902) | JavaScript warning: resource://devtools/shared/builtin-modules.js, line 198: debuggee 'resource://devtools/shared/base-loader.js:289' would run
[task 2021-05-05T08:48:22.876Z] 08:48:22     INFO - GECKO(1902) | Handler function DebuggerTransport instance's this.hooks.onPacket threw an exception: [Exception... "Component returned failure code: 0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE) [nsIWorkerDebugger.postMessage]"  nsresult: "0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE)"  location: "JS frame :: resource://devtools/shared/transport/worker-transport.js :: send :: line 39"  data: no]
[task 2021-05-05T08:48:22.877Z] 08:48:22     INFO - GECKO(1902) | Stack: send@resource://devtools/shared/transport/worker-transport.js:39:15
[task 2021-05-05T08:48:22.877Z] 08:48:22     INFO - GECKO(1902) | onPacket@resource://devtools/server/devtools-server-connection.js:355:21
[task 2021-05-05T08:48:22.877Z] 08:48:22     INFO - GECKO(1902) | _onJSONObjectReady/<@resource://devtools/shared/transport/transport.js:464:22
[task 2021-05-05T08:48:22.877Z] 08:48:22     INFO - GECKO(1902) | exports.makeInfallible/<@resource://devtools/shared/ThreadSafeDevToolsUtils.js:103:22
[task 2021-05-05T08:48:22.877Z] 08:48:22     INFO - GECKO(1902) | DevToolsUtils.executeSoon*exports.executeSoon@resource://devtools/shared/DevToolsUtils.js:54:21
[task 2021-05-05T08:48:22.878Z] 08:48:22     INFO - GECKO(1902) | _onJSONObjectReady@resource://devtools/shared/transport/transport.js:460:19
[task 2021-05-05T08:48:22.878Z] 08:48:22     INFO - GECKO(1902) |
[task 2021-05-05T08:48:22.878Z] 08:48:22     INFO - GECKO(1902) | _processIncoming@resource://devtools/shared/transport/transport.js:386:24
[task 2021-05-05T08:48:22.879Z] 08:48:22     INFO - GECKO(1902) | DebuggerTransport.prototype.onInputStreamReady<@resource://devtools/shared/transport/transport.js:332:14
[task 2021-05-05T08:48:22.879Z] 08:48:22     INFO - GECKO(1902) | exports.makeInfallible/<@resource://devtools/shared/ThreadSafeDevToolsUtils.js:103:22
[task 2021-05-05T08:48:22.880Z] 08:48:22     INFO - GECKO(1902) | Line: 39, column: 0
[task 2021-05-05T08:48:22.880Z] 08:48:22     INFO - GECKO(1902) | console.error: ({})
[task 2021-05-05T08:48:25.465Z] 08:48:25     INFO - GECKO(1902) | > 2021-05-05 08:48:20.589 firefox[1908:19706] Persistent UI failed to open file file:///Users/cltbld/Library/Saved%20Application%20State/org.mozilla.nightly.savedState/ No such file or directory (2)
[task 2021-05-05T08:48:43.534Z] 08:48:43     INFO - GECKO(1902) | JavaScript warning: resource://devtools/shared/builtin-modules.js, line 198: debuggee 'resource://devtools/shared/base-loader.js:289' would run
[task 2021-05-05T08:48:47.200Z] 08:48:47     INFO - GECKO(1902) | JavaScript warning: resource://devtools/shared/builtin-modules.js, line 198: debuggee 'resource://devtools/shared/base-loader.js:289' would run
[task 2021-05-05T08:48:50.939Z] 08:48:50     INFO - GECKO(1902) | > console.error: "Error when attaching target:" (new Error("Connection closed, pending request to server1.conn0.contentProcess1923/thread3, type reconfigure failed\n\nRequest stack:\nrequest@resource://devtools/shared/protocol/Front.js:292:14\ngenerateRequestMethods/</frontProto[name]@resource://devtools/shared/protocol/Front/FrontClassWithSpec.js:46:19\nattachThread@resource://devtools/client/fronts/targets/target-mixin.js:564:32\nasync*_attachAndInitThread@resource://devtools/client/fronts/targets/target-mixin.js:519:38\nasync*attachAndInitThread@resource://devtools/client/fronts/targets/target-mixin.js:472:40\n_onTargetAvailable@resource://devtools/shared/commands/target/target-command.js:171:25\n_emit@resource://devtools/shared/event-emitter.js:226:34\nemit@resource://devtools/shared/event-emitter.js:172:18\nemit@resource://devtools/shared/event-emitter.js:324:18\n_onTargetAvailable@resource://devtools/client/fronts/watcher.js:60:10\n_emit@resource://devtools/shared/event-emitter.js:226:34\nemit@resource://devtools/shared/event-emitter.js:172:18\nemit@resource://devtools/shared/event-emitter.js:324:18\nonPacket@resource://devtools/shared/protocol/Front.js:336:13\nonPacket@resource://devtools/client/devtools-client.js:482:13\n_onJSONObjectReady/<@resource://devtools/shared/transport/transport.js:464:22\nexports.makeInfallible/<@resource://devtools/shared/ThreadSafeDevToolsUtils.js:103:22\nDevToolsUtils.executeSoon*exports.executeSoon@resource://devtools/shared/DevToolsUtils.js:54:21\n_onJSONObjectReady@resource://devtools/shared/transport/transport.js:460:19\\n_processIncoming@resource://devtools/shared/transport/transport.js:386:24\nDebuggerTransport.prototype.onInputStreamReady<@resource://devtools/shared/transport/transport.js:332:14\nexports.makeInfallible/<@resource://devtools/shared/ThreadSafeDevToolsUtils.js:103:22\n", "resource://devtools/shared/protocol/Front.js", 103))
[task 2021-05-05T08:48:51.100Z] 08:48:51     INFO - GECKO(1902) | > JavaScript error: resource://gre/modules/PlacesUtils.jsm, line 1922: NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED: Component returned failure code: 0x8000ffff (NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED) [nsINavHistoryService.connectionShutdownClient]
[task 2021-05-05T08:48:53.301Z] 08:48:53     INFO - GECKO(1902) | JavaScript error: , line 0: uncaught exception: Object
[task 2021-05-05T08:48:53.522Z] 08:48:53     INFO - TEST-INFO | started process screencapture
[task 2021-05-05T08:48:53.633Z] 08:48:53     INFO - TEST-INFO | screencapture: exit 0
[task 2021-05-05T08:48:53.633Z] 08:48:53     INFO - Buffered messages logged at 08:47:45
[task 2021-05-05T08:48:53.633Z] 08:48:53     INFO - Entering test bound 
[task 2021-05-05T08:48:53.633Z] 08:48:53     INFO - TEST-PASS | devtools/client/framework/browser-toolbox/test/browser_browser_toolbox_watchedByDevTools.js | watchedByDevTools isn't set on the parent process browsing context when DevTools aren't opened - 
[task 2021-05-05T08:48:53.634Z] 08:48:53     INFO - Adding a new tab with URL:<div id=net>net
[task 2021-05-05T08:48:53.634Z] 08:48:53     INFO - Buffered messages logged at 08:47:47
[task 2021-05-05T08:48:53.634Z] 08:48:53     INFO - Tab added and finished loading
[task 2021-05-05T08:48:53.634Z] 08:48:53     INFO - Adding a new tab with URL:<div id=com>com
[task 2021-05-05T08:48:53.635Z] 08:48:53     INFO - Console message: [JavaScript Error: "The character encoding of the HTML document was not declared. The document will render with garbled text in some browser configurations if the document contains characters from outside the US-ASCII range. The character encoding of the page must be declared in the document or in the transfer protocol." {file: "" line: 0}]
[task 2021-05-05T08:48:53.635Z] 08:48:53     INFO - Buffered messages logged at 08:47:48
[task 2021-05-05T08:48:53.635Z] 08:48:53     INFO - Tab added and finished loading
[task 2021-05-05T08:48:53.635Z] 08:48:53     INFO - TEST-PASS | devtools/client/framework/browser-toolbox/test/browser_browser_toolbox_watchedByDevTools.js | watchedByDevTools is not set on the .net tab - 
[task 2021-05-05T08:48:53.635Z] 08:48:53     INFO - TEST-PASS | devtools/client/framework/browser-toolbox/test/browser_browser_toolbox_watchedByDevTools.js | watchedByDevTools is not set on the .com tab - 
[task 2021-05-05T08:48:53.636Z] 08:48:53     INFO - Open the BrowserToolbox so the parent process will be watched
[task 2021-05-05T08:48:53.640Z] 08:48:53     INFO - Console message: [JavaScript Error: "The character encoding of the HTML document was not declared. The document will render with garbled text in some browser configurations if the document contains characters from outside the US-ASCII range. The character encoding of the page must be declared in the document or in the transfer protocol." {file: "" line: 0}]
[task 2021-05-05T08:48:53.641Z] 08:48:53     INFO - Buffered messages logged at 08:47:49
[task 2021-05-05T08:48:53.641Z] 08:48:53     INFO - TEST-PASS | devtools/client/framework/browser-toolbox/test/browser_browser_toolbox_watchedByDevTools.js | Browser toolbox started
[task 2021-05-05T08:48:53.641Z] 08:48:53     INFO -  - 
[task 2021-05-05T08:48:53.641Z] 08:48:53     INFO - TEST-PASS | devtools/client/framework/browser-toolbox/test/browser_browser_toolbox_watchedByDevTools.js | Has session state - 
[task 2021-05-05T08:48:53.641Z] 08:48:53     INFO - Buffered messages logged at 08:47:58
[task 2021-05-05T08:48:53.641Z] 08:48:53     INFO - Console message: [JavaScript Warning: "debuggee 'resource://devtools/shared/base-loader.js:289' would run" {file: "resource://devtools/shared/builtin-modules.js" line: 198}]
[task 2021-05-05T08:48:53.641Z] 08:48:53     INFO - Buffered messages logged at 08:47:59
[task 2021-05-05T08:48:53.641Z] 08:48:53     INFO - Console message: [JavaScript Warning: "debuggee 'resource://devtools/shared/base-loader.js:289' would run" {file: "resource://devtools/shared/builtin-modules.js" line: 198}]
[task 2021-05-05T08:48:53.641Z] 08:48:53     INFO - Console message: [JavaScript Warning: "debuggee 'resource://devtools/shared/base-loader.js:289' would run" {file: "resource://devtools/shared/builtin-modules.js" line: 198}]
[task 2021-05-05T08:48:53.642Z] 08:48:53     INFO - Console message: [JavaScript Warning: "debuggee 'resource://devtools/shared/base-loader.js:289' would run" {file: "resource://devtools/shared/builtin-modules.js" line: 198}]
[task 2021-05-05T08:48:53.643Z] 08:48:53     INFO - Buffered messages logged at 08:48:09
[task 2021-05-05T08:48:53.643Z] 08:48:53     INFO - Console message: [JavaScript Warning: "debuggee 'resource://devtools/shared/base-loader.js:289' would run" {file: "resource://devtools/shared/builtin-modules.js" line: 198}]
[task 2021-05-05T08:48:53.643Z] 08:48:53     INFO - Buffered messages logged at 08:48:36
[task 2021-05-05T08:48:53.644Z] 08:48:53     INFO - Console message: [JavaScript Warning: "Use of nsIFile in content process is deprecated." {file: "resource://gre/modules/NetUtil.jsm" line: 253}]
[task 2021-05-05T08:48:53.651Z] 08:48:53     INFO - Console message: [JavaScript Warning: "Use of nsIFile in content process is deprecated." {file: "resource://gre/modules/NetUtil.jsm" line: 253}]
[task 2021-05-05T08:48:53.651Z] 08:48:53     INFO - Console message: [JavaScript Warning: "Use of nsIFile in content process is deprecated." {file: "resource://gre/modules/NetUtil.jsm" line: 253}]
[task 2021-05-05T08:48:53.651Z] 08:48:53     INFO - Console message: [JavaScript Warning: "Use of nsIFile in content process is deprecated." {file: "resource://gre/modules/NetUtil.jsm" line: 253}]
[task 2021-05-05T08:48:53.652Z] 08:48:53     INFO - Console message: [JavaScript Warning: "Use of nsIFile in content process is deprecated." {file: "resource://gre/modules/NetUtil.jsm" line: 253}]
[task 2021-05-05T08:48:53.652Z] 08:48:53     INFO - Console message: [JavaScript Warning: "Use of nsIFile in content process is deprecated." {file: "resource://gre/modules/NetUtil.jsm" line: 253}]
[task 2021-05-05T08:48:53.652Z] 08:48:53     INFO - Buffered messages logged at 08:48:41
[task 2021-05-05T08:48:53.652Z] 08:48:53     INFO - TEST-PASS | devtools/client/framework/browser-toolbox/test/browser_browser_toolbox_watchedByDevTools.js | Got transport - 
[task 2021-05-05T08:48:53.652Z] 08:48:53     INFO - TEST-PASS | devtools/client/framework/browser-toolbox/test/browser_browser_toolbox_watchedByDevTools.js | Connected - 
[task 2021-05-05T08:48:53.653Z] 08:48:53     INFO - Buffered messages logged at 08:48:43
[task 2021-05-05T08:48:53.653Z] 08:48:53     INFO - TEST-PASS | devtools/client/framework/browser-toolbox/test/browser_browser_toolbox_watchedByDevTools.js | watchedByDevTools is set when the browser toolbox is opened - 
[task 2021-05-05T08:48:53.653Z] 08:48:53     INFO - Adding a new tab with URL:<div id=com>com
[task 2021-05-05T08:48:53.653Z] 08:48:53     INFO - Console message: [JavaScript Warning: "debuggee 'resource://devtools/shared/base-loader.js:289' would run" {file: "resource://devtools/shared/builtin-modules.js" line: 198}]
[task 2021-05-05T08:48:53.653Z] 08:48:53     INFO - Buffered messages logged at 08:48:45
[task 2021-05-05T08:48:53.654Z] 08:48:53     INFO - Tab added and finished loading
[task 2021-05-05T08:48:53.654Z] 08:48:53     INFO - TEST-PASS | devtools/client/framework/browser-toolbox/test/browser_browser_toolbox_watchedByDevTools.js | watchedByDevTools is set on the .net tab browsing context after opening the browser toolbox - 
[task 2021-05-05T08:48:53.654Z] 08:48:53     INFO - TEST-PASS | devtools/client/framework/browser-toolbox/test/browser_browser_toolbox_watchedByDevTools.js | watchedByDevTools is set on the .com tab browsing context after opening the browser toolbox - 
[task 2021-05-05T08:48:53.654Z] 08:48:53     INFO - Check that adding watchedByDevTools is set on a tab that was added when the browser toolbox was opened
[task 2021-05-05T08:48:53.654Z] 08:48:53     INFO - TEST-PASS | devtools/client/framework/browser-toolbox/test/browser_browser_toolbox_watchedByDevTools.js | watchedByDevTools is set on the newly opened tab - 
[task 2021-05-05T08:48:53.655Z] 08:48:53     INFO - Check that watchedByDevTools persist when navigating to a page that creates a new browsing context
[task 2021-05-05T08:48:53.655Z] 08:48:53     INFO - Console message: [JavaScript Error: "The character encoding of the HTML document was not declared. The document will render with garbled text in some browser configurations if the document contains characters from outside the US-ASCII range. The character encoding of the page must be declared in the document or in the transfer protocol." {file: "" line: 0}]
[task 2021-05-05T08:48:53.655Z] 08:48:53     INFO - Buffered messages logged at 08:48:48
[task 2021-05-05T08:48:53.655Z] 08:48:53     INFO - Console message: [JavaScript Warning: "debuggee 'resource://devtools/shared/base-loader.js:289' would run" {file: "resource://devtools/shared/builtin-modules.js" line: 198}]
[task 2021-05-05T08:48:53.655Z] 08:48:53     INFO - Buffered messages logged at 08:48:49
[task 2021-05-05T08:48:53.656Z] 08:48:53     INFO - TEST-PASS | devtools/client/framework/browser-toolbox/test/browser_browser_toolbox_watchedByDevTools.js | A new browsing context was created - 
[task 2021-05-05T08:48:53.656Z] 08:48:53     INFO - TEST-PASS | devtools/client/framework/browser-toolbox/test/browser_browser_toolbox_watchedByDevTools.js | watchedByDevTools is still set after navigating the tab to a page which forces a new browsing context - 
[task 2021-05-05T08:48:53.656Z] 08:48:53     INFO - Destroying browser toolbox
[task 2021-05-05T08:48:53.656Z] 08:48:53     INFO - Console message: [JavaScript Error: "The character encoding of the HTML document was not declared. The document will render with garbled text in some browser configurations if the document contains characters from outside the US-ASCII range. The character encoding of the page must be declared in the document or in the transfer protocol." {file: "" line: 0}]
[task 2021-05-05T08:48:53.656Z] 08:48:53     INFO - Buffered messages logged at 08:48:52
[task 2021-05-05T08:48:53.657Z] 08:48:53     INFO - TEST-PASS | devtools/client/framework/browser-toolbox/test/browser_browser_toolbox_watchedByDevTools.js | Browser toolbox process closed - 
[task 2021-05-05T08:48:53.657Z] 08:48:53     INFO - TEST-PASS | devtools/client/framework/browser-toolbox/test/browser_browser_toolbox_watchedByDevTools.js | The remote debugger process died cleanly - 
[task 2021-05-05T08:48:53.657Z] 08:48:53     INFO - TEST-PASS | devtools/client/framework/browser-toolbox/test/browser_browser_toolbox_watchedByDevTools.js | No session state after closing - 
[task 2021-05-05T08:48:53.657Z] 08:48:53     INFO - TEST-PASS | devtools/client/framework/browser-toolbox/test/browser_browser_toolbox_watchedByDevTools.js | watchedByDevTools was reset when the browser toolbox was closed - 
[task 2021-05-05T08:48:53.658Z] 08:48:53     INFO - TEST-PASS | devtools/client/framework/browser-toolbox/test/browser_browser_toolbox_watchedByDevTools.js | watchedByDevTools was reset on the .net tab after closing the browser toolbox - 
[task 2021-05-05T08:48:53.658Z] 08:48:53     INFO - TEST-PASS | devtools/client/framework/browser-toolbox/test/browser_browser_toolbox_watchedByDevTools.js | watchedByDevTools was reset on the .com tab after closing the browser toolbox - 
[task 2021-05-05T08:48:53.658Z] 08:48:53     INFO - TEST-PASS | devtools/client/framework/browser-toolbox/test/browser_browser_toolbox_watchedByDevTools.js | watchedByDevTools was reset on the tab opened while the browser toolbox was opened - 
[task 2021-05-05T08:48:53.658Z] 08:48:53     INFO - Leaving test bound 
[task 2021-05-05T08:48:53.658Z] 08:48:53     INFO - Removing tab.
[task 2021-05-05T08:48:53.659Z] 08:48:53     INFO - Waiting for event: 'TabClose' on [object XULElement].
[task 2021-05-05T08:48:53.659Z] 08:48:53     INFO - Got event: 'TabClose' on [object XULElement].
[task 2021-05-05T08:48:53.659Z] 08:48:53     INFO - Tab removed and finished closing
[task 2021-05-05T08:48:53.659Z] 08:48:53     INFO - Removing tab.
[task 2021-05-05T08:48:53.659Z] 08:48:53     INFO - Waiting for event: 'TabClose' on [object XULElement].
[task 2021-05-05T08:48:53.660Z] 08:48:53     INFO - Got event: 'TabClose' on [object XULElement].
[task 2021-05-05T08:48:53.660Z] 08:48:53     INFO - Tab removed and finished closing
[task 2021-05-05T08:48:53.660Z] 08:48:53     INFO - Buffered messages logged at 08:48:53
[task 2021-05-05T08:48:53.666Z] 08:48:53     INFO - Removing tab.
[task 2021-05-05T08:48:53.666Z] 08:48:53     INFO - Waiting for event: 'TabClose' on [object XULElement].
[task 2021-05-05T08:48:53.666Z] 08:48:53     INFO - Got event: 'TabClose' on [object XULElement].
[task 2021-05-05T08:48:53.666Z] 08:48:53     INFO - Tab removed and finished closing
[task 2021-05-05T08:48:53.667Z] 08:48:53     INFO - Console message: [JavaScript Error: "uncaught exception: Object"]
[task 2021-05-05T08:48:53.667Z] 08:48:53     INFO - TEST-PASS | devtools/client/framework/browser-toolbox/test/browser_browser_toolbox_watchedByDevTools.js | The main process DevToolsServer has no pending connection when the test ends - 
[task 2021-05-05T08:48:53.667Z] 08:48:53     INFO - Buffered messages finished
[task 2021-05-05T08:48:53.667Z] 08:48:53     INFO - TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | devtools/client/framework/browser-toolbox/test/browser_browser_toolbox_watchedByDevTools.js | This test exceeded the timeout threshold. It should be rewritten or split up. If that's not possible, use requestLongerTimeout(N), but only as a last resort. - 
[task 2021-05-05T08:48:53.667Z] 08:48:53     INFO - GECKO(1902) | MEMORY STAT vsizeMaxContiguous not supported in this build configuration.
[task 2021-05-05T08:48:53.667Z] 08:48:53     INFO - GECKO(1902) | MEMORY STAT | vsize 7679MB | residentFast 316MB | heapAllocated 124MB
[task 2021-05-05T08:48:53.668Z] 08:48:53     INFO - TEST-OK | devtools/client/framework/browser-toolbox/test/browser_browser_toolbox_watchedByDevTools.js | took 68510ms
[task 2021-05-05T08:48:53.668Z] 08:48:53     INFO - checking window state```

Set release status flags based on info from the regressing bug 1706094

Closed: 3 years ago
Resolution: --- → INCOMPLETE
Has Regression Range: --- → yes
You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.