Open Bug 1713151 Opened 3 years ago Updated 11 months ago

Tooling for debugging WebGPU presentation


(Core :: Graphics: WebGPU, enhancement, P3)





(Reporter: kvark, Unassigned)


(Blocks 1 open bug)


Presentation in WebGPU is a complex topic. It involves tight cooperation between WebGPU content side, server side, and WebRender. It's also fully on C++ side, so Rust tooling doesn't help there. We need a good way to diagnose presentation issues.

Ideally, we want the performance markers for each frame:

  1. when it's requested by JS
  2. when the GPU callback is issued, and we copy the data from it
  3. when WR locks the external texture
  4. when the frame is actually presented
Blocks: webgpu-v1
Priority: -- → P3
Blocks: webgpu-phase-2
No longer blocks: webgpu-v1
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