Closed Bug 171789 Opened 22 years ago Closed 12 years ago

Crash when unloading Java applet [@ __floatdidf]


(Core Graveyard :: Java: OJI, defect, P2)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: orbplus2000, Assigned: peterl-bugs)




(Keywords: crash)

Crash Data


(3 files, 1 obsolete file)

User-Agent:       Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; PPC Mac OS X; en-US; rv:1.2b) Gecko/20020927
Build Identifier: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; PPC Mac OS X; en-US; rv:1.2b) Gecko/20020927

In the page at if you
view the radar loop which loads java, the browser crashes when you leave the
page.  The problem occurs with other java enabled sites

Reproducible: Always

Steps to Reproduce:
1. Go to
2. View any of the radar loops
3. Java loads
4. Click on a link to go to another webpage

Actual Results:  
Browser hangs for a few seconds then it crashes

Expected Results:  
The Java applet should have been unloaded, and the next page should have loaded

I am running Mozilla Build 2002092708 in Mac OS 10.2 (Java)
Keywords: crash
WorksForMe using FizzillaCFM/2002092611 on 10.1.5. kguru, please attach the
crash report generated by this crash.

Reassigning to OJI.
Assignee: asa → joe.chou
Component: Browser-General → OJI
Keywords: stackwanted
QA Contact: asa → pmac
Summary: crash when unloading java applet → Crash when unloading Java applet
The problem I believe is due to a change in the Jaguar OS Java library. 
Unfortunately the browser crashes in such a way that no crash report is
generated, because finder detects it has crashed and closes it before the crash
reporter starts.  Has anyone been able to replicate the bug using Jaguar?
The dialogue box says the following with no chances to use bug reporting:

The application Mozilla has unexpectedly quit.  The system and other
applications have not been affected.  I hope this is able to help
kguru, are you sure you have Crash Reporting enabled? Check
How do i enable crash reporting in Mozilla for Mac OS X?
kguru, see [], particularly
"Enabling Crash Reporter in OS X *10.1*."
Crash log data follows"
Date/Time:  2002-10-04 00:33:11 -0400
OS Version: 10.2.1 (Build 6D52)

Command:    Mozilla
PID:        474

Exception:  EXC_BAD_ACCESS (0x0001)
Codes:      KERN_PROTECTION_FAILURE (0x0002) at 0x00000000

Thread 0:
 #0   0x90074328 in mach_msg_trap
 #1   0x90006670 in mach_msg
 #2   0x901490a8 in __CFRunLoopRun
 #3   0x9018157c in CFRunLoopRunSpecific
 #4   0x92ba34cc in RunCurrentEventLoopInMode
 #5   0x92ba3c6c in GetNextEventMatchingMask
 #6   0x92ba799c in WNEInternal
 #7   0x92bad858 in WaitNextEvent
 #8   0x01c93258 in GetEvent__16nsMacMessagePumpFR11EventRecord
 #9   0x01c9314c in DoMessagePump__16nsMacMessagePumpFv
 #10  0x01c92adc in Run__10nsAppShellFv
 #11  0x01c5223c in Run__17nsAppShellServiceFv
 #12  0x001a42c0 in main1__FiPPcP11nsISupports
 #13  0x001a4d1c in main

Thread 1:
 #0   0x9000582c in syscall
 #1   0x90515d9c in BSD_waitevent
 #2   0x9051576c in CarbonSelectThreadFunc
 #3   0x90021428 in _pthread_body

Thread 2:
 #0   0x9003f188 in semaphore_wait_signal_trap
 #1   0x9003efa4 in _pthread_cond_wait
 #2   0x9051dda0 in CarbonOperationThreadFunc
 #3   0x90021428 in _pthread_body

Thread 3:
 #0   0x90042d68 in semaphore_timedwait_signal_trap
 #1   0x9003ef94 in _pthread_cond_wait
 #2   0x90233470 in TSWaitOnSemaphoreCommon
 #3   0x9023c298 in TimerThread
 #4   0x90021428 in _pthread_body

Thread 4:
 #0   0x9003f188 in semaphore_wait_signal_trap
 #1   0x9003efa4 in _pthread_cond_wait
 #2   0x90233454 in TSWaitOnSemaphoreCommon
 #3   0x90248b2c in _Z15AsyncFileThreadPv
 #4   0x90021428 in _pthread_body

Thread 5:
 #0   0x9003f188 in semaphore_wait_signal_trap
 #1   0x9003efa4 in _pthread_cond_wait
 #2   0x90525b90 in CarbonInetOperThreadFunc
 #3   0x90021428 in _pthread_body

Thread 6:
 #0   0x90074328 in mach_msg_trap
 #1   0x90006670 in mach_msg
 #2   0x928ec28c in JNI_CreateJavaVM_Impl
 #3   0x928ec224 in JNI_CreateJavaVM_Impl
 #4   0x928a51fc in JVM_GetClassMethodsCount
 #5   0x90021428 in _pthread_body

Thread 7:
 #0   0x90074328 in mach_msg_trap
 #1   0x90006670 in mach_msg
 #2   0x9283de9c in JVM_NewInstance
 #3   0x9285eae4 in JVM_FillInStackTrace
 #4   0x928647a0 in JVM_Send
 #5   0x9290114c in JNI_CreateJavaVM_Impl
 #6   0x928a51fc in JVM_GetClassMethodsCount
 #7   0x90021428 in _pthread_body

Thread 8:
 #0   0x90074328 in mach_msg_trap
 #1   0x90006670 in mach_msg
 #2   0x9283ddf4 in JVM_NewInstance
 #3   0x92845d80 in JVM_ArrayCopy
 #4   0x9285d620 in JVM_MonitorNotify
 #5   0x9285e2f8 in JVM_MonitorWait
 #6   0x04834668 in 0x4834668
 #7   0x0483268c in 0x483268c
 #8   0x0483268c in 0x483268c
 #9   0xa2843c38 in _ZTSSt13bad_exception
 #10  0x92838bdc in JVM_CurrentTimeMillis
 #11  0x92878c28 in JVM_FindClassFromClass
 #12  0x92892c90 in JVM_IsSameClassPackage
 #13  0x9288cf70 in JVM_GetMethodIxExceptionTableEntry
 #14  0x928787a0 in JVM_FindClassFromClass
 #15  0x928a51fc in JVM_GetClassMethodsCount
 #16  0x90021428 in _pthread_body

Thread 9:
 #0   0x90074328 in mach_msg_trap
 #1   0x90006670 in mach_msg
 #2   0x9283ddf4 in JVM_NewInstance
 #3   0x92845d80 in JVM_ArrayCopy
 #4   0x9285d620 in JVM_MonitorNotify
 #5   0x9285e2f8 in JVM_MonitorWait
 #6   0x04834668 in 0x4834668
 #7   0x0483268c in 0x483268c
 #8   0x048325cc in 0x48325cc
 #9   0x048325cc in 0x48325cc
 #10  0xa2843c38 in _ZTSSt13bad_exception
 #11  0x92838bdc in JVM_CurrentTimeMillis
 #12  0x92878c28 in JVM_FindClassFromClass
 #13  0x92892c90 in JVM_IsSameClassPackage
 #14  0x9288cf70 in JVM_GetMethodIxExceptionTableEntry
 #15  0x928787a0 in JVM_FindClassFromClass
 #16  0x928a51fc in JVM_GetClassMethodsCount
 #17  0x90021428 in _pthread_body

Thread 10:
 #0   0x90074328 in mach_msg_trap
 #1   0x90006670 in mach_msg
 #2   0x9283de9c in JVM_NewInstance
 #3   0x92844e18 in JVM_GetClassLoader
 #4   0x92844ba4 in JVM_GetClassLoader
 #5   0x928a51fc in JVM_GetClassMethodsCount
 #6   0x90021428 in _pthread_body

Thread 11:
 #0   0x90074328 in mach_msg_trap
 #1   0x90006670 in mach_msg
 #2   0x9283ddf4 in JVM_NewInstance
 #3   0x9285eb40 in JVM_FillInStackTrace
 #4   0x92903300 in JVM_InitProperties
 #5   0x92903138 in JVM_InitProperties
 #6   0x928787a0 in JVM_FindClassFromClass
 #7   0x928a51fc in JVM_GetClassMethodsCount
 #8   0x90021428 in _pthread_body

Thread 12:
 #0   0x90074328 in mach_msg_trap
 #1   0x90006670 in mach_msg
 #2   0x9283ddf4 in JVM_NewInstance
 #3   0x9285eb40 in JVM_FillInStackTrace
 #4   0x9288890c in JVM_StartThread
 #5   0x92876c10 in JVM_FindLoadedClass
 #6   0x928787a0 in JVM_FindClassFromClass
 #7   0x928a51fc in JVM_GetClassMethodsCount
 #8   0x90021428 in _pthread_body

Thread 13:
 #0   0x90074328 in mach_msg_trap
 #1   0x90006670 in mach_msg
 #2   0x9283ddf4 in JVM_NewInstance
 #3   0x92845d80 in JVM_ArrayCopy
 #4   0x9285d620 in JVM_MonitorNotify
 #5   0x9285e2f8 in JVM_MonitorWait
 #6   0x04834668 in 0x4834668
 #7   0x0483268c in 0x483268c
 #8   0x0483268c in 0x483268c
 #9   0x048325cc in 0x48325cc
 #10  0x048325cc in 0x48325cc
 #11  0x0483268c in 0x483268c
 #12  0x0483268c in 0x483268c
 #13  0xa2843c38 in _ZTSSt13bad_exception
 #14  0x92838bdc in JVM_CurrentTimeMillis
 #15  0x92878c28 in JVM_FindClassFromClass
 #16  0x92892c90 in JVM_IsSameClassPackage
 #17  0x9288cf70 in JVM_GetMethodIxExceptionTableEntry
 #18  0x928787a0 in JVM_FindClassFromClass
 #19  0x928a51fc in JVM_GetClassMethodsCount
 #20  0x90021428 in _pthread_body

Thread 14:
 #0   0x90074328 in mach_msg_trap
 #1   0x90006670 in mach_msg
 #2   0x9283ddf4 in JVM_NewInstance
 #3   0x92845d80 in JVM_ArrayCopy
 #4   0x9285d620 in JVM_MonitorNotify
 #5   0x9285e2f8 in JVM_MonitorWait
 #6   0x04834668 in 0x4834668
 #7   0x0483268c in 0x483268c
 #8   0x0483268c in 0x483268c
 #9   0xa2843c38 in _ZTSSt13bad_exception
 #10  0x92838bdc in JVM_CurrentTimeMillis
 #11  0x92878c28 in JVM_FindClassFromClass
 #12  0x92892c90 in JVM_IsSameClassPackage
 #13  0x9288cf70 in JVM_GetMethodIxExceptionTableEntry
 #14  0x928787a0 in JVM_FindClassFromClass
 #15  0x928a51fc in JVM_GetClassMethodsCount
 #16  0x90021428 in _pthread_body

Thread 15:
 #0   0x90074328 in mach_msg_trap
 #1   0x90006670 in mach_msg
 #2   0x9283ddf4 in JVM_NewInstance
 #3   0x92845d80 in JVM_ArrayCopy
 #4   0x9285d620 in JVM_MonitorNotify
 #5   0x9285e2f8 in JVM_MonitorWait
 #6   0x04834668 in 0x4834668
 #7   0x0483268c in 0x483268c
 #8   0x0483268c in 0x483268c
 #9   0x0483268c in 0x483268c
 #10  0xa2843c38 in _ZTSSt13bad_exception
 #11  0x92838bdc in JVM_CurrentTimeMillis
 #12  0x92878c28 in JVM_FindClassFromClass
 #13  0x92892c90 in JVM_IsSameClassPackage
 #14  0x9288cf70 in JVM_GetMethodIxExceptionTableEntry
 #15  0x928787a0 in JVM_FindClassFromClass
 #16  0x928a51fc in JVM_GetClassMethodsCount
 #17  0x90021428 in _pthread_body

Thread 16:
 #0   0x90074328 in mach_msg_trap
 #1   0x90006670 in mach_msg
 #2   0x9283ddf4 in JVM_NewInstance
 #3   0x92845d80 in JVM_ArrayCopy
 #4   0x9285d620 in JVM_MonitorNotify
 #5   0x9285e2f8 in JVM_MonitorWait
 #6   0x04834668 in 0x4834668
 #7   0x0483268c in 0x483268c
 #8   0x0483268c in 0x483268c
 #9   0x0483268c in 0x483268c
 #10  0xa2843c38 in _ZTSSt13bad_exception
 #11  0x92838bdc in JVM_CurrentTimeMillis
 #12  0x92878c28 in JVM_FindClassFromClass
 #13  0x92892c90 in JVM_IsSameClassPackage
 #14  0x9288cf70 in JVM_GetMethodIxExceptionTableEntry
 #15  0x928787a0 in JVM_FindClassFromClass
 #16  0x928a51fc in JVM_GetClassMethodsCount
 #17  0x90021428 in _pthread_body

Thread 17:
 #0   0x90074328 in mach_msg_trap
 #1   0x90006670 in mach_msg
 #2   0x9283ddf4 in JVM_NewInstance
 #3   0x92845d80 in JVM_ArrayCopy
 #4   0x9285d620 in JVM_MonitorNotify
 #5   0x9285e2f8 in JVM_MonitorWait
 #6   0x04834668 in 0x4834668
 #7   0x0483268c in 0x483268c
 #8   0x0483268c in 0x483268c
 #9   0xa2843c38 in _ZTSSt13bad_exception
 #10  0x92838bdc in JVM_CurrentTimeMillis
 #11  0x92878c28 in JVM_FindClassFromClass
 #12  0x92892c90 in JVM_IsSameClassPackage
 #13  0x9288cf70 in JVM_GetMethodIxExceptionTableEntry
 #14  0x928787a0 in JVM_FindClassFromClass
 #15  0x928a51fc in JVM_GetClassMethodsCount
 #16  0x90021428 in _pthread_body

Thread 18:
 #0   0x90074328 in mach_msg_trap
 #1   0x90006670 in mach_msg
 #2   0x9283ddf4 in JVM_NewInstance
 #3   0x92845d80 in JVM_ArrayCopy
 #4   0x9285d620 in JVM_MonitorNotify
 #5   0x9285e2f8 in JVM_MonitorWait
 #6   0x04834668 in 0x4834668
 #7   0x0483268c in 0x483268c
 #8   0x0483268c in 0x483268c
 #9   0x048325cc in 0x48325cc
 #10  0xa2843c38 in _ZTSSt13bad_exception
 #11  0x92838bdc in JVM_CurrentTimeMillis
 #12  0x92878c28 in JVM_FindClassFromClass
 #13  0x92892c90 in JVM_IsSameClassPackage
 #14  0x9288cf70 in JVM_GetMethodIxExceptionTableEntry
 #15  0x928787a0 in JVM_FindClassFromClass
 #16  0x928a51fc in JVM_GetClassMethodsCount
 #17  0x90021428 in _pthread_body

Thread 19:
 #0   0x90074328 in mach_msg_trap
 #1   0x90006670 in mach_msg
 #2   0x9283ddf4 in JVM_NewInstance
 #3   0x92845d80 in JVM_ArrayCopy
 #4   0x9285d620 in JVM_MonitorNotify
 #5   0x9285e2f8 in JVM_MonitorWait
 #6   0x04834668 in 0x4834668
 #7   0x0483268c in 0x483268c
 #8   0x0483268c in 0x483268c
 #9   0x048325cc in 0x48325cc
 #10  0xa2843c38 in _ZTSSt13bad_exception
 #11  0x92838bdc in JVM_CurrentTimeMillis
 #12  0x92878c28 in JVM_FindClassFromClass
 #13  0x92892c90 in JVM_IsSameClassPackage
 #14  0x9288cf70 in JVM_GetMethodIxExceptionTableEntry
 #15  0x928787a0 in JVM_FindClassFromClass
 #16  0x928a51fc in JVM_GetClassMethodsCount
 #17  0x90021428 in _pthread_body

Thread 20 Crashed:
 #0   0x92836f0c in __floatdidf
 #1   0x92836eac in __floatdidf
 #2   0x93ca24cc in Java_com_apple_mrj_internal_awt_publicpeers_VToolkit_grope
 #3   0x04834668 in 0x4834668
 #4   0x048325cc in 0x48325cc
 #5   0x048325cc in 0x48325cc
 #6   0x048325cc in 0x48325cc
 #7   0x0483286c in 0x483286c
 #8   0x0483268c in 0x483268c
 #9   0x0483268c in 0x483268c
 #10  0x0483268c in 0x483268c
 #11  0x0483286c in 0x483286c
 #12  0xa2843c38 in _ZTSSt13bad_exception
 #13  0x92838bdc in JVM_CurrentTimeMillis
 #14  0x92878c28 in JVM_FindClassFromClass
 #15  0x92892c90 in JVM_IsSameClassPackage
 #16  0x9288cf70 in JVM_GetMethodIxExceptionTableEntry
 #17  0x928787a0 in JVM_FindClassFromClass
 #18  0x928a51fc in JVM_GetClassMethodsCount
 #19  0x90021428 in _pthread_body

Thread 21:
 #0   0x90074328 in mach_msg_trap
 #1   0x90006670 in mach_msg
 #2   0x9283de9c in JVM_NewInstance
 #3   0x92844d34 in JVM_GetClassLoader
 #4   0x9290a3a4 in JVM_Sleep
 #5   0x04834668 in 0x4834668
 #6   0x0483268c in 0x483268c
 #7   0x0483268c in 0x483268c
 #8   0x0483268c in 0x483268c
 #9   0x0483268c in 0x483268c
 #10  0x0483268c in 0x483268c
 #11  0x0483268c in 0x483268c
 #12  0x0483286c in 0x483286c
 #13  0xa2843c38 in _ZTSSt13bad_exception
 #14  0x92838bdc in JVM_CurrentTimeMillis
 #15  0x92878c28 in JVM_FindClassFromClass
 #16  0x92892c90 in JVM_IsSameClassPackage
 #17  0x9288cf70 in JVM_GetMethodIxExceptionTableEntry
 #18  0x928787a0 in JVM_FindClassFromClass
 #19  0x928a51fc in JVM_GetClassMethodsCount
 #20  0x90021428 in _pthread_body

PPC Thread State:
  srr0: 0x92836f0c srr1: 0x0000f030                vrsave: 0x00000000
   xer: 0x00000000   lr: 0x92836eac  ctr: 0x92836e90   mq: 0x00000000
    r0: 0x93ca24b0   r1: 0xf0a94710   r2: 0x00000000   r3: 0x06c14c50
    r4: 0x00000000   r5: 0xa2836eac   r6: 0x00000005   r7: 0x03a5cb60
    r8: 0xa28314e0   r9: 0x00000006  r10: 0xa2836eac  r11: 0xa00042f8
   r12: 0x92836e90  r13: 0x06c14c50  r14: 0x03a5fb70  r15: 0x93ca23dc
   r16: 0xf0a94860  r17: 0x6c299dd8  r18: 0xf0a948a4  r19: 0xf0a94848
   r20: 0x6c29a840  r21: 0x6c299e00  r22: 0x6c299e00  r23: 0x048334a0
   r24: 0x00000000  r25: 0xa2831a24  r26: 0x0000001a  r27: 0x00000000
   r28: 0x06c14cc0  r29: 0x00000006  r30: 0x06c14c50  r31: 0x92836eac

kguru, for future reference, crash reports should be attached to your bugs as a
text file, and not quoted in a bug comment.
Keywords: stackwanted
Summary: Crash when unloading Java applet → Crash when unloading Java applet on Mac OS X 10.2.1 [@ __floatdidf]
oops, I didn't realize that bugs were supposed to be attachments
QA Contact: pmac → petersen
No, bugs aren't attachments. Crash reports should be attached to bugs as
I can confirm the same problem happening in v1.2b: the browser crashes when trying to 
unload an onscreen applet.

It's reproducable everytime from the applets at like the original 
complaint said. it also happens with various other applets. 

i will attach a crashReporter log.

also - if i go into the mozilla package and manually delete the java plugin that comes in 
mozila's bundle-thing, the problem seems to go away. i think the system defaults to the 
apple generic java plugin.  an interesting side-effect of this workaround is that while 
loading, most appplets have a neon green border. after they are fully loaded it goes 
Attached file generated after mozilla unloads an applet (obsolete) (deleted) —
Adam, your crash is bug 175189, since you crash at eh_rest_world_r10.

kguru, please retest and ensure you still generate the same stack.
Attached file Java unloading crash (deleted) —
I still am getting the same crash as earlier.
*** Bug 173744 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Note that this is also a problem on the Chimera branch per comment 15.
Marking confirmed per duplicates.
Ever confirmed: true
Reproduced using FizzillaCFM/2002110808 on 10.1.5. Removing limiting reference
to 10.2 from summary.
Summary: Crash when unloading Java applet on Mac OS X 10.2.1 [@ __floatdidf] → Crash when unloading Java applet [@ __floatdidf]
reassign to me
Assignee: joe.chou → joshua.xia
reassign to for Mac bugs
Assignee: joshua.xia → beard
Comment on attachment 105044 [details]
generated after mozilla unloads an applet

Stack not applicable to this bug per comment 13.
Attachment #105044 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Assignee: beard → peterl
I downloaded the Macho nightly build and it does not have the crash problem. 
When will the Macho build become the default Mac OS X build?
*** Bug 183974 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Attached file exception from java console (deleted) —
i got this from java console log.  [didn't know if  you needed more of these
crash logs, but just in case]
I nominate this bug for repair for Mozilla 1.3 alpha
Flags: blocking1.3a?
Flags: blocking1.3a? → blocking1.3a-
oops, the original stack trace i submitted at comment #12 has two dumps in it.
the first one isn't related to this bug, but the bottom half of the attachment
is. i didn't realize there were to traces in that log. 
I just trashed the MRJ Java Plugin from the Mozilla package on Mac OS 10.2.2. 
On build 2002120408 the browser was able to unsuccessfully unload the standard
apple Java plugin.  Perhaps the mozilla for Mac OS X should not come with a Java
plugin because Mac OS X comes with one that appears to work better.
Confirming crash when clicking on "loop" link while applet is displayed. Tested
under 10.2.2 using the 2002-12-17-08 CFM trunk. Attaching stack trace.
Attached file stack trace (deleted) —
*** Bug 187423 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Priority: -- → P2
Target Milestone: --- → Future
There doesn't appear to be this problem in the MachO builds.  I think this bug
can be closed since its for CFM which is no longer being made.
Resolving WFM per comment 32.
According to comments #32 and #33  I understand that this bug has been resolved.  As 
of build #2003021908;  browser still crashes for me upon leaving the subject
radar loop site.  
Which version of Mozilla were you running and which version of Mac OS were you
Running OS 10.2.4;  Chimera Navigator 2003022008;
do not have the Mozilla browser installed.
This bug still occurs for me too. However, removing the MRJ plugin manually from navigator's bundle seems to still be a valid workaround.For version .6 Build ID: 2003022108running on OS X v10.2.4 6I32
*** Bug 194213 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Confirmed, MRJ Java plugin is still installed with Camino.  It should be removed
from the package.  Also support for Apple Java 1.41 should be available.  I have
1.41 installed, but 1.31 is what Mozilla is using.
confirmed on Windws XP 
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.7.5) Gecko/20041107 Firefox/1.0

use link

click "Try Rodi" on the left side 
after applet is close the tab or move to another page
browser will crash without attempt to generate report (the crach report system
is enabled)

the source of the applet is available from the same website (see for
start/close methods)

the problem started to appear after upgrade from 1.0PR to 1.0 about a month ago.
i did not experience the problem with previous versions of the browser.
i am sorry for the mistakes and mistypes in my prev reply

"after applet is up close the tab or move to another page"

it will not happen every time, but probably once every 3 or 4 attempts. 
if you can not reproduce the problem, try to close firefox, start FF again and
run the same applet. when firefox fails first time it will fail on all
consecutive attempts unitl next reboot of the Windows.
direct link to the applet
Blocks: 353557
No longer blocks: 353557
Product: Core → Core Graveyard
Crash Signature: [@ __floatdidf]
OJI has been discontinued and Java now runs out-of-process, so this stuff has probably changed a lot. This bug has no info about current software versions, please file a new bug for new issues or reopen this one with current info, including a crash signature if it still happens and move it to a component outside of graveyard.
Closed: 12 years ago
Resolution: --- → INCOMPLETE
You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.


