Closed Bug 1744144 Opened 3 years ago Closed 2 years ago

Unable to configure CardDAV because new CardDAV Address book dialog doesn't resize after fetching available address books


(Thunderbird :: Address Book, defect, P2)


(thunderbird102 fixed)

103 Branch
Tracking Status
thunderbird102 --- fixed


(Reporter: aleca, Assigned: darktrojan)


(Blocks 1 open bug)



(2 files)


  • New Address Book tab
  • Select Add CarDav Address Book
  • Fill up the fields and click continue

If multiple address books are available and listed, the dialog doesn't resize properly to accommodate the new content, resulting in the buttons being pushed outside the viewport area.

Good find!

Clarify summary - it's true that Thunderbird does almost everything, but we're not into cars yet, so it's CardDAV, not CarDav... (also in comment 0). ;-)

Summary: CarDav dialog doesn't resize after fetching available address books → New CardDAV Address book dialog doesn't resize after fetching available address books

Hi, the bug is still present in Beta (101 B4) and Daily (102 A1). Having multiple address books results in not being able to select them and even worse the "continue" Button can not be clicked which results in not being able to configure CardDAV address books at all.

Severity: -- → S3

(In reply to Lukas.Wringer from comment #2)

Hi, the bug is still present in Beta (101 B4) and Daily (102 A1). Having multiple address books results in not being able to select them and even worse the "continue" Button can not be clicked which results in not being able to configure CardDAV address books at all.

I don't have a testcase for this and don't know how to create one, but assuming that Lukas comment 2 is accurate, "not being able to select them" and "not being able to configure CardDAV ABs at all" sound like pretty serious limitations.

Henry, Richard, any easy fixes to make this scalable?

Severity: S3 → S2
Flags: needinfo?(richard.marti)
Flags: needinfo?(henry)
Priority: -- → P2
Summary: New CardDAV Address book dialog doesn't resize after fetching available address books → Unable to configure CardDAV because new CardDAV Address book dialog doesn't resize after fetching available address books

If this really prevents adding CardDAV ABs from a slightly longer list (> 2 ABs, see screenshot above), enterprise with multiple CardDAV ABs would be much affected by this.

I can't test it too. Maybe there is a possibility to use a resizeDialog() to make the dialog grow.

Flags: needinfo?(richard.marti)

We could do sizeToContent as well. However since the list can in principle be arbitrarily long, we might want to make the list have a max-height and be scrollable as well. Based on my reviews for bug 1703164, it can get messy trying to resize with a xul layout, so we might just have to make the body scrollable instead.

Also, this might be a regression from in bug 1703164 because it set a fixed height on the dialog.

Flags: needinfo?(henry)

That likely didn't make it better, though probably this dialog never handled very long lists well.
The setup really shouldn't be inside a dialog but inside a (the unified setup) tab. We can put some duct-tape on top, but inside a small dialog this will never play out nicely with larger lists.

I think the continue/cancel buttons should maybe be moved to the top (for example like on a typical GTK dialog) and the list should indeed be scrollable. With three elements a faint line of the buttons is still visible, with 4 or more I can neither toggle the checkboxes after the fourth one nor click the continue or cancel button, so I can only use the "x" to abort the setup.

Btw. the CardDav button in mail account creation windows still triggers the old ui but that is probably another bug...

I am looking a bit more closely at these dialogs this week, I'll see what can be done.

Assignee: nobody → geoff
Target Milestone: --- → 103 Branch

Pushed by
Make the CardDAV dialog expand when more space is needed. r=aleca

Closed: 2 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED

(In reply to Pulsebot from comment #11)

Pushed by
Make the CardDAV dialog expand when more space is needed. r=aleca

Geoff, can you summarize the new behaviour? Can it handle arbitrary numbers of CardDav ABs now, say 50+?

Flags: needinfo?(geoff)

The dialog gets bigger. If it's still not big enough the list scrolls.

Flags: needinfo?(geoff)

Comment on attachment 9281344 [details]
Bug 1744144 - Make the CardDAV dialog expand when more space is needed. r=aleca

[Approval Request Comment]
Regression caused by (bug #):
User impact if declined: dialog is truncated, can't get to the buttons
Testing completed (on c-c, etc.): landed yesterday
Risk to taking this patch (and alternatives if risky):

Attachment #9281344 - Flags: approval-comm-beta?

Comment on attachment 9281344 [details]
Bug 1744144 - Make the CardDAV dialog expand when more space is needed. r=aleca

[Triage Comment]
Approved for beta

Attachment #9281344 - Flags: approval-comm-beta? → approval-comm-beta+
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