Open Bug 1762814 Opened 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Frame selection button lists chrome/about content frames, but only if they opened after the devtools


(DevTools :: Framework, enhancement)



(Not tracked)


(Reporter: darktrojan, Unassigned)


(Blocks 1 open bug)


I'm a Thunderbird developer, and this is a really annoying problem there, but I can also reproduce it in Firefox so I'll list STR in Firefox terms:

  • Open the Settings tab with the UI or by typing about:preferences in the URL bar.
  • Open the browser toolbox
  • Click the frame selection button, about:preferences is not listed
  • Close and reopen the Settings tab
  • Click the frame selection button, about:preferences is listed

It would be helpful if about:preferences was listed even if it was open before the toolbox.

I think the initial list is created by calling getAllBrowsingContextsInSubtree on the top window, which is a chrome frame. But about:preferences is a content frame and therefore not in the same subtree. Opening the tab causes it to be noticed and added to the list.

Thank you for the report!

I can easily reproduce this bug on my machine (Win10, latest m-c)


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