Closed Bug 176315 (old_korean) Opened 22 years ago Closed 22 years ago

need to have converters for rendering Old Korean text with Un series fonts


(Core :: Internationalization, defect)

Not set





(Reporter: jshin1987, Assigned: jshin1987)




(Keywords: intl)


(3 files, 27 obsolete files)

(deleted), image/jpeg
(deleted), image/jpeg
(deleted), patch
: review+
Details | Diff | Splinter Review
Ogulim/Obatang/OGungseo/Odotum and Ngulim/Nbatang/NGungseo/Ndotum
are distributed by Microsoft  in its Old Korean support tool for MS Word 2000.

The former set of fonts have 6 sets of glyphs for 125 leading consonants
(90 + 1 encoded in U+1100 Jamo block and 34 extra ) and
2 sets of glyphs for 95 medial vowels (66 + 1 encoded in U+1100 block
and 28 extra) and 4 sets of glyphs for 141 trailing consonants (82 encoded
in U+1100 block, 59 extra). Which of multiple glyphs to be used  is
context-dependent. That is, whether trailing consonant is present
or what type of vowels (horizontal, vertical and hori-vertical ) is used 
and so forth.  This was all worked out and has been implemented
in Lambda (Unicode-enabled LaTeX,, 
Yudit( and Pango

The latter (Nxxx)  group of fonts have about glyphs for about 5500 precomposed
syllables (made out of L's, V's, and T's mentioned above) along
with a single set of glyphs for L, V, and T for on-the-fly generation
of glyphs for syllable by simple overstriking. 

Both sets of fonts would enable Mozilla to render about 1.5 million syllables. 

As a ground-work for making use of those fonts, converters have to 
be written for converting a sequence of characters to a sequence
of code points for glyphs. A similar work was done in the past for 
X11 BDF 'johab-1', 'johabs-1', 'johabsh-1' fonts so  that I expect
this can be done failry easily. In addition, a similar approach was taken
to make use of Mathematica and Computer Modern fonts in rendering

I'll try to begin to work on this soon.

Once this is done, next step would be make each rendering engine
(Gfx/window, Gfx/Gtk, Gfx/mac ) use this.
Ooops. I meant

BTW, bug 176290 is about enabling hack-encoded fonts in Mozilla with Xft. 
Keywords: intl
QA Contact: ruixu → ylong
Ngulim and Ogulim fonts are available at

When installing this under non-Korean Windows, garbbled text
will appear. (in case of Win2k/XP, locale can be set to Korean
to avoid this). However, extract.exe 
can be used to just extract two font files. Under
Linux, cabextract(
can be used. 

BTW, I put up the list of extra Jamos avaialble in Oxxx.ttf
The list of precomposed syllables (pre-1933-orthography)
in Nxxx.ttf is at
(Obviously, Ngulim.ttf has to be installed and Mozilla-Xft
works fine in that case.)

Assignee: yokoyama → jshin
adding back Roy to CC.
I want to be assigned this, but somehow my privilege has changed and I can't
accept this... 
Ever confirmed: true
Attached patch patch v1 (obsolete) (deleted) β€” β€” Splinter Review
The fist patch. Tentatively, I used charset name
'x-hykoreanjamo-0' and 'x-hykoreanjamo-1'
for Oxxx style fonts and Nxxx style fonts, respectively. I used
'hykoreanjamo-0' and 'hykoreanjamo-1' as their XLFDs. All of these
are subject to change (if there are better names) because I'm the only one
using this name at the moment :-).
Attached file nsUnicodeToJamoTTF.h (new) (obsolete) (deleted) β€”
Two classes (nsUnicodeToJamoOgTTF and nsUnicodeToJamoNgTTF) are derived
from base class (nsUnicodeToJamoTTF).
Attached file nsUnicodeToJamoTTF.cpp (new) (obsolete) (deleted) β€”
implementation of nsUnicodeToJamoTTF, nsUnicodeToJamoOgTTF,
Attached file jamodefs.h (obsolete) (deleted) β€”
Some macros for Hangul Jamos and encodings used in Nxxx and Oxxx fonts.
Attached file nsJamoConvUtil.h (new) (obsolete) (deleted) β€”
Utility class for dealing with Hangul Jamos
Attached file nsJamoConvUtil.cpp (new) (obsolete) (deleted) β€”
Utility class implementation
Attached file oj2ns.h (new) (obsolete) (deleted) β€”
Look-up tables for mapping extended Jamo sequences to precomposed syllables
(obsolete syllables) encoded in PUA in Nxxx fonts.  Unlike the mapping between
Hangul syllables(in U+AC00) and  Hangul Jamo seq., the mapping is not
The table is not yet complete because it's tedious and time-consuming
to type in about 5000 obsolete syllables. This file covers about 10% and
I'll update it.
Attached image a screenshot with New Gulim font (obsolete) (deleted) β€”
This shot was taken of Mozilla's rendering of
The font used is NewGulim.
Attached image a screenshot with New Gulim font (deleted) β€”
The rendering of with New Gulim font.
To the right of Mozilla is 'gedit' rendering almost identical content
(with my patch to Pango applied).
Attachment #104464 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attached image a screenshot with Old Gulim font (deleted) β€”
Mozilla rendering
with Old Gulim font.
How to test : 
At the moment, it only works with Mozilla using X11 core font. Mozilla with Xft
doesn't yet work (bug 176290 deals with the issue). Neither does it work
for MS Windows and MacOS. I guess what has been done for MathML
can be employed to make this work under MS Windows and MacOS. 

1. Downloadl New Gulim and Old Gulim as explained in comment #2. 
2. Put them somewhere on your machine (in a separate directory)
3. Make fonts.scale with the following content:

  Ngulim.ttf -HanYang-Newgulim-medium-r-normal--0-0-0-0-p-0-iso10646-1
  Ogulim.ttf -HanYang-Oldgulim-medium-r-normal--0-0-0-0-p-0-iso10646-1

4. Run 'mkfontdir' in the directory
5. Make fonts.alias with the following content:

-HanYang-NewGulimJamo-medium-r-normal--0-0-0-0-p-0-hykoreanjamo-1 \
-HanYang-OldGulimJamo-medium-r-normal--0-0-0-0-p-0-hykoreanjamo-0 \  

'\' at the end denotes the continuation and two lines separated by '\' have to be
concatenated into one line. 

6. If your XFree86 (Linux/FreeBSD/NetBSD) configuration is set up to load 
'freetype' module by default, just running 'xset fp+ `pwd` ' will make
these fonts available. You can change XF86 configuration to load 'freetype'
module next time you launch X server. 

7. If not, you have two options. 
  A. Add the directory to the list of paths searched by xfs (most Linux
     these days use xfs) in your xfs configuration file (/etc/X11/fs/config or
    /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fs/config) and relaunch xfs ('kill -USR1 PID_of_xfs' will
    do it.
  B. Run a separate xfs at a different port. In that case, you have to make
     xfs configuration file. 

When bug 176290 is resolved, Xft-enabled Mozilla would relieve end-users
of this chore completely. 
It'd be very nice if somebody could review my patch. (There are for sure
some rough edges.)  I'm not sure whom to ask for review.

The goal of this bug 
is writing a converter for these custom-encoded fonts and I think
I achieve the goal except for  4,500  syllables missing in 
the conversion table(oj2ns.h) from Jamo seq. to precomposed syllable
glyphs in Nxxx style fonts.(see comment #10). Not having
them doesn't prevent Nxxx style fonts from rendering
the total of 1.5 million syllables because they have fall-back
glyphs for combining Jamos. These fall-back glyphs can be
used for on-the-fly generation of glyphs for syllables.  
I gave wrong URLs in comment #12 and comment #13.They should be

Two more test pages are up at

(You can figure out how the page should be rendered by looking at with Mozilla-Xft or Mozilla-FT with
CODE2000 font installed.)

While testing two pages above, I found a problem
with my converter dealing with the end of a run. Actually, I think I'm
doing the right thing (except that it doesn't yet check the output buffer
overrun) with 'Finish' and 'Convert' method. (What I did is similar to
what's done in nsUnicodeToUTF8 to deal with surrogate pairs). It seems like
'Finish' method is called NOT before BUT after the first character NOT
representable by my converter. That is, when 'C_1C_2C_3C_4N' (where
C_i's stand for covered characters and N is for a non-representable character)
and C_4 is in the buffer without being committed (because characters to come in
next chunk of input can combine with C_4 just like high surrogate in UTF-16 
can combine with low surrogate ) when N is encountered. 'Finish' method seems to
be invoked AFTER 'N' is rendered instead of BEFORE 'N' is rendered.
The result is 'C_1C_2C_3NC_4'. Could any one shed some light on this?
I'll also look around. Thank you.
I found out the cause of the problem mentioned in my previous comment. 
I made a false assumption that Finish method would be called
everytime a Unicode char. sequence entirely convered by nsUnicodeToJamoTTF
is followed by a Unicode character not covered by it. Instead, what's
left in the internal buffer(mJamos) is processed next time 
Convert method is invoked, which is when a next chunk of covered
seq. follows a chunk of unconvered sequence. Therefore, 'C1C2C3C4NC5C6'
is rendered as 'C1C2C3NC4C5C6' if 'C4' is left unprocessed in the internal
buffer. In case of nsUnicodeToUTF8, this never happens because it covers
the entire Unicode char. repertoire as opposed to a subset. 

A work-around is just assume that NO input chunk ever ends in the *middle*
of a syllable as is done in nsUnicodeToSunIndic(), nsUnicodeToTIS620,
and nsUnicodeToX11Johab. 
 I'm not sure whether that's a valid assumption.
It seems not, but it's rather tough to handle this case correctly
without changing the way Convert() and Finish() are invoked by charset converter
clients(e.g. gfx rendering routines). Of course, I'd be glad to know
if there's any reason unknown to me that the assumption aforementioned
is always valid. 

Attached file nsJamoConvUtil.cpp(new) (obsolete) (deleted) β€”
Now a sequence like 'L*SV*M?' or 'L*ST*M?' (L is for leading consonant,
V for voewl, T for trailing consonant, M for tone mark and S for
precomposed modern Hangul syllable. '*' and '?' are used
as in regular expression) is treated in JamoNormalize() according to 
Unicode 3.2 section 3.11 along with Unicode 2.0 Jamo compatibilty
Attachment #104462 - Attachment is obsolete: true
I've just filed bug 177877 to make use of conveters I'm implementing
here under MS Windows. I also found several problems in my converters
while trying to make use of them under MS Windows. Somehow, what worked
perfectly under Linux(compiled with gcc) broke down under MS Windows
(comp. by VC++). Anyway, I'll upload updated patches soon. 
Attached file jamodefs.h (obsolete) (deleted) β€”
Attachment #104460 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attached file nsJamoConvUtil.h (obsolete) (deleted) β€”
Attachment #104461 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attached file nsJamoConvUtil.cpp (obsolete) (deleted) β€”
Attachment #104698 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attached file nsUnicodeToJamoTTF.h (obsolete) (deleted) β€”
Attachment #104457 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attached file nsUnicodeToJamoTTF.cpp (obsolete) (deleted) β€”
Attachment #104459 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attached file nsUnicodeToJamoTTF.cpp (a new file: make fontconfig happy) (obsolete) (deleted) β€”
fontconfig (and in turn Xft) don't like blank glyphs at code points
not listed in the blank glyph list of fonts.conf file. Since Ogulim
and similar fonts have custom-encoding for Hangul LC and Vowel
fillers, Xft replace them with empty boxes. To work around
that, nsUnicodeToJamoOgTTF class was modified a little
to turn out the regular(official) Unicode position for	LFill and VFill
instead of custom-code points. They're just fillers and only
requirement for them is that they are blank and Vfill is non-advancing
while Lfill is advancing.
Attachment #105011 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attached file nsJamoConvUtil.h (obsolete) (deleted) β€”
expanded the coverage to include Hanjas (CJK Ideographs: Ng font
has the full coverage of CJK Ideographs from U+3400 to U+9Fa5) , symbols
defined in KS X 1001 and US-ASCII.
Attachment #105008 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attached file nsJamoConvUtil.cpp (obsolete) (deleted) β€”
Attachment #105009 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attached file nsJamoConvUtil.cpp (obsolete) (deleted) β€”
sorry there was a typo...
Attachment #105775 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attached file nsUnicodeToJamoTTF.h (obsolete) (deleted) β€”
Attached file nsUnicodeToJamoTTF.cpp (obsolete) (deleted) β€”
the coverage is expanded to include pre-1933 precomposed syllables
in PUA code points. There are quite a lot of pre-1933 Korean text
represented in PUA code points of Ngulim-like fonts. Some examples
are at
Attachment #105010 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #105332 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attached file nsJamoConvUtil.h (obsolete) (deleted) β€”
Attachment #105774 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attached file nsJamoConvUtil.cpp (obsolete) (deleted) β€”
There's a typo in a script used to generate one of mapping tables. The mapping
affected was fixed.
Attached file nsUnicodeToJamoTTF.h (obsolete) (deleted) β€”
Compiling with VC++ 6 under Windows, I found a couple of glitches uncaught by
gcc and fixed them.
Attachment #105778 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #105779 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attached file nsUnicodeToJamoTTF.cpp (obsolete) (deleted) β€”
Could I get a review? Thank you..
Attachment #105781 - Attachment is obsolete: true
FYI, with patches for bug 177877 and bug 176290, this patch enables Mozilla
under Windows and Mozilla-Xft(Linux/*BSD) to render old Korean. 
For MacOS, probably no change is necessary (or just a rather simple
change a la patch for bug 177877). So, this is not only for Mozilla-X11core.
Attached patch all in one patch (obsolete) (deleted) β€” β€” Splinter Review
Fixed an overflow problem in the comparison function.
BTW, with this patch, Xprint can be used to print Old Korean pages
represented in U+1100 Jamos. Therefore, this patch is 
'the' infrastructure to render U+1100 Jamos
with/under  X11core, Xprint, Xft, Windows and MacOS.
Attachment #104456 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #104463 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #105006 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #106453 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #106454 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #106457 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #106458 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Comment on attachment 108535 [details] [diff] [review]
all in one patch 

Simon or Roy, can you review?

Not to make this kinda Trojan horse, 
I have to tell you that this will
eventually (the bulk of data is
missing although without it
it still works ) increase the size of by 
45k-60k. However, according to what alecf wrote when he combined all ucv*so/dll
into one,
this shouldn't affect the memory footprint for those who never view old Korean.
Attachment #108535 - Flags: review?(smontagu)
Comment on attachment 108535 [details] [diff] [review]
all in one patch 

Transferring review request to ftang.
Attachment #108535 - Flags: review?(smontagu) → review?(ftang)
Just to help expedite the review process, here's a brief explanation(most of
which has already been mentioned here before).

This patch is very similar, in the spirit, to what's done in
This is  more complicated and extensive because the mapping rules
from a sequence of U+1100 Jamos to a sequence of glyphs in Ogulim and Ngulim 
fonts are more complex than the mapping used for 'X11Johab' fonts. As I wrote
this is the foundation for supporting old Korean  on all the platforms
(Mozilla-X11corefont, Mozilla-xft, Mozilla-Win, Mozilla under MacOS,Xprint) while
nsUnicodeToX11Johab.cpp is only for Mozilla-X11corefont. 
It also includes 'normalization' (see |JamoNormalize| in
nsJamoConvUtil.cpp) of Jamo sequences which converts 
a sequence of basic Jamos (e.g. U+1100 U+1100) to a single cluster Jamo(U+1101).
That normalization (compatibility) was removed sometime between Unicode 2.0 and
3.0(which I regard as a very critical mistake), but it's very likely that it
will be reintroduced as a 'named tailoring' to the Unicode normalization (not a
part of the _frozen_ Unicode

In comment #37, I wrote: 
> the bulk of data is missing although without it it still works.
 The missing data is in oj2ns.h (see comment #10). The reason it still works
with an incomplete look-up table is that |nsUnicodeToJamoNgTTF|
has a fallback for Jamo sequences for which no precomposed
syllable glyph is available. 
Attached patch a new patch against the current cvs (obsolete) (deleted) β€” β€” Splinter Review
I removed NS_SUPPORTS.... (which was removed across mozilla-tree recently)
and made a patch against the current cvs.

Frank, can you review the patch? As I wrote before, this patch
is basically a more sophisticated version of what you checked
in for X11 Johab fonts 3 or 4 years ago.(nsUnicodeToX11Johab.cpp).

1.4alpha cycle seems to be good for checking in this
because bug 177877 was fixed and bug 176290 is likely to be fixed
soon because Chris finally appears to have some time to test my
patch and work on it.
Attachment #108535 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #108535 - Flags: review?(ftang)
Comment on attachment 116275 [details] [diff] [review]
a new patch against the current cvs

sorry for spamming.
Attachment #116275 - Flags: superreview?(dbaron)
Attachment #116275 - Flags: review?(ftang)
Comment on attachment 116275 [details] [diff] [review]
a new patch against the current cvs

Frank may be too busy to
review this patch. Roy,
could you take a look?
I really love to see this
go in for 1.4. The patch is very long, but actually, it's pretty simple (if
some long tables are excluded) It defines two
new font-specific encoders and that's about it. As I wrote before, this is an
extension of Frank's patch to support X11Johab
fonts back in 1998.
Attachment #116275 - Flags: review?(ftang) → review?(yokoyama)
1) Sorry, but I see non-ascii chars in the comments. (korean?)
   It is advisable not to have those chars in the code.  They may
   cause compiler errors in different system local (eg. Win-Ja)
   MSVC++6 is not an unicode app. It has problem with non-system chars.
2) I think we you remove the space between '!' and 'length'.  There was one other
   place with similar syntax.
   eg. if (! length)

I don't see Frank's email address in cc list.
I'll ping ftang if he can review your patch in the timely manner.  
Your patch looks good though.

Thanks a lot, Roy, for reviewing and noticing that Frank was not on CC.
I'm at loss as to why I hadn't noticed it before. I thought I added him
when I filed this bug. 

> I see non-ascii chars in the comments. (korean?)
> It is advisable not to have those chars in the code

  I fully agree with you on the point. I'll replace
them with transliteration in US-ASCII. BTW, Win32 VC++ 6 
(both EN and KO) doesn't seem to  mind having UTF-8 comments.
(In CP949 or EUC-KR, it's impossible to represent those 
characters :-)) 

>  if (! length)

 Oh, that's my habit... I'll take care of it. 
Attached patch a new streamlined patch (obsolete) (deleted) β€” β€” Splinter Review
I removed support for non-free 'New Gulim/Old Gulim' fonts I didn't feel
comfortable about. In their places, I put support for a series of GPL'd  fonts
(UnBatang, UnGulim, UnDotum, etc) that are currently being developed by Won-Kyu
The first in the series(UnBatang) is available at
The font is still a work in progress and Hangul Jamo glyphs are not so refined
as those of Ogulim font, but they'll get better. 

With support for Ngulim gone, this patch won't increase uconv dll/so 
as much as I mentioned in my earlier comment because about 50kB array
for Ngulim-like fonts is NOT necessary any more. 

Also in this patch, I got rid of nsJamoConvUtil.cpp and put all the auxillary
methods defined for it into nsUnicodeToJamoTTF.cpp as static functions.

With bug 176320 about to be fixed soon (my patch was sr'd and is now waiting
for review), it'd be great to get this patch in as well. This has been
waiting for several months.  

BTW, a couple of new test pages were put up at
Attachment #116275 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Summary: need to have converters for rendering Old Korean text with Nxxx and Oxxx fonts → need to have converters for rendering Old Korean text with Un series fonts
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla1.4beta
Attachment #116275 - Flags: superreview?(dbaron)
Attachment #116275 - Flags: review?(yokoyama)
Comment on attachment 121104 [details] [diff] [review]
a new streamlined patch

Asking review. 
There's a little mix-up from another
patch. Please, ignore 'nsEunsureUTF8'
lines in nsUConvModule.*.
Attachment #121104 - Flags: superreview?(bzbarsky)
Attachment #121104 - Flags: review?(ftang)
Not sure when I'll get to this (certainly not till Wed), but one thing that
leapt out at me was that the big tables should all be const, no?
Attached patch patch with static array size reduced (deleted) β€” β€” Splinter Review
Thanks, Boris, for pointing out const problem. I turned them all to const
static. Your comment
also prompted me to replace PRUnichar with PRUint8 in several const static
arrays saving about 3kB.  
In addition, two  files(in gfx/src/gtk and gfx/src/Xlib) I forgot to include in
the previous patch are 
included along with the patch for file. 
As for sr, thank you for letting me know your schedule. I'll ask if rbs(who
several converters for MathML) can review it
Attachment #121104 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #121104 - Flags: superreview?(bzbarsky)
Attachment #121104 - Flags: review?(ftang)
Comment on attachment 121152 [details] [diff] [review]
patch with static array size reduced

Attachment #121152 - Flags: review+
Comment on attachment 121152 [details] [diff] [review]
patch with static array size reduced

Thank you for r, Frank. Now asking for sr.
Attachment #121152 - Flags: superreview?(rbs)
Comment on attachment 121152 [details] [diff] [review]
patch with static array size reduced


+#include "nsUCvKODll.h"
+#include "nsUnicodeToJamoTTF.h"
+#include "jamodefs.h"
+#include "prmem.h"

why bother with a separate, tiny, jamodefs.h file? 

+#include "jclusters.h"

save people from guessing: |jamoclusters.h|
Attachment #121152 - Flags: superreview?(rbs) → superreview+
Minor nit:
-- snip --
+ *
+ * Contributor(s): Jungshik Shin <>
+ *
-- snip --
... can you change that to ...
-- snip --
+ *
+ * Contributor(s):
+ *   Jungshik Shin <>
+ *
-- snip --
in all places where it occurs (just to make automated processing of that stuff
less painfull :) , please ?
Thank you all. Fix just got checked in  with Roger's and Roland's concerns
Closed: 22 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
FYI, the checkin for this patch broke several tinderboxes due to a basic C++
porting issue.

There was also OS/2 bustage caused by mis-matched function declaration/definitions.

E:/OS2_2.45_Clobber/mozilla/intl/uconv/ucvko/nsUnicodeToJamoTTF.cpp(875:10) :
error EDC3068: Function overloading conflict between
"nsresult(PRUnichar*,PRInt32*,PRInt32)" and "nsresult(PRUnichar*,PRInt32*,const
E:/OS2_2.45_Clobber/mozilla/intl/uconv/ucvko/nsUnicodeToJamoTTF.cpp(939:38) :
error EDC3071: Call to "ScanDecomposeSyllable" matches more than one function.
I'm sorry for stupid mistakes and thank you for fixing them on my behalf.
I should have gone off making sure that at least Linux/MacOS/Win32 
got built all right (I do, but this time I was too excited(?)..)
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