Closed Bug 177166 Opened 22 years ago Closed 21 years ago

Hard to get focus back to location bar after control+enter to load URL in new tab


(Core :: DOM: UI Events & Focus Handling, defect)

Not set





(Reporter: jmd, Assigned: aaronlev)


(Depends on 2 open bugs)


(Keywords: access, Whiteboard: 100 US$ reward available for fixing this bug)


(1 file)

Typeaheadfind is occasionally conflicting with access keys. Often after doing a TAF search, switching to another app, then coming back to mozilla, ^L and ^T do not work. I'll type ^Lwww... and it tries to search for www in the page instead of writing that in the location bar. It's happened 5 or so times to me ever since TAF was included, but I do not know exactly how to reproduce it. Happened again today with Linux 2002102308.
To the right component..
Assignee: blaker → aaronl
Component: XP Apps: GUI Features → Keyboard Navigation
QA Contact: paw → sairuh
Need test case. Is this happening while your document is still loading, or does that not matter? I think the real bug might be that the URL bar isn't taking focus immediately when you hit Accel+L.
Blocks: isearch
No, page is definately finished loading when this has happened. It seems like it's a focus issue. I've seen moz in another confused-focus state, where the URL bar contents were selected (highlighted), I switch back to moz, try to type in the address bar, doesn't work. Have to switch away and back again. Seperate question. Trying to reproduce here, I notice ctrl-L won't fire when a form element is selected, like all the <select>s on this page. Is that by design? It makes it very had to use the keybord to get back to the URL bar, especially on a page like this one where there are 30 or so form elements in a row. So if that's not by design, I'll file a seperate bug.
Hardware: PC → All
Another issue with typeaheadfind/focus I've seen twice today: I'll load a new URL. Window title bar updates. Favicon updates. Page won't change though. It's still the last one I was at. Mozilla isn't still rendering though. It's done with whatever it's going to do. Status bar shows: "Type ahead find stopped." I usually have to close that tab to have order restored. Sometimes clicking the file menu (with the mouse, keyboard won't work) with cause the new page to show (instantly. No rendering time. As if it switches to the new page buffer which was already there waiting.) If it's any help, I noticed this time, when it was in this state, I couldn't middle-click paste a new URL into that tab either. Mozilla did not react at all when middle clicking in the document body. When I manually insert it in the URL bar is when the favicon/title changed. I love TAF, but it has some serious focus issues that conflict with other parts of mozilla.
Now clicking on links in the page will update the title/favicon, but they are not loaded. Status bar still just says "Type ahead find stoped." I've seen this bahavior before (but somewhat recent) as well.
The issues with accelerators not working when you're focused on a <select> is bug 119696. That fix will probably go into 1.3 alpha, unless it gets approved for 1.2. Jeremy, are you sure it's typeaheadfind that's causing your page loading problem? Please try other ways of going to a new page.
Changing summary to say "accelerators" The term accesskeys is specific to keys specified by an underlined character in a prompt. For example, Alt+F for File.
Summary: Typeaheadfind conflicts with access keys → Typeaheadfind conflicts with keyboard accelerators -- focus/timing?
In Phoenix 0.4/Windows XP, I can add bindings to "NextTab"/"PrevTab" ie, "tabbox._tabs.advanceSelectedTab(+1/-1)", by adding a case to the "switch (event.keyCode)" statement in "content/global/widgets/tabbox.xml" and rebuilding .../chrome/toolkit.jar. For example, the following works fine: case event.DOM_VK_F9: if (!event.ctrlKey && !event.shiftKey && (event.altKey || event.metaKey)) if (this.tabbox._tabs && this.tabbox.handleCtrlPageUpDown) { this.tabbox._tabs.advanceSelectedTab(1); event.stopPropagation(); event.preventDefault(); } break; But with a similar "case on DOM_VK_N", typing meta-N, simply yields that beep that is new w/ typeahead find. In fact, meta-[A-Z] (except DWZ) ALL give that beep, suggesting they get gobbled up before hitting this tabbox code. I have made similar tabbox customizations up through Mozilla 1.1 (and perhaps 1.2a) that is, prior to tabbox.xml r1.21 and typeahead find, but this is new behavior to me.
I don't think typeaheadfind is doing anything different. We listen to keys that are occuring in the content window, not in the URL bar. When you type ^Lwww... and it tries to search, see what down arrow does. If down arrow is scrolling the page, then it's definitely a general focus problem -- nothing to do with typeaheadfind. For example, I notice that sometimes the URL bar looks like it's focused, because it looks selected -- but it's really not.
Yes, it's likely the general focus issue. They seem to be more frequent since TAF was checked in, but that's likely just because I'm using the keyboard more often. Is there another bug for this?
I'm not sure which of the myriad focus issues we have, that this one is: I would look at meta bugs 83552, and 64451. Did you do the arrow key test I mentioned? That will tell us if it's a general focus issue.
More details using mozilla 1.2b (build id 2002091016) (This test scenario may look strange, but it reflects my usage habits ;) 1. Start mozilla 2. Go somewhere (ie. 3. Open new tab window (ie. ^, Ctrl-Enter) 4. a) immediately do ^Lwww b) click in body of page, then do ^Lwww c) click in location field, then body of page, then do ^Lwww d) click in location field, then do ^Lwww 4a-d all cause the text in the location bar to become selected when ^L is hit. 4a incorrectly does typeahead find (this is my common usage scenario) 4b also does typeahead find 4c works (www replaces location bar field text) 4d works For the tests that are doing the typeahead find, hitting down arrow does scroll the page.
I think Mozilla focuses the content when the page is first displayed. It doesn't care whether you're in the middle of typing in the URL bar, but it should.
I'm finding 3 bugs here using the test case propose in comment #12: 1. The keyboard is often completely unresponsive during the first part of a page load 2. Once the focus finally does appear to go to the URL bar, it's not actually there - it's really in the page 3. The focus is being bounced to the page as I type in the URL bar
Depends on: 55416, focusnav
OS: Linux → All
Summary: Typeaheadfind conflicts with keyboard accelerators -- focus/timing? → Hard to get focus back to location bar after control+enter to load URL in new tab
This hampers accessibility, as keyboard navigation stops working correctly.
Keywords: access, mozilla1.3
In reply to comment #9. It happened again, here's the details: After a type ahead find, I hit ^L to load a new URL. URL bar highlighted, as if focus was there, but typing did a new TAF search. Hit ^L a bunch more times, never had any more affect. The URL bar stayed hilighted, arrow keys and pgup/down scroll the page normall. Then I tried another hotkey, ^W was the first one that came to mind. That one worked, so, needless to say, that's the end of the testing.
*** Bug 194225 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Being _extremely_ annoyed by this bug and unable to fix it myself I have decided to put a reward out on this bug's head. I am willing to pay the person who removes this pest from Mozilla 100 US$ Maybe it should be a 50/50 split between a working patch and integrating this into the official sources, I'm not yet sure about the details. Some staff member might act as a trustee and get the money from me beforehand and give it out upon reaching these targets or I might do this myself. The details can be worked out, contact me directly or through this bug So please spread the word about this and help rid my browser of this abomination. CCing some staff members to get this on their radar, there is no established donation procedure I know of for
Whiteboard: 100 US$ reward available for fixing this bug
I really think this is fixed now. When through this bug carefully looking at all test testcases and found no problems (at least on Windows) Mozilla 1.8a2 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.8a2) Gecko/20040603 Looks like we won't know who to give the $100 to. Diego or anyone still seeing this? Marking WORKSFORME so someone else can verify.
Closed: 21 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
VERIFIED WORKSFORME on Linux 2004052006
(In reply to comment #20) > VERIFIED WORKSFORME on Linux 2004052006 I think the $100 offer should now go to another important bug that needs fixing :)
Component: Keyboard: Navigation → User events and focus handling
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