Closed Bug 1778917 Opened 2 years ago Closed 2 years ago

Email listing takes on content of another email (POP3)


(Thunderbird :: Folder and Message Lists, defect)

Thunderbird 102


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: RickSparky, Unassigned)


(Blocks 2 open bugs)


(Keywords: dupeme)


(1 file)

Attached image Project1.jpg (deleted) —

User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:102.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/102.0

Steps to reproduce:

I can't reliably reproduce this.

Actual results:

I look at an email once.... I leave it in my list of emails.... I look at others... I come back to it and it takes on the content of one of the other emails !! I've attached a screenshot.... I blurred out one of my email addresses and part of the Subject.
.... but as you can see: The listing and the email itself are completely different !
The listing is correct... and the content is from another email.

Expected results:

Email should be consistent. My workaround is I go back to the server (through a browser) and get it again.

This seems really serious. I wish I could reproduce it regularly... but it happens at least once every other day.... and I'm not a heavy email user.
I have multiple email accounts and they are all POP3.

This seems really serious. I wish I could reproduce it regularly... but it happens at least once every other day.... and I'm not a heavy email user.
I have multiple email accounts and they are all POP3.
... and... the actual email content is missing. the "&nb" is all that is in the content.

So.... the header is transposed, the original email is gone.... and there's no content. (I'm doing the best I can to describe it).

Yes Rick, have seen this before.

  • What's your exact version? ≡ > Help > About Thunderbird
Component: Untriaged → Folder and Message Lists
Keywords: dupeme
Summary: Email listing takes on content of another email → Email listing takes on content of another email (POP3)


Blocks: tb102found

(In reply to Thomas D. (:thomas8) from comment #3)

Yes Rick, have seen this before.

  • What's your exact version? ≡ > Help > About Thunderbird

102.0.1 (64-bit)

I'll bet this is due to compacting folders -- and it is not apparent to the reporter because the compacting is now automatic. See Bug 1778241, Bug 1778248, and similar in that series.

My experience has been that compacting often causes misalignment if there have been deletions. REPAIR FOLDER after the fact will fix the misalignment at the cost of one or two corrupted/lost messages. REPAIR should be run before COMPACT, but if the compact is automatic, one would not know to do it. I've disabled automatic compacting, then I manually do a repair before a manual compact. Seems to work so far.

(In reply to Dan Pernokis from comment #7)

I'll bet this is due to compacting folders -- and it is not apparent to the reporter because the compacting is now automatic. See Bug 1778241, Bug 1778248, and similar in that series.

My experience has been that compacting often causes misalignment if there have been deletions. REPAIR FOLDER after the fact will fix the misalignment at the cost of one or two corrupted/lost messages. REPAIR should be run before COMPACT, but if the compact is automatic, one would not know to do it. I've disabled automatic compacting, then I manually do a repair before a manual compact. Seems to work so far.

I don't know if this is related.... but I was interested in Repair... so... I Repaired my Inbox... and all kinds of things showed up:

  • Some that I had read and deleted
  • Some that I had moved previously to another folder. I deleted them again and they deleted from Inbox, but remained in folder where I'd previously moved them
  • I didn't specifically find the ones that had been replaced by another (original problem)... but am not sure.

On original problem: This has only happened (that I've seen) on Inbox.... not on ones where I've either moved them to a Local Folder.... or ones where a Filter has auto-moved them.

Um, yes. I've only ever seen this issue on INBOX too -- but haven't confirmed that aspect yet.

However, for the reappearance, I don't think it's the REPAIR doing that. See Bug 1778037 and similar -- the timed GET MESSAGES process for some reason triggers repeated downloading of messages, so they would appear farther down your inbox list where you likely don't look until after you run a repair and/or compact. Check the "Unread" counter in the lower right corner of the TB window -- probably more than the maybe one or two that just came in recently -- it would include a whack of duplicates too.

What I suggest is: For each account, under SERVER SETTINGS, uncheck the CHECK EVERY x MINUTES setting, and under ADVANCED, uncheck INCLUDE WHEN GETTING NEW MAIL. Then, YOU manually click the specific account(s) under GET MESSAGES button on a regular basis. From what I've seen so far, no more dups, just current. (In my experience, the GET MESSAGES button triggers something, so then the timed GET MESSAGES duplicates things. You'll see it in regular sudden increases in the "Unread" counter! So avoid the trigger, and disable the timed fetches...) But remember to re-check these settings when the problem is finally fixed in a newer TB.

Right, likely dupe of bug 1778241 and/or bug 1778037

Or rather bug 1777738 (which nay be related to those)

Closed: 2 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
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