Intermittent /webdriver/tests/bidi/browsing_context/dom_content_loaded/ | test_iframe - AssertionError
(Remote Protocol :: WebDriver BiDi, defect, P5)
(firefox-esr102 unaffected, firefox106 unaffected, firefox107 unaffected, firefox108 fixed, firefox109 fixed)
Tracking | Status | |
firefox-esr102 | --- | unaffected |
firefox106 | --- | unaffected |
firefox107 | --- | unaffected |
firefox108 | --- | fixed |
firefox109 | --- | fixed |
(Reporter: intermittent-bug-filer, Assigned: jdescottes)
(Keywords: assertion, intermittent-failure, regression)
(1 file)
Filed by: imoraru [at]
Parsed log:
Full log:
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.113Z] 01:25:35 INFO - PID 1315 | 1667611535111 webdriver::server DEBUG <- 200 OK {"value":null}
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.116Z] 01:25:35 INFO - STDOUT: =================================== FAILURES ===================================
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.116Z] 01:25:35 INFO - STDOUT: _________________________________ test_iframe __________________________________
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.117Z] 01:25:35 INFO - STDOUT: bidi_session = <webdriver.bidi.client.BidiSession object at 0x7f49bc5ffe10>
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.117Z] 01:25:35 INFO - STDOUT: new_tab = {'context': '53764fbf-7863-4ceb-99db-a99a8e3af73c'}
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.123Z] 01:25:35 INFO - STDOUT: test_page = 'http://web-platform.test:8000/webdriver/tests/support/'
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.123Z] 01:25:35 INFO - STDOUT: test_page_same_origin_frame = 'http://web-platform.test:8000/webdriver/tests/support/'
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.124Z] 01:25:35 INFO - STDOUT: async def test_iframe(bidi_session, new_tab, test_page, test_page_same_origin_frame):
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.124Z] 01:25:35 INFO - STDOUT: # Unsubscribe in case a previous tests subscribed to the event
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.125Z] 01:25:35 INFO - STDOUT: await bidi_session.session.unsubscribe(events=[DOM_CONTENT_LOADED_EVENT])
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.125Z] 01:25:35 INFO - STDOUT:
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.126Z] 01:25:35 INFO - STDOUT: events = []
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.126Z] 01:25:35 INFO - STDOUT:
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.127Z] 01:25:35 INFO - STDOUT: async def on_event(method, data):
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.127Z] 01:25:35 INFO - STDOUT: # Filter out events for about:blank to avoid browser differences
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.127Z] 01:25:35 INFO - STDOUT: if data["url"] != 'about:blank':
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.128Z] 01:25:35 INFO - STDOUT: events.append(data)
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.128Z] 01:25:35 INFO - STDOUT:
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.128Z] 01:25:35 INFO - STDOUT: remove_listener = bidi_session.add_event_listener(
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.128Z] 01:25:35 INFO - STDOUT: DOM_CONTENT_LOADED_EVENT, on_event
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.129Z] 01:25:35 INFO - STDOUT: )
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.129Z] 01:25:35 INFO - STDOUT: await bidi_session.session.subscribe(events=[DOM_CONTENT_LOADED_EVENT])
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.130Z] 01:25:35 INFO - STDOUT:
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.131Z] 01:25:35 INFO - STDOUT: await bidi_session.browsing_context.navigate(
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.132Z] 01:25:35 INFO - STDOUT: context=new_tab["context"], url=test_page_same_origin_frame
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.132Z] 01:25:35 INFO - STDOUT: )
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.133Z] 01:25:35 INFO - STDOUT:
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.134Z] 01:25:35 INFO - STDOUT: wait = AsyncPoll(
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.135Z] 01:25:35 INFO - STDOUT: bidi_session, message="Didn't receive dom content loaded events for frames"
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.143Z] 01:25:35 INFO - STDOUT: )
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.143Z] 01:25:35 INFO - STDOUT: await wait.until(lambda _: len(events) >= 2)
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.144Z] 01:25:35 INFO - STDOUT: assert len(events) == 2
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.144Z] 01:25:35 INFO - STDOUT:
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.144Z] 01:25:35 INFO - STDOUT: contexts = await bidi_session.browsing_context.get_tree(root=new_tab["context"])
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.144Z] 01:25:35 INFO - STDOUT:
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.144Z] 01:25:35 INFO - STDOUT: assert len(contexts) == 1
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.145Z] 01:25:35 INFO - STDOUT: root_info = contexts[0]
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.145Z] 01:25:35 INFO - STDOUT: assert len(root_info["children"]) == 1
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.146Z] 01:25:35 INFO - STDOUT: child_info = root_info["children"][0]
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.146Z] 01:25:35 INFO - STDOUT:
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.146Z] 01:25:35 INFO - STDOUT: > assert_navigation_info(events[0], root_info["context"], test_page_same_origin_frame)
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.147Z] 01:25:35 INFO - STDOUT: bidi_session = <webdriver.bidi.client.BidiSession object at 0x7f49bc5ffe10>
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.147Z] 01:25:35 INFO - STDOUT: child_info = {'children': [],
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.147Z] 01:25:35 INFO - 'context': '8589934593',
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.147Z] 01:25:35 INFO - 'url': 'http://web-platform.test:8000/webdriver/tests/support/'}
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.147Z] 01:25:35 INFO - STDOUT: contexts = [{'children': [{'children': [],
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.147Z] 01:25:35 INFO - 'context': '8589934593',
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.147Z] 01:25:35 INFO - 'url': 'http://web-platform.test:8000/webdriver/tests/support/'}],
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.147Z] 01:25:35 INFO - 'context': '53764fbf-7863-4ceb-99db-a99a8e3af73c',
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.147Z] 01:25:35 INFO - 'parent': None,
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.147Z] 01:25:35 INFO - 'url': 'http://web-platform.test:8000/webdriver/tests/support/'}]
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.147Z] 01:25:35 INFO - STDOUT: events = [{'context': '8589934593',
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.147Z] 01:25:35 INFO - 'navigation': None,
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.147Z] 01:25:35 INFO - 'url': 'http://web-platform.test:8000/webdriver/tests/support/'},
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.147Z] 01:25:35 INFO - {'context': '53764fbf-7863-4ceb-99db-a99a8e3af73c',
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.147Z] 01:25:35 INFO - 'navigation': None,
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.147Z] 01:25:35 INFO - 'url': 'http://web-platform.test:8000/webdriver/tests/support/'}]
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.148Z] 01:25:35 INFO - STDOUT: new_tab = {'context': '53764fbf-7863-4ceb-99db-a99a8e3af73c'}
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.149Z] 01:25:35 INFO - STDOUT: on_event = <function test_iframe.<locals>.on_event at 0x7f49bc7a8158>
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.149Z] 01:25:35 INFO - STDOUT: remove_listener = <function BidiSession.add_event_listener.<locals>.<lambda> at 0x7f49bc7a87b8>
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.151Z] 01:25:35 INFO - STDOUT: root_info = {'children': [{'children': [],
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.151Z] 01:25:35 INFO - 'context': '8589934593',
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.151Z] 01:25:35 INFO - 'url': 'http://web-platform.test:8000/webdriver/tests/support/'}],
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.151Z] 01:25:35 INFO - 'context': '53764fbf-7863-4ceb-99db-a99a8e3af73c',
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.152Z] 01:25:35 INFO - 'parent': None,
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.152Z] 01:25:35 INFO - 'url': 'http://web-platform.test:8000/webdriver/tests/support/'}
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.153Z] 01:25:35 INFO - STDOUT: test_page = 'http://web-platform.test:8000/webdriver/tests/support/'
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.154Z] 01:25:35 INFO - STDOUT: test_page_same_origin_frame = 'http://web-platform.test:8000/webdriver/tests/support/'
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.163Z] 01:25:35 INFO - STDOUT: wait = < object at 0x7f49bc61e6d8>
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.164Z] 01:25:35 INFO - STDOUT: tests/web-platform/tests/webdriver/tests/bidi/browsing_context/dom_content_loaded/
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.164Z] 01:25:35 INFO - STDOUT: :87:
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.165Z] 01:25:35 INFO - STDOUT: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.165Z] 01:25:35 INFO - STDOUT: event = {'context': '8589934593', 'navigation': None, 'url': 'http://web-platform.test:8000/webdriver/tests/support/'}
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.166Z] 01:25:35 INFO - STDOUT: context = '53764fbf-7863-4ceb-99db-a99a8e3af73c'
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.166Z] 01:25:35 INFO - STDOUT: url = 'http://web-platform.test:8000/webdriver/tests/support/'
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.167Z] 01:25:35 INFO - STDOUT: def assert_navigation_info(event, context, url):
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.167Z] 01:25:35 INFO - STDOUT: assert "context" in event
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.167Z] 01:25:35 INFO - STDOUT: assert isinstance(event["context"], str)
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.168Z] 01:25:35 INFO - STDOUT: > assert event["context"] == context
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.168Z] 01:25:35 INFO - STDOUT: E AssertionError
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.169Z] 01:25:35 INFO - STDOUT: context = '53764fbf-7863-4ceb-99db-a99a8e3af73c'
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.169Z] 01:25:35 INFO - STDOUT: event = {'context': '8589934593',
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.170Z] 01:25:35 INFO - 'navigation': None,
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.170Z] 01:25:35 INFO - 'url': 'http://web-platform.test:8000/webdriver/tests/support/'}
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.171Z] 01:25:35 INFO - STDOUT: url = 'http://web-platform.test:8000/webdriver/tests/support/'
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.171Z] 01:25:35 INFO - STDOUT: tests/web-platform/tests/webdriver/tests/bidi/browsing_context/
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.171Z] 01:25:35 INFO - STDOUT: :40: AssertionError
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.171Z] 01:25:35 INFO - STDOUT: =========================== short test summary info ============================
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.172Z] 01:25:35 INFO - STDOUT: FAILED tests/web-platform/tests/webdriver/tests/bidi/browsing_context/dom_content_loaded/
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.172Z] 01:25:35 INFO - STDOUT: ========================= 1 failed, 4 passed in 7.37s ==========================
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.181Z] 01:25:35 INFO -
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.181Z] 01:25:35 INFO - TEST-PASS | /webdriver/tests/bidi/browsing_context/dom_content_loaded/ | test_unsubscribe
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.182Z] 01:25:35 INFO - TEST-PASS | /webdriver/tests/bidi/browsing_context/dom_content_loaded/ | test_subscribe
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.182Z] 01:25:35 INFO - TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | /webdriver/tests/bidi/browsing_context/dom_content_loaded/ | test_iframe - AssertionError
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.182Z] 01:25:35 INFO - bidi_session = <webdriver.bidi.client.BidiSession object at 0x7f49bc5ffe10>
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.182Z] 01:25:35 INFO - new_tab = {'context': '53764fbf-7863-4ceb-99db-a99a8e3af73c'}
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.182Z] 01:25:35 INFO - test_page = 'http://web-platform.test:8000/webdriver/tests/support/'
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.182Z] 01:25:35 INFO - test_page_same_origin_frame = 'http://web-platform.test:8000/webdriver/tests/support/'
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.183Z] 01:25:35 INFO -
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.183Z] 01:25:35 INFO - async def test_iframe(bidi_session, new_tab, test_page, test_page_same_origin_frame):
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.183Z] 01:25:35 INFO - # Unsubscribe in case a previous tests subscribed to the event
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.183Z] 01:25:35 INFO - await bidi_session.session.unsubscribe(events=[DOM_CONTENT_LOADED_EVENT])
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.184Z] 01:25:35 INFO -
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.184Z] 01:25:35 INFO - events = []
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.184Z] 01:25:35 INFO -
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.185Z] 01:25:35 INFO - async def on_event(method, data):
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.185Z] 01:25:35 INFO - # Filter out events for about:blank to avoid browser differences
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.185Z] 01:25:35 INFO - if data["url"] != 'about:blank':
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.185Z] 01:25:35 INFO - events.append(data)
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.185Z] 01:25:35 INFO -
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.186Z] 01:25:35 INFO - remove_listener = bidi_session.add_event_listener(
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.186Z] 01:25:35 INFO - DOM_CONTENT_LOADED_EVENT, on_event
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.186Z] 01:25:35 INFO - )
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.186Z] 01:25:35 INFO - await bidi_session.session.subscribe(events=[DOM_CONTENT_LOADED_EVENT])
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.186Z] 01:25:35 INFO -
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.186Z] 01:25:35 INFO - await bidi_session.browsing_context.navigate(
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.186Z] 01:25:35 INFO - context=new_tab["context"], url=test_page_same_origin_frame
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.187Z] 01:25:35 INFO - )
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.187Z] 01:25:35 INFO -
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.188Z] 01:25:35 INFO - wait = AsyncPoll(
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.188Z] 01:25:35 INFO - bidi_session, message="Didn't receive dom content loaded events for frames"
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.188Z] 01:25:35 INFO - )
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.188Z] 01:25:35 INFO - await wait.until(lambda _: len(events) >= 2)
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.188Z] 01:25:35 INFO - assert len(events) == 2
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.189Z] 01:25:35 INFO -
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.189Z] 01:25:35 INFO - contexts = await bidi_session.browsing_context.get_tree(root=new_tab["context"])
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.190Z] 01:25:35 INFO -
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.190Z] 01:25:35 INFO - assert len(contexts) == 1
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.190Z] 01:25:35 INFO - root_info = contexts[0]
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.190Z] 01:25:35 INFO - assert len(root_info["children"]) == 1
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.190Z] 01:25:35 INFO - child_info = root_info["children"][0]
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.190Z] 01:25:35 INFO -
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.190Z] 01:25:35 INFO - > assert_navigation_info(events[0], root_info["context"], test_page_same_origin_frame)
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.190Z] 01:25:35 INFO -
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.190Z] 01:25:35 INFO - bidi_session = <webdriver.bidi.client.BidiSession object at 0x7f49bc5ffe10>
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.191Z] 01:25:35 INFO - child_info = {'children': [],
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.191Z] 01:25:35 INFO - 'context': '8589934593',
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.191Z] 01:25:35 INFO - 'url': 'http://web-platform.test:8000/webdriver/tests/support/'}
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.191Z] 01:25:35 INFO - contexts = [{'children': [{'children': [],
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.191Z] 01:25:35 INFO - 'context': '8589934593',
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.191Z] 01:25:35 INFO - 'url': 'http://web-platform.test:8000/webdriver/tests/support/'}],
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.191Z] 01:25:35 INFO - 'context': '53764fbf-7863-4ceb-99db-a99a8e3af73c',
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.191Z] 01:25:35 INFO - 'parent': None,
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.191Z] 01:25:35 INFO - 'url': 'http://web-platform.test:8000/webdriver/tests/support/'}]
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.192Z] 01:25:35 INFO - events = [{'context': '8589934593',
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.192Z] 01:25:35 INFO - 'navigation': None,
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.192Z] 01:25:35 INFO - 'url': 'http://web-platform.test:8000/webdriver/tests/support/'},
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.194Z] 01:25:35 INFO - {'context': '53764fbf-7863-4ceb-99db-a99a8e3af73c',
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.194Z] 01:25:35 INFO - 'navigation': None,
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.195Z] 01:25:35 INFO - 'url': 'http://web-platform.test:8000/webdriver/tests/support/'}]
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.195Z] 01:25:35 INFO - new_tab = {'context': '53764fbf-7863-4ceb-99db-a99a8e3af73c'}
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.195Z] 01:25:35 INFO - on_event = <function test_iframe.<locals>.on_event at 0x7f49bc7a8158>
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.195Z] 01:25:35 INFO - remove_listener = <function BidiSession.add_event_listener.<locals>.<lambda> at 0x7f49bc7a87b8>
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.196Z] 01:25:35 INFO - root_info = {'children': [{'children': [],
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.196Z] 01:25:35 INFO - 'context': '8589934593',
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.196Z] 01:25:35 INFO - 'url': 'http://web-platform.test:8000/webdriver/tests/support/'}],
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.197Z] 01:25:35 INFO - 'context': '53764fbf-7863-4ceb-99db-a99a8e3af73c',
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.197Z] 01:25:35 INFO - 'parent': None,
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.198Z] 01:25:35 INFO - 'url': 'http://web-platform.test:8000/webdriver/tests/support/'}
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.198Z] 01:25:35 INFO - test_page = 'http://web-platform.test:8000/webdriver/tests/support/'
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.199Z] 01:25:35 INFO - test_page_same_origin_frame = 'http://web-platform.test:8000/webdriver/tests/support/'
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.199Z] 01:25:35 INFO - wait = < object at 0x7f49bc61e6d8>
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.199Z] 01:25:35 INFO -
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.199Z] 01:25:35 INFO - tests/web-platform/tests/webdriver/tests/bidi/browsing_context/dom_content_loaded/
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.199Z] 01:25:35 INFO - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.199Z] 01:25:35 INFO -
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.199Z] 01:25:35 INFO - event = {'context': '8589934593', 'navigation': None, 'url': 'http://web-platform.test:8000/webdriver/tests/support/'}
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.199Z] 01:25:35 INFO - context = '53764fbf-7863-4ceb-99db-a99a8e3af73c'
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.200Z] 01:25:35 INFO - url = 'http://web-platform.test:8000/webdriver/tests/support/'
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.200Z] 01:25:35 INFO -
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.200Z] 01:25:35 INFO - def assert_navigation_info(event, context, url):
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.200Z] 01:25:35 INFO - assert "context" in event
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.200Z] 01:25:35 INFO - assert isinstance(event["context"], str)
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.200Z] 01:25:35 INFO - > assert event["context"] == context
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.200Z] 01:25:35 INFO - E AssertionError
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.200Z] 01:25:35 INFO -
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.200Z] 01:25:35 INFO - context = '53764fbf-7863-4ceb-99db-a99a8e3af73c'
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.200Z] 01:25:35 INFO - event = {'context': '8589934593',
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.201Z] 01:25:35 INFO - 'navigation': None,
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.201Z] 01:25:35 INFO - 'url': 'http://web-platform.test:8000/webdriver/tests/support/'}
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.201Z] 01:25:35 INFO - url = 'http://web-platform.test:8000/webdriver/tests/support/'
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.201Z] 01:25:35 INFO -
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.201Z] 01:25:35 INFO - tests/web-platform/tests/webdriver/tests/bidi/browsing_context/ AssertionError
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.201Z] 01:25:35 INFO - ..
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.201Z] 01:25:35 INFO - TEST-OK | /webdriver/tests/bidi/browsing_context/dom_content_loaded/ | took 7450ms
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.202Z] 01:25:35 INFO - PID 1315 | 1667611535136 webdriver::server DEBUG -> GET /status
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.202Z] 01:25:35 INFO - PID 1315 | 1667611535136 webdriver::server DEBUG <- 200 OK {"value":{"message":"","ready":true}}
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.250Z] 01:25:35 INFO - Closing logging queue
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.251Z] 01:25:35 INFO - queue closed
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.261Z] 01:25:35 INFO - Starting runner
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.266Z] 01:25:35 INFO - PID 2949 | 1667611535259 geckodriver INFO Listening on
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.525Z] 01:25:35 INFO - TEST-START | /webdriver/tests/bidi/browsing_context/get_tree/
Comment 1•2 years ago
:Sasha, since you are the author of the regressor, bug 1756610, could you take a look?
For more information, please visit auto_nag documentation.
Comment 2•2 years ago
Set release status flags based on info from the regressing bug 1756610
Comment hidden (Intermittent Failures Robot) |
Comment 4•2 years ago
The test currently assumes that the first DOMContentLoaded
event is always coming from the root context. But this doesn't seem to be always true given that following error:
task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.200Z] 01:25:35 INFO - > assert event["context"] == context
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.200Z] 01:25:35 INFO - E AssertionError
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.200Z] 01:25:35 INFO -
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.200Z] 01:25:35 INFO - context = '53764fbf-7863-4ceb-99db-a99a8e3af73c'
[task 2022-11-05T01:25:35.200Z] 01:25:35 INFO - event = {'context': '8589934593',
1667611532089 RemoteAgent TRACE WebDriverBiDiConnection 8fa8c1c2-2ef1-4abc-9d81-c03db05fd912 <- {"method":"browsingContext.domContentLoaded","params":{"context":"8589934593","navigation":null,"url":"http://web-platform.test:8000/webdriver/tests/support/"}}
1667611532092 RemoteAgent TRACE MessageHandler WINDOW_GLOBAL for session 98c8fee5-f583-4a62-a1f8-31ead4b012a4 is being destroyed
1667611532092 RemoteAgent TRACE Unregistered MessageHandler WINDOW_GLOBAL for session 98c8fee5-f583-4a62-a1f8-31ead4b012a4
1667611532303 RemoteAgent TRACE WebDriverBiDiConnection 8fa8c1c2-2ef1-4abc-9d81-c03db05fd912 <- {"method":"browsingContext.domContentLoaded","params":{"context":"53764fbf-7863-4ceb-99db-a99a8e3af73c","navigation":null,"url":"http://web-platform.test:8000/webdriver/tests/support/ ... 53Cdiv%253Efoo%253C%252Fdiv%253E%26mime%3Dtext%252Fhtml%26charset%3DUTF-8%27%3E%3C%2Fiframe%3E&mime=text%2Fhtml&charset=UTF-8"}}
Per HTML spec:
The DOMContentLoaded event fires after the transition to "interactive" but before the transition to "complete", at the point where all subresources apart from async script elements have loaded.
Doesn't it mean that we should always expect the iframe to send out the event first?
Assignee | ||
Comment 5•2 years ago
Discussed in triage and for domContentLoaded this is probably fundamentally racy, because we don't really block the frame on the parent and vice versa. We should probably rewrite the test so that it doesn't rely on any ordering here.
Comment hidden (Intermittent Failures Robot) |
Assignee | ||
Comment 7•2 years ago
This is frequently failing, we should fix it.
Assignee | ||
Comment 8•2 years ago
Comment 11•2 years ago
bugherder |
Comment 12•2 years ago
bugherder uplift |
Comment hidden (Intermittent Failures Robot) |