Closed Bug 1824772 Opened 1 year ago Closed 1 year ago

Explore caching jit hints in the process for eager baseline compilation


(Core :: JavaScript Engine: JIT, enhancement, P2)




114 Branch
Tracking Status
firefox114 --- fixed


(Reporter: denispal, Assigned: denispal)


(Blocks 2 open bugs, Regressed 1 open bug)


(Keywords: perf-alert, Whiteboard: [sp3])


(4 files, 1 obsolete file)

:smaug had an idea to cache warmup counters in the process so that we can skip the warmup iterations if we ever encounter the same function again as a new JSScript. I put together a rough prototype to test things out and results look fairly promising. The prototype is pretty unrealistic as it is, but there does seem to be some potential in doing something like this but in a better way.

unbounded hash table:


I will explore some more sane caching implementations next so that the tables are not so large.

Can you clarify what "jit hints" means, and whether this is useful for users or only for benchmarketting purposes?

We long had ideas of adding Jit hints, but only as part of the necko cache, which is not the same as a per-process cache.

Also, if you are looking at a per-process cache, then we should probably revive the intent of caching stencils across page reloads / navigation if there is definitely some interest for users.

Blocks: sm-runtime
Severity: -- → N/A
Type: task → enhancement
Priority: -- → P2

(In reply to Nicolas B. Pierron [:nbp] from comment #2)

Can you clarify what "jit hints" means, and whether this is useful for users or only for benchmarketting purposes?

We long had ideas of adding Jit hints, but only as part of the necko cache, which is not the same as a per-process cache.

Also, if you are looking at a per-process cache, then we should probably revive the intent of caching stencils across page reloads / navigation if there is definitely some interest for users.

The idea is to keep an in memory cache to record some basic info about to identify the script being executed (e.g. filename+sourceStart, or filehash+sourceStart) and whether it has entered baseline before and then if we encounter this function again in a navigation, reload or whatever, then we can skip the warmup and just eagerly baseline compile. So far it looks promising on benchmarks, but it does regress pageload by 2-4% so there needs to be tuning done there if we go with this approach.

(In reply to Denis Palmeiro [:denispal] from comment #3)

The idea is to keep an in memory cache to record some basic info about to identify the script being executed (e.g. filename+sourceStart, or filehash+sourceStart)

I think it would be better to rely on the cache entry ID provided by necko instead of re-inventing the wheel. The filename does not guarantee the uniqueness, and a hashes can theoretically have collision.

and whether it has entered baseline before and then if we encounter this function again in a navigation, reload or whatever, then we can skip the warmup and just eagerly baseline compile.

Have you looked at populating all baseline function eagerly, instead of gathering hints?

We discussed about doing off-thread, in addition to the concurrent delazification task.

(In reply to Nicolas B. Pierron [:nbp] from comment #4)

Have you looked at populating all baseline function eagerly, instead of gathering hints?

Yes, it gives roughly the same results on benchmarks. I imagine forcing eager baseline is much worse on pageload, but we've discussed possibly enabling it after the page has loaded instead of using hints.

The current bloom filter uses only 2 hash functions. Adding support for an additional hash value will give us another 2 hash functions to reduce false positives.

Add a pref, javascript.options.jitHints, to toggle eager baseline hints.

Depends on D175520

The hashed filename + sourceStart is used as a key for the in-process eager baseline hint cache. Caching the filename hash in the script source also avoids the need to hash it repeatedly.

Depends on D175521

This flag is not absolutely necessary, but it does help save some cycles and prevents additional lookups for the same script if we couldn't find it in the cache the first time.

Depends on D175522

Add a cache, based on a bloom filter, in the JIT Runtime that will exist for the process lifetime. Whenever a script is baseline compiled, we add a hint to the cache based on the script filename+sourceStart values. If we encounter this script again, during a navigation for example, then we can eagerly compile this script and skip the warmup.

Using a bloom filter does introduce false positives, so we try to maintain a false positivity rate of less than 1% and if we exceed this value we clear the cache.

Depends on D175523

Whiteboard: [sp3-experimental] → [sp3]
Attachment #9328621 - Attachment description: Bug 1824772: part 2 - Add jit option and static pref to toggle eager baseline hints. r=iain → Bug 1824772: part 1 - Add jit option and static pref to toggle eager baseline hints. r=iain
Attachment #9328622 - Attachment description: Bug 1824772: part 3 - Hash the filename used by script source and cache it. r=iain → Bug 1824772: part 2 - Hash the filename used by script source and cache it. r=iain
Attachment #9328623 - Attachment description: Bug 1824772: part 4 - Add a mutable script flag to indicate if an eager baseline hint is unavailable. r=iain → Bug 1824772: part 3 - Add a mutable script flag to indicate if an eager baseline hint is unavailable. r=iain
Attachment #9328624 - Attachment description: Bug 1824772: part 5 - Cache jit hints in the process for eager baseline compilation r=iain → Bug 1824772: part 4 - Cache jit hints in the process for eager baseline compilation r=iain
Attachment #9328620 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Depends on: 1828560
Attachment #9328621 - Attachment description: Bug 1824772: part 1 - Add jit option and static pref to toggle eager baseline hints. r=iain → Bug 1824772: part 1 - Add jit option and static pref to toggle eager baseline hints. r=iain!
Attachment #9328622 - Attachment description: Bug 1824772: part 2 - Hash the filename used by script source and cache it. r=iain → Bug 1824772: part 2 - Hash the filename used by script source and cache it. r=iain!
Attachment #9328623 - Attachment description: Bug 1824772: part 3 - Add a mutable script flag to indicate if an eager baseline hint is unavailable. r=iain → Bug 1824772: part 3 - Add a mutable script flag to indicate if an eager baseline hint is unavailable. r=iain!
Attachment #9328624 - Attachment description: Bug 1824772: part 4 - Cache jit hints in the process for eager baseline compilation r=iain → Bug 1824772: part 4 - Cache jit hints in the process for eager baseline compilation r=iain!,arai!

For posterity: this is the calculator we have been using to estimate the false positive rate:

Pushed by
part 1 - Add jit option and static pref to toggle eager baseline hints. r=iain
part 2 - Hash the filename used by script source and cache it. r=iain
part 3 - Add a mutable script flag to indicate if an eager baseline hint is unavailable. r=iain
part 4 - Cache jit hints in the process for eager baseline compilation r=iain,arai
Resolution: FIXED → ---
Target Milestone: 114 Branch → ---

(In reply to Narcis Beleuzu [:NarcisB] from comment #13)

Backed out for bc failures on browser_tabMatchesInAwesomebar.js

Backout link:
Log link:

Please also check:

I cannot reproduce this timeout locally, but looking at the test's history it does seem to happen intermittently although mostly on mac ( It appears that baseline compiling more eagerly on the parent process may cause this timeout to occur more frequently for the linux asan builds, although I'm not entirely sure why. There is some more history with the intermittent timeout's here as well

Increasing the timeout delay does make the test pass, but it seems that just limiting the hints cache to the content process is a more suitable workaround which also makes the test pass.

Flags: needinfo?(dpalmeiro)

(In reply to Norisz Fay [:noriszfay] from comment #14)

== Change summary for alert #38148 (as of Thu, 20 Apr 2023 11:08:33 GMT) ==


Ratio Test Platform Options Absolute values (old vs new)
7% speedometer3 windows10-64-shippable-qr fission webrender 227.98 -> 243.67

For up to date results, see:

Keywords: perf-alert
Pushed by
part 1 - Add jit option and static pref to toggle eager baseline hints. r=iain
part 2 - Hash the filename used by script source and cache it. r=iain
part 3 - Add a mutable script flag to indicate if an eager baseline hint is unavailable. r=iain
part 4 - Cache jit hints in the process for eager baseline compilation r=iain,arai
Depends on: 1829547

(In reply to Norisz Fay [:noriszfay] from comment #14)

== Change summary for alert #38217 (as of Tue, 25 Apr 2023 02:02:29 GMT) ==


Ratio Test Platform Options Absolute values (old vs new) Performance Profiles
2% linkedin LastVisualChange windows10-64-shippable-qr fission warm webrender 2,066.71 -> 2,019.25 Before/After
2% linkedin SpeedIndex windows10-64-shippable-qr fission warm webrender 765.67 -> 749.33 Before/After

For up to date results, see:

Regressions: 1832938
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