Closed Bug 1827777 Opened 2 years ago Closed 2 years ago

Intermittent /webdriver/tests/find_elements_from_shadow_root/ | test_find_elements[closed-partial link text-link text] - AssertionError: Expected value is not a dictionary or web element (!realm_->hasActiveAutoSetNewObjectMetadata_)


(Remote Protocol :: Marionette, defect, P5)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: intermittent-bug-filer, Unassigned)


(Depends on 1 open bug)


(Keywords: assertion, intermittent-failure)

Filed by: abutkovits [at]
Parsed log:
Full log:

[task 2023-04-13T02:47:18.513Z] 02:47:18     INFO - TEST-PASS | /webdriver/tests/find_elements_from_shadow_root/ | test_find_elements[closed-link text-full link text] 
[task 2023-04-13T02:47:18.513Z] 02:47:18     INFO - TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | /webdriver/tests/find_elements_from_shadow_root/ | test_find_elements[closed-partial link text-link text] - AssertionError: Expected value is not a dictionary or web element
[task 2023-04-13T02:47:18.513Z] 02:47:18     INFO - session = <Session b4823706-99dd-4d5c-84ee-b445a2aeeffc>
[task 2023-04-13T02:47:18.513Z] 02:47:18     INFO - get_test_page = <function get_test_page.<locals>.get_test_page at 0x7f9864cc9c20>
[task 2023-04-13T02:47:18.513Z] 02:47:18     INFO - using = 'partial link text', value = 'link text', mode = 'closed'
[task 2023-04-13T02:47:18.513Z] 02:47:18     INFO - 
[task 2023-04-13T02:47:18.513Z] 02:47:18     INFO -     @pytest.mark.parametrize("using,value",
[task 2023-04-13T02:47:18.513Z] 02:47:18     INFO -                              [("css selector", "#linkText"),
[task 2023-04-13T02:47:18.513Z] 02:47:18     INFO -                               ("link text", "full link text"),
[task 2023-04-13T02:47:18.513Z] 02:47:18     INFO -                               ("partial link text", "link text"),
[task 2023-04-13T02:47:18.513Z] 02:47:18     INFO -                               ("tag name", "a"),
[task 2023-04-13T02:47:18.513Z] 02:47:18     INFO -                               ("xpath", "//a")])
[task 2023-04-13T02:47:18.513Z] 02:47:18     INFO -     @pytest.mark.parametrize("mode", ["open", "closed"])
[task 2023-04-13T02:47:18.513Z] 02:47:18     INFO -     def test_find_elements(session, get_test_page, using, value, mode):
[task 2023-04-13T02:47:18.513Z] 02:47:18     INFO -         session.url = get_test_page(
[task 2023-04-13T02:47:18.513Z] 02:47:18     INFO -             shadow_doc="<div><a href=# id=linkText>full link text</a></div>",
[task 2023-04-13T02:47:18.513Z] 02:47:18     INFO -             shadow_root_mode=mode,
[task 2023-04-13T02:47:18.513Z] 02:47:18     INFO -         )
[task 2023-04-13T02:47:18.513Z] 02:47:18     INFO -         shadow_root = session.find.css("custom-element", all=False).shadow_root
[task 2023-04-13T02:47:18.513Z] 02:47:18     INFO -     
[task 2023-04-13T02:47:18.513Z] 02:47:18     INFO -         response = find_elements(session,, using, value)
[task 2023-04-13T02:47:18.513Z] 02:47:18     INFO -         response_value = assert_success(response)
[task 2023-04-13T02:47:18.513Z] 02:47:18     INFO -     
[task 2023-04-13T02:47:18.513Z] 02:47:18     INFO -         assert len(response_value) == 1
[task 2023-04-13T02:47:18.513Z] 02:47:18     INFO -     
[task 2023-04-13T02:47:18.513Z] 02:47:18     INFO -         # Script evaluation cannot use the DOM within a closed shadow root,
[task 2023-04-13T02:47:18.513Z] 02:47:18     INFO -         # that's why we assert on the copy of the shadow root on window.
[task 2023-04-13T02:47:18.514Z] 02:47:18     INFO -         expected = session.execute_script("""
[task 2023-04-13T02:47:18.514Z] 02:47:18     INFO -                 return window._shadowRoot.querySelector('#linkText')
[task 2023-04-13T02:47:18.514Z] 02:47:18     INFO -             """)
[task 2023-04-13T02:47:18.514Z] 02:47:18     INFO - >       assert_same_element(session, response_value[0], expected)
[task 2023-04-13T02:47:18.514Z] 02:47:18     INFO - 
[task 2023-04-13T02:47:18.514Z] 02:47:18     INFO - expected   = None
[task 2023-04-13T02:47:18.514Z] 02:47:18     INFO - get_test_page = <function get_test_page.<locals>.get_test_page at 0x7f9864cc9c20>
[task 2023-04-13T02:47:18.514Z] 02:47:18     INFO - mode       = 'closed'
[task 2023-04-13T02:47:18.514Z] 02:47:18     INFO - response   = <[ValueError('Sign not allowed in string format specifier') raised in repr()] Response object at 0x7f9864d34d50>
[task 2023-04-13T02:47:18.514Z] 02:47:18     INFO - response_value = [{'element-6066-11e4-a52e-4f735466cecf': 'a521d393-bdb3-4a5b-887b-47ca576cfcd2'}]
[task 2023-04-13T02:47:18.514Z] 02:47:18     INFO - session    = <Session b4823706-99dd-4d5c-84ee-b445a2aeeffc>
[task 2023-04-13T02:47:18.514Z] 02:47:18     INFO - shadow_root = <webdriver.client.ShadowRoot object at 0x7f9864d34a90>
[task 2023-04-13T02:47:18.514Z] 02:47:18     INFO - using      = 'partial link text'
[task 2023-04-13T02:47:18.514Z] 02:47:18     INFO - value      = 'link text'
[task 2023-04-13T02:47:18.514Z] 02:47:18     INFO - 
[task 2023-04-13T02:47:18.514Z] 02:47:18     INFO - tests/web-platform/tests/webdriver/tests/find_elements_from_shadow_root/ 
[task 2023-04-13T02:47:18.514Z] 02:47:18     INFO - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
[task 2023-04-13T02:47:18.514Z] 02:47:18     INFO - 
[task 2023-04-13T02:47:18.514Z] 02:47:18     INFO - session = <Session b4823706-99dd-4d5c-84ee-b445a2aeeffc>
[task 2023-04-13T02:47:18.514Z] 02:47:18     INFO - a = {'element-6066-11e4-a52e-4f735466cecf': 'a521d393-bdb3-4a5b-887b-47ca576cfcd2'}
[task 2023-04-13T02:47:18.514Z] 02:47:18     INFO - b = None
[task 2023-04-13T02:47:18.514Z] 02:47:18     INFO - 
[task 2023-04-13T02:47:18.514Z] 02:47:18     INFO -     def assert_same_element(session, a, b):
[task 2023-04-13T02:47:18.514Z] 02:47:18     INFO -         """Verify that two element references describe the same element."""
[task 2023-04-13T02:47:18.514Z] 02:47:18     INFO -         if isinstance(a, dict):
[task 2023-04-13T02:47:18.514Z] 02:47:18     INFO -             assert Element.identifier in a, "Actual value does not describe an element"
[task 2023-04-13T02:47:18.514Z] 02:47:18     INFO -             a_id = a[Element.identifier]
[task 2023-04-13T02:47:18.514Z] 02:47:18     INFO -         elif isinstance(a, Element):
[task 2023-04-13T02:47:18.514Z] 02:47:18     INFO -             a_id =
[task 2023-04-13T02:47:18.514Z] 02:47:18     INFO -         else:
[task 2023-04-13T02:47:18.515Z] 02:47:18     INFO -             raise AssertionError("Actual value is not a dictionary or web element")
[task 2023-04-13T02:47:18.515Z] 02:47:18     INFO -     
[task 2023-04-13T02:47:18.515Z] 02:47:18     INFO -         if isinstance(b, dict):
[task 2023-04-13T02:47:18.515Z] 02:47:18     INFO -             assert Element.identifier in b, "Expected value does not describe an element"
[task 2023-04-13T02:47:18.515Z] 02:47:18     INFO -             b_id = b[Element.identifier]
[task 2023-04-13T02:47:18.515Z] 02:47:18     INFO -         elif isinstance(b, Element):
[task 2023-04-13T02:47:18.515Z] 02:47:18     INFO -             b_id =
[task 2023-04-13T02:47:18.515Z] 02:47:18     INFO -         else:
[task 2023-04-13T02:47:18.515Z] 02:47:18     INFO - >           raise AssertionError("Expected value is not a dictionary or web element")
[task 2023-04-13T02:47:18.515Z] 02:47:18     INFO - E           AssertionError: Expected value is not a dictionary or web element
[task 2023-04-13T02:47:18.515Z] 02:47:18     INFO - 
[task 2023-04-13T02:47:18.515Z] 02:47:18     INFO - a          = {'element-6066-11e4-a52e-4f735466cecf': 'a521d393-bdb3-4a5b-887b-47ca576cfcd2'}
[task 2023-04-13T02:47:18.515Z] 02:47:18     INFO - a_id       = 'a521d393-bdb3-4a5b-887b-47ca576cfcd2'
[task 2023-04-13T02:47:18.515Z] 02:47:18     INFO - b          = None
[task 2023-04-13T02:47:18.515Z] 02:47:18     INFO - session    = <Session b4823706-99dd-4d5c-84ee-b445a2aeeffc>
[task 2023-04-13T02:47:18.515Z] 02:47:18     INFO - 
[task 2023-04-13T02:47:18.515Z] 02:47:18     INFO - tests/web-platform/tests/webdriver/tests/support/ AssertionError
[task 2023-04-13T02:47:18.534Z] 02:47:18     INFO - ...............
[task 2023-04-13T02:47:18.534Z] 02:47:18     INFO - TEST-OK | /webdriver/tests/find_elements_from_shadow_root/ | took 32100ms
[task 2023-04-13T02:47:18.535Z] 02:47:18     INFO - PID 3142 | 1681354038500	webdriver::server	DEBUG	-> GET /status
[task 2023-04-13T02:47:18.536Z] 02:47:18     INFO - PID 3142 | 1681354038500	webdriver::server	DEBUG	<- 200 OK {"value":{"message":"","ready":true}}
[task 2023-04-13T02:47:28.539Z] 02:47:28  WARNING - Forcibly terminating runner process
[task 2023-04-13T02:47:28.618Z] 02:47:28     INFO - Starting runner
[task 2023-04-13T02:47:28.618Z] 02:47:28     INFO - PID 3207 | 1681354048617	geckodriver	INFO	Listening on
[task 2023-04-13T02:47:28.817Z] 02:47:28     INFO - TEST-START | /webdriver/tests/find_elements_from_shadow_root/

The problem here is that WebDriver:ExecuteScript returns null after 6s of execution time. But note that right after we also do not have the window reference anymore:

[task 2023-04-13T02:47:02.360Z] 02:47:02     INFO - PID 3142 | 1681354022360	webdriver::server	DEBUG	-> POST /session/b4823706-99dd-4d5c-84ee-b445a2aeeffc/execute/sync {"script": "\n            return window._shadowRoot.querySelector('#linkText')\n        ", "args": []}
[task 2023-04-13T02:47:08.844Z] 02:47:08     INFO - PID 3142 | 1681354028844	webdriver::server	DEBUG	<- 200 OK {"value":null}
[task 2023-04-13T02:47:08.852Z] 02:47:08     INFO - STDOUT: FAILED
[task 2023-04-13T02:47:08.852Z] 02:47:08     INFO - PID 3142 | 1681354028851	webdriver::server	DEBUG	-> POST /session/b4823706-99dd-4d5c-84ee-b445a2aeeffc/timeouts {"implicit": 0}
[task 2023-04-13T02:47:08.869Z] 02:47:08     INFO - PID 3142 | 1681354028868	webdriver::server	DEBUG	<- 200 OK {"value":null}
[task 2023-04-13T02:47:08.870Z] 02:47:08     INFO - PID 3142 | 1681354028869	webdriver::server	DEBUG	-> POST /session/b4823706-99dd-4d5c-84ee-b445a2aeeffc/timeouts {"pageLoad": 300000}
[task 2023-04-13T02:47:08.891Z] 02:47:08     INFO - PID 3142 | 1681354028891	webdriver::server	DEBUG	<- 200 OK {"value":null}
[task 2023-04-13T02:47:08.892Z] 02:47:08     INFO - PID 3142 | 1681354028892	webdriver::server	DEBUG	-> POST /session/b4823706-99dd-4d5c-84ee-b445a2aeeffc/timeouts {"script": 30000}
[task 2023-04-13T02:47:08.941Z] 02:47:08     INFO - PID 3142 | 1681354028941	webdriver::server	DEBUG	<- 200 OK {"value":null}
[task 2023-04-13T02:47:08.942Z] 02:47:08     INFO - PID 3142 | 1681354028941	webdriver::server	DEBUG	-> GET /session/b4823706-99dd-4d5c-84ee-b445a2aeeffc/window
[task 2023-04-13T02:47:08.955Z] 02:47:08     INFO - PID 3142 | 1681354028954	webdriver::server	DEBUG	<- 404 Not Found {"value":{"error":"no such window","message":"Browsing context has been discarded","stacktrace":"RemoteError ... ontent/marionette/server.sys.mjs:249:9\n_onJSONObjectReady/<@chrome://remote/content/marionette/transport.sys.mjs:496:20\n"}}
[task 2023-04-13T02:47:08.955Z] 02:47:08     INFO - PID 3142 | 1681354028954	webdriver::server	DEBUG	-> GET /session/b4823706-99dd-4d5c-84ee-b445a2aeeffc/window/handles
[task 2023-04-13T02:47:08.964Z] 02:47:08     INFO - PID 3142 | 1681354028963	webdriver::server	DEBUG	<- 200 OK {"value":["86031dc2-c26d-47c0-87b2-0c4894736293"]}
[task 2023-04-13T02:47:08.965Z] 02:47:08     INFO - PID 3142 | 1681354028964	webdriver::server	DEBUG	-> POST /session/b4823706-99dd-4d5c-84ee-b445a2aeeffc/window {"handle": "86031dc2-c26d-47c0-87b2-0c4894736293"}
[task 2023-04-13T02:47:08.975Z] 02:47:08     INFO - PID 3142 | 1681354028974	webdriver::server	DEBUG	<- 404 Not Found {"value":{"error":"no such window","message":"Unable to locate window: 86031dc2-c26d-47c0-87b2-0c4894736293" ... ver/Errors.sys.mjs:468:5\nGeckoDriver.prototype.switchToWindow@chrome://remote/content/marionette/driver.sys.mjs:1230:11\n"}}
[task 2023-04-13T02:47:08.976Z] 02:47:08     INFO - STDERR: Ignored exception no such window (404): Unable to locate window: 86031dc2-c26d-47c0-87b2-0c4894736293

Checking the android log cat shows:

04-13 02:47:01.480 21175 21190 I Gecko   : 1681354021480	Marionette	DEBUG	0 -> [0,699,"WebDriver:ExecuteScript",{"args":[],"script":"\n            return window._shadowRoot.querySelector('#linkText')\n        "}]
04-13 02:47:01.500 21384 21399 F MOZ_Assert: Assertion failure: !realm_->hasActiveAutoSetNewObjectMetadata_ (Shouldn't nest AutoSetNewObjectMetadata), at /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/js/src/vm/Realm.h:904
04-13 02:47:01.500 21384 21399 F MOZ_Assert: #01: ???[/data/app/org.mozilla.geckoview.test_runner-1/lib/x86_64/ +0x58505e1]
04-13 02:47:01.500 21384 21399 F MOZ_Assert: 
04-13 02:47:01.501 21384 21399 F MOZ_Assert: #02: ???[/data/app/org.mozilla.geckoview.test_runner-1/lib/x86_64/ +0x5897482]
04-13 02:47:01.501 21384 21399 F MOZ_Assert: 
04-13 02:47:01.501 21384 21399 F MOZ_Assert: #03: ???[/data/app/org.mozilla.geckoview.test_runner-1/lib/x86_64/ +0x584f7ec]
04-13 02:47:01.501 21384 21399 F MOZ_Assert: 
04-13 02:47:01.501 21384 21399 F MOZ_Assert: #04: ???[/data/app/org.mozilla.geckoview.test_runner-1/lib/x86_64/ +0x59ef694]
04-13 02:47:01.501 21384 21399 F MOZ_Assert: 
04-13 02:47:01.501 21384 21399 F MOZ_Assert: #05: ???[/data/app/org.mozilla.geckoview.test_runner-1/lib/x86_64/ +0x59f060d]
04-13 02:47:01.511 21384 21399 F MOZ_Assert: #76: Java_org_mozilla_gecko_mozglue_GeckoLoader_nativeRun[/data/app/org.mozilla.geckoview.test_runner-1/lib/x86_64/ +0x74efe]
04-13 02:47:01.511 21384 21399 F MOZ_Assert: 
04-13 02:47:07.921 21175 21194 I Gecko   : [Parent 21175, Unnamed thread 7bd18f9229a0] WARNING: [1.1]: Ignoring message 'EVENT_MESSAGE' to unknown peer 344177FE30E3D2F9.9E43247CB8363DE3: file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/ipc/glue/NodeController.cpp:344
04-13 02:47:07.921 21175 21194 I Gecko   : [Parent 21175, Unnamed thread 7bd18f9229a0] WARNING: [1.1]: Ignoring message 'EVENT_MESSAGE' to unknown peer 344177FE30E3D2F9.9E43247CB8363DE3: file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/ipc/glue/NodeController.cpp:344
04-13 02:47:07.921 21175 21194 I Gecko   : [Parent 21175, Unnamed thread 7bd18f9229a0] WARNING: [1.1]: Ignoring message 'EVENT_MESSAGE' to unknown peer 344177FE30E3D2F9.9E43247CB8363DE3: file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/ipc/glue/NodeController.cpp:344
04-13 02:47:07.921 21175 21194 I Gecko   : [Parent 21175, Unnamed thread 7bd18f9229a0] WARNING: [1.1]: Ignoring message 'EVENT_MESSAGE' to unknown peer 344177FE30E3D2F9.9E43247CB8363DE3: file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/ipc/glue/NodeController.cpp:344
04-13 02:47:07.921 21175 21194 I Gecko   : [Parent 21175, Unnamed thread 7bd18f9229a0] WARNING: [1.1]: Ignoring message 'EVENT_MESSAGE' to unknown peer 344177FE30E3D2F9.9E43247CB8363DE3: file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/ipc/glue/NodeController.cpp:344
04-13 02:47:07.921 21175 21194 I Gecko   : [Parent 21175, Unnamed thread 7bd18f9229a0] WARNING: [1.1]: Ignoring message 'EVENT_MESSAGE' to unknown peer 344177FE30E3D2F9.9E43247CB8363DE3: file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/ipc/glue/NodeController.cpp:344
04-13 02:47:07.922 21175 21194 I Gecko   : [Parent 21175, Unnamed thread 7bd18f9229a0] WARNING: [1.1]: Ignoring message 'EVENT_MESSAGE' to unknown peer 344177FE30E3D2F9.9E43247CB8363DE3: file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/ipc/glue/NodeController.cpp:344
04-13 02:47:07.922 21175 21194 I Gecko   : [Parent 21175, Unnamed thread 7bd18f9229a0] WARNING: [1.1]: Ignoring message 'EVENT_MESSAGE' to unknown peer 344177FE30E3D2F9.9E43247CB8363DE3: file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/ipc/glue/NodeController.cpp:344
04-13 02:47:07.922 21175 21194 I Gecko   : [Parent 21175, Unnamed thread 7bd18f9229a0] WARNING: [1.1]: Rejecting introduction request from '2F79E1219DAB83EF.86C28ADC01D9B027' for unknown peer '344177FE30E3D2F9.9E43247CB8363DE3': file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/ipc/glue/NodeController.cpp:675
04-13 02:47:07.922  1658  2079 I ActivityManager: Process org.mozilla.geckoview.test_runner:tab15 (pid 21384) has died
04-13 02:47:07.923  1658  2079 D ActivityManager: cleanUpApplicationRecord -- 21384
04-13 02:47:07.923  1658  2079 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of crashed service org.mozilla.geckoview.test_runner/org.mozilla.gecko.process.GeckoChildProcessServices$tab15 in 1000ms
04-13 02:47:07.923 21175 21190 I Gecko   : [Parent 21175, Main Thread] WARNING: IPC Connection Error: [Parent][PContentParent] Send(msgname=PContent::Reply_DiscardBrowsingContext) Channel error: cannot send/recv: file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/ipc/glue/MessageChannel.cpp:1927
04-13 02:47:07.924 21239 21260 I Gecko   : [GPU 21239, Unnamed thread 7bd1a201f890] WARNING: [2F79E1219DAB83EF.86C28ADC01D9B027]: Could not be introduced to peer 344177FE30E3D2F9.9E43247CB8363DE3: file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/ipc/glue/NodeController.cpp:605
04-13 02:47:07.933 21175 21190 I Gecko   : [Parent 21175, Main Thread] WARNING: IPC message 'PBrowser::Msg_StopIMEStateManagement' discarded: actor cannot send: file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/ipc/glue/ProtocolUtils.cpp:504
04-13 02:47:07.934 21175 21190 I Gecko   : [Parent 21175, Main Thread] WARNING: IPC message 'PBrowser::Msg_Destroy' discarded: actor cannot send: file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/ipc/glue/ProtocolUtils.cpp:504
04-13 02:47:07.937 21175 21190 D GeckoViewContent: observe: oop-frameloader-crashed
04-13 02:47:07.938 21175 21190 I Gecko   : [Parent 21175, Main Thread] WARNING: No build ID mismatch: file /builds/worker/checkouts/gecko/dom/base/nsFrameLoader.cpp:3812
04-13 02:47:07.942 21175 21190 I Gecko   : 1681354027942	Marionette	TRACE	[8] Querying "executeScript" failed with AbortError, returning "null" as fallback
04-13 02:47:07.943 21175 21190 I Gecko   : 1681354027943	Marionette	DEBUG	0 <- [1,699,null,{"value":null}]

Means that the tab crashed due to the assertion. Otherwise we should not return null and this is tracked on bug 1761634.

So it looks like it is the same as bug 1827830.

Closed: 2 years ago
Depends on: 1761634
Duplicate of bug: 1827830
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
Summary: Intermittent /webdriver/tests/find_elements_from_shadow_root/ | test_find_elements[closed-partial link text-link text] - AssertionError: Expected value is not a dictionary or web element → Intermittent /webdriver/tests/find_elements_from_shadow_root/ | test_find_elements[closed-partial link text-link text] - AssertionError: Expected value is not a dictionary or web element (!realm_->hasActiveAutoSetNewObjectMetadata_)
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