Closed Bug 185671 Opened 22 years ago Closed 21 years ago

News filters: should server level be accessible in filters ui? Confusing in current build.


(MailNews Core :: Filters, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: laurel, Assigned: sspitzer)



Using dec 16 commercial trunk

Although I haven't tested extensively, it appears that we haven't implemented
server/account level news filter option.  In current trunk, it is possible to
access the server/account level and add a filter, it appears in the dat file,
but doesn't work.  Current trunk shows inconsistent access to the server level
in the filter ui scope dropdown. 

If we don't support server/account level, take access out in the filter ui. If
we do support it, make access in filter ui dropdown more consistent.

1.  You have at least one news account with a few newsgroups subscribed.
2.  Select the news server/account level then go to Tools|Message Filters.
Notice the scope dropdown selects the news server/account. You are able to add a
new filter for the account level, it will appear in dat file on disk, but won't
fire if matching news article downloaded on any subscribed group .
3.  Select a newsgroup then go to Tools|Message Filters. Notice the scope
dropdown selects the newsgroup. 
4.  Try to access the news server level from the filter ui when opened from
either mail or a selected newsgroup -- no access to the server level.

Result: inconsistent and possibly invalid access to server level for news filters.  

Expected:  if server level supported (doesn't appear to work, another issue
which can be reported separately if server level filtering should be
implemented) make accessible in filter dropdown from any access point. If server
level news filters not supported, suppress access altogether.
Summary: News filters: should server level accessible in filters ui? Confusing in current build. → News filters: should server level be accessible in filters ui? Confusing in current build.
Agree. If news server level not supported, we should default to the first 
available newgroup, or the default mail acct. If news server level is supported, 
it should be accessible directly from the Message Filters window (see File 
toobar button or New Folder for examples).
Keywords: nsbeta1
Mail triage team: nsbeta1-
Keywords: nsbeta1-
Keywords: nsbeta1
mass re-assign.
Assignee: naving → sspitzer
a "run filters on newsgroup/all newsgroups" should be available, too
invalid, as server wide news filters are coming.  see bug #19403
Closed: 21 years ago
Resolution: --- → INVALID
Product: MailNews → Core
Product: Core → MailNews Core
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