Closed Bug 185955 Opened 22 years ago Closed 19 years ago

saving mail to sent folder (and other folders) on local folders hangs


(MailNews Core :: Composition, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: minfrin, Assigned: bugzilla)



(Keywords: hang)

User-Agent:       Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux ppc; en-US; rv:1.2) Gecko/20021129
Build Identifier: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux ppc; en-US; rv:1.2) Gecko/20021129

After mail/news is open for a while, an attempt to send mail results in a
message saying "saving to sent mail folder". This message remains until cancel
is pressed. Message is not saved to mail folder.

Further investigation reveals that any attempt to write to any local folder
fails. The "save" function does nothing (no error message, no message in
Drafts). If the as-yet-unsaved-to-mail-folder message is cancelled, a warning is
issued saying "as yet unsaved". An attempt to say save to drafts results in a
message "unable to save to draft folder". At no point is a reason given as to why.

There is enough drive space on the volume.

Reproducible: Sometimes

Steps to Reproduce:
1. Use mail/news for a while
2. Send messages
3. See problem
For me, saving a message i'm composing or trying to send a message takes all of
the CPU cycles, then eventually crashes Mozilla. If trying to send a message,
the message never gets sent. Send -> crash. Isn't this a blocker? For me this is
reproducible always, and Mozilla doesn't need to be open for a while until it
becomes reproducible. I'm using this build:

Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.3b) Gecko/20021217

Please add "hang" and/or "crash" to the keywords (i can't do it myself), since
the program initially hangs, taking all CPU cycles, then crashes after a minute
or so. 
Hmmm... I just sent an e-mail and then saved a draft of another message, with no
hangs or crashes, even though i'm using the same Mozilla installation as before.
Maybe the problem has vanished as mysteriously as it appeared.
Blocks: 193931
Keywords: hang
Reporter, to troubleshoot this problem, please follow these steps. When you
reply, make sure to include your operating system version, and the build ID. The
build ID is located in the Mozilla title bar. If the problem is sovled, please
indicate what step solved it.

1. Make sure that the test machine you're running is in good condition. On
Windows 9x, run scandisk. On Windows NT/2000/XP, error-check the drives. On
*nix, check for filesystem errors. Furthermore, if you have an antivirus
program, make sure the antivirus definitions and program files are up to date.
Make sure you have recently scanned the system for viruses, and removed any you
find. Once this is complete, can you still reproduce the problem?

2. Download and install the latest trunk nightly build.  Running a nightly build
has a slight amount of risk involved. Back up your Mozilla data including your
bookmarks before proceeding. You can download the latest nightly build from . For example, for Windows,
download the file mozilla-win32-installer-sea.exe. Uninstall your current
Mozilla build. Make sure the new directory where you will install the new build
is completely empty, except for any plugins subdirectory. Install the nightly
build. Having done that, can you still reproduce the problem?

3. If it still fails, exit Mozilla. Go to your profile directory. Find the file
xul.mfl (or xul.mfasl on *nix). Rename it. Restart Mozilla. Does that solve the

Before following the next steps, create an SMTP log. Attach the SMTP log to this
bug. The steps for creating the log can be found here:

4. Is the computer you are running Mozilla on running an antivirus program? If
so, please detail what program and what version it is. Temporarily disable the
antivirus program. Then try to reproduce the problem you describe. Does the
problem still occur?

5. Go to Edit | Mail & Newsgroup Account Settings | Outgoing Server (SMTP) and
check "never" on whether to use a secure connection (SSL). Now try to reproduce
the problem. Does it still occur?

6. Go to Edit | Mail & Newsgroup Account Settings. In the appropriate account,
under Copies & Folders, unselect "place a copy in." Now try to reproduce the
problem. Does it still occur? If this works, is this an IMAP account? Are there
many messages in the sent folder?

7. Is the computer behind a firewall? If so, temporarily disable it, or put the
computer directly on the Internet. Can you still reproduce the problem? If not,
what product and version number is the firewall?

8. Delete all your SMTP server entries. Exit Mozilla. Restart Mozilla. Recreate
all your SMTP server entries. Can you still reproduce the problem?

If none of these steps work, please attach an SMTP log. 
I too am seeing same problem.  First few "copies to local folder" will work ok,
eventually they will stop, the error dialog will appear...either cancel or OK to
return to compose window results in browser crash.  This didn't happen in
Moz1.4, but now in Moz1.5-200310007, win2k.

Will follow troubleshooting instructions below and report back.
I have been using 1.6b, 2003112108 on win2k for a few days now, and the problem
has not yet recurred.  There does seem to be a slight pause which preceeds the
copying to sent mail folder (this is the point where it would hang), but it
completes without error now.  Will continue to use for a few more days, and if
the error does not recur I will assume it is fixed.
Just had an interruptable hang copying to sent mail, but no crash when
cancelling to return to the main window.  Still using 1.6b, 2003112108.

I am running VirusScan Enterprise 7.0.0 on Win2k, and I do not appear to be able
to disable (requires admin access), however I do not show that the sent file was
being scanned at the time of the hang.

Will try step #3 which is to remove the 'xul.mfl' file and restart mozilla.

Product: MailNews → Core
Seems fixed in latest snapshot.

*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 287658 ***
Closed: 19 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
Product: Core → MailNews Core
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