Closed Bug 186293 Opened 22 years ago Closed 10 years ago

Fix up GFX interfaces


(Core Graveyard :: GFX, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: roc, Unassigned)


(Depends on 1 open bug)


This is sort of a tracking bug but I'm reserving the right to stow patches here
if convenient :-).

nsIDrawingSurface is useless. No-one uses it. nsDrawingSurface is stupid because
it doesn't have any methods. The interfaces to it are mostly in
nsIRenderingContext. Let's make nsIDrawingSurface a real interface to offscreen
drawing surfaces, and get rid of nsDrawingSurface.

Creation of rendering contexts and drawing surfaces is pretty horked. It makes
no sense to create a rendering context from scratch, and in fact this leads to
serious bugs (see bug 162024). Also, there is no real need for rendering
contexts to change their drawing surfaces; it's simpler and easier (on the Mac,
for example) to force a rendering context to be associated with one drawing
surface for its whole lifetime. Thus a rendering context should always be
associated with some drawing target: an offscreen pixmap, a widget, or a print
job. Thus I believe that the only way to create rendering contexts should be via
a method on nsIWidget, a method on nsIDrawingSurface, or a method on
nsIPrintingContext. (Also, one can be handed to views/layout in an NS_PAINT
event.) SelectOffscreenDrawingSurface and friends should go away.

Similarly offscreen drawing surfaces should be created via a single method in


Double buffering management should be moved deeper into GFX. Ideally views
wouldn't worry about double buffering at all; the rendering context passed in
the NS_PAINT event would already be set up for double-buffering. We'd need
methods in nsIRenderingContext to disable double-buffering and to say when we're
ready to flip. This would really help with targets like OpenGL which can support
their own double-buffering, and would eliminate GetBackbuffer and friends from
nsIRenderingContext. Could also simplify some platform code like
nsRenderingContextGTK which has to track two drawing surfaces per rendering context.


Coordinates need to be fixed up (bug 177805). This should include making all
APIs take "app units" in integers so that GFX does all scaling. This includes
coordinates in regions! Currently SetClipRect is in app units and SetClipRegion
is in device pixels. gaaaah! *maybe* GFX should take regions in the form of
nsRegion and convert to internal regions when necessary. nsIRegion is a horrible
interface but nsRegion is nice and clean. Furthermore some nsIRegion
implementations really suck (16-bit coordinates).

Font sizes should be in app units too.


We can de-COMify and standardize a lot of the API signatures. For example, we
should pass-by-reference using const references not "foo*". We should return
real results where that makes sense instead of using NS_IMETHOD.


We need to add APIs for platform alpha blending so that nsIBlender turns into a
method or two in nsIDrawingSurface or nsIRenderingContext. This could speed up
translucency tremendously on platforms with the right support.


That's all I can think of off the top of my head.
> Let's make nsIDrawingSurface a real interface to offscreen
> drawing surfaces, and get rid of nsDrawingSurface.

Why do you need a different interface for an onscreen vs. an offscreen drawing
destination? On Mac at least, the distinction between offscreen and onscreen
drawing is blurry, and varies depending on whether the OS does it own window
buffering. I think the device context should be the thing that "knows" about the
actual drawing destination (screen/offscreen/printer).

I have one thing to add to your list (which we discussed on irc):

That API that wraps a specific drawing destination (nsIRC or nsIDS, depending on
how the above resolves) needs API entry points that specify that drawing is
about to begin, and that drawing is done. In other words, we need to be explicit
about when drawing starts and stops for a given destination. This will allow for
optimization in the gfx code. We should either allow nesting of start/stops and
maintain a stack of drawing targets, or we should explicitly disallow nested
Starts by asserting.
An offscreen drawing surface supports extra features:
-- copying (or blending) its contents to another nsIRenderingContext (currently
achieved using SelectDrawingSurface+CopyOffscreenBits)
-- retrieving the actual pixel values drawn (equivalent to our current
Lock/Unlock) (although really we should be moving any logic that requires actual
pixel values, such as blending, down into GFX)
In general we can't do these operations for a nsIRenderingContext that's backed
by a widget or a printer. Also, given that we have nsIWidget and
nsIPrintingContext objects representing other rendering targets, it seems
logical to have objects representing offscreen buffers. This makes resource
management clearer too, especially when we want to cache and otherwise reuse
buffers for different rendering operations.

> I think the device context should be the thing that "knows" about the
> actual drawing destination (screen/offscreen/printer).

Did you mean "rendering context"? If so then we're in agreement.

> That API that wraps a specific drawing destination (nsIRC or nsIDS, depending
> on how the above resolves) needs API entry points that specify that drawing is
> about to begin, and that drawing is done.

My idea is that drawing starts when someone calls
nsIDrawingSurface::CreateRenderingContext(). It stops when that context is
destroyed. (There is no need to allow multiple rendering contexts to access the
same drawing surface at the same time.)
You need to be very careful with X.  A drawing surface must be created in the
context of a specific rendering context.  This is because the drawing surface
must be located on the same physical display as a rendering context (which is
usually created with a specific window in mind).  Also, the depth of the drawing
surface must be the same as any windows that will be used to copy data to or
from.  This is one of the reasons why they have been so closely linked in the past.
> > I think the device context should be the thing that "knows" about the
> > actual drawing destination (screen/offscreen/printer).
> Did you mean "rendering context"? If so then we're in agreement.

I actually meant device context. I was thinking that the RC could delegate all
device-specific functions to the DC. The RC "knows" the destination in the sense
that it has a DC, but doesn't have to run different code for different types of
devices. However, I haven't looked at device-specific code enought to say if
this is realistic.

> My idea is that drawing starts when someone calls
> nsIDrawingSurface::CreateRenderingContext(). It stops when that context is
> destroyed. (There is no need to allow multiple rendering contexts to access 
> the same drawing surface at the same time.)

I don't think this is enough. For one thing, you'll only have an
nsIDrawingSurface around when rendering to an offscreen buffer, but for Mac,
onscreen rendering still needs to do Start/Stop calls.

Secondly, relying on destruction order for cleanup is not good; someone just has
to change an addref/release pattern for things to get messed up. I think
Start/StopDrawing methods need to go on nsIRenderingContext.
blizzard: sure. Isn't it enough to just associate the drawing surface with a
device context? That's why I want to create drawing surfaces with
nsIDeviceContext::CreateOffscreenDrawingSurface or somesuch.

> someone just has to change an addref/release pattern for things to get messed
> up

We shouldn't be keeping around long-lived references to nsIRenderingContexts.
Maybe they shouldn't even be refcounted. Where we are keeping rendering contexts
around, we should probably be holding nsIDeviceContexts instead.

Anyway I guess BeginRendering/EndRendering methods on nsIRenderingContext would
be nice and explicit and also help with double-buffering.
As long as we always use windows that use the same visuals, sure.
I suggest that we use the QueryInterface mechanism to support "advanced" device
and rendering contexts... nsIRenderingContext would include the "basic" drawing
methods supported by all DC's including PostScript, and could QI to
nsIBitmapRenderingContext for advanced painting such as transparency.

> We can de-COMify and standardize a lot of the API signatures. For example, we

I suggest that we should NOT de-COMify GFX interfaces that might be useful to
script in the future... nsIRenderingContext, in particular.  AFAIK we currently
don't do rendering from script, but if we ever wanted to support
script-implemented plugins (in XUL, for example) having a (partially) scriptable
nsIRenderingContext would be necessary.
Benjamin Smedberg wrote:
> I suggest that we use the QueryInterface mechanism to support "advanced" 
> device and rendering contexts... nsIRenderingContext would include the "basic"
> drawing methods supported by all DC's including PostScript, and could QI to
> nsIBitmapRenderingContext for advanced painting such as transparency.

|QueryInterface| looks like an overkill and may add more headaches than
I think it may be more efficient to create a new method which returns a value
representing a set of flags - one flag for each capability ("supports alpha
blending", "supports alpha mask", "supports offscreen rendering surfaces" etc.).
I want an nsIDrawingSurface for offscreen buffers because the buffer is
logically different from the rendering context. Just like a widget is logically
different from a rendering context.

We will need an nsIRenderingContext2 at some point (to support SVG and similar
stuff --- e.g. paths). QI'ing for that would make sense.

Capabilities flags also make sense, although much of the time just detecting
NS_ERROR_UNIMPLEMENTED is good enough (e.g., when we try to create an offscreen
buffer for a PS device context).

If you want scriptable rendering then we should have a separate
nsIScriptableRenderingContext which we can freeze which delegates to
nsIRenderingContext. I definitely don't think we should freeze
nsIRenderingContext *ever*, and I don't think we should eat the XPCOM overhead
for all our rendering.
Depends on: 186412, 186414
Robert O'Callahan wrote:
> Capabilities flags also make sense, although much of the time just detecting
> NS_ERROR_UNIMPLEMENTED is good enough (e.g., when we try to create an 
> offscreen buffer for a PS device context).

Doing trial&error-testing using dummy calls and checking for
NS_ERROR_UNIMPLEMENTED should be avoided since this costs time and may cause
further problems.
We can't assume that a specific type of device like a printer does not support
offscreen surfaces - PCL5 drivers and Xprint on Unix/Linux support them - and
the same issue exist with alpha blending and alpha masks.
And a (future) PDF driver would support alpha blending, but not offscreen
drawing surfaces.  The capabilities matrix can get quite complex. wrote:
> And a (future) PDF driver would support alpha blending, but not offscreen
> drawing surfaces.

If I recall it correctly not all PDF versions support alpha blending, therefore
this depends on the PDF version which should be created (which means we can't
make the |GetCapabilityFlags|-method a |static| one - first we have to create
and |Init| a devicecontext instance before we can query it... ;-/) ...

> The capabilities matrix can get quite complex

yeah... =:-)
> Anyway I guess BeginRendering/EndRendering methods on nsIRenderingContext would
> be nice and explicit and also help with double-buffering.

I'm debugging a clipping problem in an embedding app, and I've run into a case
where the lack of begin/end drawing calls are preventing me from fixing a
serious bug.

The problem is that the rendering context code on Mac messes with the clipping
region (which, if you recall, can interfere with drawing anywhere in the window,
since mac doesn't have the benefit of the native window sandbox). Worse, this
happens in reflow, which in turn happens in PLEvent handling. This means that we
 have little control over when it occurs. Because the RC has no begin/end calls,
I have no place where I can save/restore the clip region, so that we don't mess
with it for the embedder. Suckage.
Product: Core → Core Graveyard
Assignee: roc → nobody
Depends on: 651016
Most of the discussion on this tracking bug appears to be over a decade out of date; the graphics layer has been through multiple major overhauls since, and there's only one remaining open dependency which is *itself* a tracking bug.  I don't think there's much point keeping this one open any longer.
Closed: 10 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
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