Closed Bug 189204 Opened 22 years ago Closed 22 years ago

Error pages won't work when JS is disabled


(Core :: DOM: Navigation, defect)

Not set





(Reporter: adamlock, Assigned: adamlock)


The error page is constructed from Javascript and so won't work very well when
it has been disabled by the user.

Either the docshell should temporarily enable JS to disable the form, display it
with chrome privileges or fall back on just displaying an error prompt.
similar: bug 91779
OS: Windows XP → All
Hardware: PC → All
Anything generated by Mozilla (about:, the error pages, the virtual image
document) should just have JS always enabled.
Private build from 20030220 source: disabled JS, tested it just to be sure, and
yup, script's not executing in user pages; then loaded a page containing an
iframe sourced from a nonexistent server. Script in netError.js did execute and
the iframe filled in nicely with an error message.

Looks like someone has already fixed this bug but forgotten to close it.
Closed: 22 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME

It's not clear to me that from your comments that this works when JS is 
disabled. You said:

"Script in netError.js did execute and
the iframe filled in nicely with an error message." 

What script ran and how is this an indication that the error message will 
display when JS is disabled??
netError script is used to fill in and make visible explanatory elements in the
error page. Without script you get only the "try again" link at the bottom. You
can't make this happen merely by turning off the user preference to allow
content script to execute. Try it. Verify it.
No longer blocks: errorpages
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