Closed Bug 195867 Opened 22 years ago Closed 19 years ago

DOM Ref: "windowfeatures" is incompletely specified in


(Documentation Graveyard :: Web Developer, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: hattons, Assigned: bugzilla)


(Depends on 1 open bug, )


(Whiteboard: Also regarding this bug:


(10 files)

User-Agent:       Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.4a) Gecko/20030302
Build Identifier: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.4a) Gecko/20030302

The documentation seems to lead to a dead end.  It tells me"URL", "name" [, "windowfeatures"])
windowfeatures is one or more of the following in a comma-separated list:

But the list is incomplete in so much as it does not give the syntax for
key/value pairs, nor does it specify what values can be assigned to what keys. 
I see what seems to be a comment saying "XXX have to update this whole list
XXX", which is likely an acknowledgement of what I'm reporting.

If there is a good place to find almost accurate infromation, a link to that
might be helpful until someone has the time to complete the list.

Reproducible: Always

Steps to Reproduce:
Assignee: rudman → oeschger
Blocks: 93108
Summary: "windowfeatures" is incompletely specified in Geko DOM Reference → DOM Ref: "windowfeatures" is incompletely specified in
moving stuff over to an outside-the-firewall email for the time being, looking
for people to pick these Help and doc bugs up for me.
Assignee: oeschger → oeschger
taking over some of Ian's bugs
Assignee: oeschger → stolenclover
-> Doron
Assignee: stolenclover → doronr
*** Bug 223879 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Assigning to me
Assignee: doronr → drunclear
I commit myself to fix this bug before January 1st 2005. Those willing to read
more on can view this page (last updated Jan.
2003) or
(more recent but with an annoying banner ad)
which gathers up interactive demo, explanations, bugfiles and references to
other documentation on the method.

I am open to suggestions, ideas and constructive criticisms.

I intend to give usability and accessibility notes or advices based on best
recommendable practices; eg avoid "javascript:" link, make new windows
resizable,  also explain user prefs regarding new windows, etc..
I may give references to external pages for their intrinsec values or to
complete the info given.
I intend to give a summary of cross-browser support for windowFeatures.
The current document is in HTML 3.2, has 56 validation errors, uses 25 <font>
elements; it will be upgraded according to

The document has 38 occurences of empty anchors like this one: <a
name="1001960"> </a>. Now, I don't know what's their use; if the whole document
needs to be upgraded and restructured, then these anchors will have to go.
I will try to add instructional images explaining some concepts (raise and lower
windows versus focus() and blur()).

At the beginning of the document, there will be a short toc which will include
these sections:
- Summary and general description of the method (2-3 lines) with a
intra-navigation document table of contents
- Syntax
- Parameters and return value
- Examples
- Best recommendable practices
- Compatibility grid with other browsers
- Usability and accessibility remarks: J. Nielsen,, WAI, C. Snyder
(IBM), etc.
- W3C web standards info (including CSS3 WD hyperlink module with target,
target-new, target-name properties)
- More reading on links to outside recommendable references with
good, instructive, interactive demos, with complementary info

So this is how my upgrade plan looks like for now.
First version of the file is at:

I still need to add more stuff (chrome, usability section), tune text, trim
text, create and add a few images, point to other files of the Gecko DOM
reference when suitable, when needed, etc,etc. 

Still remaining to do:
- chrome feature
- 2-3 images illustrating window concepts, identified at [[ To do: ... ]]
locations and which can be reused in other GDR pages
- maybe another example
- complete blocks of text or section indicated with [[ ... ]]
- verify text (grammar, spelling, syntax) and trim text
- the glossary section needs to be reformatted and then uploaded in a distinct
webpage (<link rel="glossary" href="..." title="Glossary of terms used in GDR">)

The FAQ is very good IMO since it covers 9 very frequent questions encountered
in web programming newsgroups.
I added the fullscreen feature with recently updated info; still need to verify
if it was supported in NS 6, NS 7.
In the latest draft version, I 
- added a Page contents block at the top of the page, 
- added [Page contents] links

I also created a testing image map for the toolbars
which will be inserted later after some adjustements: it should not affect,
impact UAs not supporting image maps.

I need to test/verify support for some features (when the user grants privileged
security access to the calling scripts): alwaysRaised, alwaysLowered, titlebar,
all, centerscreen, etc... Some of them have been supported by older Mozilla
releases; I don't know about the other features.

Latest updated version can now be found at:

This version corresponds better to the goals of the Gecko DOM reference as
defined by D. Rosenberg and Fantasai. I want to thank Fantasai for helping me
out making text cuts, trimming here and there.

Still to do: 
- verify current definition and support for the features in the Window
functionality features section
- verify spelling, grammar, syntax, trim text
Whiteboard: →
Blocks: 160443
1st patch which replaces entirely the previous document.

To do:
- add fantasai and Daniel M. to the list of contributors (you deserve this)
- grammar error: After a window is open*ed*, you can not use ...
- make the intra-site navigation table (at the top of page) float to the right

To do (long term): redo the window-chrome.gif image so that it would be at the
most 770 pixels wide so that it would not create an horizontal scrollbar to
appear in such document and wherever it would be in use in other GDR files (to
users with a 800x600 scr. res.).
In this patch:
- added fantasai and Daniel M. to the list of contributors
- grammar error corrected: After a window is open*ed*, you can not ...
- make the intra-site navigation table (at the top of page) float to the right
- made both tables width from 246 to 331
- removed <!-- comments -->
- created a class for links and a css declaration for the div for page contents

Not present in the document are
- centerscreen feature: I never was able to figure out where/how it actually
can work and I tried about every possibility with other features, with security
privileges or not
- chrome: it's not clear how I should explain that one
- popup, extrachrome, all: odd looking ones
- Removed duplicate <link>s
- modal feature redone entirely: there has been many changes in the way this
feature works since rv: 0.9.2 (NS 6.1) until now. The new text sums up what
remained intact throughout all rv.
In this 4th patch (rev: 1.37):
- added that close feature is on by default (not just titlebar)
- removed deprecated for innerHeight, innerWidth and personalbar
- used <var> for boolean values like true, false, yes, no, 1, 0
- mentioned Ian Oeschger as file creator
- several small text tunings
To do later/eventually:

- create a references/tutorial sub-section. I have listed 2 urls in 
<link rel="bookmark" ...> so far but chances are slim that someone will notice
these. Also, once the article on is up, I will
need to do over here such references/tutorials/more reading sub-section.
- redo the window-chrome.gif to go from now 836px wide to 770px wide so that the
file loaded in a maximized window in a 800x600 scr. res. won't render an
horizontal scrollbar
- removed deprecated to screenX/Y because strictly speaking, it's not true.
We're trying to promote cross-browser features like left and top. screenX/Y are
window properties and screenX/Y feature names (like innerWidth/Height,
personalbar) are more self-explanatory, more intuitive than their cross-browser
IE equivalent.
- do an outerWidth/Height vs innerWidth/Height comparison image which would also
indicate, identify visually, physically what is the concept of the os' work area
for applications. This has been done before in a old devedge article. An image
is often worth a thousand words. Such image could also be re-used and inserted
in other related Gecko DOM reference files: window.screenX, window.screenY,
window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight, window.outerWidth, window.outerHeight are
all properties covered by some GDR files.
- add more useful details to described features or behaviors depending on
platform. Right now, the file is 95% about Windows platform.
- do a glossary file and <link rel="glossary" ...>; maybe this is not necessary.

Setting dependency to bug 176320 and bug 274088 means that if these bugs ever
get fixed, then I'll need to make small updates, changes to this document.
Depends on: 176320, 274088
Minor corrections based on comments from Nickolay Ponomarev
To do:
Remove "The left value must be positive." and "The top value must be positive."
since, according to Dan M., even negative values for left and top could be
accepted depending on the user's screen geometry.
- "The left/top value must be positive." removed
- 3 subsections for groups of features added
- used <kbd>...</kbd>
- added a link to article
- few text tweaks
- Added a references section
- made a few text or code tweaks
> - create a references/tutorial sub-section.

> - redo the window-chrome.gif to go from now 836px wide to 770px wide
It's doable but it would take quite some time.

> - removed deprecated to screenX/Y because strictly speaking, it's not true.

> - do an outerWidth/Height vs innerWidth/Height comparison image
Done at

> - add more useful details to described features or behaviors depending on
> platform.
I would need some feedback.

For now, I'm happy with the file as it is and people can find more details,
specifics, recommendations, examples and explanations at the provided references.

Resolving as FIXED
Closed: 20 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
-<html lang="en">

why that change?
lang="en" is removed by the mozilla server; so adding it or removing a lang
attribute specification won't do anything, does not achieve anything. Both Markup Reference and Documentation Style Guide do not
mention anywhere to specify language of the document. 
On the pages of my website, I declare lang on the html element and also in a
content-language meta-tag. So it's definately not that I'm against declaring
lang on the html element; it's more that it is useless, irrelevant to add it.
Added back lang="en"
I added a paragraph on the asynchronous creation of the window and the actual
loading of the resource.
I updated 4 broken links.
Note bug 160443...
Resolution: FIXED → ---
In this patch,
- I added more specific info regarding the fact that "minimizable" requires "dialog" (see bug 160443 comment #23)
- I use rel="glossary"
- I added author's names to references
The relevant webpages for this bug are:

You may reopen this bug if there is any problem with either of these 2 webpages.

Resolving as FIXED
Closed: 20 years ago19 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Whiteboard: Also regarding this bug:
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