Closed Bug 196704 Opened 22 years ago Closed 22 years ago

Services menu not functioning when focus is in the browser page


(Camino Graveyard :: OS Integration, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: chrispetersen, Assigned: sfraser_bugs)



(Keywords: regression, topembed+)


(1 file)

Build: 2003-03-08-08
Platform: OS X 10.2.4
Expected Results: With a text selection made on the page, the services menu
should be functional
What I got: With a text selection made on the page, Service menu items like
Mail, Make a new sticky note, Summarize, Speech, and TextEdit are functional.

Steps to reproduce:

1) Select some text on a page
2) Go to Services menu
3) None of item mentioned are functional.
Keywords: regression
We need the patches in bug 152023 and bug 180405 on the trunk.
Blocks: 197865
Doesn't work as of Build ID: 2003040905.
What needs to be done to get those patches on the trunk? Right now, this bug is
a deal-breaker preventing me from using camino 0.7+
topembed+ for getting those patches on trunk
Keywords: topembed+
I'll start working on this soon.
Blocks: 135268
Comment on attachment 121257 [details] [diff] [review]
Add support for services via commands to get and insert text.

This patch also contains a change in PresShell::DoCopyImageContents() that I
missed in previous patches, which fixes image copy.
Attachment #121257 - Flags: superreview?(bryner)
Attachment #121257 - Flags: review?(brade)
Comment on attachment 121257 [details] [diff] [review]
Add support for services via commands to get and insert text.

I don't like "cmd_getContents" (too generic; contents of what?) but I don't
have any better suggestions.  :-/

Why does nsClipboardGetContentsCommand::IsClipboardCommandEnabled always return
PR_TRUE instead of returning results from GetCanGetContents?

r=brade with the above addressed
Attachment #121257 - Flags: review?(brade) → review+
cmd_getContents can be used to get both the selection, and the entire document,
which is why it's generic-sounding. And it can get text or HTML.

> Why does nsClipboardGetContentsCommand::IsClipboardCommandEnabled always return
> PR_TRUE instead of returning results from GetCanGetContents?

Ah, meant to fix that. Thanks for spotting.
Comment on attachment 121257 [details] [diff] [review]
Add support for services via commands to get and insert text.

==== Do we need to null check |outCmdEnabled| first?

+nsClipboardGetContentsCommand::IsClipboardCommandEnabled(const char*
aCommandName, nsIContentViewerEdit* aEdit, PRBool *outCmdEnabled)
+  *outCmdEnabled = PR_TRUE;

==== Do we have to rename these args to begin with 'a'?

+/* AString getContents (in string mimeType, in boolean selectionOnly); */
+NS_IMETHODIMP DocumentViewerImpl::GetContents(const char *mimeType, PRBool
selectionOnly, nsAString & _retval)

==== Same here:

+PresShell::GetSelectionForCopy(nsISelection** outSelection)

==== In GetSelectionForCopy() and DoGetContents(), should probably make each of
these |if| statements one liners to match the other |if|s in the method or
change the others so that they are all consistent.

   if (NS_FAILED(rv)) 
     return rv;
   if (!manager) 
     return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;

==== I'm guessing you left the 'a' off of |outValue| intentionally?

+PresShell::DoGetContents(const nsACString& aMimeType, PRUint32 aFlags, PRBool
aSelectionOnly, nsAString& outValue)

==== Should we rename canInsertText to canModify?
Attachment #121257 - Flags: superreview?(bryner) → superreview+
Checked in with comments addressed. Thanks!
Closed: 22 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Verified in the 2004010503 NB under 10.2.3
> Platform: PowerPC Mac OS X

No mention of Intel here. 

Please: can we confirm whether this resolution is effective for users of 
Mac OS X on Intel?

(If so, maybe change the 'Platform' of this ticket?)
This bug was filed in 2003 and fixed in 2004; if you're having a problem with Services today, please file a new bug.
You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.


