Closed Bug 201198 Opened 22 years ago Closed 20 years ago

White lines appear on images when scrolling slowly through page


(Core :: Web Painting, defect)

Not set





(Reporter: pkwarren, Assigned: roc)





(10 files)

User-Agent:       Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.4b) Gecko/20030408
Build Identifier: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.4b) Gecko/20030408

In the Viewer Demo page (#9 - Frames), white horizontal lines appear on the
images within the IFRAMES while scrolling slowly through the page. I can
reproduce this behavior with the latest trunk builds on Linux and AIX.

Reproducible: Always

Steps to Reproduce:
1. In a nightly build, click on the menu item "Debug->Viewer Demos->#9 Frames".
In a release build, load the url "resource:///res/samples/test9.html".
2. In the top frame (which has the title "Example 9: Frames"), there should be a
scrollbar on the right. Click the down arrow on the scrollbar once at a time to
slowly scroll the top frame down.
3. Continue scrolling down until you see a picture of a dinosaur in frame 3.1.
Actual Results:  
The picture of the dinosaur appears with small white horizontal lines across it.

Expected Results:  
The picture should be displayed without any white lines across it.

I can not reproduce this behavior in a Windows build, while I can reproduce it
fairly easily in recent Linux and AIX builds.
Attached image Screenshot (deleted) —
Here is a screenshot of what is occurring.
Yeah, I see this too (on Linux).
Assignee: other → roc+moz
Component: Layout → Layout: View Rendering
*** Bug 191019 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
I cannot reproduce this.
I've been experiencing similar problems for some time - instead I've been seeing
it as text being drawn incorrectly - the only way I can describe it is as the
image being 'folded' or 'compacted' as a single horizontal line is pulled out
and the remaining image being squished together.

I've added an attachment with an image showing the effect. As you can see it's
from the Bugzilla page and the missing line is just below the text 'Step 1:
Search for your bug'. The top of the characters on the following line are missing.

Lower in the image you'll also see black horizontal lines.

I use the following build - Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.4)

However the problem is also present in earlier the xft builds but far less
noticeable because the anti-aliasing smooths over the line.

I also believe the following bugs are related... 111176, 198167 and 202894.
I've been having this problem with Mozilla for quite some time now, on Windows
(XP, NT) and Unix builds.

Originally, I thought this might be a graphics card problem, but I recently
upgraded to a much beefier graphics card and the problem persists.
I think this bug is a duplicate of bug 111176
It appears this bug is fixed in recent builds. I can reproduce the problem in
Mozilla 1.6, but not in Mozilla 1.7a or later. I'm not really sure which bug
this problem was fixed under.
re comment #8: this is not a dupe of bug 111176 since it is about white lines in
images, while 111176 is about black lines in the whole window (therefore the
attachment of comment #5 seems to apply to bug 111176 rather than this one)

It is not fixed - I am still getting it with a freshly pulled and compiled tree
(svg and xml enabled - 20040612/linux)

One site that reproducably shows the error is
I thought this was fixed a while back as well, but that may have been the black
line version.

I was surprised to see the white lines when I grabbed the latest nightly build:
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; en-US; rv:1.8a2) Gecko/20040615

Go to, find a thread w/ multiple images in it.  Then grab
the scroll thumb on the scroll bar (don't click on the scroll bar to page down)
and whip the screen up and down and you'll see lots of white lines.  Looks like
a simple miscalculation of a screen copy by a line...
*** Bug 243771 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
I tried latest build 20040718 1.8a3 and I still get the lines on images when
scrooling certain web-pages with true type fonts enabled. Nothing on 1.7.2 works
*** Bug 255359 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
OS: Linux → All
Attached image More than white *lines* (deleted) —
I am getting even more than white lines: When scrolling up/down with mouseweel,
keyboard arrows or srollbar arrows more that just lines are left white on the
image (look at the attachemnet I submitted "More than white *lines*").

I can always reproduce it on site (white lines on .gif images).
However I noticed that on other sites that use .jpeg/.png instead of .gif - no
white spaces apear when scralling up/down.

All afected images are redrawn an look all right if:
a) I switch to another tab and come back;
b) I switch to another program, that is activated on top of firefox and i switch
back to firefox;
c) rightclicking on any *link* (not just any text) on the affected tab

I am using Firefox Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Win 9x 4.90; rv:1.7.3)
Gecko/20041001 Firefox/0.10.1 on Windows Me and hardware: AMD K6-2 300 MHz,
Video: ATI 8Mb hardware 64 Mb of RAM.

I sometimes experienced something like that on IE when CPU had heavy load/ lots
of IE windows was opened. But this occured only sometimes.

I am not a programmer but it looks like some weird redrawing bug of .gifs
Appears to be OS independent and has to do with the reslution of the computer.

I have a brand new dell laptop running
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.8a5) Gecko/20041112

This is the most recent buil as of time of writing, but this has been occurring
since I got this laptop but was NOT occurring on my previous laptop that had a
build of approx. 1 month ago. (Unable to determine actual date, laptop is DEAD)
Appears to be OS independent and has to do with the reslution of the computer.

I have a brand new dell laptop running
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.8a5) Gecko/20041112

This is the most recent buil as of time of writing, but this has been occurring
since I got this laptop but was NOT occurring on my previous laptop that had a
build of approx. 1 month ago. (Unable to determine actual date, laptop is DEAD)
This image is a good example image (takes awhile to load, many color variants,
and wide size.)

Okay, i got my other laptop back up, it is running 
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.8a5) Gecko/20041014
and not having this problem.  
Upon update to:
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.8a6) Gecko/20041128
i still do not have a problem with this issue.

The laptop that does not have the problem is an HP Pavilion ZT1170.
Vid Card:
     S3 Graphics Twister HP Integrated Video with 32 megs of shared memory.
     Digital Flat Pannel with resolution of 1024x768 and 32bit Color.
(Windows XP SP2)

I apologize for the over-kill of information.  But I will not have this laptop
after today so i figured I would post everything I can that even MIGHT help.
i'm seeing this on XP and a new Dell Latitude at 1400x1050. The system PPT is
set to 120 PPT / 125 %. ATI mobile Radeon 9000 and driver dated
10.06.2004. Current trunk build of Moz.

The bug does not affect all images, and not all pages either. But for instance
at about half of the images are affected. At some sites it helps
mousing over the image. At other sutes i have to bring out the context-menu over
the imave, to "wash" it clean of stripes.

There are at least two other "collection" bugs like this (core/phoenix) - with
pathces - but they were never reviewed, afaik.

I doubt this is a driver issue. No other browsers behave this way.
Very annoying bug though - it makes Moz pretty unusable at the affected sites.
found the setting that mozilla doesn't handle:
In desktop properties, settings (the last tab), there's an "advanced" button
which will spawn a new window with multiple tabs and possible settings.
The first tab there is called "general" (translated from norwegian".

There's a PPT setting there, to make some elements larger on small screens with
high resolition. As mentioned in my last comment, that setting was set to 120
ppt here. I set it back to 96 ppt, and instead compensated the now smaller fonts
in the desktop setting for "Appearance", by selecting "large fonts". VOILA: Gone
were the white lines, and my fonts still appear the size they used to before
this little stunt.
*** Bug 244502 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
This has started happening recently to me too.
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; en-US; rv:1.8b) Gecko/20050125 Firefox/1.0+

1. Go to
2. Scroll to the bottom of the page.
3. Move the mouse to the middle bottom of the screen
4. Whilst scrolling the page up with the mouse-wheel, move the mouse slowly up
the page at the same time.
5. Obsverve the text colouring is all messed up.

I use mouse-smoothing & a mouse whose wheel button isn't notched; don't know if
this makes the problem worse.
Started seeing this sometime around 1/08/2005 as well. 

Still occurs on this 2/05/2005 build. 

Pentium 4 Prescott w/HyperThreading, 
NVidia GeForce FX 5900. 

Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.8b) Gecko/20050205 Firefox/1.0+
(Legoguy; XFT+GTK2; opt. for P4-Prescott/SSE-3)
I can confirm this bug with Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US;
rv:1.8b) Gecko/20050202 Firefox/1.0+ on Xp sp2

I confirm that png and jpeg display okay for me, but the problem is with some
gifs, not all:
See this page:
Only two gif charts fail for me: the 4th ("2 CPU Super Smack 1.2 update select")
and the 10th ("performance delta 1 to 2 CPUs, Sysbench 1M rows"). Why the other
gifs display fine for me is a total mystery.
I have found a jpeg image that has the same problem, so it is not limited to gif
anymore. The third photo at
The photo whose link points to 5r9d.html

I think this bug also is present with text. I sometime have (pixel) lines eaten
when scrolling text. Clicking on the text line corrects this. Or it is another bug.
Possibles clues that can be investigated regarding the horizontal white lines

I have found two web sites that result in different displays of an indentical
JPG picture. The picture in question, of SONG BIRDS, comes from asa's 12
February 2005 blog... which DOES NOT have white lines

and Mozillatine's Feedhouse summary... which DOES display white lines.

The photo is...

FF was closed and restarted multiple times, and cache was cleared each time.

Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Win95; en-US; rv:1.8b) Gecko/20050211 Firefox/1.0+
Additional information:  Javascript was DISABLED in FF.  Lines appear in the
Attached image Extreme closeup of white lines (deleted) —
Sorry about the multiple comments, but I think I have another important clue:

The white line is one pixel tall and repeats every 8 pixels (see attachment)

The white lines DO NOT appear if I select View > Page Style > No Style.
I have found some PNG to have the defect too. See this
page: (the 3rd image in the gnome2 section)
Plenty of jpeg can also be seen to have the defect in
This demonstrates how bad Firefox can be in the current state. Impressive. If
the 1.0.1 is out soon due to the homograph spoofing attack vulnerability, this
kind of rendering problem will drive people back to IE.
PLEASE note that the distance between white lines is arbitrary. Scrolling will
change it and scrolling is what _most often_ causes the lines. It's not always 7
(In reply to comment #31)
> PLEASE note that the distance between white lines is arbitrary. Scrolling will
> change it and scrolling is what _most often_ causes the lines. It's not always 7
> pixels.

Please note that in Comment #28 I said, "WITHOUT SCROLLING". The white lines
would appear exactly, and always, every 8 lines WHILE the image was loading, and
while NOT scrolling. This effect may be difficult to achieve for those with a
fast connection. The page must be quickly positioned so that you can observe the
image loading.

In addition, this image is no longer available on so
the example can no longer be observed.
using Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.8b) Gecko/20050215
I do not have the lines in the jpegs at as said in comment #30 (nor I have
the problem of comment #25 either). I still have the PNGs failing in the other link.
Attached image jumbled scrolling graphics example (deleted) —
Here's another simple example of how graphics get jumbled when scrolling.  Go
to, scroll down, then scroll slowly up (by dragging
scrollbar) - the graphics get jumbled into horizontal lines.  refresh or
alt-tab restores.
By the way, I'm running Mozilla 1.7, Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Win98; en-US;
rv:1.7) Gecko/20040616
On a dell laptop (inspiron 7000).  Want more details?  Please ask!
Blocks: 244502
Again, it's still very easy for me to recreate this bug.  Many graphics (often
banners at the top of websites) show the banding of the graphic when slow
scrolling off the top or bottom of the window pane.  

Here's my synopsis of previously reported errors (Confirmed / Unconfirmed /

Comment #33:  Confirmed. Neither comments #30 nor comment #25 show the 
bug at all.  
  #30 is
  #25 is

Comment #33:  Unsure:  I don't know what they mean by "I still have the 
PNGs failing in the other link."

Comment #30:  Could not confirm:  I found no errors in (the 3rd image in the gnome2 section)

Comment #27:  Confirmed.  Same behavior as reported shows bug does not show bug does not show bug

Comment #26:  yahoo banner at top shows error.  jpg inside page, no error.

Comment #25:  Again, no error found.

Comment #23:  The referenced link is dead.

Comment #21:  I didn't mess around with my settings.  They are at 96, 
but it's easy for me to re-create the bug (at
(In reply to comment #36)

I'm sorry to report that this bug only appears itermittently with my version of
mozilla; this is after reporting extensively above about which sites show the bug.

I currently can only report that when my mozilla is misbehaving, the report in
comment #36 is accurate.  But when mozilla is not misbehaving, it looks like I
never see any banding of graphics at all.  
These white line sightings are getting worse than UFO sightings, however we get
less respect. One more shot at it - this site has white lines in the GIF images:

Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Win95; en-US; rv:1.8b2) Gecko/20050228 Firefox/1.0+

Note: For what it's worth, these lines do not show up using Firefox 1.0.1
(In reply to comment #38)
> These white line sightings are getting worse than UFO sightings...
> Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Win95; en-US; rv:1.8b2) Gecko/20050228 Firefox/1.0+

This demonstrates the intermittency - the first time i come here, the bug does
not appear.  Will try again after using mozilla for a while.  

By the way - can anyone send me (or tell me where to go) to see
"resource:///res/samples/test9.html" ???  thanks
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Win98; en-US; rv:1.7) Gecko/20040616

(In reply to comment #38)
> >

Another data point - mozilla is misbehaving right now for me, but: shows error (in banner at top of page), but does not show error

Any suggestions for what aspects of the state of my system I should report or
experiment with in order to better chase this bug?
(In reply to comment #40)
> (In reply to comment #38)
> > >
> Another data point - mozilla is misbehaving right now for me, but:  
> shows error (in banner at top of page), but 
> does not show error
> Any suggestions for what aspects of the state of my system I should report or
> experiment with in order to better chase this bug?

I am running Linux with Mozilla build 20050301 when I tried the mathforum site
it rendered fine. The phoenity site the first gif labeled 7.8 kb will get the
white horizontal line or lines as I scroll up and down the page. It is the only
one. I have noticed as the 1.8 build has progressed that this condition has gone
from practically every picture on a web page to very far and few and then like
the above GIF only one picture say on a news site might have the line and only
that picture. So it must have to do with the type of picture and size and quality.
I see'em here...

Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Win95; en-US; rv:1.8b2) Gecko/20050302 Firefox/1.0+
(In reply to comment #41)
Bill has some good points, but:
* at least for me, the bug is definitely intermittent, and haven't been able to
  narrow down when / why it appears.  (see my last post)
* so it must have *more* to do with more than just the "type of picture and size
and quality."

(again, the step to reproduce is slowly scroll graphics on /off screen.  The
graphics in the banners at the tops of many sites ( is one of many
examples) often (but not always) show me the bug.)
Attached image scrolling stripes example (deleted) —
This has resurfaced for me when I went from 1.7.5 to Mozilla/5.0 (OS/2; U; Warp
4; en-US; rv:1.8b2) Gecko/20050221 - it had been away for months or even years.

First I thought it had to do with my system setup (graphics adapter)or the OS
(IBM OS/2 Warp v.4), but the problem has been seen by others, too, with the new
build and on other OSes (see thread starting at March 3 on

(In reply to comment #45)
(and cross posted to netscape.public.mozilla.os2)

Well, I've been chasing this bug for the last couple weeks - and I have to
report that on my Win32 laptop, as of right now,

    * no banding is appearing in 
    * banding is appearing in is banding (as well as
    * this is after a fresh reboot, going to immediately after
mozilla opens to my homepage (which happens to be
    * Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Win98; en-US; rv:1.7) Gecko/20040616
    * the bug is definitely intermittent for me - and I haven't been able to
figure out when mozilla gets confused and starts banding images. 
    * However, once the banding starts, it shows up for many graphics.  It seems
that there is a global state that mozilla gets into, when banding starts
appearing.  The banding only seems to happen to .gif's (not .jpg nor .jng)


(In reply to comment #36)
> Comment #27:  Confirmed.  Same behavior as reported
> shows bug
> does not show bug
> does not show bug
Oops - I got these backwards.  When mozilla is banding, does NOT show bug does show bug

Seems to be narrowing to just .gif images (jpgs and pngs keep working)
Blocks: 214965
Depends on: 137114
Blocks: 137114
No longer depends on: 137114
I found been finding lots of images that demononstrate this bug 201198.  The
images that are broken for me are all .gif images with the transparent flag set.  

An example is at bug 214965, which I would propose is related to 201198.  

Another example is at if you remove the no worms.

I'm now quite confident that the problem is specifically .gif images that have
the "transparency" flag set.  Microsoft Frontpage (ick) shows the properties of
the offending gif as transparency being on.  The interlace flag does not appear
to cause any errors.  (These are the two specific properties that you can set in
frontpage for gif immages: transparency, and interlacing.)


ps:  i'm assembling a list of bugs that might be related to this transparency
Blocks: 261835
Blocks: 156653
Blocks: 265610
Just GIFs? I wouldn't be so sure. In my Mac Mini example the offender was a
JPEG,and in your Mozilla Feedhouse example, I got the stripes in the lower
image (PC laptop), which is a PNG (I'll add another attachment). And today, I
get stripes on the mac min page, and no stripes on the Feedhouse page. D'oh!

So, what I want to make clear, this one is elusive and it might be to soon to
narrow it down on GIF type images only...
And here's another, *really* strange one (my son came just in and told me):

In the lower frame, select 'Berlin' from the pulldown, then click 'Zeigen' (i.e
'show').(Sorry, but I didn't design that page, I'd have preferred a direct
link, too.)

Now scroll the meteogram down so that it rises behind the upper frame. Stripes
of the brownish background colour will show, but not in the top section of the
image, only starting below the '2005'. The top part is 'immune'.

This also is a PNG image, BTW.

Ugh, sorry, it's even worse

you have to click on the green 'Europa' in the top center frame first, then
in the lower frame, select 'Berlin' from the pulldown, then click 'Zeigen'.

Sorry for the inconvenience
Depends on: transparent_gifs
(In reply to comment #51)
> Ugh, sorry, it's even worse
> you have to click on the green 'Europa' in the top center frame first, then
> in the lower frame, select 'Berlin' from the pulldown, then click 'Zeigen'.
> Sorry for the inconvenience
> Hartmut
I cannot reproduce this - no offense!  Just giving info...

The very specific bug I can reproduce is related to gifs with 
transparency.  It's so specific and well enough defined that I've 
created a new version of this at Bug 284986.  (Hope that's okay!  Just 
trying to help!)
(from Bug 64401, Extremely slow performance with png background)

Example of multi-layered .png file with terrible rendering on my machine.  If I
scroll this image, I get serious errors in the image, as shown in the next
That's definitley _not_ this bug. We see white lines, not entirely corrupted
images. Layered PNGs are a completely different issue I think. Let's not have
this bug turn into an "all image corruption problems go here" kind of thing.

Meanwhile it seems to have stopped happening to me on this machine. Maybe some
change in CVS was made. Don't know when it started being right because it was
kind of random anyway.

Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.8b2) Gecko/20050305 Firefox/1.0+
(Legoguy; XFT+GTK2; opt. for Prescott/SSE3)
I filed bug 285004 for the effects that Hartmut Krafft and me are seeing (on
OS/2 trunk). This seems different enough from what everyone else including Jon
Barber sees...
Sorry for the double comment - but let's try to get this cleared up.
I think the only good examples we have of the type of behavior this bug is
trying to explain are:

attachment #119828 [details]
attachment #174244 [details]
attachment #176247 [details]
attachment #176379 [details]

That's it. All the others I think are seperate bugs. Possibly attachment #176381 [details]
is closely related.

These are not related per the description of the original poster:

attachment #126619 [details] looks to be related to frames. That's not image corruption,
that's actual content. ( see comment #10 )

attachment #161380 [details] looks like something one would see on a bad graphics card, or
a graphics card with broken drivers. (Windows ME is known for such, see comment
#17 )

attachment #174721 [details] looks to be caused by another one of several bugs where
certain arrangements of html elements cause corruption in images when scrolling.
At any rate, it's not the kind of corruption this bug is describing. This could
also be graphics hardware related.

attachment #176472 [details] / attachment #176473 [details] is caused by multilayered images, placed
by HTML/CSS. Not by actual corruption in the graphics themselves. We're talking
about single images.

As comment #27 says, this doesn't happen with "no style" on. Therefore I think
this may possibly be related to CSS. Has anyone seen the effect on an image not
in a page? ie, standalone image?
(In reply to comment #57)
> I think the only good examples we have of the type of behavior this bug is
> trying to explain are:
> attachment #119828 [details] [edit]
> attachment #174244 [details] [edit]
> attachment #176247 [details] [edit]
> attachment #176379 [details] [edit]
>   <snipped>

wow, i think these are good clarifications.  As i've previously posted, I
haven't seen the black lines bug.  The main thing I can reproduce are the bad
rendering of gifs in Attachment #161380 [details] and Attachment #174721 [details].

> Layered PNGs are a completely different issue I think. Let's not have
> this bug turn into an "all image corruption problems go here" kind of thing.
sorry if I muddied the waters with the multilayered image Attachment #176472 [details] in
Comment #53.  Is that a seperate Bug altogether?

> That's it. All the others I think are seperate bugs.
The bug i can reliably reproduce is now in a seperate thread, Bug 284986 - i
hope that's helpful.  You mention "This could also be graphics hardware
related", but wouldn't the fact that the gif's render in IE and other browsers
indicate it's mozilla specific?

Newbie question:  the title of this bug is "White lines appear on images when
scrolling slowly through page" but is seems like most of the chatter is now
about black lines.  Should the various parts of this long thread get forked off?
 There's now Bug 285004, "Horizontal lines in iframes and across images when
scrolling".  Are these good forks (284986 and 285004)?  Are there other forks?

Actually, what I'm seeing are lines *of the background colour*, see attachment the bug title is somewhat misleading.

No longer blocks: 137114, 156653, 214965, 265610
No longer depends on: transparent_gifs
i don't believe that attachment #176381 [details] related to this bug at all, in that i
can reliably reproduce the bug in any of the example pages given that still
exist, but not that one.

the best valid example of this particular bug we still have at this time is
comment #35.  

"See this page:
Only two gif charts fail for me: the 4th ("2 CPU Super Smack 1.2 update select")
and the 10th ("performance delta 1 to 2 CPUs, Sysbench 1M rows"). Why the other
gifs display fine for me is a total mystery."

i can reproduce this on those exact two gifs every time, while every other
graphic on the page is unaffected.  for the record, i see this on png's all the
time as well.  not sure about jpgs but i'll keep an eye out.

Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.8b2) Gecko/20050325 Firefox/1.0+

ps, removed blocks/depends on unrelated bugs.
correction, comment #25.  sorry for the bugspam.
I hope this helps with finally knicking this bug. I only have problems seeing
the white line or lines in certain jpeg, gif, png, thumbnails on certain sites.
 I can give you a web page where you will always see the white lines,  I've been really playing around with it
today.  It only happens in 1.8 release either Firefox or Mozilla under Linux, I
have never had any problem with these white lines in 1.76 or previous, but what
I found out today is when I downloaded today's build of Firefox it's default
display setting was 96 DPI and I was not having any problem, no white lines with
the above mentioned website.  If I go under preferences and change it to system
setting the white lines reappear.  Close out Firefox 1.8 and bring up Firefox
1.76 which is set for system setting and there is no problem with the white
lines.  I tried the same thing with Mozilla with the same results.  At least
here on my box these white lines are only happening under 1.8 using system
settings for DPI.  
nice catch.  i was playing around with the text size in the view menu and that
seems to have an effect as well.  on the site i see lines through
images at two levels above or below the normal text size.  the other examples
give similar results.  i'm also using a non-standard dpi of 80.

i noticed that this bug is also present in yesterday's Thunderbird nightly.
I don't know who did what, when, or where, but with the latest build, this in
now WFM !

Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Win95; en-US; rv:1.8b2) Gecko/20050329 Firefox/1.0+
possibly fixed in Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.8b2)
Gecko/20050329 Firefox/1.0+ by patch for bug #173051.
Probably 173051, yes.

Please keep an eye on this and if no-one reports a recurrence of this problem
within, say, a week, someone can close it.
Well it would appear that this bug can be laid to rest. Works fine here also. 
I'm really looking forward to 1.8.  I seem to have far fewer problems rendering
web pages.  I have one question for R. Hill, I know you're also running Linux,
would you happen to be running QuikTime?  If you are I'm giving you a web site,, click on either of the future
weather maps and if you are running the QuikTime let me know if the bottom half
of the page doesn't load.  I've had it happen here always with 1.8 yet it
renders fine under 1.76.  I've also had it happen twice with news sites that
were off of Google  News, yet I've tried the QuikTime on Apple's site and every
major movie studio site looking at previews and never had a bit of problem. 
Other than this the 1.8 seems to be far superior to the 1.7* build.
Turns out my (Jon Barber's) rendering problems  were related to my old ATI
graphics card, and the problem was well described (and solved) by the notes at
Bug 104992.  If anyone else has the problems described by me this bug, check out
the notes at Bug 104992 and Bug 284986.  Cheers!  (Sorry for my previous
somewhat irrelevant posts here, but it was a great learning experience....)
Turns out my (Jon Barber's) rendering problems  were related to my old ATI
graphics card, and the problem was well described (and solved) by the notes at
Bug 104992.  If anyone else has the problems described by me in this bug, check
out the notes at Bug 104992 and Bug 284986.  Cheers!  (Sorry for my previous
somewhat irrelevant posts here, but it was a great learning experience....)
so far so good.
Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.8b2) Gecko/20050403 Firefox/1.0+

looks like you can shut the door on this one.
with pleasure. Fixed by checkin for bug 173051
Closed: 20 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Component: Layout: View Rendering → Layout: Web Painting
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