Closed Bug 204052 Opened 22 years ago Closed 21 years ago

Memory could not be read error when Mozilla starts


(SeaMonkey :: General, defect)

Windows 2000
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: casco, Assigned: asa)


User-Agent:       Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows NT 5.0)
Build Identifier:

After downloading and installing todays nightly build, mozilla does not start. 
As soon as it tries to, I get the error message that Memory could not be read...
Instruction in direction 0x61e40579 tried to access the memory at 0x4d7a6f6d

Reproducible: Always

Steps to Reproduce:
1. Download todays nightly build
2. Install it
3. Try to start it

Actual Results:  
See details
Reporter: Have you installed Mozilla into a clean (empty) directory??
I tried both, installing on a previous installation, and un-installing the
existing version and then installing the new one. In both cases I had the same
I just experienced a similar problem.  I was running 1.4b and attempted to
install 1.4rc1; the installer completed successfully, but when the application
tried to launch it would immediately shut down on a "memory can not be 'read'"
error (as above).  I then uninstalled 1.4rc1 and reinstalled 1.4b (which I had
been running successfully a few minutes prior); same error.  I then uninstalled
1.4b and installed 1.4a; same error.  I had to go back to version 1.3 before I
could successfully launch the browser again.  I found that if I both uninstall
Mozilla _and_ delete the install target folder ('\Program
Files\\Mozilla', in my case) to force the installer to create a clean
install folder, I could then successfully install and run 1.4rc1.
You are describing bug 200651
Mozilla needs to be installed into an empty directory.
Reporter: Please test using a recent nightly build available from
<>. If it works, please
resolve this bug as WFM.

If it doesn't work, please make sure that:
  1. You are running Mozilla from a clean, new profile.
  2. You uninstalled /and/ deleted Mozilla before you installed the new version.

And try again.
Should this be duped against bug 195600? That does seem like the most likely
scenario, although I agree with some sentiments in that bug that there should be
some checks to prevent whichever old XPIs are causing the crash from being loaded.
I'm going to dupe this against bug 195600, since it's been about 5 months and we
haven't heard back from Alejandro. If someone discovers that this is not the
case, please feel free to comment or reopen the bug. Thanks.

*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 195600 ***
Closed: 21 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
Product: Browser → Seamonkey
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