Closed Bug 208721 Opened 21 years ago Closed 21 years ago

Can't type Unicode Keysyms when compiled with Gtk2


(Core Graveyard :: GFX: Gtk, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: zwnj, Assigned: blizzard)



(Keywords: fixed1.4.2, Whiteboard: fixed 1.5b)


(2 files)

User-Agent:       Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.4) Gecko/20030530
Build Identifier: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.4) Gecko/20030530

I can't type Persian letters in any types of text field (address bar, html text
input and text area, etc) in Mozilla 1.4b and Mozilla 1.4 (RPMs from RedHat
RawHide) on RedHat 9.

PEH (067E), TCHEH (0686), JEH (0698), KEHEH (06A9), GAF (06AF), FARSI YEH (06CC)

But Arabic letters [some other characters in Arabic table] works fine.

Reproducible: Always

Steps to Reproduce:
I'm using build 2003060503 on Mac OS X 10.2.6, with Unicode Hex Input :

PEH (067E) : پ
TCHEH (0686) : چ
JEH (0698) : ژ
KEHEH (06A9) : ک
GAF (06AF) : گ
FARSI YEH (06CC) : ی

I don't speak any Persian, but I can see 6 different characters here in the
inputbox. I can also slect them in the Unicode Character palette, in the arabic
Oh well, they didn't arrive in Bugzilla correctly : PEH (067E) became پ
for instance.
Attached file test (deleted) —
Correction, they arrived correctly (1662 is 067E hexadecimal), but Mozilla
didn't	shown them on bugzilla pages. It works in this attachment (I'm using
the universal detector).
As you can see, I said there is a problem with TYPING PERISAN LETTERS, and not
showing them.

And also the problem is in Linux version, and there is no problem with windows.
(and probably Mac OS X).

I (just) think it's a mistake of Mozilla with GTK+ integration.
This looks like bug 188538, where this was fixed for Arabic, but maybe it
doesn't work for Persian (although they should come from the same block). Can
you try the workaround in bug 188538 comment 8 ?
I have tested locale LANG=fa_IR.UTF-8, but i couldn't input those 6 letters yet.
 As RedHat's default character encoding is UTF-8 in varsion 8+, so it couldn't
be any problem of these.

As I know, X server sends correct character codes to apps (tested in gnu, gnome
and kde utlis).  But mozilla have incorrect behavier.

This bug differs to what you said, because it is only for Persian letters, and
this isn't cause of wrong encoding.
I can confirm this. I can reproduce it on Red Hat Linux 9 after installing the
Rawhide RPM for Mozilla available from

The problems seems to be with the special Unicode X11 Keysyms, in the 0x100ABCD
format. These Keysyms don't pass whatever input method the Rawhide's Mozilla
build is using (GTK+?).

The problem is not Persian-specific. The XFree86 keyboard layouts for all the
following languages contain Unicode Keysyms: Armenian (all letters), Arabic
(digits in the "digits" alternative keyboard), Azerbaijani (Azeri-specific latin
letters), all Indic layouts, Lao, Burmese, ...

The problem does not exist in Mozilla 1.2.1 that is shipped with Red Hat 9, and
one can easily enter these characters.
Severity: normal → major
Component: BiDi Hebrew & Arabic → Internationalization
Ever confirmed: true
Summary: Can't type Persian letters [NOT Arabic] → Can't type Unicode Keysyms in Linux
This seems to be Rawhide/GTK+ related only, as I can't reproduce it with normal
builds. Changing component to 'GFX: GTK', CC-ing blizzard. Making myself the QA

Exact steps to reproduce:

1. On Red Hat 9, download and install Rawhide RPMs of mozilla.
2. On a command prompt, type:

   setxkbmap us+ir -option "grp:shift_toggle,grp_led:scroll"

3. Launch Mozilla, focus its address bar.
4. Press the both shifts together. (This should switch the layout to the Iranian
5. Press "m". It doesn't produce anything on the screen, while it should produce
an Arabic Peh. (Alternatively, press "f". It produces an Arabic Beh.)
Component: Internationalization → GFX: Gtk
QA Contact: zach → roozbeh
Blocks: gtk2
The same bug exists in the version of Mozilla distributed with Ximian Desktop 2.
Version info: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.3.1) Gecko/20030530
blizzard, any hint to where in the code to look for the bug? This is rather
critical for us (Persian writers, bla bla) and we want to fix this as soon as
Attached patch Patch to fix the bug (deleted) — Splinter Review
A patch to fix the bug. Would someone please test it?
blizzard, may I get a review and/or super-review? I guess it's too trivial. I
simply copied the fix from 'widget/src/gtk/nsGtkEventHandler.cpp'.
Assignee: mkaply → blizzard
QA Contact: roozbeh → ian
Summary: Can't type Unicode Keysyms in Linux → Can't type Unicode Keysyms when compiled with Gtk2
I have tested tonight's nightly build with Behdad's patch on RedHat 9 (full
updated) with gtk2-2.2.1-4 and it worked fine.

This is an example of 6 persian-only characters with compiled Mozilla: "گچ پژ یک".
Comment on attachment 129659 [details] [diff] [review]
Patch to fix the bug

Attachment #129659 - Flags: superreview+
Attachment #129659 - Flags: review+
Attachment #129659 - Flags: approval1.5b?
Attachment #129659 - Flags: approval1.4.x?
Comment on attachment 129659 [details] [diff] [review]
Patch to fix the bug

a=chofmann for 1.5b
Attachment #129659 - Flags: approval1.5b? → approval1.5b+
Checked into the trunk for 1.5b.
Whiteboard: fixed 1.5b
Comment on attachment 129659 [details] [diff] [review]
Patch to fix the bug

This is not going to make 1.4.1.  Please re-request aproval after 1.4.1 ships
if you'd like to get this in for 1.4.2.
Attachment #129659 - Flags: approval1.4.x? → approval1.4.x-
Would someone please approve the patch for 1.4.2?
Comment on attachment 129659 [details] [diff] [review]
Patch to fix the bug

a=blizzard on behalf of drivers for 1.4.2
Attachment #129659 - Flags: approval1.4.2+
fixed on 1.4 branch
hmmm... is fixed1.4 a correct keyword to use?
Checking in nsGtkKeyUtils.cpp;
/cvsroot/mozilla/widget/src/gtk2/nsGtkKeyUtils.cpp,v  <--  nsGtkKeyUtils.cpp
new revision:; previous revision: 1.4
Keywords: fixed1.4
Shouldn't this bug be set to RESOLVED-FIXED now?
Yeah, it's been checked in everywhere that matters now.
Closed: 21 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Product: Core → Core Graveyard
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