Closed Bug 210525 Opened 21 years ago Closed 3 years ago

[DHTML] Tracking bug for Complex-Tests at


(Core :: Layout, defect)

Not set





(Reporter: markushuebner, Assigned: markushuebner)




(Keywords: perf)

This one is for keeping track on the performance of the complex-testseries at
To run the tests just move to the end of the page and select in the box "Run 
the Tests" the "Complex tests" and give it a go :)

My system, PIII 1.1ghz,512ram,32mb geforce2go

trunk build 2003062312
sliding element 100px to the right, setTimeout to 0ms between steps : 1022000
sliding element 100px to the right, setTimeout to 30ms between steps: 3145000
calculate the first 91380 elements of the harmonic series           :  802000
sliding 100 elements at once (20 steps, setTimeout to 30ms per step):  921000
Move GIFs with many transparent parts above each other              : 1563000

sliding element 100px to the right, setTimeout to 0ms between steps : 1112000
sliding element 100px to the right, setTimeout to 30ms between steps: 3274000
calculate the first 91380 elements of the harmonic series           :  651000
sliding 100 elements at once (20 steps, setTimeout to 30ms per step): 1402000
Move GIFs with many transparent parts above each other              : 1692000

sliding element 100px to the right, setTimeout to 0ms between steps : 1021000
sliding element 100px to the right, setTimeout to 30ms between steps: 3265000
calculate the first 91380 elements of the harmonic series           :  681000
sliding 100 elements at once (20 steps, setTimeout to 30ms per step): 1382000
Move GIFs with many transparent parts above each other              : 1533000

sliding element 100px to the right, setTimeout to 0ms between steps :  982000
sliding element 100px to the right, setTimeout to 30ms between steps: 2944000
calculate the first 91380 elements of the harmonic series           :  201000
sliding 100 elements at once (20 steps, setTimeout to 30ms per step):  821000
Move GIFs with many transparent parts above each other              : 1502000

Opera 7.11
sliding element 100px to the right, setTimeout to 0ms between steps : 1002000
sliding element 100px to the right, setTimeout to 30ms between steps: 2974000
calculate the first 91380 elements of the harmonic series           :  671000
sliding 100 elements at once (20 steps, setTimeout to 30ms per step): 4877000
Move GIFs with many transparent parts above each other              : 2203000
QA Contact: ian → markush
Blocks: 21762
Summary: Tracking bug for Complex-Tests at → [DHTML] Tracking bug for Complex-Tests at
System: P4-1.8/512MB DDR333/Linux 2.4.21/X 4.3.0/NVidia GeForce2/MX-400
                                                       1.3.1     t/0624
sliding element 100px to right, setTimeout 0ms     1,658,000  1,631,000
sliding element 100px to right, setTimeout 30ms    3,667,000  3,619,000
calculate first 91380 elements of harmonic series    588,000    765,000
sliding 100 elements (20 steps, setTimeout 30ms)   1,327,000  1,229,000
Move transparent GIFs above each other             3,946,000  4,449,000

"1.3.1" is Mozilla 1.3.1 Linux final release
"t/0624" is self-compiled gcc-3.3 2003-06-24 ("1.5a") trunk build (w/Xft support)

All values are best-of-three-test-passes.

I can't tell yet how reliable and/or useful those numbers are...
QA Contact: markushuebner → layout
URL is no longer available.

Site no longer accessible

Closed: 3 years ago
Resolution: --- → INCOMPLETE
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