Closed Bug 21433 Opened 25 years ago Closed 25 years ago

[Print Fail CRASH] Browser crashes when trying to print web page


(Core :: Printing: Output, defect, P3)






(Reporter: shrir, Assigned: dcone)




I used today's commercial build on Mac located at: ftp://sweetlou/products/client/seamonkey/macos/8.x/ppc/1999-12-10-08-M12/netscap e5-mac-M12.sea.bin Install and launch the browser. go to site. After the page loads, select File| Print. Observe that the browser crashes. Same problem was seen on Windows also: Stack Trace: MacsBug 6.5.4a6, Copyright Apple Computer, Inc. 1981-98 PowerPC access exception at 80980000 10-Dec-1999 12:55:19 PM (since boot = 2 hours, 52 minutes) Current application is “Mozilla” Machine = 406 (??), System $0851, sysu = $01008000 ROM version $077D, $44F1, $0001 (ROMBase $FFC00000) VM is on; paging is currently safe NIL^ = $FFC10000 Stack space used = +126284738 Address 80980000 is not in RAM or ROM PowerPC 740/750 Registers CR0 CR1 CR2 CR3 CR4 CR5 CR6 CR7 PC = 80980000 CR 0010 1100 0000 0000 0000 1000 0100 1000 LR = 164ED2A0 <>=O XEVO CTR = 80980000 MSR = 00000000 SOC Compare Count Int = 0 XER 000 00 00 MQ = 00000000 R0 = 80980000 R8 = 00000000 R16 = 00000001 R24 = 00000000 SP = 074793CC R9 = 00000000 R17 = 00000000 R25 = 00000000 TOC = 4BF94AFC R10 = 07479594 R18 = 00000000 R26 = 06A2656C R3 = 00000000 R11 = 18032AD5 R19 = 07479A7C R27 = 07479524 R4 = 00000000 R12 = FFFCFFE0 R20 = 064380B4 R28 = 070A6D14 R5 = 07479524 R13 = 00000000 R21 = 00000000 R29 = 067AC178 R6 = 070A6D14 R14 = 06F7400C R22 = 06455514 R30 = 00000000 R7 = 067AC178 R15 = 06455408 R23 = 00000000 R31 = 07479594 Disassembling PowerPC code from 8097FFD8 No procedure name 8097FFD8 fnmadd. fp31,fp31,fp31,fp31 | FFFFFFFF 8097FFDC fnmadd. fp31,fp31,fp31,fp31 | FFFFFFFF 8097FFE0 fnmadd. fp31,fp31,fp31,fp31 | FFFFFFFF 8097FFE4 fnmadd. fp31,fp31,fp31,fp31 | FFFFFFFF 8097FFE8 fnmadd. fp31,fp31,fp31,fp31 | FFFFFFFF 8097FFEC fnmadd. fp31,fp31,fp31,fp31 | FFFFFFFF 8097FFF0 fnmadd. fp31,fp31,fp31,fp31 | FFFFFFFF 8097FFF4 fnmadd. fp31,fp31,fp31,fp31 | FFFFFFFF 8097FFF8 fnmadd. fp31,fp31,fp31,fp31 | FFFFFFFF 8097FFFC fnmadd. fp31,fp31,fp31,fp31 | FFFFFFFF 80980000 *fnmadd. fp31,fp31,fp31,fp31 | FFFFFFFF 80980004 fnmadd. fp31,fp31,fp31,fp31 | FFFFFFFF 80980008 fnmadd. fp31,fp31,fp31,fp31 | FFFFFFFF 8098000C fnmadd. fp31,fp31,fp31,fp31 | FFFFFFFF 80980010 fnmadd. fp31,fp31,fp31,fp31 | FFFFFFFF 80980014 fnmadd. fp31,fp31,fp31,fp31 | FFFFFFFF 80980018 fnmadd. fp31,fp31,fp31,fp31 | FFFFFFFF 8098001C fnmadd. fp31,fp31,fp31,fp31 | FFFFFFFF 80980020 fnmadd. fp31,fp31,fp31,fp31 | FFFFFFFF 80980024 fnmadd. fp31,fp31,fp31,fp31 | FFFFFFFF Heap zones #1 Mod 9695K 00002800 to 0097A72F SysZone^ #2 Mod 5K 00017740 to 00018E3F ROM read-only zone #3 Mod 256K 00716100 to 007560FF #4 Mod 64K 00777350 to 0078734F #5 Mod 256K 007B7650 to 007F764F #6 Mod 116660K 0097A730 to 07B67A9F Process Manager zone #7 Mod 11801K 068ACCB0 to 074333AF “Mozilla” ApplZone^ TheZone^ TargetZone #8 Mod 4057K 0747F4C0 to 07875BBF “Internet Explorer 4.5” #9 Mod 1026K 07519210 to 07619A0F #10 Mod 187K 078CE590 to 078FD33F “File Sharing Extension” #11 Mod 18K 079085A0 to 0790CE5F #12 Mod 942K 07923320 to 07A0EE1F “Finder” #13 Mod 36K 07A309C0 to 07A39CCF “AOL Scheduler” #14 Mod 361K 07A46E40 to 07AA153F “Folder Actions” #15 Mod 20K 07AD5560 to 07ADA94F “FaxMonitor” #16 Mod 89K 07B08080 to 07B1E77F “Control Strip Extension” #17 Mod 6143K 08100000 to 086FFFCF #18 Mod 288K 08161370 to 081A936F #19 Mod 27K 0820D450 to 0821417F Checking all heaps The System heap at 00002800 is ok The ROM read-only heap at 00017740 is ok The heap at 00716100 is ok The heap at 00777350 is ok The heap at 007B7650 is ok The Process Manager heap at 0097A730 is ok The “Mozilla” heap at 068ACCB0 is ok The “Internet Explorer 4.5” heap at 0747F4C0 is ok The heap at 07519210 is ok The “File Sharing Extension” heap at 078CE590 is ok The heap at 079085A0 is ok The “Finder” heap at 07923320 is ok The “AOL Scheduler” heap at 07A309C0 is ok The “Folder Actions” heap at 07A46E40 is ok The “FaxMonitor” heap at 07AD5560 is ok The “Control Strip Extension” heap at 07B08080 is ok Totaling the “Mozilla” heap at 068ACCB0 Total Blocks Total of Block Sizes Free 0084 #132 0021E3A0 #2220960 Nonrelocatable 012B #299 008203AC #8520620 Relocatable 150F #5391 00147F70 #1343344 Locked 00AD #173 00005640 #22080 Purgeable and not locked 0000 #0 00000000 #0 Heap size 16BE #5822 00B866BC #12084924 The target heap is the System heap at 00002800 Totaling the System heap at 00002800 Total Blocks Total of Block Sizes Free 000B #11 00002F40 #12096 Nonrelocatable 0E5F #3679 00587B4C #5798732 Relocatable 085C #2140 003ED460 #4117600 Locked 0201 #513 002D4360 #2966368 Purgeable and not locked 001C #28 0000D710 #55056 Heap size 16C6 #5830 00977EEC #9928428 The target heap is the “Mozilla” heap at 068ACCB0 Displaying File Control Blocks fRef File Vol Type Fl Fork LEof 0002 System Macintosh … zsys dW rsrc #6125291 0060 **** EXTENTS B-TREE Macintosh … •••• dw data #4194304 00BE **** CATALOG B-TREE Macintosh … •••• dw data #4194304 011C **** VOLUME BITMAP Macintosh … •••• dw data #135168 017A Mac OS ROM Macintosh … tbxi dW rsrc #1340758 01D8 VM Storage Macintosh … ZSYS dW data #141557760 0236 System Resources Macintosh … zsyr dw rsrc #727510 11A2 System Macintosh … zsys dw data #4072175 1200 Mac OS ROM Macintosh … tbxi dw data #2064548 125E USBSuperDiskUTDriver Macintosh … ndrv dw data #3864 12BC Open Tpt AppleTalk Li… Macintosh … libr dw rsrc #502824 131A Open Transport Library Macintosh … libr dw rsrc #524807 1378 OpenTransportLib Macintosh … otsl dw data #501456 13D6 Shared Library Manage… Macintosh … INIT dw rsrc #211694 1434 Open Transport Library Macintosh … libr dw rsrc #524807 1492 IrLanScannerPPC Macintosh … libr dw rsrc #6501 14F0 IrDALib Macintosh … shlb dw data #241190 154E OpenTptAppleTalkLib Macintosh … otsl dw data #48738 15AC OpenTptInternetLib Macintosh … otsl dw data #257182 160A Open Tpt AppleTalk Li… Macintosh … libr dw rsrc #502824 1668 Open Tpt Internet Lib… Macintosh … libr dw rsrc #461062 16C6 OpenTpt Remote Access Macintosh … libr dw rsrc #1083151 1724 OpenTpt Modem Macintosh … libr dw rsrc #91506 1782 OpenTpt Remote Access Macintosh … libr dw rsrc #1083151 17E0 Remote Access Log Macintosh … lzlg dW data #69632 183E Open Transport Library Macintosh … libr dw rsrc #524807 189C OpenTpt Serial Arbitr… Macintosh … libr dw rsrc #7974 18FA OpenTpt Serial Arbitr… Macintosh … libr dw rsrc #7974 1958 ATI Video Memory Mana… Macintosh … shlb dw data #25104 19B6 Users & Groups Data F… Macintosh … BTFL dW data #69632 1A14 Apple Guide Macintosh … INIT dw data #417352 1A72 ColorSync Extension Macintosh … appe dw data #301152 1AD0 Contextual Menu Exten… Macintosh … INIT dw data #66663 1B2E SOMobjects™ for Mac OS Macintosh … shlb dw data #129152 1B8C QuickTime™ Macintosh … INIT dw data #369846 1BEA Sound Manager Macintosh … INIT dw data #15008 1C48 Speech Manager Macintosh … INIT dw data #4000 1CA6 ~ATM™ Macintosh … cdev dw data #881790 1D62 Internet Explorer 4.5 Macintosh … APPL dW rsrc #722115 1DC0 Control Strip Extensi… Macintosh … appe dW rsrc #67084 1E1E Find CM Items Macintosh … cmpi dw data #21987 1E7C FaxMonitor Macintosh … appe dW rsrc #20034 1EDA Folder Actions Menus Macintosh … cmpi dw data #10205 1F38 Folder Actions Macintosh … appe dW rsrc #4877 1F96 PrintingLib Macintosh … shlb dw data #1103024 1FF4 Finder Macintosh … FNDR dw rsrc #638602 2052 Finder Macintosh … FNDR dw data #1870234 20B0 Color Picker Macintosh … INIT dw data #6400 210E File Sharing Library Macintosh … shlb dw data #91214 216C File Sharing Library Macintosh … shlb dw rsrc #3190 21CA Finder Preferences Macintosh … pref dW rsrc #714 2228 QuickTime™ PowerPlug Macintosh … INIT dw data #219681 2286 Desktop DB Macintosh … BTFL dW data #221184 22E4 Desktop DF Macintosh … DTFL dW data #1743314 2342 Internet Explorer 4.5 Macintosh … APPL dw data #2492933 23A0 File Sharing Extension Macintosh … INIT dW rsrc #194076 23FE AOL Scheduler Macintosh … APPL dW rsrc #10147 245C Users & Groups Data F… Macintosh … BTFL dW data #69632 24BA Folder Actions Macintosh … appe dw data #17331 2518 AppleScriptLib Macintosh … shlb dw data #22636 2576 Control Strip Extensi… Macintosh … appe dw data #3160 25D4 AppleShare PDS Macintosh … BTFL dW data #208896 2632 AppleTalk Switch Macintosh … sdev dw data #5066 2690 File Sharing Strip Macintosh … sdev dw data #8634 26EE File Sharing Library Macintosh … shlb dw rsrc #3190 274C Monitor BitDepth Macintosh … sdev dw data #4794 27AA Monitor Resolution Macintosh … sdev dw data #9750 2808 Sound Volume Macintosh … sdev dw data #4154 2866 Video Mirroring Macintosh … sdev dw data #4426 28C4 Web Sharing CS Macintosh … sdev dw data #21334 2922 MS C++ Library (PPC) Macintosh … shlb dw data #112628 2980 MS Preferences Librar… Macintosh … shlb dw data #125526 29DE MS Internet Library (… Macintosh … shlb dw data #652167 2A3C MS Favorites Library … Macintosh … shlb dw data #114946 2A9A MS Parser Library (PP… Macintosh … shlb dw data #50751 2AF8 Text Encoding Convert… Macintosh … shlb dw data #155168 2B56 Microsoft Component L… Macintosh … shlb dw data #55552 2BB4 MS Variant Lib (PPC) Macintosh … shlb dw data #33232 2C12 Chinese Encodings Macintosh … ecpg dw data #14872 2C70 Japanese Encodings Macintosh … ecpg dw data #14952 2CCE Korean Encodings Macintosh … ecpg dw data #10488 2D2C Unicode Encodings Macintosh … ecpg dw data #16872 2D8A MS Internet Library (… Macintosh … shlb dw rsrc #109593 2DE8 cache.lck Macintosh … LOCK dW data #16 2E46 cache.waf Macintosh … WAFF dW data #5265065 2EA4 MS Favorites Library … Macintosh … shlb dw rsrc #20069 2F02 MS Configuration Lib … Macintosh … shlb dw data #95877 2F60 MS Font Embed Library… Macintosh … shlb dw data #227825 2FBE MS JScript (PPC) Macintosh … shlb dw data #353250 301C Mozilla Macintosh … APPL dW rsrc #97879 307A Download Cache Macintosh … LOCK dW data #0 30D8 Download Cache Macintosh … WAFF dW data #76 3136 Mozilla Macintosh … APPL dw data #31699 3194 NSRuntime.shlb Macintosh … shlb dw data #15704 31F2 NSStdLib.shlb Macintosh … shlb dw data #284608 3250 NSPR20.shlb Macintosh … shlb dw data #213195 32AE JavaScript.shlb Macintosh … shlb dw data #398404 330C webshell.shlb Macintosh … shlb dw data #158254 336A xpcom.shlb Macintosh … shlb dw data #568465 33C8 libreg.shlb Macintosh … shlb dw data #37794 3426 dom.shlb Macintosh … shlb dw data #884093 3484 NetworkModular.shlb Macintosh … shlb dw data #6882 34E2 Component Registry Macintosh … BINA dW data #253813 3540 xpinstall.shlb Macintosh … shlb dw data #219824 359E zlib.shlb Macintosh … shlb dw data #42298 35FC about.shlb Macintosh … shlb dw data #18361 365A Bookmarks.shlb Macintosh … shlb dw data #87917 36B8 BrowsingProfile.shlb Macintosh … shlb dw data #14430 3716 Caps.shlb Macintosh … shlb dw data #77031 3774 chardet.shlb Macintosh … shlb dw data #54793 37D2 ChomeRegistry.shlb Macintosh … shlb dw data #60625 3830 Cookie.shlb Macintosh … shlb dw data #60465 388E data.shlb Macintosh … shlb dw data #18251 38EC Directory.shlb Macintosh … shlb dw data #30279 394A DOMDataSource.shlb Macintosh … shlb dw data #42879 39A8 EditorCore.shlb Macintosh … shlb dw data #597577 3A06 EditorTxmgr.shlb Macintosh … shlb dw data #21562 3A64 file.shlb Macintosh … shlb dw data #32512 3AC2 FindComponent.shlb Macintosh … shlb dw data #22185 3B20 ftp.shlb Macintosh … shlb dw data #59087 3B7E gifdecoder.shlb Macintosh … shlb dw data #15041 3BDC history.shlb Macintosh … shlb dw data #38155 3C3A htmlparser.shlb Macintosh … shlb dw data #423565 3C98 http.shlb Macintosh … shlb dw data #92312 3CF6 jar.shlb Macintosh … shlb dw data #28209 3D54 jpgdecoder.shlb Macintosh … shlb dw data #76102 3DB2 JSLoader.shlb Macintosh … shlb dw data #16277 3E10 jsurl.shlb Macintosh … shlb dw data #16146 3E6E layout.shlb Macintosh … shlb dw data #3784595 3ECC gfx.shlb Macintosh … shlb dw data #169994 3F2A libutil.shlb Macintosh … shlb dw data #5735 3F88 libimg.shlb Macintosh … shlb dw data #51103 3FE6 libjar.shlb Macintosh … shlb dw data #29192 4044 libpref.shlb Macintosh … shlb dw data #55025 40A2 lwbrk.shlb Macintosh … shlb dw data #16774 4100 mailnews.shlb Macintosh … shlb dw data #350285 415E Mime.shlb Macintosh … shlb dw data #197010 41BC mimeEmitter.shlb Macintosh … shlb dw data #42229 421A mimetype.shlb Macintosh … shlb dw data #13704 4278 Mork.shlb Macintosh … shlb dw data #263770 42D6 mozBrowser.shlb Macintosh … shlb dw data #47836 4334 MsgAddrbook.shlb Macintosh … shlb dw data #204795 4392 MsgCompose.shlb Macintosh … shlb dw data #297649 43F0 MsgDB.shlb Macintosh … shlb dw data #108130 444E MsgImap.shlb Macintosh … shlb dw data #496194 44AC MsgLocal.shlb Macintosh … shlb dw data #287367 450A MsgNews.shlb Macintosh … shlb dw data #280517 4568 multiMixedConv.shlb Macintosh … shlb dw data #55118 45C6 Network.shlb Macintosh … shlb dw data #138562 4624 nkcache.shlb Macintosh … shlb dw data #125381 4682 nslocale.shlb Macintosh … shlb dw data #47838 46E0 pngdecoder.shlb Macintosh … shlb dw data #62933 473E prefm.shlb Macintosh … shlb dw data #52374 479C prefwindow.shlb Macintosh … shlb dw data #19518 47FA profile.shlb Macintosh … shlb dw data #46198 4858 RDFLibrary.shlb Macintosh … shlb dw data #624368 48B6 RegViewer.shlb Macintosh … shlb dw data #22017 4914 Related.shlb Macintosh … shlb dw data #23719 4972 res.shlb Macintosh … shlb dw data #22782 49D0 resource.shlb Macintosh … shlb dw data #9753 4A2E Search.shlb Macintosh … shlb dw data #74428 4A8C smime.shlb Macintosh … shlb dw data #10099 4AEA streamconv.shlb Macintosh … shlb dw data #21206 4B48 strres.shlb Macintosh … shlb dw data #14013 4BA6 TextServices.shlb Macintosh … shlb dw data #65186 4C04 uconv.shlb Macintosh … shlb dw data #47370 4C62 ucth.shlb Macintosh … shlb dw data #9704 4CC0 ucvcn.shlb Macintosh … shlb dw data #124365 4D1E ucvja.shlb Macintosh … shlb dw data #221380 4D7C ucvko.shlb Macintosh … shlb dw data #75503 4DDA ucvlatin.shlb Macintosh … shlb dw data #147777 4E38 ucvtw.shlb Macintosh … shlb dw data #87662 4E96 ucvtw2.shlb Macintosh … shlb dw data #184974 4EF4 unicharutil.shlb Macintosh … shlb dw data #27905 4F52 uriLoader.shlb Macintosh … shlb dw data #15829 4FB0 vcard.shlb Macintosh … shlb dw data #54403 500E view.shlb Macintosh … shlb dw data #88088 506C Wallet.shlb Macintosh … shlb dw data #115992 50CA WalletViewers.shlb Macintosh … shlb dw data #16805 5128 xfer.shlb Macintosh … shlb dw data #23059 5186 XPConnect.shlb Macintosh … shlb dw data #186927 51E4 AppShell.shlb Macintosh … shlb dw data #168822 5242 widget.shlb Macintosh … shlb dw data #291223 52A0 WASTELib Macintosh … shlb dw data #117737 52FE widget.shlb Macintosh … shlb dw rsrc #921 535C plugin.shlb Macintosh … shlb dw data #94508 53BA LaserWriter 8 Macintosh … PRER dW rsrc #144532 5418 oji.shlb Macintosh … shlb dw data #88048 5476 LiveConnect.shlb Macintosh … shlb dw data #96989 54D4 StdLog Macintosh … TEXT dW data #18210 #267 FCBs, #232 in use (including #42 fonts not listed), #35 free Displaying Driver Control Entries No drivers are busy. Displaying resource information: > Map $070D2390, flags $2100, file $53BA = LaserWriter 8 Map $068FA210, flags $0000, file $52FE = widget.shlb Map $068ACE38, flags $0000, file $301C = Mozilla + Map $00005930, flags $001A, file $017A = Mac OS ROM S Map $00005A2C, flags $200D, file $0002 = System Map $00005884, flags $0014, file $0236 = System Resources [Skipped $002A maps belonging to font files] Calling chain using A6/R1 links Back chain ISA Caller 00000000 PPC 17318AE4 0747F200 PPC 17315C0C main+00194 0747F160 PPC 1731565C main1(int, char**)+005D0 0747F070 PPC 16529E48 nsAppShellService::Run()+00018 0747F030 PPC 164F84A8 nsAppShell::Run()+00038 0747EFB0 PPC 164F8BF0 nsMacMessagePump::DoMessagePump()+0003C 0747EF60 PPC 164F8DAC nsMacMessagePump::DispatchEvent(int, EventRecord*)+0005C 0747EF10 PPC 164F9060 nsMacMessagePump::DoMouseDown(EventRecord&)+0007C 0747EE40 PPC 164F98CC nsMacMessagePump::DoMenu(EventRecord&, long)+00048 0747EDF0 PPC 164F9B9C nsMacMessagePump::DispatchMenuCommandToRaptor(EventRecord&, long )+0004C 0747EDA0 PPC 164F3E14 nsMacMessageSink::DispatchMenuCommand(EventRecord&, long)+00044 0747ED50 PPC 164EDCAC nsMacWindow::HandleMenuCommand(EventRecord&, long)+00020 0747ECF0 PPC 164EE940 nsMacEventHandler::HandleMenuCommand(EventRecord&, long)+000D4 0747EC30 PPC 164D9B2C nsWindow::DispatchWindowEvent(nsGUIEvent&)+00018 0747EBF0 PPC 164D9A3C nsWindow::DispatchEvent(nsGUIEvent*, nsEventStatus&)+00074 0747EBA0 PPC 164E7094 nsMenuBar::MenuSelected(const nsMenuEvent&)+00084 0747EB40 PPC 164E3740 nsMenu::MenuItemSelected(const nsMenuEvent&)+001A8 0747E8E0 PPC 164E903C nsMenuItem::MenuItemSelected(const nsMenuEvent&)+0004C 0747E8A0 PPC 164E94E8 nsMenuItem::DoCommand()+002B0 0747E730 PPC 16767F3C nsXULElement::HandleDOMEvent(nsIPresContext*, nsEvent*, nsIDOMEv ent**, unsigned int, nsEventStatus*)+67F3C 0747E5D0 PPC 16BA550C nsEventListenerManager::HandleEvent(nsIPresContext*, nsEvent*, n sIDOMEvent**, unsigned int, nsEventStatus*)+A550C 0747E480 PPC 16BA3EF8 nsEventListenerManager::HandleEventSubType(nsListenerStruct*, ns IDOMEvent*, unsigned int)+A3EF8 0747E200 PPC 17111ADC nsJSEventListener::HandleEvent(nsIDOMEvent*)+001D0 0747E0E0 PPC 170ABE64 nsJSContext::CallEventHandler(void*, void*, unsigned int, void*, int*)+001E8 0747E020 PPC 1723C16C JS_CallFunctionValue+00014 0747DFE0 PPC 17254584 js_InternalCall+000B8 0747DF30 PPC 1725435C js_Invoke+00554 0747DE50 PPC 1725A580 js_Interpret+05978 0747DC20 PPC 1725435C js_Invoke+00554 0747DB40 PPC 1725A580 js_Interpret+05978 0747D910 PPC 17254304 js_Invoke+004FC 0747D830 PPC 16566B20 WrappedNative_CallMethod(JSContext*, JSObject*, unsigned int, lo ng*, long*)+66B20 0747D7C0 PPC 1656546C nsXPCWrappedNativeClass::CallWrappedMethod(JSContext*, nsXPCWrap pedNative*, const XPCNativeMemberDescriptor*, nsXPCWrappedNativeClass::CallMode, unsigned int , long*, long*)+6546C 0747D510 PPC 171D822C XPTC_InvokeByIndex+0000C 0747D4D0 PPC 171D8334 _XPTC_InvokeByIndex+000C8 0747D42C PPC 169B56C0 nsBrowserInstance::Print()+B56C0 0747D39C PPC 16D9B5E8 DocumentViewerImpl::Print()+9B5E8 0747D23C PPC 16B0BFBC PresShell::InitialReflow(int, int)+0BFBC 0747D05C PPC 16B1DE48 StyleSetImpl::ContentInserted(nsIPresContext*, nsIContent*, nsIC ontent*, int)+1DE48 0747D01C PPC 16D6D83C nsCSSFrameConstructor::ContentInserted(nsIPresContext*, nsIConte nt*, nsIContent*, int, nsILayoutHistoryState*)+6D83C 0747CC9C PPC 16D65148 nsCSSFrameConstructor::ConstructDocElementFrame(nsIPresShell*, n sIPresContext*, nsFrameConstructorState&, nsIContent*, nsIFrame*, nsIStyleContext*, nsIFrame* &)+65148 0747CACC PPC 16D7370C nsCSSFrameConstructor::ProcessChildren(nsIPresShell*, nsIPresCon text*, nsFrameConstructorState&, nsIContent*, nsIFrame*, int, nsFrameItems&, int)+7370C 0747C9FC PPC 16D6B934 nsCSSFrameConstructor::ConstructFrame(nsIPresShell*, nsIPresCont ext*, nsFrameConstructorState&, nsIContent*, nsIFrame*, nsFrameItems&)+6B934 0747C91C PPC 16D6ABE8 nsCSSFrameConstructor::ConstructFrameByDisplayType(nsIPresShell* , nsIPresContext*, nsFrameConstructorState&, const nsStyleDisplay*, nsIContent*, nsIFrame*, n sIStyleContext*, nsFrameItems&)+6ABE8 0747C6FC PPC 16D763F8 nsCSSFrameConstructor::ConstructBlock(nsIPresShell*, nsIPresCont ext*, nsFrameConstructorState&, const nsStyleDisplay*, nsIContent*, nsIFrame*, nsIStyleContex t*, nsIFrame*)+763F8 0747C65C PPC 16D7665C nsCSSFrameConstructor::ProcessBlockChildren(nsIPresShell*, nsIPr esContext*, nsFrameConstructorState&, nsIContent*, nsIFrame*, int, nsFrameItems&, int)+7665C 0747C58C PPC 16D6B934 nsCSSFrameConstructor::ConstructFrame(nsIPresShell*, nsIPresCont ext*, nsFrameConstructorState&, nsIContent*, nsIFrame*, nsFrameItems&)+6B934 0747C4AC PPC 16D6ACDC nsCSSFrameConstructor::ConstructFrameByDisplayType(nsIPresShell* , nsIPresContext*, nsFrameConstructorState&, const nsStyleDisplay*, nsIContent*, nsIFrame*, n sIStyleContext*, nsFrameItems&)+6ACDC 0747C28C PPC 16D61128 nsCSSFrameConstructor::ConstructTableFrame(nsIPresShell*, nsIPre sContext*, nsFrameConstructorState&, nsIContent*, nsIFrame*, nsIStyleContext*, nsIFrame*&, ns TableCreator&)+61128 0747C12C PPC 16D621B8 nsCSSFrameConstructor::ConstructTableGroupFrame(nsIPresShell*, n sIPresContext*, nsFrameConstructorState&, nsIContent*, nsIFrame*, nsIStyleContext*, int, nsIF rame*&, nsIFrame*&, nsTableCreator&, nsTableList*)+621B8 0747BFCC PPC 16D62748 nsCSSFrameConstructor::ConstructTableGroupFrameOnly(nsIPresShell *, nsIPresContext*, nsFrameConstructorState&, nsIContent*, nsIFrame*, nsIStyleContext*, int, nsIFrame*&, nsIFrame*&, nsTableCreator&, int)+62748 0747BF2C PPC 16D63D58 nsCSSFrameConstructor::TableProcessChildren(nsIPresShell*, nsIPr esContext*, nsFrameConstructorState&, nsIContent*, nsIFrame*, nsFrameItems&, nsTableCreator&) +63D58 0747BE5C PPC 16D63F20 nsCSSFrameConstructor::TableProcessChild(nsIPresShell*, nsIPresC ontext*, nsFrameConstructorState&, nsIContent*, nsIFrame*, nsIStyleContext*, nsFrameItems&, n sTableCreator&)+63F20 0747BD5C PPC 16D6B934 nsCSSFrameConstructor::ConstructFrame(nsIPresShell*, nsIPresCont ext*, nsFrameConstructorState&, nsIContent*, nsIFrame*, nsFrameItems&)+6B934 0747BC7C PPC 16D6AE74 nsCSSFrameConstructor::ConstructFrameByDisplayType(nsIPresShell* , nsIPresContext*, nsFrameConstructorState&, const nsStyleDisplay*, nsIContent*, nsIFrame*, n sIStyleContext*, nsFrameItems&)+6AE74 0747BA5C PPC 16D629DC nsCSSFrameConstructor::ConstructTableRowFrame(nsIPresShell*, nsI PresContext*, nsFrameConstructorState&, nsIContent*, nsIFrame*, nsIStyleContext*, nsIFrame*&, nsIFrame*&, nsTableCreator&, nsTableList*)+629DC 0747B90C PPC 16D62DF0 nsCSSFrameConstructor::ConstructTableRowFrameOnly(nsIPresShell*, nsIPresContext*, nsFrameConstructorState&, nsIContent*, nsIFrame*, nsIStyleContext*, int, ns IFrame*&, nsTableCreator&)+62DF0 0747B89C PPC 16D63D58 nsCSSFrameConstructor::TableProcessChildren(nsIPresShell*, nsIPr esContext*, nsFrameConstructorState&, nsIContent*, nsIFrame*, nsFrameItems&, nsTableCreator&) +63D58 0747B7CC PPC 16D63F20 nsCSSFrameConstructor::TableProcessChild(nsIPresShell*, nsIPresC ontext*, nsFrameConstructorState&, nsIContent*, nsIFrame*, nsIStyleContext*, nsFrameItems&, n sTableCreator&)+63F20 0747B6CC PPC 16D6B934 nsCSSFrameConstructor::ConstructFrame(nsIPresShell*, nsIPresCont ext*, nsFrameConstructorState&, nsIContent*, nsIFrame*, nsFrameItems&)+6B934 0747B5EC PPC 16D6AEEC nsCSSFrameConstructor::ConstructFrameByDisplayType(nsIPresShell* , nsIPresContext*, nsFrameConstructorState&, const nsStyleDisplay*, nsIContent*, nsIFrame*, n sIStyleContext*, nsFrameItems&)+6AEEC 0747B3CC PPC 16D63520 nsCSSFrameConstructor::ConstructTableCellFrame(nsIPresShell*, ns IPresContext*, nsFrameConstructorState&, nsIContent*, nsIFrame*, nsIStyleContext*, nsIFrame*& , nsIFrame*&, nsIFrame*&, nsTableCreator&, int)+63520 0747B26C PPC 16D639E8 nsCSSFrameConstructor::ConstructTableCellFrameOnly(nsIPresShell* , nsIPresContext*, nsFrameConstructorState&, nsIContent*, nsIFrame*, nsIStyleContext*, nsIFra me*&, nsIFrame*&, nsTableCreator&, int)+639E8 0747B16C PPC 16D7370C nsCSSFrameConstructor::ProcessChildren(nsIPresShell*, nsIPresCon text*, nsFrameConstructorState&, nsIContent*, nsIFrame*, int, nsFrameItems&, int)+7370C 0747B09C PPC 16D6B934 nsCSSFrameConstructor::ConstructFrame(nsIPresShell*, nsIPresCont ext*, nsFrameConstructorState&, nsIContent*, nsIFrame*, nsFrameItems&)+6B934 0747AFBC PPC 16D6ACDC nsCSSFrameConstructor::ConstructFrameByDisplayType(nsIPresShell* , nsIPresContext*, nsFrameConstructorState&, const nsStyleDisplay*, nsIContent*, nsIFrame*, n sIStyleContext*, nsFrameItems&)+6ACDC 0747AD9C PPC 16D61128 nsCSSFrameConstructor::ConstructTableFrame(nsIPresShell*, nsIPre sContext*, nsFrameConstructorState&, nsIContent*, nsIFrame*, nsIStyleContext*, nsIFrame*&, ns TableCreator&)+61128 0747AC3C PPC 16D621B8 nsCSSFrameConstructor::ConstructTableGroupFrame(nsIPresShell*, n sIPresContext*, nsFrameConstructorState&, nsIContent*, nsIFrame*, nsIStyleContext*, int, nsIF rame*&, nsIFrame*&, nsTableCreator&, nsTableList*)+621B8 0747AADC PPC 16D62748 nsCSSFrameConstructor::ConstructTableGroupFrameOnly(nsIPresShell *, nsIPresContext*, nsFrameConstructorState&, nsIContent*, nsIFrame*, nsIStyleContext*, int, nsIFrame*&, nsIFrame*&, nsTableCreator&, int)+62748 0747AA3C PPC 16D63D58 nsCSSFrameConstructor::TableProcessChildren(nsIPresShell*, nsIPr esContext*, nsFrameConstructorState&, nsIContent*, nsIFrame*, nsFrameItems&, nsTableCreator&) +63D58 0747A96C PPC 16D63F20 nsCSSFrameConstructor::TableProcessChild(nsIPresShell*, nsIPresC ontext*, nsFrameConstructorState&, nsIContent*, nsIFrame*, nsIStyleContext*, nsFrameItems&, n sTableCreator&)+63F20 0747A86C PPC 16D6B934 nsCSSFrameConstructor::ConstructFrame(nsIPresShell*, nsIPresCont ext*, nsFrameConstructorState&, nsIContent*, nsIFrame*, nsFrameItems&)+6B934 0747A78C PPC 16D6AE74 nsCSSFrameConstructor::ConstructFrameByDisplayType(nsIPresShell* , nsIPresContext*, nsFrameConstructorState&, const nsStyleDisplay*, nsIContent*, nsIFrame*, n sIStyleContext*, nsFrameItems&)+6AE74 0747A56C PPC 16D629DC nsCSSFrameConstructor::ConstructTableRowFrame(nsIPresShell*, nsI PresContext*, nsFrameConstructorState&, nsIContent*, nsIF
Severity: major → critical
I have some bugs saying windows asserts, some saying it crashes, all say linux crashes. (which is logged against another bug). I need to get to the bottom of this.. My window and Mac versions both print the samples and mozilla pages fine, so there is something wrong here.
Summary: [CRASH] Browser crashes when trying to print web page → [Print Fail CRASH] Browser crashes when trying to print web page
Target Milestone: M13
Blocks: 22176
Closed: 25 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
Pagenation problem in Layout with tables *** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 22937 ***
No longer blocks: 22176
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