Closed Bug 21562 Opened 25 years ago Closed 21 years ago

[LIST][INLINE-V] List markers are not properly aligned


(Core :: CSS Parsing and Computation, defect, P3)






(Reporter: dr, Assigned: attinasi)


(Depends on 1 open bug)


(Keywords: css1, testcase, Whiteboard: (py8ieh:need more thorough testcases) [nsbeta3-])


(2 files)

I'm not absolutely certain about this, but the first-child pseudo-class may be
broken, as described in the attached URL (testcase). Reasoning is described at
that URL.

The only other option, if my theory is invalid, is that list-item numbers are
themselves misaligned.
There's no value 'normal' for margin-top.

Furthermore, the only way to reduce the space between the first list item and
the paragraph above it is to reduce the bottom margin on the p (out of the
list), the top margin on the ol, and the top margin on the p (in the list).
This is because of collapsing margins.

However, the list-item misalignment *may* be a bug, but has absolutely nothing
to do with :first-child.  It probably has something to do with line-height.  I
have to check the rules on aligning list markers...

This should probably go to Layout.
The CSS section on markers (which I've recommended that you follow for things
with display: list-item so you'll be forwards-compatible) is not very clear on
this point.  I tend to think the marker *should* be properly aligned, though.

Simplified testcase to be attached.
Attached file simplified testcase (deleted) —
Assignee: pierre → troy
Summary: {css2} first-child broken → List markers are not properly aligned
Changing the title to "List markers are not properly aligned" from "{css2} first-
child broken". Reassigned to Troy.
Assignee: troy → kipp
Block related so re-assigning to Kipp's bug list
mass moving all Kipp's pre-beta bugs to M15.  Nisheeth and I will
prioritize these and selectively move high-priority bugs into M13 and M14.
Summary: List markers are not properly aligned → [BLOCK] List markers are not properly aligned
Summary: [BLOCK] List markers are not properly aligned → {css1} [BLOCK] List markers are not properly aligned
Yes, the marker box should be aligned with the text in the list-item box, even
if the list-item has line-height:2, because both the marker and the text in the
list-item box have vertical-align:baseline and both participate in the same
calculations for sizing the line-box, so both are aligned to the same baseline.

David: This might be relevant for your "David's Inline Box Model" document.
Keywords: css1
Migrating from {css1} to css1 keyword. The {css1}, {css2}, {css3} and {css-moz}
radars should now be considered deprecated in favour of keywords.
I am *really* sorry about the spam...
Summary: {css1} [BLOCK] List markers are not properly aligned → [BLOCK] List markers are not properly aligned
mine! mine mine mine!  all mine!  whoo-hoo!
Assignee: kipp → buster
Original URL is 404
Disregard the comments from "", the original URL is
actually not 404 at all. In addition, the two attachements are very similar to
the original test case anyhow.
moving all buster m15 bugs to m16.
Target Milestone: M15 → M16
Target Milestone: M16 → M18
redistributing bugs across future milestones, sorry for the spam
Target Milestone: M18 → M19
Summary: [BLOCK] List markers are not properly aligned → [LIST][INLINE-V] List markers are not properly aligned
*** Bug 47190 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Nominating for nsbeta3. This is a standards compliance issue, and IE5.5 gets it
right so it would look very bad for us to get it wrong.
Whiteboard: (py8ieh:need more thorough testcases)
Denying approval for beta3: too many bugs and not enough resources, so this one 
will have to be atteneded to in the future.
Whiteboard: (py8ieh:need more thorough testcases) → (py8ieh:need more thorough testcases) [nsbeta3-]
Target Milestone: M19 → Future
Depends on: 54979
Netscape's standard compliance QA team reorganised itself once again, so taking 
remaining non-tables style bugs. Sorry about the spam. I tried to get this done 
directly at the database level, but apparently that is "not easy because of the 
shadow db", "plus it screws up the audit trail", so no can do...
QA Contact: chrisd → ian
Just pinging this bug... Ian, do we still need more thorough testcases? It'd be
nice to have this fixed.
dr: We always need more thorough testcases, but in this case they are not needed
in order to fix this bug.

To fix this bug we need to make sure that the marker box (also known as the
::list-item-marker if we use unpublished CSS3 terminology) takes part in the
vertical alignment and sizing of the first line box of the element which has
display: list-item. Should that element be empty, a line box should be created
immediately inside said element (as if ::before had been set to content:'').
whoa. i don't speak formatting :) removing cc.
Build reassigning Buster's bugs to Marc.
Assignee: buster → attinasi
So... is this still a problem?  I don't see any alignment problems on the
Keywords: qawanted
WFM, 2003-10-31-05 trunk Linux
OK, marking so (since it worksforme too).
Closed: 21 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
Keywords: qawanted
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