Closed Bug 233281 Opened 21 years ago Closed 20 years ago

Junk Mail Controls dialog bug when deselecting "Move incoming messages"


(Thunderbird :: Preferences, defect)

Windows XP
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: bugs, Assigned: mscott)




(1 file, 1 obsolete file)

Build Identifier: Mozilla Thunderbird 0.4 (20031205)

From the Junk Mail Control dialog Settings tab, if 'When I manually mark
messages as Junk:' is checked, and then 'Move incoming messages determined to be
junk mail to:' is unchecked, the radio for 'Move them to the "Junk" Folder' is
grayed out, when it shouldn't be since it is in a different section (under 'When
I manually mark messages as Junk:').

The workaround is to uncheck and then recheck the 'When I manually mark messages
as Junk:' checkbox.

Reproducible: Always
Steps to Reproduce:
1. Check the checkbox for 'Move incoming messages determined to be junk mail to:'
2. Check the checkbox for 'When I manually mark messages as Junk:'
3. Uncheck the checkbox for 'Move incoming messages determined to be junk mail to:'

Actual Results:  
The 'Move them to the "Junk" Folder' radio option is disabled (grayed out).

Expected Results:  
The 'Move them to the "Junk" Folder' should not be affected by the 'Move
incoming messages determined to be junk mail to:' checkbox.
Ever confirmed: true
Target Milestone: --- → Thunderbird0.6
Attached patch proposed patch (obsolete) (deleted) — Splinter Review
This is my first attempt at a patch.  Separates folder selection from
moveOnSpam group so you can select a "Junk" folder for the account and then the
moveOnSpam and manualMark options can reference the folder.  Tried to remove
check for moveOnSpam pref but it's also somewhere in the JunkSelectedMessages()
method in mailCommands.js.  May need to add a radiogroup to the moveOnSpam
group to select between moving to Junk folder or trash.

Sorry if the patch isn't any good.
You should ask Scott for review on the patch so it gets noticed. Click the Edit
link next to your attachment, then change the review dropdown box to ? and put
in his e-mail address (
Target Milestone: Thunderbird0.6 → Thunderbird0.7
*** Bug 217528 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Target Milestone: Thunderbird0.7 → Thunderbird0.8
Attachment #143733 - Flags: superreview?(bienvenu)
Attachment #143733 - Flags: review?(mscott)
I don't think this page is ready for review.  For one, I hardcoded the label
text.  For another, I mentioned a check for the moveOnSpam setting that I hadn't
taken care of in my original post but I can't remember anymore because I made
the patch so long ago.
Target Milestone: Thunderbird0.8 → Thunderbird0.9
Vlad has some good ideas for addressing this problem.
This is still occuring on Thunderbird 0.8 - needs sorting before we hit 1.0...
moving off unless Vlad is gonna take a stab at the idea he had for this.
Target Milestone: Thunderbird0.9 → Thunderbird1.0
vlad, can you remember what your suggestion was for fixing this bug? I can't
remember anymore. 
There a couple of problems here:

1) The checkboxes in the Handling tab are inactive unless the "Enable Adaptive
Junk Mail Filtering" option is checked in the second tab -- this just caught me
now, I was trying to figure out why those boxes were "broken" (and I had
adaptive junk mail filtering disabled). 

2) The dialog box has options now like:

==== A ====
[ ] Move incoming mail determined to be junk mail to:

==== B ====
[ ] When I manually mark messages as junk:
    ( ) Move them to the Junk folder
    ( ) Delete them

==== C ====
[ ] When displaying HTML messages marked as junk, sanitize the HTML

and, on the next tab,
==== D ====
[ ] Enable adaptive junk mail filtering

Right now, if you turn off D, A and B become inactive.  If you turn on D,
A and B become active.  If A is on, then everything is active.  If A is off,
then the B checkbox and the "Move them to the Junk folder" radio box become
disabled, even though they shouldn't be (the "Delete them" radio box stays active!")

My suggestion was, I think:

Make section B always active (not dependant on A or D).  Marking mail as junk
and taking an operation based on that should be independent on whether adaptive
junk mail is enabled.

Also, I'd put the D and A checkboxes/sections together somewhere -- maybe on the
second tab (where you'd both enable/disable adaptive mail filtering, as well as
configure what should happen to automatically flagged mail).

(Somewhat related to the dialog: Junk Mail Log should probably be a third tab
instead of another dialog box, since it's essentially a checkbox and a button,
like the Adaptive Filter tab).
Attached patch the fix (for now) (deleted) — Splinter Review
Attachment #143733 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #143733 - Flags: superreview?(bienvenu)
Attachment #143733 - Flags: superreview-
Attachment #143733 - Flags: review?(mscott)
Attachment #143733 - Flags: review-
Comment on attachment 167303 [details] [diff] [review]
the fix (for now)

For now, make the manual mark setting independent of the enabled state of the
automatic move incoming messages setting.
Attachment #167303 - Flags: superreview?(bienvenu)
Attachment #167303 - Flags: superreview?(bienvenu) → superreview+
fixed branch and trunk
Closed: 20 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
*** Bug 272486 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
vrfy'd fixed per comment 11, and no longer experience the disabled radiobutton
issue from comment 0. tested with 2004120106-0.9 on linux fc2.
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