Closed Bug 234765 Opened 21 years ago Closed 20 years ago

The scroll bar in the advanced address search in the address book has no effect


(Thunderbird :: Address Book, defect)

Windows XP
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: t.busshaus, Assigned: mscott)



(1 file)

Build Identifier: Mozilla Thunderbird 0.5 (20040207)

When searching for addresses in the address book with the "advanced" feature the 
list of found addresses does not move accordingly to the movement of the scroll 
bar on the right.

Reproducible: Always
Steps to Reproduce:
1. open address book
2. click the button "advanced" to open the advanced address search dialog
3. enter a search string, that will find you some addresses and confirm the 
4. try to scroll through the found addresses using the scroll bar

Actual Results:  
nothing :)

Expected Results:  
scrolled the list
I can duplicate this bug on my x86 Athlon Linux system with Thunderbird 0.6

I can scroll the window with the mouse-wheel.  Thought that might be a hint.
Identical results w/ Thunderbird 0.6 on Windows 2000: up/down arrows work,
mouse wheel works, page up/down keys work, clicking scroll bar to page up/
down does not move through the selected set.
We've noticed this problem where I work, too.  We sometimes do large searches 
in our ldap for all employees in a particular branch or department & this bug 
could get really annoying for some people.  If the list is really long, it 
would take forever to get to the bottom of the list using the up & down arrows.
Bug still in Thunderbird 0.7 & latest nightly
We're using W2K here at College & I'm on an Athlon x86 box.
Colleague using Moz 1.7b suite on a similar box & OS doesn't have the problem.
Bug still present in version 0.7.3 (20040803).
Confirming to NEW.  The scrollbar in the Advanced Address Book Search window
does not work for the results list in today's latest nightly: version 0.7+

I can imagine this being pretty annoying if you have a huge list of matching
results...  Nominating for aviary1.0.
Ever confirmed: true
Flags: blocking-aviary1.0?
it appears that the tree frame isn't even getting told to scroll to the next
item when you click the scroll buttons. The event isn't getting through. 
targeting for .9
Flags: blocking-aviary1.0?
Target Milestone: --- → Thunderbird0.9
this problem appears to be in both trunk and branch builds for thunderbird.

seamonkey does not seem to be effected. Very strange.

Attached patch the fix (deleted) — Splinter Review
hours of wasted time debugging scrolling events in xul just to discover this
file was trying to load an overlay that had been collapsed directly into it. So
things were getting defined twice and apparently that confused the scroll bar
widget. Oh well.
fixed on the branch and the trunk
Closed: 20 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
I found removing the one line (in 0.7.3) busted the 'Properties'
and 'Write' buttons, so I added the following line to ABSearchDialog.xul...

  <script type="application/x-javascript"

I also found that the things got 'plugged up' after one search, 
so I added CloseAbView(); to onSearch() in ABSearchDialog.js.

Now clicking the 'Search' button or hitting 'enter' will do a new search.

The get advanced search working completely, 
thanks woodie. I just checked in the change to bring in the overlay file.

I haven't been able to reproduce the problem with the search dialog not working
after the first search on the 0.8+ builds yet though so I didn't make that change.
The 'after the first search' problem may be when
I search against an LDAP directory.

There is no Advanced button in Thunderbird 0.9.
Is advanced search coming back?
edit  / search addressses
The Advanced search is hidden in 0.9...

<!-- Hide the advanced button like we do for the main 3-pane window...

When I enabled it, I found that it works great!


FYI - I do get 'quick-search-menupopup' has no properties on the main AB

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