Closed Bug 257354 Opened 20 years ago Closed 20 years ago

Can make firefox crash while using form completion [@ nsFormFillController::OnTextEntered]


(Toolkit :: Form Manager, defect)

Not set





(Reporter: kylelutze, Assigned: bryner)




(Keywords: crash, fixed-aviary1.0, topcrash)

Crash Data


(2 files)

User-Agent:       Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.7) Gecko/20040813 Firefox/0.9.3
Build Identifier: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.7) Gecko/20040813 Firefox/0.9.3

I went to google and tried the string ' linux x-chat' and clicked on the
first link. While it was trying to load I deleted 'linux x-chat from the string
and then put a space after '' so it would bring up the completion while
the link was trying to load. Once the link had opened the completion box was
still there and when you click on it firefox crashes

Reproducible: Always
Steps to Reproduce:
in the Details section
Actual Results:  

Expected Results:  
the form completion box should go away
Kyle: Could you provide TalkBack incident ID of your crash?
Severity: normal → critical
Keywords: crash
Probably a dupe of bug 243432?
Adam: what do you mean by that?

and I guess it is a dup, that would be my bad, although he is right that it
isn't site specific. I tried multiple more times and it seems that sometimes i
can get it to fail and sometimes i can't :/
I have to go to school right now but later i'll see if i can't make a small
video of it happening
Kyle: When Firefox crashes, TalkBack Quality Feedback Agent should appear.
TalkBack will ask for sending report about crash to Mozilla. Send it and then go
to your Firefox directory, run talkback.exe in components subdirectory. It will
give you list of incident IDs (strings like TB564654Z), first is the newest one.
Put this ID as comment to this bug report.
This looks like a dupe to me. Kyle, if you can provide a talkback ID, we can
verify that it's a dupe and reopen the other bug.
I can provide a talkback ID, using my 20040829 build of Firefox: TB694368H
I can't find that talkback report in the database. Are you sure that it was sent
Yes, it was sent correctly. Currently there seems to be a large queue of crashes
waiting to be processed.
Anyway, the crash seems to be quite easily avoided by putting:
  if (!domDoc)
    return  NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
just after:   nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMDocument> domDoc;
inside the function:
I tested this on my debug build and it avoids the crash.

But I think it is better if the autocomplete popup would be closed when the
previous document is unloaded.
Keywords: talkbackid
Something like this in the autocomplete-result-popup binding in the constructor
in autocomplete.xml would close the popup when the current document gets unloaded:
        var g=this;

But I don't know if that's the right approach. Maybe this should be done in some
c-file or in an entirely different way.
I'm using Gentoo and once it crashes it just crashes with no errors or talkback
stuff showing up. There isn't even a talkback program installed as far as i can
tell (I checked the components folder too). Any Ideas there?
Keywords: talkbackid don't use gentoo builds. talkback comes with
builds only.
Keywords: talkbackid
TB694368H doesn't look too useful:
firefox.exe + 0x3de56c (0x007de56c)
firefox.exe + 0x3d7484 (0x007d7484)
firefox.exe + 0x3d69ec (0x007d69ec)
xpcom.dll + 0x361ba (0x602f61ba)
firefox.exe + 0x1cc3d (0x0041cc3d)
firefox.exe + 0x1aaa3 (0x0041aaa3)
js3250.dll + 0x1c20b (0x6008c20b)
js3250.dll + 0x21977 (0x60091977)
js3250.dll + 0x1c24b (0x6008c24b)
js3250.dll + 0x1c4f8 (0x6008c4f8)
js3250.dll + 0x4c0a (0x60074c0a)
firefox.exe + 0x12c9a1 (0x0052c9a1)
firefox.exe + 0x289edd (0x00689edd)
firefox.exe + 0x2cc7cb (0x006cc7cb)
firefox.exe + 0x2cd198 (0x006cd198)
firefox.exe + 0x15ae59 (0x0055ae59)
firefox.exe + 0x15b086 (0x0055b086)
firefox.exe + 0x176eb6 (0x00576eb6)
firefox.exe + 0x180948 (0x00580948)
firefox.exe + 0x180525 (0x00580525)
firefox.exe + 0x1d0312 (0x005d0312)
firefox.exe + 0x1cf719 (0x005cf719)
firefox.exe + 0x1d2973 (0x005d2973)
firefox.exe + 0x1071d0 (0x005071d0)
firefox.exe + 0x10b216 (0x0050b216)
firefox.exe + 0x10b66e (0x0050b66e)
firefox.exe + 0x10777f (0x0050777f)
USER32.dll + 0x27b17 (0x77d37b17)
USER32.dll + 0x2cdce (0x77d3cdce)
USER32.dll + 0x4435 (0x77d14435)
USER32.dll + 0x9611 (0x77d19611)
firefox.exe + 0x374402 (0x00774402)
firefox.exe + 0x1012 (0x00401012)
kernel32.dll + 0x1eb69 (0x77e5eb69)

Probably related to bug 257337.

Kyle, any chance for your TalkBack ID?
Keywords: talkbackid
OS: Linux → All
Summary: can make firefox crash while using form completion → can make firefox crash while using form completion [@ firefox.exe ]
I've installed the latest version of firefox from the website and now haven't
been able to crash it, same with the gentoo build. they've both started to just
disappear like they're supposed to once i click on them. I've tried creating a
new profile to see if I could make it crash but that didn't do it either. It's
rather odd.
If it does fail on me again I will post the talkback ID
Marking it WFM. Reporter if you can reproduce just reopen this bug.
Closed: 20 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
Well, I can still crash Firefox. Another talkback ID: TB729245G
I used a nightly 0.9 Firefox build for this. 
It is really quite easy to make Firefox crash this way, so I'm kinda surprised
this has been resolved worksforme.
(In reply to comment #15)
> It is really quite easy to make Firefox crash this way, so I'm kinda surprised
> this has been resolved worksforme.

Sorry for that, I missed your comment 8 and I just reopen it again. This isn't a
dupe of bug 243432.

When you search for 'do_QueryInterface' within nsFormFillController.cpp you will
get a lot of lines whose don't check for not NULL before operating with the
returned pointer (lines 125, 431, 441, 848, 861, 912, 949).
Resolution: WORKSFORME → ---
Ever confirmed: true
Summary: can make firefox crash while using form completion [@ firefox.exe ] → Can make firefox crash while using form completion [@ nsFormFillController::OnTextEntered]
Attached file testcase (deleted) —
Well, this testcase is not really identical to this bug, but I believe the
general problem is the same.
Clicking on the link in the testcase will cause an autocomplete popup and after
that you will be redirected to the previous page with history.go(-1). But the
autocomplete popup will stay open and when you click on it, the browser will
Note: you must have autocomplete entries beginning with the letter "m" for the
Google page.
This should be definitely a blocker for Aviay1.0. For 1.0PR we are too late. :(
Flags: blocking-aviary1.0?
I can still reproduce this bug on

You only have to click on submit and after that as fast as you can do a double
click within the username field. The form completion box appears and is not
removed when the new page is loaded. If you click into this box current FF
builds will crash every time. 
Severity: critical → blocker
based on steps to reproduce, the slower the PC, the more apt to see something 

bryner, can you look at this? looks like some basic bulletproofing ought to take
care of it.
Assignee: bugs → bryner
Flags: blocking-aviary1.0? → blocking-aviary1.0+
Keywords: topcrash+topcrash
On demand of the posting
from Asa I ask for a blocker of 1.0 PR. You could crash the browser every time,
if you know the steps. And it's also very easy with fast network connections. 
Flags: blocking-aviary1.0PR?
Flags: blocking-aviary1.0PR? → blocking-aviary1.0PR-
i just found out another bug, but i don't know if it's related, that's why i
post it here first:

when i want to remove some items from the google autocomplete box, firefox crashes.

this is what i do:
- go to google
- click the textbox
- press shift+del

talkback id's: TB855833E, TB855771H, TB855758Z

Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.7.3) Gecko/20040916 Firefox/0.10
Michael, none of this id's could be found. You have send them yesterday?
huh? strange...

yes, i sent them yesterday.

TB855833E - 09/17/04 06:54 PM
TB855771H - 09/17/04 06:50 PM
TB855758Z - 09/17/04 06:49 PM

i have a screenshot if you want...
Please try again and send one more. Take a look that no failure is displayed.
Check your incident id:

If it can be found post us the new id so we could take a look at this. Btw. i
can't reproduce your crash with Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0;
rv:1.7.3) Gecko/20040915 Firefox/0.10
Michael, your reported behaviour should be the same like bug 258767.
Attachment #160605 - Flags: superreview?(bugs)
Attachment #160605 - Flags: review?(bugs)
Comment on attachment 160605 [details] [diff] [review]
kill autocomplete popup when document is unloaded
Attachment #160605 - Flags: superreview?(bugs)
Attachment #160605 - Flags: superreview+
Attachment #160605 - Flags: review?(bugs)
Attachment #160605 - Flags: review+
Attachment #160605 - Flags: approval-aviary+
Comment on attachment 160605 [details] [diff] [review]
kill autocomplete popup when document is unloaded
checked in on trunk and branch
Closed: 20 years ago20 years ago
Keywords: fixed-aviary1.0
Resolution: --- → FIXED
This sounds like it should fix bug 257002, wouldn't it?
Product: Firefox → Toolkit
Crash Signature: [@ nsFormFillController::OnTextEntered]
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