Closed Bug 264796 Opened 20 years ago Closed 20 years ago

Firefox appends extension when extension already exists


(Firefox :: File Handling, defect)

Windows XP
Not set





(Reporter: mozilla, Assigned: bugs)



Firefox displays a PDF with the following header:

Content-Type: application/pdf
Content-disposition: inline; filename = statement.pdf

When I go to save this document, it is saved as statement.pdf.pdf. It appears
that Firefox is appending the system extension for the content-type.
I really don't like this behaviour, the file name should be up to the user
and neither applications nor the OS should mess with it. However I have a feeling 
tha Firefox is following the Apple HI guidelines and this has been discussed
before - it is probably a dup. 
I don't use Macs for a reason. I am happy to have things behave a certain way on
Macs, but please let's not force Mac philosophy onto those who do not wish to
have it.
See also

Bug 132421 publish with a filename w/o the .html extension throws HTML code in
browse window

Bug 23207 Options in Save As (location of saved images, choice of filenames)

Bug 201262 "Save Page As..." (Web Page, complete) filename(s) can differ from
"Save Frame As...", as in reported testcase

Bug 129979 If Save filename altered, add original extension (jpg) instead of
filetype default (jpeg)

Bug 142102 Mozilla adds extension to filename in Save As dialog even when selecting

Bug 125086 weird filename suggested when saving file

Which deal with Modifying filenames, Suggesting filenames and Platform 
standards, and I think that I have seen others. Quite a few of these are 
unfixed and even a lack a roadmap or plan of action.

Wherever appropriate Firefox should allow the user unfettered choice
in the matter of filenames, however each platform's version should 
match that platform's offical HI guidelines - even when we would rather 

I'm having this same problem but only on one computer. My Windows desktop works
fine. My Linux desktop works fine (Slackware 10). My Windows partition on my
laptop works fine. But the on the Linux partition on my laptop I'm having this
symptom. Since it's linux it's not really a big deal because extensions aren't
as important as they are in windows, but it's still annoying. However, since I'm
using FireFox 1.0 on all four and only one is having the problem...

To my knowledge FireFox is configured the same on all four and the only
difference between the Linux on my laptop and the linux on my desktop is the
kernel, but I don't remember having this problem on the desktop when it was
using the 2.4.26 kernel so I don't think that is the problem. Could it be some
weird variable in a config file somewhere that got accidentaly switched on?
Duping against newer bug because the right people are cc'ed there.

*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 270159 ***
Closed: 20 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
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