Closed Bug 264800 Opened 20 years ago Closed 14 years ago

IMAP Inbox being rebuilt way too often, server is rolling UID validity


(Thunderbird :: General, defect)

Windows XP
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: asa, Unassigned)



(Whiteboard: [closeme 2011-03-01])


(2 files)

Starting about a week or two ago, aviary builds on winXP, I'm seeing my IMAP
Inbox get recreated several times a day. It happens both at the opening of a
session and in the middle of a session. I'll select the Inbox and all messages
will be gone and the status bar indicates that it's downloading all of my
headers again.
an imap protocol log would be helpful. Is your imap server rolling uid validity?
Bienvenu, I'll try to get a log. I'm not sure what rolling uid validity is.
IMAP log sent to bienvenu and mscott.
I also get this with 0.9 (0.8 is fine). Every time I start thunderbird, my inbox
appears empty and then the status bar indicates that thunderbird is downloading
all my message headers and pops up that I have over 200 new messages even if I
only have 1 or 2.

This is with a Lycos UK account. If anyone needs any thunderbird logs etc please
send instructions.

Asa's problem turned out to be a bug with his server, triggered by the fact that
he was accessing the same inbox with pop3 check for new mail, which panicked the
server and caused it to roll uid validity...
Attached file Log file of IMAP for Thunderbird 0.8 (deleted) —
This is the IMAP log file, launching Thunderbird 0.8. It shows the log based on
my inbox being checked without any problems.

Note: I am running from a brand new profile and blank installation etc.
Attached file Log file of IMAP for Thunderbird 0.9 (deleted) —
This is the same log file but running 0.9 from a clean installation. Not really
an expert at these log files but it seems to contain a lot more and includes
the headers for all my messages whereas the 0.8 one does not.

Note: I had to zip it to get it to fit in bugzilla
For anyone that looks into this bug, below is a link to a Mozillazine forum item
with someone else that suffers the problem
I see this frequently (several times a day) as well, with a Courier IMAP server:


I'm currently capturing a log, will post it when this happens again.
>just a friendly reminder ... "I'm currently capturing a log, will post it when >this happens again." 

I have a log captured when Thunderbird reread my mailbox.  i.e. I noticed TB was not detecting any new mail. I stopped TB.  I set the NSPR_LOG_MODULES variable to "imap:5".  I restarted TB.  It completely reread my inbox.  I stopped TB, copied the logfile generated, and restarted TB without the log variable set.

The file is 37M zipped and contains a lot of private information about my email that would not be easy to filter out automatically.   If any developer would like it, please let me know.
Mark, the interesting part of the log would be the part up to where it selects the INBOX and starts downloading headers...I can't remember when (e.g., 1.5.0.x or 2.0) where I added logging information about uid validity changing (which is what I suspect happens to you...)
David, I emailed you in sept. about the log file.  Let me know if I can resend the URL to you. 

Also I have since discovered that this mainly happens when multiple IMAP clients are accessing the same mailbox -- i.e. if I leave a thunderbird instance open on my home computer and try to use it on my laptop.  If one of the IMAP programs is Outlook, I get similar behavior. 
Mark, if you could resend me the url, that would be great. 

From your symptoms, it sounds like the server is rolling UID validity, perhaps because it doesn't deal gracefully with multiple connection to the same mailbox. I hadn't heard that as a problem with Courier IMAP, however.

I did very recently fix a bug in TB 2.0 where it would sometimes get a corrupted .msf file and have to redownload a folder. That fix was checked in a few days ago.
Mark, never mind - I found the message.
QA Contact: general
I can reliably reproduce this bug with TB2.0, including version (20070524).  I don't recall it happening with TB1.5, but since upgrading to 2.0 it happens multiple times daily.  If there is any log info I can provide, please let me know.  I only have one computer connected to my IMAP server at a time.  POP access is disabled.

FWIW, it seems to re-fetch all of the headers for an INBOX sub-folder whenever it is NOT selected and a new message arrives.  It always re-fetches all the messages on startup if there is an unread msg.
this bug exists in Linux version 3.0a1pre (2007102304) . 
Seen frequently with a specific folder to which I filter bugmail.  Moreso when I have TB open in multiple systems (but not always I think - it's hard to keep track).  Occassionally with folders to which a message has been manually moved.  And frequently in those cases, I also see the "disappearing act" where another message (adjacent?) doesn't appear in thread pane, but is found via search of the folder.

Never seen with inbox afaict, only with folders that get messages moved to them.

 (In reply to comment #13)
> From your symptoms, it sounds like the server is rolling UID validity, perhaps
> because it doesn't deal gracefully with multiple connection to the same
> mailbox. I hadn't heard that as a problem with Courier IMAP, however.

David, by "mailbox", do you mean account or do you mean folder? How much log would you need to determine if this is happening to me?
Assignee: mscott → nobody
Nir, Brad, do you still see this problem?

I don't see it. And I never got a log, so don't know if my issue was rolling UID validity.
Summary: IMAP Inbox being rebuilt way too often → IMAP Inbox being rebuilt way too often, server is rolling UID validity
Whiteboard: [closeme 2011-03-01]
RESOLVED INCOMPLETE due to lack of response to last question. If you feel this change was made in error, please respond to this bug with your reasons why.
Closed: 14 years ago
Resolution: --- → INCOMPLETE
I'm going reclose this as INVALID on the assumption that we can't do something to mitigate UID rolls
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