Closed Bug 265135 Opened 20 years ago Closed 20 years ago

Can't install extensions from (whitelist)


(Toolkit :: Add-ons Manager, defect)

1.7 Branch
Not set





(Reporter: tracy, Assigned: dveditz)



(Keywords: fixed-aviary1.0, fixed1.7.5, regression)


(2 files, 3 obsolete files)

seen with Windows FF branch build 2004-10-19-07-0.9

-Using the extensions manager, goto the u.m.o page from Get More Extensions
-select an extension to install. then in the install page, click Install Now

tested results: The notification "To protect your computer, Firefox has
prevented this site (update.mozilla,org) from installing software on your
computer" appears.

expected results:

extension download dialog comes up.

-click on Edit Options
notice that u.m.o is already whitelisted as an allowed site.
-delete it, then add it back
-attempt Install Now again

tested results:  Notification again.

expected results:

extension download dialog comes up.

note: will work if you goto Edit Options and set
to allow the site
Flags: blocking-aviary1.0+
*** Bug 265133 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Already TRIED deleting the listing for allowed, then RE-allowing didnt

I'll try again..
(In reply to comment #2)
> Already TRIED deleting the listing for allowed, then RE-allowing didnt
> work...
> I'll try again..

TRIED it, didnt work...
"Firefox could no download the file at
Because download error"

It only happens on UNSIGNED....
(In reply to comment #0)
> The notification "To protect your computer, Firefox has
> prevented this site (update.mozilla,org) from installing software on your
> computer" appears.

when using 2004101809-0.9+ (y'day's) on linux fc2, I didn't get this
notification. (unable to test with today's build due to bug 265103.)

does anyone else see this bug using y'day's build (as opposed to today's)?
cannot seem to repro this on Mac OS X 10.3.5 using 2004101907-0.9+ bits.
> cannot seem to repro this on Mac OS X 10.3.5 using 2004101907-0.9+ bits.

whups, scratch that; was looking at the wrong thing (themes instead of
extensions, which do work). I do see the same problem as Tracy on Mac: just get
the notification bar, etc.

this had worked with 2004101807-0.9+.

OS: Windows XP → All
Hardware: PC → All
confirmed this regressed between 2004-10-18-07-0.9 and 2004-10-19-07-0.9 windows

2004-10-18 14:26 DVeditz bug 264560: tighten up referrer requirements for XPI
whitelist ?
Here's another data point:  I reproduced this under the Windows 2004-10-19-07
build, although it seemed to fix itself once I navigated to another extension.  

Here's what I did:

1. Went to u.m.o.
2. Navigated to OutSidebar (my extension, which I'm testing for compatibility)
3. Clicked Install Now
4. Got the "To protect your computer..." notification.  Noticed that u.m.o was
already listed in my whitelist.
5. Clicked "Add" for u.m.o. anyway.
6. Clicked Install Now again
7. Got the "To protect your computer..." notification again.  u.m.o. still in
8. Navigated to the IE View extension.
9. Clicked Install Now
10. Software Installation dialog popped up as expected.
11. Canceled and navigated back to OutSidebar.
12. Clicked Install Now
13. Software Installation dialog popped up as expected.
Taking bug, it is most likely my patch which fiddled with the core of this
logic, though it shouldn't have affected this case.
Assignee: bugs → dveditz
I tried and failed to reproduce my own behavior as described above, but in the
process I discovered this repeatable case:

Installing this way works:

1. Launch firefox.
2. Navigate to u.m.o by typing it into your URL bar.
3. Select an extension.
4. Click Install Now
5. The Software Installation dialog pops up as expected.

Installing this way doesn't work:

1. Launch firefox.
2. Select Tools->Extensions->Get More Extensions, which opens u.m.o in a new window.
3. Select an extension.
4. Click Install Now
5. The "To protect your computer..." notification pops up.
(In reply to comment #11)
> I tried and failed to reproduce my own behavior as described above, but in the
> process I discovered this repeatable case:
> Installing this way works:
> 1. Launch firefox.
> 2. Navigate to u.m.o by typing it into your URL bar.
> 3. Select an extension.
> 4. Click Install Now
> 5. The Software Installation dialog pops up as expected.

Thats funny..
It worked..
But could only DL 1 extention..
Going around and see if it will do again.
> Thats funny..
> It worked..
> But could only DL 1 extention..
> Going around and see if it will do again.

Only worked 1 time...
Even after restart, cold boot.
> Only worked 1 time...
> Even after restart, cold boot.

when did this become your upload site????
FTP to your DL location and it swaps to HERE....
I also went to some home sites,
Had to ALLOW them, and got 1 set, then the option stopped working also..
Even after reset.
Summary: Can't install extensions from → Can't install extensions from (whitelist)
Seeing it on Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.7.3)
Gecko/20041019 Firefox/1.0 (MOOX M3)

Can install extensions from u.m.o using http:// protocol, but not https://
Security setting on the page is LOCKED.
this is the link from the site.

Extention DL window says:

Even got here, one time:

The HTTP, and HTTPS thing worked 1 TIME.  Now wont work.
if worst comes to the worst, wolf is preparing a patch to make umo use
InstallTrigger.install() to install extensions, however this may break aspects
of the site such as download counts and should only be used as a backup if
dveditz' attempt to implement darin's suggested use of nsIHTTPChannelInternal
doesn't pan out.
(In reply to comment #18)
> if worst comes to the worst, wolf is preparing a patch to make umo use
> InstallTrigger.install() to install extensions, however this may break aspects
> of the site such as download counts and should only be used as a backup if
> dveditz' attempt to implement darin's suggested use of nsIHTTPChannelInternal
> doesn't pan out.

Well, I'd like to see InstallTrigger so that we can do bug 246812.  Can we do
some sort of internal redirect to InstallTrigger that would still count it?
> Well, I'd like to see InstallTrigger so that we can do bug 246812.  Can we do
> some sort of internal redirect to InstallTrigger that would still count it?

The funny part.
1 of threee things happens.
It Loads then give error.  Security??
If something has allready tried to load, and you try again on different, the
process bar shows it gets halfway and Pauses ALONG time, ?Or it dont even try,
if it was tried before(same DL).
This patch enables anyone to set and get arbitrary properties on necko channels
(HTTP and FTP at least, for now).  It depends on the patch for bug 263957. 
Otherwise, properties are not preserved across HTTP redirects.
adding dependency on bug 263957 since i think we want our whitelist to work
across HTTP redirects.
Depends on: 263957
Blocks: 265357
Attached patch Make UMO use InstallTrigger.install() (obsolete) (deleted) — Splinter Review
This is the patch Ben mentioned in Comment 18. It changes UMO from using direct
XPI links (via redirect) to using InstallTrigger on the URL. This breaks (or
severely skews) download count statistics though. :-/ but if it's needed, use
it. :-)
Attachment #162780 - Flags: superreview?(bzbarsky)
Attachment #162780 - Flags: review?(cbiesinger)
This is a revised version of the Necko nsIProperties patch to deal with changes
to my patch for bug 263957.
Attachment #162780 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #162780 - Flags: superreview?(bzbarsky)
Attachment #162780 - Flags: review?(cbiesinger)
Attachment #162866 - Flags: superreview?(bzbarsky)
Attachment #162866 - Flags: review?(cbiesinger)
Whiteboard: has patch needs reviews
Comment on attachment 162866 [details] [diff] [review]
Revised version of Necko nsIProperties patch

note to all: this patch alone will not fix this bug.


no need to add trailing whitespace :-)

+		 for (PRUint32 i=0; i<count; ++i) {

missing space around = and <

can you simply do newChannel->mProperties = mProperties; ? that may have
undesired consequences...

+		 do_CreateInstance(NS_PROPERTIES_CONTRACTID, (nsIChannel *)

make this NS_STATIC_CAST?

I'm not sure QI is the best way to expose this. well, it certainly will do for
now. r=biesi.

I've been wondering for some time... should necko have an nsBaseChannel class,
which by itself would do things like manage loadgroups, loadflags, would
implement (overridable) Open using NS_ImplementOpen, etc - i.e. common base
stuff many channels need? it would probably come in handy here as well. just
something to think about.

man, this tiny textarea sucks.
Attachment #162866 - Flags: review?(cbiesinger) → review+
Comment on attachment 162866 [details] [diff] [review]
Revised version of Necko nsIProperties patch

a=asa pending sr=.
Attachment #162866 - Flags: approval-aviary+
> can you simply do newChannel->mProperties = mProperties; ? that may have
> undesired consequences...

yeah, that's a problem because what if properties of the old channel are modified?

> I've been wondering for some time... should necko have an nsBaseChannel class,
> which by itself would do things like manage loadgroups, loadflags, would
> implement (overridable) Open using NS_ImplementOpen, etc - i.e. common base
> stuff many channels need? it would probably come in handy here as well. just
> something to think about.

yes, this is something i definitely want to do at some point.
Comment on attachment 162866 [details] [diff] [review]
Revised version of Necko nsIProperties patch

sr=bzbarsky.  I wish we could make this code less ugly... :(
Attachment #162866 - Flags: superreview?(bzbarsky) → superreview+
(In reply to comment #27)
> > can you simply do newChannel->mProperties = mProperties; ? that may have
> > undesired consequences...
> yeah, that's a problem because what if properties of the old channel are modified?

right... would be nice if nsIProperties had a clone method...
Whiteboard: has patch needs reviews → has patch. ready to land?
Attached patch Combined patch for aviary (obsolete) (deleted) — Splinter Review
Darin's Necko patch is only part of the solution, and the one here is a trunk
patch that fails to apply to the aviary branch.

This patch combines his with docshell/xpinstall changes to get this over on
Attachment #163062 - Flags: superreview?(jst)
Attachment #163062 - Flags: review?(darin)
Whiteboard: has patch. ready to land? → has patch. need reviews
+      props->Set("docshell.internalReferrer", aReferrerURI);

that reminds me... a downside of exposing this via QueryInterface is that there
is no meaningful place to describe its usage. What definitely should be
documented is the intended namespacing of the attributes (as shown here).
Comment on attachment 163062 [details] [diff] [review]
Combined patch for aviary

>Index: docshell/base/nsDocShell.cpp

>+    nsCOMPtr<nsIProperties> props(do_QueryInterface(channel));
>+    if (props)
>+    {
>+      // save true referrer for those who need it (e.g. xpinstall whitelisting)
>+      // Currently only http and ftp channels support this.
>+      props->Set("docshell.internalReferrer", aReferrerURI);
>+    }

I'd leave out the comment about only HTTP and FTP supporting this
since that is bound to change at some point.  Instead, I'd say that
some channels may not support this.  And, you could add "but HTTP
and FTP do" or something like that.  The comment "as is" is sure to
bit-rot shortly.

>Index: xpinstall/src/nsInstallTrigger.cpp

>+    if (channelprops && 
>+        NS_SUCCEEDED(channelprops->Has(kReferrerProperty, &useReferrer)) &&
>+        useReferrer)
>+    {
>+        // channel may have the property but set to null. In that case we know
>+        // it was a typed URL or bookmark and can bypass site whitelisting, as
>+        // opposed to not knowing the origin and going with the fallback plan.
>+        channelprops->Get(kReferrerProperty,
>+                          NS_GET_IID(nsIURI),
>+                          getter_AddRefs(referringURI));
>+    }

why waste code with "Has()" ... maybe just call Get and if there's a result,
use it otherwise don't use it?
Comment on attachment 163062 [details] [diff] [review]
Combined patch for aviary

>+    nsCOMPtr<nsISupports>           mProperties;

While mProperties is required to be of type nsISupports here since that's
required by the COM aggregation rules (as darin informed me), it's a bit odd
(and certainly unusual in Mozilla code), and might be worthy of a comment. Same
thing in nsHttpChannel.

Attachment #163062 - Flags: superreview?(jst) → superreview+
FYI, the patch for bug 263957 (on which this bug depends) has been commited to
the aviary1.0 and 1.7 branches.
Comment on attachment 163062 [details] [diff] [review]
Combined patch for aviary

a=asa for aviary checkin.
Attachment #163062 - Flags: approval-aviary+
Attached patch Fix null-referrer crash (deleted) — Splinter Review
Typing in the url bar or hitting a bookmarked xpi were crashing because
nsProperties didn't entirely support null values. Now that I'm sure what value
I'll get in the null-referrer case I can get rid of the Has() call that annoyed
Attachment #163062 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Comment on attachment 163106 [details] [diff] [review]
Fix null-referrer crash

Carrying over sr/a
Attachment #163106 - Flags: superreview+
Attachment #163106 - Flags: review?(darin)
Attachment #163106 - Flags: approval-aviary+
*** Bug 264536 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Hi, I'm the reporter of 264536 ... I would just like to point out that my build
is not a nightly ... I am using 1.0PR with extensions.  Perhaps one of the
security extensions had this as an unintended side-effect?  Did anything happen
on the server or the network devices (firewalls,load-balancers,switches,routers)
in front of it?
Comment on attachment 163106 [details] [diff] [review]
Fix null-referrer crash

>Index: xpcom/ds/nsProperties.cpp

> nsProperties::Get(const char* prop, const nsIID & uuid, void* *result)
>+    return (value) ? value->QueryInterface(uuid, result) : NS_ERROR_NO_INTERFACE;
> }

ok, at first glance i thought NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER would be better, but
from the point-of-view of the callers, NS_ERROR_NO_INTERFACES indicates
that a property exists, but that that property doesn't support the
requested interface.  i guess that makes sense given that a null pointer
supports no interfaces.

still, NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER might be clearer...

you could even return NS_OK and *result=NULL, but then that would seem to
suggest that the requested interface is supported -- ok, i don't like that.


Attachment #163106 - Flags: review?(darin) → review+
ah, and given the documentation in the frozen nsIProperties.idl, i like
Keywords: fixed-aviary1.0
FYI nsISupportsArray::QueryElementAt returns NS_ERROR_FAILURE for null.
> FYI nsISupportsArray::QueryElementAt returns NS_ERROR_FAILURE for null.

but nsISupportsArray isn't frozen, nsIProperties is :-/
*** Bug 259715 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
tested with 2004102409-0.9+ (linux fc2) and 2004102406-0.9+ (mac os x 10.3.5),
extension installation from now works.
Fixed 1.7.x
Keywords: fixed1.7.x
Whiteboard: has patch. need reviews → waiting for bug 265357 on the trunk
Whiteboard: waiting for bug 265357 on the trunk → waiting for bug 263957 on the trunk
If this is fixed.
what was fixed...
the site or firefox.

If it was fire fox, where to get the update..
Firefox was broken since around 10/18, and is fixed again since 10/23. Get a new
nightly from here:

Or try 1.0RC1:

By the way, this needs trunk checkin, bug 263957 is fixed.
Word on the street (neowin, mozillazine) is that PR1 is still broken.
As a point of interest, this broke long before 10/18.  I am using PR1!
No, it is fixed, use FF1.0RC1
Umm, yeah, sorry, I meant RC1.
Neowin quotes Asa as mentioning that at least the application update is still
Checked in to the trunk on October 28
Closed: 20 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Whiteboard: waiting for bug 263957 on the trunk
Comment on attachment 163062 [details] [diff] [review]
Combined patch for aviary

kill obsolete review request
Attachment #163062 - Flags: review?(darin)
Attachment #162831 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Product: Firefox → Toolkit
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