Closed Bug 288544 Opened 20 years ago Closed 20 years ago

an asynchronous "oom" loop in jsconsole's implementation of nsIConsoleListener.observe with nsIConsoleService and xpconnect


(Core Graveyard :: Error Console, defect)

Windows XP
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: timeless, Assigned: timeless)





(1 obsolete file)

mozilla1.8a5 an asynchronous "oom" loop code being executed: + cx->fp->script->filename 0x02e662ed "chrome://global/content/consoleBindings.xml" const char * cx->fp->script->lineno,d 130 unsigned int cx->fp->pc-cx->fp->script->main 0x00000003 unsigned long (specifically: getprop "message" - not in a try block! - tsk) js> dissrc(appendItem) ;------------------------- 2: if (!aObject.message) return; 00000: 2 getarg 0 00003: 2 getprop "message" 00006: 2 not 00007: 2 ifeq 12 (5) 00010: 2 push 00011: 2 return ;------------------------- 3: ;------------------------- 4: try { 00012: 4 try ;------------------------- 5: // Try to QI it to a script error to get more info ;------------------------- 6: var scriptError = aObject.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIScriptError); 00013: 6 getarg 0 00016: 6 getprop "QueryInterface" 00019: 6 pushobj 00020: 6 name "Components" 00023: 6 getprop "interfaces" 00026: 6 getprop "nsIScriptError" 00029: 6 call 1 00032: 6 setvar 0 00035: 6 pop ;------------------------- 7: ;------------------------- 8: // filter chrome urls ;------------------------- 9: if (!this.showChromeErrors && scriptError.sourceName.substr(0, 9) == "chrome://") 00036: 9 this 00037: 9 getprop "showChromeErrors" 00040: 9 not 00041: 9 and 65 (24) 00044: 9 getvar 0 00047: 9 getprop "sourceName" 00050: 9 getprop "substr" 00053: 9 pushobj 00054: 9 zero 00055: 9 uint16 9 00058: 9 call 2 00061: 9 string "chrome://" 00064: 9 eq 00065: 9 ifeq 70 (5) ;------------------------- 10: return; 00068: 10 push 00069: 10 return ;------------------------- 11: ;------------------------- 12: this.appendError(scriptError); 00070: 12 this 00071: 12 getprop "appendError" 00074: 12 pushobj 00075: 12 getvar 0 00078: 12 call 1 00081: 12 popv 00082: 12 goto 177 (95) ;------------------------- 13: } catch (ex) { 00085: 13 setsp 0 00088: 13 nop 00089: 13 name "Object" 00092: 13 pushobj 00093: 13 newinit 00094: 13 exception 00095: 13 initcatchvar "ex" 00098: 13 enterwith ;------------------------- 14: try { 00099: 14 try ;------------------------- 15: // Try to QI it to a console message ;------------------------- 16: var msg = aObject.QueryInterface (Components.interfaces.nsIConsoleMessage); 00100: 16 getarg 0 00103: 16 getprop "QueryInterface" 00106: 16 pushobj 00107: 16 name "Components" 00110: 16 getprop "interfaces" 00113: 16 getprop "nsIConsoleMessage" 00116: 16 call 1 00119: 16 setvar 1 00122: 16 pop ;------------------------- 17: this.appendMessage(msg.message); 00123: 17 this 00124: 17 getprop "appendMessage" 00127: 17 pushobj 00128: 17 getvar 1 00131: 17 getprop "message" 00134: 17 call 1 00137: 17 popv 00138: 17 goto 172 (34) ;------------------------- 18: } catch (ex2) { 00141: 18 setsp 1 00144: 18 nop 00145: 18 name "Object" 00148: 18 pushobj 00149: 18 newinit 00150: 18 exception 00151: 18 initcatchvar "ex2" 00154: 18 enterwith ;------------------------- 19: // Give up and append the object itself as a string ;------------------------- 20: this.appendMessage(aObject); 00155: 20 this 00156: 20 getprop "appendMessage" 00159: 20 pushobj 00160: 20 getarg 0 00163: 20 call 1 00166: 20 popv 00167: 20 leavewith 00168: 20 goto 172 (4) 00171: 20 nop 00172: 20 leavewith 00173: 20 goto 177 (4) 00176: 20 nop cx->runtime->gcBytes 0x00400002 unsigned long cx->runtime->gcMaxBytes 0x00400000 unsigned long cx->runtime->gcMaxBytes - cx->runtime->gcBytes,d -2 unsigned long sizeof(JSObject) 0x00000008 unsigned int js3250.dll!js_NewGCThing(JSContext * cx=0x00ab9a98, unsigned int flags=0x00000000, unsigned int nbytes=0x00000008) Line 694 C js3250.dll!js_NewObject(JSContext * cx=0x00ab9a98, JSClass * clasp=0x00b5e618, JSObject * proto=0x02d3ae48, JSObject * parent=0x02d3ae40) Line 1872 + 0xa C > js3250.dll!js_CloneFunctionObject(JSContext * cx=0x00ab9a98, JSObject * funobj=0x02d3ae48, JSObject * parent=0x02d3ae40) Line 1935 + 0x18 C js3250.dll!JS_CloneFunctionObject(JSContext * cx=0x00ab9a98, JSObject * funobj=0x02d3ae48, JSObject * parent=0x02d3ae40) Line 3125 + 0xb C xpc3250.dll!DefinePropertyIfFound(XPCCallContext & ccx={...}, JSObject * obj=0x02d3ae40, long idval=0x00000001, XPCNativeSet * set=0x00a2fdd4, XPCNativeInterface * iface=0x1772e788, XPCNativeMember * member=0x1772e7a0, XPCWrappedNativeScope * scope=0x0012f7a4, int reflectToStringAndToSource=0x00000001, XPCWrappedNative * wrapperToReflectInterfaceNames=0x1776fc20, XPCWrappedNative * wrapperToReflectDoubleWrap=0x1776fc20, XPCNativeScriptableInfo * scriptableInfo=0x00000000, unsigned int propFlags=0x00000007, int * resolved=0x00000000) Line 449 + 0x11 C++ xpc3250.dll!XPC_WN_NoHelper_Resolve(JSContext * cx=0x00ab9a98, JSObject * obj=0x02d3ae40, long idval=0x009e0e5c) Line 732 + 0x18 C++ js3250.dll!js_LookupPropertyWithFlags(JSContext * cx=0x00000000, JSObject * obj=0x02d3ae40, long id=0x00a64958, unsigned int flags=0x00000000, JSObject * * objp=0x0012f840, JSProperty * * propp=0x0012f83c) Line 2557 + 0x1d C js3250.dll!js_LookupProperty(JSContext * cx=0x00ab9a98, JSObject * obj=0x02d3ae40, long id=0x00a64958, JSObject * * objp=0x0012f840, JSProperty * * propp=0x0012f83c) Line 2418 + 0x16 C js3250.dll!js_GetProperty(JSContext * cx=0x00ab9a98, JSObject * obj=0x02d3ae40, long id=0x00a64958, long * vp=0x0012f9b4) Line 2700 + 0x18 C js3250.dll!js_Interpret(JSContext * cx=0x00000000, unsigned char * pc=0x02d3ae40, long * result=0x1772e788) Line 5219 + 0x197 C js3250.dll!js_Invoke(JSContext * cx=0x00000000, unsigned int argc=0x02d3ae40, unsigned int flags=0x1772e788) Line 1313 + 0xc C xpc3250.dll!nsXPCWrappedJSClass::CallMethod(nsXPCWrappedJS * wrapper=0x00af59a8, unsigned short methodIndex=0x0000, const nsXPTMethodInfo * info=0x02d3ae40, nsXPTCMiniVariant * nativeParams=0x1772e788) Line 1339 + 0x10 C++ xpc3250.dll!nsXPCWrappedJS::CallMethod(unsigned short methodIndex=0x0003, const nsXPTMethodInfo * info=0x00a3a1d8, nsXPTCMiniVariant * params=0x0012fc08) Line 450 C++ xpcom_core.dll!PrepareAndDispatch(nsXPTCStubBase * self=0x02f35e28, unsigned int methodIndex=0x00000003, unsigned int * args=0x0012fcc4, unsigned int * stackBytesToPop=0x0012fcb4) Line 117 + 0x12 C++ xpcom_core.dll!SharedStub() Line 147 C++ xpcom_core.dll!XPTC_InvokeByIndex(nsISupports * that=0x02f35e28, unsigned int methodIndex=0x00000003, unsigned int paramCount=0x00000001, nsXPTCVariant * params=0x1779aaa8) Line 102 C++ xpcom_core.dll!EventHandler(PLEvent * self=0x17671220) Line 563 + 0x15 C++ xpcom_core.dll!PL_HandleEvent(PLEvent * self=0x17671220) Line 693 C xpcom_core.dll!PL_ProcessPendingEvents(PLEventQueue * self=0x00a4b328) Line 627 + 0x6 C xpcom_core.dll!_md_EventReceiverProc(HWND__ * hwnd=0x00160148, unsigned int uMsg=0x0000c137, unsigned int wParam=0x00000000, long lParam=0x00a4b328) Line 1434 C user32.dll!GetDC() + 0x72 user32.dll!GetDC() + 0x154 user32.dll!GetWindowLongW() + 0x127 user32.dll!DispatchMessageW() + 0xf gkwidget.dll!nsAppShell::Run() Line 159 C++ appcomps.dll!nsAppStartup::Run() Line 216 C++ mozilla.exe!main1(int argc=0x00000002, char * * argv=0x002a46f8, nsISupports * nativeApp=0x00000001) Line 1321 + 0x9 C++ mozilla.exe!main(int argc=0x00000002, char * * argv=0x002a46f8) Line 1813 + 0x13 C++ mozilla.exe!WinMain(HINSTANCE__ * __formal=0x00400000, HINSTANCE__ * __formal=0x00400000, char * args=0x0015235a, HINSTANCE__ * __formal=0x00400000) Line 1841 + 0x17 C++ mozilla.exe!WinMainCRTStartup() Line 390 + 0x1b C kernel32.dll!RegisterWaitForInputIdle() + 0x49 the oom bubbles up to xpc3250.dll!nsXPCWrappedJSClass::CallMethod. where it tails down and decides to asynchronously dispatch: xpcom_core.dll!nsProxyObject::Post(unsigned int methodIndex=0x00000003, nsXPTMethodInfo * methodInfo=0x00a3a1d8, nsXPTCMiniVariant * params=0x0012f7d0, nsIInterfaceInfo * interfaceInfo=0x02f35e10) Line 457 C++ > xpcom_core.dll!nsProxyEventObject::CallMethod(unsigned short methodIndex=0x0003, const nsXPTMethodInfo * info=0x00a3a1d8, nsXPTCMiniVariant * params=0x0012f7d0) Line 550 C++ xpcom_core.dll!PrepareAndDispatch(nsXPTCStubBase * self=0x02f35f18, unsigned int methodIndex=0x00000003, unsigned int * args=0x0012f88c, unsigned int * stackBytesToPop=0x0012f87c) Line 117 + 0x12 C++ xpcom_core.dll!SharedStub() Line 147 C++ xpcom_core.dll!nsConsoleService::LogMessage(nsIConsoleMessage * message=0x00000000) Line 181 + 0xa C++ xpc3250.dll!nsXPCWrappedJSClass::CheckForException(XPCCallContext & ccx= {...}, const char * aPropertyName=0x0012f858, const char * anInterfaceName=0x7c90ee18) Line 923 C++ xpc3250.dll!nsXPCWrappedJSClass::CallMethod(nsXPCWrappedJS * wrapper=0x0012f764, unsigned short methodIndex=0x0000, const nsXPTMethodInfo * info=0x0012f858, nsXPTCMiniVariant * nativeParams=0x7c90ee18) Line 1373 + 0x18 C++ xpc3250.dll!nsXPCWrappedJS::CallMethod(unsigned short methodIndex=0x0003, const nsXPTMethodInfo * info=0x00a3a1d8, nsXPTCMiniVariant * params=0x0012fc08) Line 450 C++ xpcom_core.dll!PrepareAndDispatch(nsXPTCStubBase * self=0x02f35e28, unsigned int methodIndex=0x00000003, unsigned int * args=0x0012fcc4, unsigned int * stackBytesToPop=0x0012fcb4) Line 117 + 0x12 C++ xpcom_core.dll!SharedStub() Line 147 C++ xpcom_core.dll!XPTC_InvokeByIndex(nsISupports * that=0x02f35e28, unsigned int methodIndex=0x00000003, unsigned int paramCount=0x00000001, nsXPTCVariant * params=0x1779a680) Line 102 C++ xpcom_core.dll!EventHandler(PLEvent * self=0x1779a6c0) Line 563 + 0x15 C++ xpcom_core.dll!PL_HandleEvent(PLEvent * self=0x1779a6c0) Line 693 C xpcom_core.dll!PL_ProcessPendingEvents(PLEventQueue * self=0x00a4b328) Line 627 + 0x6 C xpcom_core.dll!_md_EventReceiverProc(HWND__ * hwnd=0x00160148, unsigned int uMsg=0x0000c137, unsigned int wParam=0x00000000, long lParam=0x00a4b328) Line 1434 C user32.dll!GetDC() + 0x72 user32.dll!GetDC() + 0x154 user32.dll!GetWindowLongW() + 0x127 user32.dll!DispatchMessageW() + 0xf gkwidget.dll!nsAppShell::Run() Line 159 C++ appcomps.dll!nsAppStartup::Run() Line 216 C++ mozilla.exe!main1(int argc=0x00000002, char * * argv=0x002a46f8, nsISupports * nativeApp=0x02f35f38) Line 1321 + 0x9 C++ mozilla.exe!main(int argc=0x00000002, char * * argv=0x002a46f8) Line 1813 + 0x13 C++ mozilla.exe!WinMain(HINSTANCE__ * __formal=0x00400000, HINSTANCE__ * __formal=0x00400000, char * args=0x0015235a, HINSTANCE__ * __formal=0x00400000) Line 1841 + 0x17 C++ mozilla.exe!WinMainCRTStartup() Line 390 + 0x1b C kernel32.dll!RegisterWaitForInputIdle() + 0x49 our proxy object implements: + {,,xpcom_core.dll}(*((*(xptiInterfaceInfo*)(((*(nsCOMPtr_base*)(&(* (nsProxyEventClass*){*}(((*(nsCOMPtr_base*)(& (*this).mClass))).mRawPtr)).mInfo))).mRawPtr)).mEntry)).mName 0x009f96d9 "nsIConsoleListener" char [1] it's js object is: + {,,xpc3250.dll}(*(nsXPCWrappedJS*){*}((nsXPTCStubBase*)((* (nsCOMPtr_base*)(&(* (((*this).mProxyObject).mRawPtr)).mRealObject))).mRawPtr)).mJSObj 0x02c8b9a0 {map=0x02eb2750 {nrefs=0x00000001 ops=0x00b5ea60 _js_ObjectOps nslots=0x00000005 ...} slots=0x02bfcf8c } JSObject * that object's parent is: + {,,js3250.dll}(JSObject*)(((JSObject*)0x02c8b9a0)->slots[1]) 0x0272b898 {map=0x02de64e0 {nrefs=0x00000001 ops=0x00af5d58 XPC_WN_NoCall_JSOps nslots=0x000000d2 ...} slots=0x02d3c884 } JSObject * that parent's class is: + {,,js3250.dll}(JSClass*)(((JSObject*)(((JSObject*)0x02c8b9a0)->slots [1]))->slots[2]-1) 0x00a73edc {name=0x00ab8620 "ChromeWindow" flags=0x0000000d addProperty=0x00ae5dab XPC_WN_Helper_AddProperty(JSContext *, JSObject *, long, long *) ...} JSClass * conlusion: this is _the_ jsconsole's consolelistener, and it's listening to a report that the js console ran out of memory trying to report an out of memory condition. as it happens, the message the jsconsole released in order to make room for the message in its 250 item array was an out of memory message too :).
Attachment #179231 - Flags: superreview?(
Attachment #179231 - Flags: review?(
Attachment #179231 - Flags: superreview?(
Attachment #179231 - Flags: superreview+
Attachment #179231 - Flags: review?(
Attachment #179231 - Flags: review+
Comment on attachment 179231 [details] [diff] [review] establish a top level try/catch block to protect the console service from an infinite loop under this error reporter mozilla/xpfe/components/console/resources/content/consoleBindings.xml 1.22
Attachment #179231 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Closed: 20 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Product: Core → SeaMonkey
Product: SeaMonkey → Core Graveyard
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