Closed Bug 314476 Opened 19 years ago Closed 19 years ago

IMAP SSL Connection Timed Out errors when upgrading to 1.5 Beta 2 from 1.0.7


(Thunderbird :: General, defect)

Windows XP
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: brian, Assigned: mscott)



(2 files)

User-Agent:       Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.8b5) Gecko/20051006 Firefox/1.4.1
Build Identifier: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.8b5) Gecko/20051006 Firefox/1.4.1

I have a mail account that connects via IMAP SSL (Port 993).  It works fine in 1.0.7.  When I upgraded to 1.5 Beta 2 tonight, I get almost instantaneous connection timeout messages any time I try to get mail, view a message, etc.  Reverting to 1.0.7 alleviated the problem.

Reproducible: Always

Steps to Reproduce:
1. Setup an IMAP account over SSL (Port 993)
2. Verify it works in 1.0.7
3. Upgrade to 1.5 Beta 2
4. Observe Timeout errors

Actual Results:  
Connection Timeout errors

Expected Results:  
No errors
I've tried multiple accounts on the same server and have the same results for each.  I'm not the server administrator, although I know the administrator, so can answer config questions if needed.
Maybe related to bug 311901 comment 7?
is this a multiple CPU machine?
Yes, it is a dual HT Xeon (4 virtual CPUS) running XP SP2.
can you try disabling dual mode for thunderbird.exe and see if that makes the problem go away?

Unfortunately, w/o a dual cpu machine, it's pretty difficult for me to figure out what's going on here.
I will try disabling dual mode tonight when I get home, but in the meantime I tried it out on my single Dell laptop at work and it seems to work fine there.  Any logging I can turn on to help out?
yes, imap protocol logging, and perhaps nsSocketTransport, so follow these instructions but substitute nsSocketTransport:5,nsImapProtocol:5 for "protocol"

Do non SSL connection have the same problem? Or can you not connect w/o using SSL?
Attached file nsSocketTransport:5 log (deleted) —
Attached file IMAP:5 log (deleted) —
Here are the requested logs (although I had to use "IMAP:5" instead of "nsImapProtocol:5" as that produced an empty log file.

Also, reducing the number of CPUs alleviated the problem, though I'm not certain yet exactly what combination is the problem.  As I mentioned, I have a dual HT Xeon (4 virtual processors).  If I disable certain combinations of 2 (or more) of them, it seems to work, but other combinations of disabling 2 (or less) of them does not work.  It might be a HyperThreading issue more than a multi-cpu issue.  I'll try to dig out my PS/2 keyboard so I can change the bios to disable HT and see how that affects it.  Kick me if you think this would be really helpful info.
fwiw, I am a c/c++ software developer and am willing to help with more advanced debugging if that would help (esp. since I have a rather unique machine).
Looks like the timeout code really is getting triggered.

I have heard that turning off hyper threading has fixed other similar problems.

If you have or can get a source code tree and build it, we can definitely suggest some places to put breakpoints, starting with the timeout code.
Bug 307527 is one of "Similar problems" by David, I think.
Brian Pietsch, are you experiencing same phenomena as Bug 307527?
The symtoms sound similar to 307527, although I have only one account set up in Thunderbird, not multiple as the poster of that bug originally reported.
(In reply to comment #14)
> The symtoms sound similar to 307527, although I have only one account set up in
> Thunderbird, not multiple as the poster of that bug originally reported.

Asano-san, reporter of Bug 307527, says "His problem occured even when new profile/new account, only one IMAP account, connection cache count=1, tcptimeout=60sec.(default), if dual core and cpu affiniity is set to multiple core use." in bug for this isuue in Bugzilla Japan.
Looks same problem and same cause, although timing of connection loss/timeout is different.

I'm experiencing exactly the same problems on my machine.

The timeout messages appears immediately after starting Thunderbird (or after selecting another server-based-folder), there obviously was not "time" that had to pass before the timeout occured.

I'm using an Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core CPU (with a normal 32-Bit Windows XP Pro).

Manually assigning thunderbird.exe to use only one of the cpus (using the Task Manager) _DOES FIX_ the problem !!!
Disabling SSL for the IMAP connections has _REDUCED_ but not not elimitated the problem. (with SSL it happens almost always, without SSL perhaps 30% of the time)
Creating a new profile did have _NO EFFECT_ when i tried this in 1.5 Beta some weeks ago.

Thunderbird v1.0.7 works fine - i noticed this Bug some time ago in v1.5 Beta and it is still present in yesterday's 1.5 RC1!

Since both Intel and AMD are heavily pushing Dual-Core CPUs i really think this should be fixed (before 1.5 final if possible).
I believe this is a duplicate of bug 307527 because of the dual core aspect. There is a workaround posted in bug 307527 comment #18 -
Marking as duplicate.  Please feel free to reopen if you disagree.

*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 307527 ***
Closed: 19 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
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