Closed Bug 31906 Opened 25 years ago Closed 25 years ago

Make plain text msgs styleable and recognize nested quotes


(MailNews Core :: MIME, enhancement, P3)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: BenB, Assigned: BenB)


(Blocks 2 open bugs, )


(Whiteboard: Fixed. Waiting for review and checkin.)


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Spin-off from bug #31047. See longer description there. Goal: 1. Recognize individual quotes (i.e. also quotes within quotes) in non-flowed plain text, so we *can* make them look like HTML quotes (with a bar instead of "> "s). The latter should be controlled by a pref. 2. Clean code up to make look configurable by stylesheets. Preferably, 2. also works for the recipient of quoted plain text msgs in HTML msgs, i.e. I always see quotes of plain text msgs the way I want, even if another Mozilla Mailnews user replied to them via HTML and sent the result to me. I have this already mostly working in my tree. I spent 1-2 hours browsing my mail archive and the recognition works fine. Maybe I'll attach some screenshots. --- What I'm not sure about is, what we should recognize as quote tags. Currently, I recognize x spaces, directly followed by y upper case chars, directly followed by ">" or "]", optionally directly followed by a single space. That is , because some mailers use something freaky as quote tags, e.g. VM (EMacs): >>>>> BB = Ben Bucksch wrote: BB> bla blabla BB> blabla I do recognize that, but 1. it is rare 2. it is not completely correctly recognzed in this case. The "xxx wrote:" line is recognited as a nested quote of level 5, i.e. would get 5 bars. 3. it increases the likelyness of failure. I did not see such a case in practice, but should it happen, it would be bad, because I remove the plain text quote tags in favor of the bar. 4.x seems to only recognize "> ", which is the wastly most common case, but the old 5.0 code (before my rewrite of nsMimeURLUtils) seemed to work the way my new code works. Not sure, why this difference. What should I do. Constrain the code to the "> " case or try to recognize unusual cases?
Target Milestone: M16
If you have to lean one way or another, I would be less agressive than more. I'd rather have cases slip through the cracks instead of things that aren't quotes get "Quote-a-fied" - rhp
Ben, you asked me to post a decision in this bug, but I don't understand what decision you're looking for. Could you clarify?
Sure. A more or less side-effect of customizability by stylesheets is the possibility to replace text quote tags (e.g. "> ") by graphical ones (e.g. the blue bar). Of course, this will be a pref. The bars can look differently depending on the type of the msg, and propably will do so by default, if no one objects. My questions to the Mailnews team: - Will I get UI for the pref? It would read something like "Show graphical instead of text quote tags (e.g. "> ") for normal plain text msgs" and be showed below the current style prefs for quoted text. - What should be the default?
Daniel, as you worked on Mailnews, too, I'm also interested in your opinion.
My preference, as I've expressed in other bugs, is to have quoted material in text/plain parts shown using '>' rather than <blockquote> However, if you would like to contribute this feature, you're welcome to do it -- open source and all. If you do, I'd prefer for the default to be '>'. But even that I could live without since we could always change the default value for the Netscape commercial build.
I have a question. Is this only about what's displayed to the left of quoted text? For me, as a person who wants to make format=flowed work as good as possible, it's important that the logical quoting information is preserved so I assume that no '>' is physically inserted in the text since that would destroy that information. More than that, I don't know what's the best look is. I personally prefer a vertical bar as in html mail. If it works in html mail, why not use it for other mails?
Daniel, this part of the bug, the improved recognition of quotes, is only for normal plain text mails. If they are displayed, I /remove/ the plain text quote tags (i.e. "> ") in favor of a bar like in html mails, but not physically, but with some cool CSS features ("display: none" in particular). In fact, all the preference "use graphcial quote tags" does, is to add a new attribute ("graphical-quote=true"), so I can choose the correct style *in the stylesheet*. I.e. if I'm insane, I can change the stylesheet in a way, that it does exactly the opposite of what the preference says :-). I'll attach some pictures, which should make clear, what this feature does. BTW: I will surely not mess up flowed quotes.
Attached image Msg 1, Graphical (deleted) —
Attached image Msg 1, Plain italic (deleted) —
Attached image Msg 2, Graphical (deleted) —
Attached image Msg 2, Plain italic (deleted) —
Attached image Msg 3, Graphcial (deleted) —
Attached image Msg 3, Plain italic (deleted) —
Attached image Msg 3, Plain, fixed width font (deleted) —
Attached image Msg 3, Graphcial Italic Serif (deleted) —
I think I understand what you want to do. Are you embedding the quoted text in <blockquote ...> to do it? If that's possible, it would be nice to use the same style for both plain plain text and flowed plain text.
Msg 1 and 2 are normal msgs. I'm using "Sans serif" as preferred variable width font family in my preferences, and this is now also honored in this case (previously, "serif" was hard-coded). "Italic" shows, that rhp's recent changes are working together with mime. Msg 3 shows the unusual quoting I was speaking about above. Currently, the recognition of them is still enabled, so you can see the result. The last two show alternative font settings, the first "prefer fixed width fonts for plain text msgs" and the second shows the result, if the global variable width font family preference is set to "serif" (and also rhp's change together with graphcial quote tags).
Daniel, yes I use "<blockquote type=cite>". But I use different classes in the <div>, that encloses the whole msg, for plain text and flowed ("<div class=text-plain" and "<div class=text-flowed"), because I want to have visual feedback, if the msg is flowed or plain text. Currently, they are also technically needed, because I don't use &nspr;s and <br>s, but a "white-space: -moz-pre-wrap" style. The different style for the quotes is reached with contextual selectors ("div.text-plain blockquote...", i.e. the <blockquote>s inside <div class=text-plain>s). I'll attach the current stylesheet for illustration. Do you think, this is a problem?
Attached file Current stylesheet (deleted) —
If it was possible to display flowed and non-flowed the same, I would prefer that since for the normal user (95% or more I guess) it's only confusing that mail sometimes looks one way and sometimes another way. It might help debugging though to be able to seperate the two kinds easily. I can't view the attachment in Netscape 4.72. I'll try some other method later.
Daniel, I just noticed, that we can't use the same class for plain text and flowed, unless you want to bars disappear for flowed msgs, if the user chooses to disable them for plain text msgs. The current behaviour of the tip would be impossible.
Daniel, plain text and flowed are two different things, just as plain text and html are. They behave differently, so they should look differently. However, we have freedom, how large the difference is. With the attached stylesheet, the difference is just a thin (for flowed) vs. medium (for plain text) bar, both in black, while bars for html are blue, but you can give all of them different colors, if you want. You can get to the attached stylesheet with "Save Link As...".
> for the normal user (95% or more I guess) it's only confusing that mail > sometimes looks one way and sometimes another way. Not, that I'm misunderstood: I think they should be displayed slightly differently, because they behave slightly differently, but, of course, I think, it's a good idea to display plain text quotes with bars, because it's not *that* different from the other mail formats. Phil, we have 2 votes (me and Daniel) for bars and 1 (you) against them, can you arise the issue in the UI meeting tomorrow (*after* you looked at the screenshots and saw how well it works :-) ) please and ask, what the other members think, what the default should be?
One more thing regarding the bars. Even though I like them I think we should only display them if we are absolutely sure that it represents a quote. With format=flowed and html mail we can be sure. It's harder to analyze normal plain text mails and we would upset people if we got it wrong.
If graphical bars were the default, I would be very conservative, i.e. only "> " at the beginning of a line counts as quote tag. I think, that is reasonable save, do you agree? (Sorry, if I misunderstood you, that you are for graphcial quote tags.)
Yes, we can cover this in the UI meeting.
Here's the thinking from today's UI meeting: 0. We are unconvinced that we can explain the difference between format=flowed messages and regular text/plain messages to users in a way that they will understand. 1. Since format=flowed messages will be (more) common after mozilla-based products are released, it would be more consistent to use <blockquote> than to use '>' 2. So let's put the code in, put it on a Javascript pref, and not expose the confusing pref in the UI. The default pref value should be to use <blockquote> for consistency reasons. 3. This means that mozilla users will only see '>' when reading quoting generated by MUAs not capable of format=flowed. We're worried that using a quoting style which looks like HTML will be confusing and/or aggravating to users accustomed to '>'. If this turns out to be a big problem, we can figure out later how to expose UI for the pref, and potentially change the default. Make sense?
about 1. First of all, I'm happy, that I have "green" for my feature being default! about 0. I don't know, if we can shield our users from the difference (see above about differences). However, I agree, that it is very hard to explain. Maybe we can just refer to plain text msgs as "messages most other mail programs use" and to flowed msgs as "text messages Mozilla Mailnews (or Netscape Messenger respectively) uses"? Some users might want to know that in more detail, and we could explain format=flowed in the manual for them, possibly making use of hyperlinks in the prefs. about 2. I have a pretty bad feeling with that. From my experience with the converter, I'm worried, that we will create hostile reactions, if we don't provide an *easy* way to turn that feature off. What about "Show graphical (e.g. "| quote") instead of text (e.g. "> quote") quote tags for text msgs most other mail programs use"? (The "|" will be a real graphical bar.) about 3) > This means that mozilla users will only see '>' when reading quoting > generated by MUAs not capable of format=flowed. I don't understand that sentence. The feature is *only* about reading quoting generated by MUAs not using format=flowed. None of the sample msgs attached are generated by Mozilla. With this feature, the only cases, where users might see text quoting tags are: 1. Quoting tags, which are not recognized, are used. (See also discussion in the description of this bug.) 2. Quoting normal plain text in HTML. Is it that, what you meant? I *might* even succeed to make the latter quotes, if generated by Mozilla, to display the way the pref is sat, i.e. differently depending on the reader, but that's very hard without editing stylesheets.
Depends on: 33079
Blocks: 6276
I'll attach my current state of work, *maybe* it fixes some other wierd problems. It has not been fully tested with the composer (quoting) - no garantees what-so-ever. It reintroduces bug #32100. Good luck :-).
This bug will also fix bug #29699 (has been marked WONTFIX because of that).
about 3) > This means that mozilla users will only see '>' when reading quoting > generated by MUAs not capable of format=flowed. If you don't mean "only see by default", I would like to refer you to comp.mail.eudora.mac -- where a very frequent faq is "how do I turn of the excerpt bars". People love the concept of f=f, they just want to see the ">" as they are used to.
planb, this is bug #29557. I wrote: > With this feature, the only cases, where users might see text quoting tags > are: [...] > 2. Quoting normal plain text in HTML. I have code working to turn even this off (controlled by a hidden pref), i.e. nested quotes in plain text msgs are recognized and inserted as blockquote into the html editor. I'm not sure, what should be the default - it has large advantages, but it is a bit risky at this point of the project. 3. And in the plain text composer, of course.
Blocks: 35929
Blocks: 35930
| Graphical, colored quotes. Note, that this is a plain | text msg and still virtually the same code. All just CSS. That looks *great*!
Blocks: 39226
ccing I18N people, so they can help testing.
Blocks: 39254
Blocks: 32100
I'll attach my current state of work. It's bascially done, but no garantees. I'm too tired now to create perfect patches. |cvs diff -u| in the respective dirs. But feel free to look over and review, that's why I attach them.
Whiteboard: Bascially fixed. Need to do final checks.
Blocks: 39372
BTW: The patches contain a lot of cleanup and other bugfixes (for bugs not filed, e.g. normal text after quotes in flowed msgs displayed in italic).
Teh following patches are generated by |POSIXLY_CORRECT=1; cd mozilla; cvs -Q diff -p .|. You may also want the latest patch for bug 32420; it makes qoute recognition less agressive (only ">" and "> " arbitarily mixed at the very beginning of the line are recognized); see above for a discussion. I hope, this is the last version. I.e. rhp, would you finally review and checkin them, please? I'm sorry that I'm so late. I spent propably a full workweek (40 hs) on testing this stuff. Found and fixed many bugs in the existing (pre-31906) code on the way. General cleanup. I think, you really want this stuff for M16 (and so in NS6). We should rename mailheader.css into message.css sometime, as it now also holds styles for the msg body. New prefs Key Default UI Description mail.quoted_graphical true none For viewing, format plain text quotes as blockquote For quoting (in composer), remove mail.quoteasblock false1 none plain text quote tags and wrap quotes in blockquote + <pre> 1Bug 39372 Changes in old behaviour * The new features, of course * Viewer o Quotes are not italic by default, but regular. o Quotes are not black by default, but have no color set. o Less quotes are recognized. * Quoting o Quoted plain text is always wrapped (<pre wrap>; see bug 31200), not only if enabled for viewing Known bugs * There is no way with the UI to reset the color to none once you sat a color. (Bug 39230) * Emacs VM (?) attribution line ">>>>> "BB" = "Ben Bucksch" wrote:" is recognized as quote. This is broken behaviour on the sender's side. WONTFIX.
Whiteboard: Bascially fixed. Need to do final checks. → Fixed. Waiting for review and checkin.
Attached patch Final patch (hopefully) (deleted) — Splinter Review
I'll write some documentation on my website and post to .mailnews about it anytime soon. I'll attach a sample user.css (to be located in <userprofiledir>/chrome/user.css) for the adventurous, who want to play with it. Show me some cool ideas! :)
Attached file Sample user.css (deleted) —
I finally got to build and tested your code. I discovered an artifact with quotes. With an ordinary one level quote á la format=flowed I get a added "> at the beginning of the paragraph Source (raw mail): text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text > text text text text text text text text text text text > text text text text text text text text text text text ... Result: text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text | ">text text text text text text text text text text text | text text text text text text text text text text text ...
BTW: The patch also fixes bug 9202, bug 37365 and *maybe* (nsbeta2+) bug 33305. Daniel, you're speaking about a non-flowed mail, right? I can't reproduce this. Do you have a recent tree (from May 17)? If not, please update |netwerk/streamconv/converters/mozTXTToHTMLConv.*|.
No, it was a format=flowed mail sent by Mozilla from today (I dared to pull a tree despite the checkin rush). I'll attach the exact mail that caused this. It's in (gibberish) swedish but I hope you can see the technical malfunction anyway.
Attached file Mail causing display trouble (deleted) —
Depends on: 39963
No longer depends on: 33079
I wrote some docs, to be found at <>. Tell me, if you don't understand them.
moving to M17 :(.
Target Milestone: M16 → M17
Blocks: 9202
Blocks: 37365
QA Contact: lchiang → pmock
BTW: This was version 3. ccing alecf, because he said, he also wanted to look over the patch.
Fix checked in by rhp.
Closed: 25 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Note, that bug 41637 hides this feature and even makes plain text quotes look bad (graphcial *and* text quote tags) now :-(. Hopefully will be fixed soon.
Wow... long bug. Using the following builds win32 commercial seamonkey build 2000-092909-mn6 installed on P500 Win98 linux commercial seamonkey build 2000-092909-mn6 installed on P200 RedHat 6.2 macos commercial seamonkey build 2000-092911-mn6 installed on G3/400 OS 9.04 I verified the new viewer behavior o Quotes are not italic by default, but regular. o Quotes are not black by default, but have no color set. o Less quotes are recognized. The user pref " mail.quoted_graphical" works as descibe. but ... I am having difficulty verifying the behavior of the user pref "mail.quoteasblock". I set the pref to true and false but I am not seeing any effect when viewing in the plain text compose window. The nested quotes are quoted with ">". Should I write up a separate bug Ben or reopen? Or should I be expecting a different behavior. Please advise. Thank you. /Peter
Peter, thanks for verifying. I'm sure, it was not easy :). Bug 39372 is specifically about (enabling) mail.quoteasblock (per default). It should change the quote in the *HTML* composer, not the plaintext composer, after replying to a real plaintext msg. BTW: You use real plaintext msgs (those without "format=flowed" in the Content-Type header) to verify this bug, right?
Verifying bug as fixed. Thanks for the clarification. Yes, I did use real plain text (without format=flowed)
Product: MailNews → Core
Product: Core → MailNews Core
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