Closed Bug 320659 Opened 19 years ago Closed 18 years ago

crash [@ nsFormFillController::OnTextEntered]


(Toolkit :: Form Manager, defect)

Windows XP
Not set





(Reporter: sbhuck, Unassigned)


(Keywords: crash)

Crash Data

User-Agent:       Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.8) Gecko/20051111 Firefox/1.5
Build Identifier: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.8) Gecko/20051111 Firefox/1.5

This has happened twice. I get the following error message "Firefox has encountered an internal error and will be shutting down"
I have not seen this kind of error message since I quit using Internet Explorer where this message became a 2 to 5 times a day thing. I was hoping to escape this problem. With both Mozilla and Firefox up to 1.5 I have never encountered this problem. Should I go back to Firefox 1.0.7 until this an be corrected? I never experienced this with an other Mozilla or Firefox version.
I really need some help on this, since when this happens it wipes out my entire "cache" which I use extensively for doing searches.

Reproducible: Couldn't Reproduce
I have posted this twice in the MozillaZine Foum, but I have received no replies.
Could be an extension causing this. Does it also happen in Firefox's safemode?
Or disable your extensions one by one until you find the culprit.
Reporter, did you submit any talkback crash information? If so, what TalkbackIDs are they?
I have never used extensions on any Firefox version I have used.
Did submit Talkback, but I just had some surgery done and I failed to note number. Sorry, I have never had to use this very often, and forgot to get number written down. I don't suppose there is any simple way to obtain number either.
Sorry about spelling, but a little Parkinsons and hand surgery doesn't help a bad typist any more than before.
Don't worry about your typing :)
Yes there is a way to find your numbers. 
Find your firefox\extensions\\components dir and run talkback.exe - the TBIDs should be displayed there.
I found the  "dir and run
talkback.exe - the TBIDs should be displayed there."
I am not all that computer literate (I leave that to my grown children who are).
 what do I open the file with in XP?
I tried the notepad, and i didn't see anything which meant a thing to me.
I tried to search the internet to find out, but that was far more technical information than I could understand.
I guess I need more guidance in this area.
thanks everyone, i feel a little inadequate in this area.
Just double click the file and it should run the talkback program. then you can right click on the submitted crash talkbackid, choose copy, then paste the result here. (It should look like TB13156455H or something)
I believe this  what you wanted.
I guess I am getting a real education here.
Thanks for all your trouble.
Wilbur Huck 
Thanks for the help, Wilbur!

Incident ID: 13047731
Stack Signature	nsFormFillController::OnTextEntered 527b5337
Product ID	Firefox15
Build ID	2005111116
Trigger Time	2005-12-17 02:46:36.0
Platform	Win32
Operating System	Windows NT 5.1 build 2600
Module	FIREFOX.EXE + (00403aa4)
URL visited
User Comments	Making a simple search
Since Last Crash	166386 sec
Total Uptime	166386 sec
Trigger Reason	Access violation
Source File, Line No.	c:/builds/tinderbox/Fx-Mozilla1.8/WINNT_5.2_Depend/mozilla/toolkit/components/satchel/src/nsFormFillController.cpp, line 450
Stack Trace 	
nsFormFillController::OnTextEntered  [c:/builds/tinderbox/Fx-Mozilla1.8/WINNT_5.2_Depend/mozilla/toolkit/components/satchel/src/nsFormFillController.cpp, line 450]
nsAutoCompleteController::EnterMatch  [c:/builds/tinderbox/Fx-Mozilla1.8/WINNT_5.2_Depend/mozilla/toolkit/components/autocomplete/src/nsAutoCompleteController.cpp, line 1018]
nsAutoCompleteController::HandleEnter  [c:/builds/tinderbox/Fx-Mozilla1.8/WINNT_5.2_Depend/mozilla/toolkit/components/autocomplete/src/nsAutoCompleteController.cpp, line 273]
XPTC_InvokeByIndex  [c:/builds/tinderbox/Fx-Mozilla1.8/WINNT_5.2_Depend/mozilla/xpcom/reflect/xptcall/src/md/win32/xptcinvoke.cpp, line 102]
XPCWrappedNative::CallMethod  [c:/builds/tinderbox/Fx-Mozilla1.8/WINNT_5.2_Depend/mozilla/js/src/xpconnect/src/xpcwrappednative.cpp, line 2139]
XPC_WN_CallMethod  [c:/builds/tinderbox/Fx-Mozilla1.8/WINNT_5.2_Depend/mozilla/js/src/xpconnect/src/xpcwrappednativejsops.cpp, line 1444]
js_Invoke  [c:/builds/tinderbox/Fx-Mozilla1.8/WINNT_5.2_Depend/mozilla/js/src/jsinterp.c, line 1177]
js_Interpret  [c:/builds/tinderbox/Fx-Mozilla1.8/WINNT_5.2_Depend/mozilla/js/src/jsinterp.c, line 3523]
js_Invoke  [c:/builds/tinderbox/Fx-Mozilla1.8/WINNT_5.2_Depend/mozilla/js/src/jsinterp.c, line 1197]
js_InternalInvoke  [c:/builds/tinderbox/Fx-Mozilla1.8/WINNT_5.2_Depend/mozilla/js/src/jsinterp.c, line 1274]
JS_CallFunctionValue  [c:/builds/tinderbox/Fx-Mozilla1.8/WINNT_5.2_Depend/mozilla/js/src/jsapi.c, line 4158]
nsJSContext::CallEventHandler  [c:/builds/tinderbox/Fx-Mozilla1.8/WINNT_5.2_Depend/mozilla/dom/src/base/nsJSEnvironment.cpp, line 1411]
nsJSEventListener::HandleEvent  [c:/builds/tinderbox/Fx-Mozilla1.8/WINNT_5.2_Depend/mozilla/dom/src/events/nsJSEventListener.cpp, line 195]
nsXBLPrototypeHandler::ExecuteHandler  [c:/builds/tinderbox/Fx-Mozilla1.8/WINNT_5.2_Depend/mozilla/content/xbl/src/nsXBLPrototypeHandler.cpp, line 505]
nsXBLEventHandler::HandleEvent  [c:/builds/tinderbox/Fx-Mozilla1.8/WINNT_5.2_Depend/mozilla/content/xbl/src/nsXBLEventHandler.cpp, line 86]
nsEventListenerManager::HandleEventSubType  [c:/builds/tinderbox/Fx-Mozilla1.8/WINNT_5.2_Depend/mozilla/content/events/src/nsEventListenerManager.cpp, line 1685]
nsEventListenerManager::HandleEvent  [c:/builds/tinderbox/Fx-Mozilla1.8/WINNT_5.2_Depend/mozilla/content/events/src/nsEventListenerManager.cpp, line 1786]
nsXULElement::HandleDOMEvent  [c:/builds/tinderbox/Fx-Mozilla1.8/WINNT_5.2_Depend/mozilla/content/xul/content/src/nsXULElement.cpp, line 2153]
PresShell::HandleEventInternal  [c:/builds/tinderbox/Fx-Mozilla1.8/WINNT_5.2_Depend/mozilla/layout/base/nsPresShell.cpp, line 6367]
PresShell::HandleEvent  [c:/builds/tinderbox/Fx-Mozilla1.8/WINNT_5.2_Depend/mozilla/layout/base/nsPresShell.cpp, line 6203]
nsViewManager::HandleEvent  [c:/builds/tinderbox/Fx-Mozilla1.8/WINNT_5.2_Depend/mozilla/view/src/nsViewManager.cpp, line 2559]
nsViewManager::DispatchEvent  [c:/builds/tinderbox/Fx-Mozilla1.8/WINNT_5.2_Depend/mozilla/view/src/nsViewManager.cpp, line 2246]
HandleEvent  [c:/builds/tinderbox/Fx-Mozilla1.8/WINNT_5.2_Depend/mozilla/view/src/nsView.cpp, line 174]
nsWindow::DispatchEvent  [c:/builds/tinderbox/Fx-Mozilla1.8/WINNT_5.2_Depend/mozilla/widget/src/windows/nsWindow.cpp, line 1252]
nsWindow::DispatchMouseEvent  [c:/builds/tinderbox/Fx-Mozilla1.8/WINNT_5.2_Depend/mozilla/widget/src/windows/nsWindow.cpp, line 5982]
ChildWindow::DispatchMouseEvent  [c:/builds/tinderbox/Fx-Mozilla1.8/WINNT_5.2_Depend/mozilla/widget/src/windows/nsWindow.cpp, line 6233]
nsWindow::WindowProc  [c:/builds/tinderbox/Fx-Mozilla1.8/WINNT_5.2_Depend/mozilla/widget/src/windows/nsWindow.cpp, line 1434]
USER32.dll + 0x8734 (0x77d48734)
USER32.dll + 0x8816 (0x77d48816)
USER32.dll + 0x89cd (0x77d489cd)
USER32.dll + 0x8a10 (0x77d48a10)
nsAppShell::Run  [c:/builds/tinderbox/Fx-Mozilla1.8/WINNT_5.2_Depend/mozilla/widget/src/windows/nsAppShell.cpp, line 159]
nsAppStartup::Run  [c:/builds/tinderbox/Fx-Mozilla1.8/WINNT_5.2_Depend/mozilla/toolkit/components/startup/src/nsAppStartup.cpp, line 151]
main  [c:/builds/tinderbox/Fx-Mozilla1.8/WINNT_5.2_Depend/mozilla/browser/app/nsBrowserApp.cpp, line 61]
kernel32.dll + 0x16d4f (0x7c816d4f)
Severity: normal → critical
Component: General → Form Manager
Keywords: crash
QA Contact: general → form.manager
Summary: Error Message and Firfox 1.5 shuts down → crash [@ nsFormFillController::OnTextEntered]
I see what you got, but to me that is just a lot of computer language which I do not understand. Can you provide a more simple explaination. Is it something I did or just something the program did? I have been searching at this URL for 2 years, and this is the first of these to occur. By the way, the first time this happpened, no TalkBack report was generated.
I am not trying to be "dense" here, but I guess I need a plain English explaination for what happened, and perhaps a way to prevent having it happen again.
Wilbur Huck
sounds like doc was null?

Quote "sounds like doc was null". 
To myself, remember "computer illiterate" I know all of you have put up with my asking for further explainations, but what does the phrase above mean in a way even I might understand it?
Thanks for your understanding all my questions, and your patience in trying to explain all this to me.
I really appreciate it. As I said before I now have a better understanding of what TalkBack does.
in general, unless you're installing plugins or extensions, no crash is your fault. the code's buggy.

that a crash hasn't happened to you before doesn't mean that a page changed, it could be timing related, or involve some really complicated series of silly events to trigger. in this case, it very well could be such a thing.

as for the code bits... if you click on the talkbackid link quickly (it will eventually expire), and click on the first source code link by the first stack frame,
you'll see doc->...

the -> is basically a pointer dereference. in most computer systems the is no memory accessible at (or near) 0. so 0 is used to mean 'nothing' and trying to read memory from that address or write to that address will crash.

since a few lines earlier, the code gets a document:
but doesn't ever check to see if it got a document
nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMDocumentEvent> doc = do_QueryInterface(domDoc);
i was wondering if perhaps the document it got was null. i have no idea what that would mean to the program, but the link indicates that bryner was the last person to touch the code, so hopefully he would know....
Thanks, now I understand about the memory simply not being there or enough to do what I was asking it to do.
Once, when I first got my computer in July, it did notify me that I needed more memory, and then I had to click the okay, and it icreased the available memory, and everything was fine.
You are probably right, it was just a kind of fluke thing which may never re-occur.
If anyone has anything else they feel would be useful, just let me know.
Thanks everyone.
I had 2 more of these crashes with in 10 minutes of each other. When I looked at the information details, it said that "they had found no solution for this problem, but were working with Microsoft to try and solve it.". I would doubt that working with Microsoft to solve this will ever get anyone anywhere. IE 6 has this sort of thing happen a many as 3-6 times a day, that is why I left IE for Firefox. When I was using Firefox 1.0.7, I never had this occur at all. Microsoft can not even solve their own problem with IE which does not work correctly. I believe it would be a little too much to expect to have Microsoft working with Firefox in "good faith" to help their main competitor solve a problem they have no solution to themselves.
When I was using IE, Microsoft Support and I had long discussions about this problem occuring in IE, and they admitted they had no solution to it.
Any comments would be welcome.
I am not a computer expert, but if Firefox 1.5 is going to be vulnerable to this problem, and according to what I read they have no solution, then they need to tell us to go back to Firefox 1.0.7 until a solution is found for this problem. This is only a suggestion.
I do feel that they may need to look else where than Microsoft to solve it.
Depends on: 326468
(In reply to comment #15)
The message you are seeing is a message generated by Microsoft Windows. You can disable it by following the directions at if you don't want to disable error reporting for all programs in windows follow the 'Exclude programs from error reporting' link and and use firefox.exe as the program to exclude.

This will not change Firefox's Talkback error reporting which helps improve Firefox.

*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 326468 ***
Closed: 18 years ago
No longer depends on: 326468
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
Product: Firefox → Toolkit
Crash Signature: [@ nsFormFillController::OnTextEntered]
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