Closed Bug 32449 Opened 25 years ago Closed 24 years ago

Automatic Mail Check Not Working - POP


(SeaMonkey :: MailNews: Message Display, defect, P3)

Windows 98


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: jay, Assigned: gayatrib)


(Blocks 1 open bug)


(Whiteboard: [nsbeta2+] part of feature exception)

From Bugzilla Helper:
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; N; Win98; en-US; m14)
BuildID:    31815

Mail check frequency set to arbitrary time period. Appears to be checking for
new mail in the status bar but new mail not downloaded or even appear to have
any for that matter.

Reproducible: Always
Steps to Reproduce:
1.Set prefs to check mail every x minutes
2.Set prefs to download new mail
3.Send mail to yourself to verify feature

Actual Results:  New mail does not arrive

Expected Results:  Expect new mail to download or at least show up.
Manual mail checks work ok as expected
hey scott, does this sound like you? The fact that the protocol get new mail
works makes me think it may be related to firing the biff notification instead
of the actual protocol work. but i could be wrong.
Assignee: mscott → putterman
I don't know. Does the M15 build work any better for you?
Does this still happen? Is this Imap or pop?  Imap should work, but pop will not
download headers currently regardless of whether or not the pref is set.  If
it's the latter, then jefft already has a bug on this.
No auto-check on a POP account
I consider you lucky that your manual mail check works OK;
I can only get new mail by changing to the drafts folder and back to the Inbox.
reassigning to gayatrib.
Blocks: biff
Jay, I didn't understand your comment.  Is this set up on POP?  If so, do you
have it set to automatically download headers?
Assignee: putterman → gayatrib
Set for POP, 5 minute interval and download new messages. Auto-check never 
occurs. Also evident in today's build 41605. 
Severity: normal → major
Component: Networking - General → Mail Window Front End
Ever confirmed: true
QA Contact: lchiang → fenella
Summary: Automatic Mail Check Not Working → Automatic Mail Check Not Working - POP
Target M17.
Target Milestone: --- → M17
*** Bug 40035 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
I tried pop the other day and it worked fine for me (it even downloaded my 
headers when I didn't want it to.  Apparently we've taken this pref out of the 

One thing that I didn't mention before is that you have to be logged into the 
account in order for biff to work.
moving to M18 and nominating for beta3.  We need to investigate this.  All types 
of biff are working fine for me.
Target Milestone: M17 → M18
oops. I just realized that was silly. We have a feature exception for biff.  
Putting nsbeta2+ on this and moving back to M17.
Keywords: nsbeta2
Whiteboard: [nsbeta2+] part of feature exception
Target Milestone: M18 → M17
*** Bug 35142 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
As of M16, here's what I've noticed.  You have to hit get messages once after
opening the Mail window, and then auto checks start happening.  Still don't get
a sound played, tho.
playing a sound is another bug that we don't plan on implementing any time soon.
Kick-Starting by GetMessage first works here as well ...
Fix checked in. 
Closed: 24 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Win32 and Mac (2000-06-26-09 M17)
Automatic Mail check is working on win_nt 4.0 in POP. When new message arrives,
Biff shows up in the Status bar, Account  and Folder level as well as message
appears in the thread pane.

Linux (2000-06-26-08 M17) 
Biff  show ups in the Status bar, Account level. But it does not show up in the
folder level and thread pane. I need to click on the Get Msg so that it appears
in the Thread pane.

Since automatic check is working. I am going to verify this bug and open a new
one for linux only.
Win98SE build 62608 

Still does not work here. Mail set to check every 5 minutes. Sent mail from 
another account. Did not auto-check/receive message until manually checked. 
After manually checking I sent another email from a different account using 
another mail app and still not auto-checked/received until manually checked.

Created another profile and still no auto-check/receive under same conditions as 

I'll be happy to try any suggestions.
Wow, I'm really not seeing this on any of my machines.  I just tried pop and it 
worked fine on NT.  Imap works for me as well.  Earlier today I tried Linux and 
that worked for me also.  We need to find out what the difference is between 
what gayatrib and I tested and what everyone else is testing.

Fenella, can you work with Jay to figure this out?
I just verified this on the release builds for Windows NT/Linux/Mac. I tried 
Imap,Pop. Biff is working just as expected. There should either be something 
different about the way I am testing, or it could be that I am missing 
something. I am waiting to find some in QA, so that I can sit down with them and 
see how it works. 
I thought I'd mention the sequence of steps that need to be done before biff can 
take effect. Please do the following:

How to enable: 
After opening the mail window, go to: 
Mail/News Account Settings 
Server (mail server) 
Check the option that says "Check for new mail every xx min" 
And enter your favorite time interval to check mail 
Click on OK. 

Unfortunately, you would have to RESTART the application for this setting to 
take effect. It is a bug that needs to be fixed... Bug 24594. 

Once you restart the app, and open the mail window, you should remember to LOGIN 
into your accounts (impa/Pop).

You should now see biff working.

Please try again with the above sequence of steps, and see if it works.
After jumping through a few hoops I finally got it working. However, I have to 
GET MAIL *first* to get the auto-check to start working. And once Mozilla is 
closed and restarted I have to login again to jump-start the auto-check.
biff can't happen unless you are logged in. We have another bug about prompting 
for passwords when mail is started up but even then, if you don't log in we 
can't perform biff.
I also thought I'd add that on Imap accounts I think you are automatically asked 
to enter your password. So you know you have logged in.

Whereas on pop accounts, to login, you have to explicitly do a GetMsg. Only then 
you will be prompted with a password dialog, after entering which you are logged 

From then on biff should work.
So why not auto-login when Mozilla loads or when mail/news is started just as in 
the 4.x series?
Product: Browser → Seamonkey
You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.