Closed Bug 33515 Opened 25 years ago Closed 25 years ago

[FIX][REGRESSION]Cloning select in script creates extra option in list


(MailNews Core :: Composition, defect, P3)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: laurel, Assigned: rods)



(Whiteboard: fix in my tree)

Using 2000-03-27m15 commercial builds, all platforms

The choice of address headers in the message composition window will display two
To: headers when a newsgroup is selected before entering composition window.

1.  Go to mail window, select a newsgroup.
2.  New message.
3.  Pull the list of header types down from the arrow widget next to the
Newsgroup: header (1st line) in the composition window/s addressee block.

Result:  The list shows To: at the beginning and ending positions in the list;
it is duplicated.

Note:  There are other scenarios to try when verifying a fix. 
       a.  The duplication also appears when using Reply or Reply All to a
newsgroup article.  
       b.  The duplication also appears when using Reply or Reply All to a mail
message which has also been posted to a newsgroup.
QA Contact: lchiang → laurel
Rods, for some reason, cloneNode create an extra item at the end of the select 
element that you cannot select. Can you take a look at this? You should be able 
to reproduce the problem with the sample test case file I sent you a while ago 
for the preState problem.
Assignee: ducarroz → rods
I have worked on this a couple of days and found the problem and fixed it in my 
tree. But now I have run into a "paint" problem when the combobox is in XUL. So 
I am discussing the next step with evaughan
Is this still an M15 bug? If so, and if it is still very important, let me know 
so I can get Eric Vaughan's help intrakcing down the painting in XUL problem.
Target Milestone: --- → M15
I think M16 is fine.  There doesn't seem to be any harmful effects from this, 
right Laurel?
M16 is fine. Taking the liberty of changing target milestone to m16.
Target Milestone: M15 → M16
*** Bug 34893 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
The selection of the default select item needs to be delayed because the frame 
hasn't been created yet.
Summary: Address hdr choices offer extra To: option if news selected. → [FIX][REGRESSION]Address hdr choices offer extra To: option if news selected.
Whiteboard: fix in my tree
*** Bug 34999 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
I will check this in with the fixes turned off in the Combobox by the variable 

This cane be turned on when bug 35847 is fixed.
Depends on: 35847
Changing summary to be more generic.
Summary: [FIX][REGRESSION]Address hdr choices offer extra To: option if news selected. → [FIX][REGRESSION]Cloning select in script creates extra option in list
Blocks: 36558
Closed: 25 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
OK using:
2000-05-11-08m16 commercial build NT 4.0
2000-05-11-08m16 commercial build Mac OS 9.0
2000-05-11-08m16 commercial build linux rh6.0
Product: MailNews → Core
Product: Core → MailNews Core
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