Closed Bug 343962 Opened 18 years ago Closed 17 years ago

Java plugin crash on


(Camino Graveyard :: Plug-ins, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: hwaara, Unassigned)




(Keywords: crash)


(1 file)

Crashed using the Camino 8/7 nightly from trunk.

Steps to reproduce:

1. Go to
2. In the right column under "Recent matches", click any of the (small yellow) links.


Exception:  EXC_BAD_ACCESS (0x0001)
Codes:      KERN_PROTECTION_FAILURE (0x0002) at 0x00000000

Thread 0 Crashed:
0   libclient.dylib                	0x9c81d484 JVM_MonitorWait + 11540
1   JavaEmbeddingPlugin            	0x075dae24 Java_apple_awt_CPeerSurfaceData_initOps_redirect + 8788
2   JavaEmbeddingPlugin            	0x075c053c JEPCreateJavaVM + 416
3   com.netscape.MRJPlugin         	0x0752f06c JEPCreateJavaVM + 104
4   com.netscape.MRJPlugin         	0x0752d458 MRJSession::open(char const*) + 256
5   com.netscape.MRJPlugin         	0x0753725c MRJPlugin::StartupJVM() + 384
6   com.netscape.MRJPlugin         	0x07536954 MRJPlugin::CreateInstance(nsISupports*, nsID const&, void**) + 44
7   org.mozilla.camino             	0x006b781c nsPluginHostImpl::TrySetUpPluginInstance(char const*, nsIURI*, nsIPluginInstanceOwner*) + 804
8   org.mozilla.camino             	0x006b73cc nsPluginHostImpl::SetUpPluginInstance(char const*, nsIURI*, nsIPluginInstanceOwner*) + 48
9   org.mozilla.camino             	0x006b65b4 nsPluginHostImpl::InstantiateEmbeddedPlugin(char const*, nsIURI*, nsIPluginInstanceOwner*) + 1600
10  org.mozilla.camino             	0x0054d290 nsObjectFrame::InstantiatePlugin(nsIPluginHost*, char const*, nsIURI*) + 220
11  org.mozilla.camino             	0x0054e414 nsObjectFrame::Instantiate(char const*, nsIURI*) + 180
12  org.mozilla.camino             	0x0068a9e8 nsObjectLoadingContent::Instantiate(nsACString_internal const&, nsIURI*) + 656
13  org.mozilla.camino             	0x00687ff4 nsAsyncInstantiateEvent::Run() + 120
14  libxpcom_core.dylib            	0x2c04809c nsThread::ProcessNextEvent(int, int*) + 280
15  libxpcom_core.dylib            	0x2c0089b8 NS_ProcessPendingEvents_P(nsIThread*, unsigned) + 84
16  org.mozilla.camino             	0x0071b228 nsBaseAppShell::NativeEventCallback() + 80
17  org.mozilla.camino             	0x006fac64 nsAppShell::ProcessGeckoEvents() + 172
18  org.mozilla.camino             	0x006fb1d8 non-virtual thunk [nv:-4] to nsAppShell::AfterProcessNextEvent(nsIThreadInternal*, unsigned) + 336
19           	0x9293c918 __NSFireMachPort + 276
20       	0x907e9820 __CFMachPortPerform + 176
21       	0x907e9734 __CFRunLoopDoSource1 + 152
22       	0x907dbe4c __CFRunLoopRun + 1556
23       	0x907db47c CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 268
24            	0x931eb740 RunCurrentEventLoopInMode + 264
25            	0x931eadd4 ReceiveNextEventCommon + 380
26            	0x931eac40 BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInMode + 96
27               	0x936eeae4 _DPSNextEvent + 384
28               	0x936ee7a8 -[NSApplication nextEventMatchingMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 116
29               	0x936eacec -[NSApplication run] + 472
30               	0x937db87c NSApplicationMain + 452
31  org.mozilla.camino             	0x00008810 start + 432
32  org.mozilla.camino             	0x00008690 start + 48
See also TB20721962X and TB20722001K
I'm not able to reproduce this.

I tested with the latest Camino trunk nightly I could find
(2006-07-07-22-trunk) and with Firefox and Camino 1.0.2 (all
using JEP 0.9.5+f), on OS X 10.3.9 and 10.4.7.

You don't say which version of Mac OS X you tested on, but your log
indicates that it's 10.4.X
(Java_apple_awt_CPeerSurfaceData_initOps_redirect only ever gets
called on 10.4.X).

Moreover, the log you posted is incomplete, and appears to be corrupt
(I don't believe Java_apple_awt_CPeerSurfaceData_initOps_redirect ever
gets called on the main thread).

So please do the following:

Remove the JEP 0.9.5+f that's bundled with your Camino trunk nightly
(the one you had this crash with) and replace it with a copy
downloaded from -- the bundled
copy's debug symbols have been stripped (and the method used for
stripping might be responsible for the stack trace corruption).

Use this combo to reproduce a new crash, and attach the entire
crashreporterd crash log for that crash to this bug.  (Don't just
paste it into a comment.)
I can't reproduce this either. I think something is busted on your system, Håkan.

Oh, is there any chance this is another crash that only happens on Java 1.4? I'm using 5.0.

Attached file CrashReporter log (deleted) —
I downloaded JEP 0.9.5+f, and replaced the MRJPlugin.plugin and JavaEmbeddingPlugin.bundle in the Camino bundle with the ones found in the JEP/Binaries folder.

Here is the Apple CrashReporter full stack trace. There's also TB20746486Y of the same crash.

Hope this can give some more useful information.

I'm using Mac OS X 10.4.7, on an iMac G5. The nightly is still the same copy downloaded 20060708.
Håkan, thanks for the new, complete crash log.

It seems to be more accurate (the impossible call to
Java_apple_awt_CPeerSurfaceData_initOps_redirect is gone).  But it's
still very puzzling, and I'm tempted to say that one or more levels
are missing between "JVM_MonitorWait" and "+[AppletView

On the face of it, though, it looks like the new JVM (which has just
been created) is failing almost immediately (on the first attempt to
use it, or very soon thereafter).

By the way, the record for TB20746486Y shows that you're using the
2006070722 Camino nightly -- the same as I've been using, and not
dated 20060708 (I still can't find a Camino trunk nightly with this
date).  Out of curiosity I just tested the 2006070904 Camino trunk
nightly ... but I can't reproduce your crash with it, either.

In other parts of your log, I notice that you're using a couple of
"non-standard" OS extensions:

  /Library/Application Enhancers/Instant Hijack Server.ape/

Does temporarily disabling one or both of these make any difference to
your results?

Does it make any difference if you use your 2006070722 trunk nightly
with a fresh profile?

Do you get the same results with other Camino builds?  Or with recent
trunk nightlies of Firefox and SeaMonkey?
Here's another one of those "non-standard OS extensions":


Try temporarily disabling this one, too.
(In reply to comment #6)

> In other parts of your log, I notice that you're using a couple of
> "non-standard" OS extensions:
>   /Library/Application Enhancers/Instant Hijack Server.ape/

If this is causing the problem, it'll be at least the second report we've had of such an issue (though the other one had nothing to do with Java at all).

(In reply to comment #7)
> Here's another one of those "non-standard OS extensions":
>   /Library/Frameworks/ApplicationEnhancer.framework/
> Try temporarily disabling this one, too.

What's a good way to temporarily disable things like that, without risking to cause stuff to not work on the system?
> What's a good way to temporarily disable things like that, without
> risking to cause stuff to not work on the system?

Here's what I'd do:

1) Create directories named:
   /Library/Application Enhancers.disabled/
2) Drag the appropriate bundles/frameworks to those folders.
3) Restart your computer.

Some things might no longer work properly, but these will all be
application-specific (judging by what I've read about Audio
Hijack/Audio Hijack Pro ( and SIMBL
(  The OS itself
shouldn't be effected.

You've got Audio Hijack Pro and SIMBL installed.  I assume you knew
this :-)
Thanks Steven, I'll try it and report back.
Blocks: 353557
No longer blocks: 353557
A year later, we're still waiting for that report, Håkan ;)
WFM on my intel MacBook using Camino 1.5 (whatever JEP that has bundled with it). 

Unless there's someone else seeing this crash, I suppose this can be safely marked as WFM.
I can't seem to repro on PPC either, so I'll close this WFM.
Closed: 17 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
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