Open Bug 360872 Opened 18 years ago Updated 2 years ago

DOM event handlers can fire while a modal dialog is open


(Core :: DOM: Core & HTML, defect)





(Reporter: bzbarsky, Assigned: karlt)



Flags: blocking1.9?
Flags: blocking1.9? → blocking1.9+
Blocks: 324149
Summary: DOM event handlers can file while a modal dialog is open → DOM event handlers can fire while a modal dialog is open
Bz  - do you think we want to tackle this for 1.9 or differ it?  
I don't really know, to be honest.  We should really just fix the GTK bug I mention in that comment, but I doubt we have anyone working on that sort of stuff.  Really, we should fix our modality bugs in general, at which point this _might_ become a non-issue.

And somehow delaying event handler execution would be a lot of work.  :(

Maybe we can just disable script on a page while it has a modal dialog up?
Assignee: general → nobody
QA Contact: ian → general
On second thought, we're not going to block on this.

Not sure how much of this is worth looking into for now, but Karl, see bug 52209 comment 16, anything we can do about GTK event handlers here?
Assignee: nobody → mozbugz
Flags: blocking1.9+ → blocking1.9-
Is this fixed by Matthew's patch (which has landed) in bug 290862 comment 13?
Depends on: 290862
The patch fixes the key event dispatch that Boris mentions: "At least on GTK key events get dispatched to the main window while a modal dialog is up.  :(", but not the other issues mentioned.
Hmm.  Do we still dispatch mousemove events?  Or no?

If we no longer dispatch user events, that would only leave things like onload and whatnot, right?
(In reply to comment #6)
> Hmm.  Do we still dispatch mousemove events?  Or no?

Not on Linux, but Bug 324149 is about that on Windows.
What about focus/blur?  Or just when the alert comes up and down?
Well, not focus/blur.

But some mouse motion events are still happening on Linux as demonstrated by attachment 287639 [details].
Component: DOM → DOM: Core & HTML
Severity: normal → S3
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