Closed Bug 36836 Opened 25 years ago Closed 12 years ago

mail conduit for the palm devices


(Thunderbird :: General, enhancement)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: ryancassin, Unassigned)



(Whiteboard: [wontfix??])


(1 file)

At present, there is no conduit available for sync with the palm pilot and 
Mozilla Mail (and the address book for that matter). It's a feature that 
Outlook Express has, and I think it'd be a useful addition to Mozilla.
marking RFE and Confirmed , CCing Lisa as she knows almost all Mail/News bugs 
incase someone else is working on it.  We may need to mark this helpwanted

Ever confirmed: true
Summary: There is no mail conduit for the palm pilot and mail → [RFE] There is no mail conduit for the palm pilot and mail
Need to change to helpwanted. 
Assignee: ryancassin → nobody
Keywords: helpwanted
I think I can handle this bug, but if anyone is experienced with the Mail-News 
and is willing to take some time on this one with me, my e-mail is - the help would be greatly appreciated.
this sound like something rhp / tonyr are working on.

talk to them first and see if they are working it.  I'm sure they'd appreciate 
and contributions.

if they aren't, then tony, rich or I can help answer any questions you have.

post questions to news://
I don't think that rhp and tony are directly working on Palm Pilot sync because 
in antoher bug report, phil mentioned that Palm Pilot sync was out for Seamonkey 
(Netscape 6).

Ryan - if you want to work on this, pls change the assigned name to your own. 
Alright, I'll see what I can do :-)
Reassigning to myself.
Assignee: nobody → ryancassin
To make the mail conduit work, you need to add the MAPI support to Netscape 6. 
An external contributor started that work a while back in 
/mozilla/mailnews/mapi but was unable to finish. If you want to pick this up, 
that would be the place to start.

- rhp

Is it absolutely neccessary to use mapi? Can't we just use Mozilla's current 
mail scheme and then send the data to the Mail application in the Palm? 
Although I think that you're right about the MAPI, I don't understand why it's 
neccessary to make it this format. Shouldn't the current Mozilla protocol work, 
it's all the same: Mail with text.

- Hurricane (
Well, if you want to use the infrastructure provided by the PALM software, you 
need to use MAPI. Keep in mind, its a send & receive capable function and MAPI 
gives you a reasonable frame work to use. You could write your own custom 
conduit, but I wouldn't unless someone forced me to.

- rhp
Alright... I'll take a look at the MAPI project and see if I can recuit some 
people to it with me :-) -- Thanks for your help.
Does the palm software on the mac use mapi as well? It would be nice if
this worked on mac and linux as well. Palm doesn't support linux directly
but there are 3rd party products for linux (at

FYI, here's something that might be useful. Despite the author's use of the
word "Mozilla", I believe it was designed to work with 4.x address books.
Does mozilla still use ldif?
"pilot-ldif is a program that converts Palm Pilot and Palm III address books
"into ldif files, which Netscape can import, and that uploads Netscape-generated
"ldif files onto the Pilot. It uses pilot-addresses from the pilot-link package.
Reassigning to my new e-mail -- I haven't been able to work on this much 
recently because other bugs have come up which were more important... if anyone 
is really interested in this and would be willing to help, I'm open to any 
assistance :)
Assignee: ryancassin → rcassin
One limitation of the current MAPI synchronization products is that it only
syncs one folder:  the INBOX.   It would be extremely useful to be able to map
palm folders to the desired NS folders.  For example, obviously INBOX -->
INBOX, but maybe I would like the palm folder "Filed" to synch with my NSMail
client "Old Messages" folder.  It would be useful to have an interface for this.

Another way to handle it would be to MOVE messages to appropriate folders via
MAPI.  For example, when you delete a message on the palm, the MAPI synch moves
the file from the inbox to the trash on the NSMail client.   It would be great
if I move a message from the inbox to the 'filed' folder on the palm, the MAPI
synch would then send the signal to move that messages from the inbox to the
corresponding NSMail folder ('Old Messages').   [as opposed to just blindly
synching folders other than the inbox]

I am not familiar with the limitations to the MAPI protocol, so maybe this would
be impossible through the standard.
Unfortunately, simple MAPI is very limited and does not have the concept of 
"mail folders". :-(

- rhp
I would like to work on this feature, although I haven't worked on any other
aspect of the Mozilla project.   What is the status/progress of this feature?
I assume the code is there from the previous NS....
The main way to approach the mail conduit side of things is to implement simple 
MAPI. This code was started and lives in the directory 

The address book would be a whole other beast.

- rhp
I assume that if we get standard MAPI working, then the existing Synch app for
Netscape32 --> Palm would function just fine, no?
Keywords: mozilla0.9
OS: Windows 98 → All
Having just received a palm pilot as a gift, I'm offering my help on this one.

Changed OS to ALL because my main concern is to get this working on Linux.

Nominating for Mozilla 0.9 to possibly slip backwards to Mozilla 1.0. This would
be a very good feature to have to make Mozilla feel feature complete, and it
would grab the ns 4.x users back.
Could this be a dupe of bug 2933?  I would like to see palm syncing built back
in, because I'm sure this is keeping many business users from leaving 4.7. 
Perhaps we should nominate mozilla1.0 so this bug gets looked at again?
I agree - this is needed.  I have switched to Mozilla, however not having
address book integration with my Palm is getting really annoying and making me
think I should possibly switch to a mail client that supports Palm Sync.... I'm
sure I'm not the only one.
Hey!  I believe I have found a work-a-round.  Right now I'm syncing my mail 
with my palm as we speak.  I accomplished it by pointing Netscape 4.78 at my 
Mozilla mail datafiles. :)  For detailed instructions, check out:

Hope this helps!
It would be helpful to separate the issues of a Palm conduit for mail and a Palm
conduit for the Address Book.  I think they would each have different
priorities.  In my organization, more people use the Address Book sync than the
mail sync of 4.7.  

Thank you.
I personally desire the address book functionality much more than the mail
sync... that's just me though.
I'd just like to agree that the lack of Palm sync ability in Mozilla is the only
thing keeping on MS Outlook (ugh!). I'd love to help out, but I'm afraid that I
don't have much programming experience (I'm just starting to learn). If you need
somebody without a lot of experience as a tester or something, though, I'm here!
Dear guys, I'd like to know whether the issue of Palm address sync and Netscape 
6 have been solved, I'm still waiting to upgrade for this feature.
Palms are becoming more and more common... if mail synch is impossible, many
folks will go with OE or others that DO accomodate palm.

Looks as if there has been no activity on this in a long time... pls don't
forget it!
I would like to start working on a Palm Conduit for the Address Book. I am very
busy right now, but I should be able to start working on it in a few weeks. I
have little experience with Mozilla or Conduits, but this is a feature that must
get done, and it looks like for now I am the only one willing to work on it. Any
help would be appreciated.
Have just voted for this bug / enhancement. Now I have moved over to Mozilla 1.0
as my default I would love to be able to sync my Palm address book with
Mozilla's (don't care so much about email). I can't programming but would be
willing to help by testing anything that was being developed. 
Summary: [RFE] There is no mail conduit for the palm pilot and mail → mail conduit for the palm pilot
FYI, covers the Address Book
portion of this bug and is almost ready to be turned on.
Phooey. I must be in the minority, as I don't care one whit about Mozilla's address book at all, but would really like to be able to work with e-mail on my Palm. Doesn't look like the latter has anyone working on it.
I dunno, I synched with Nestacpe for quite a while, and I have come to the 
conclusion that nothing beats Palm Desktop for reliability.  As far as mail is 
concerned, I do miss not being able to send a 1 or 2-liner from my Palm.  I get 
*FAR* to much mail (and far too much spam!) to consider reading mail on my Palm.
-> Palm Sync
Assignee: rcassin → rdayal
Component: Networking: MailNews General → Palm Sync
Depends on: 165247, 172844
QA Contact: lchiang → meehansqa
Summary: mail conduit for the palm pilot → mail conduit for the palm sync
QA Contact: meehansqa → nbaca
I recently moved over to Moz Mail from (sh)Outlook.  Unfortunately after fully
migrating I found out that there is no conduit for Moz/Netscape 6.

I found Brian's webpage with a work-around but I'm wondering if the mailbox
format hasn't really changed why is this so difficult to do.

Thinking about it, address syncing would be nice but for me mail is more important.
There is now a Palm address book conduit for Mozilla 1.2.1.
It should also be in the next milestone 1.3b

Marking a duplicate of bug# 164760.

*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 164760 ***
Closed: 22 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
It's not a duplicate... this is about synching _mail_, not just the address book.
Reopening per comments. 
Resolution: DUPLICATE → ---
I never got Brian's work-around to work:

Brian never got back to me about it. Hopefully some work will be done on this
now that the address sync is available.
Blocks: majorbugs
As mentioned earlier, the Palm conduit requires Simple MAPI to be completed. So 
one way of solving the issue is to prioritize bug 108275, which covers the 
completion of Simple MAPI.
I think it would be more appropriate now, for this to be considered as a
Thunderbird Extension, perhaps to go with the Palm Sync capability implemented
in bug 214407.  Perhaps they could ship together when this one is complete? 
Give an option on install for which (default to both) to install.
Assignee: rdayal → mscott
taking - if I ever get a couple weeks free time, I could try this.
Assignee: mscott → bienvenu
David:  If you can get this done, I will create a bug to rename Thunderbird
after you!
David, this has really been a thorn in my side and many other users.  I moved
from Outlook to Moz mail and took a step down in one regard -- syncing email.

I've considered many times abandoning Moz mail because of this weakness.  If
there is anyway this feature could be added, it would be a great benefit to the
Palm users of Mozilla.

Given the increased power of Palms lately, one feasable option of getting
mozilla-mail to work with Palm would be a port of sorts to thunderbird...

I really don't care what program I use to read the mail on the palm, as long as
it syncs with what i use at home.
I would love to see this happen, too. However, I think the best way to make Mozilla play 'nice' with the palm is better Simple MAPI support. The Palm Mail conduit already talks to MAPI clients, but the Mozilla support for it isn't complete.

See also bug 108275 which is about those missing functions.
Is this bug not dependent on bug 108275 and marked as such?   

And if so, bug 108275 (despite the low vote count) should be also be marked
dependent on bug 163993.

Is there a MAPI/palm expert in the house?
I'm not quite sure it's 100% dependant on bug 108275.  It's up to David Bienvenu
to decide on how the implementation should go, since he's most likely the one to
do it.

I was planning on exploring the MAPI option first.
Full MAPI support would be nice.  I'm going to add my vote for bug 108275.

Interesting that bug 108275 has only 9 votes and 19 CCs, but this bug 36836 has
61 votes and 33 CC.

Possible related bugs:
bug 38969  	RFE - Full MAPI Implementation
bug 203295 	fix MAPI on MingW builds
bug 103807      Meta bug for MAPI bugs that will be fixed after 0.9.4
bug 101816      Test app for simple MAPI
bug 102798      Security issue for simple MAPI
in tomorrow's 1.8 trunk build, seamonkey/thunderbird mapi support has been
extended such that a mapi mail palm conduit should work - I used the Eudora mapi
conduit to download mail from my mozilla pop3 account to my palm pilot. Just to
be clear, I didn't write a conduit, but I enabled conduits that use MAPI to work
with Mozilla, if seamonkey/thunderbird is installed as the mapi client. I have
no plans to write a separate mail conduit since this solution should work.

I tested with build 20040423.  Set the conduit to sync with generic mapi
clients, and tried to sync. 

Log reads:
-- Eudora
   - Could not read next message from the Desktop Mail System's Inbox.

Is there anything special that needs to be done?  How does it know what email
account to use?
it uses the default mail account in Mozilla...Is that a pop3 account for you?
Did any messages get synced? which version of the eudora mapi conduit are you using?
(In reply to comment #51)

I've tried this out with the full Mozilla build 2004042307 and my Zire 71.

Veramail, which came with the Zire, was totally oblivious to Mozilla's
existance, and did not sync.  iambic mail was able to communicate and get new
messages, but it was not able to send messages or marked read messages as such
in the mailbox.

I also keep getting 50-70 messages in the log file upon sync.
HotSync operation started 04/24/04 00:35:12
-- Eudora
   - Could not read next message from the Desktop Mail System's Inbox.

- Eudora Internet Suite,
- Thunderird 20040423

Not sure what you mean by "first mail account", so I was guessing: I had a look at my prefs.js file, and mail.identity.id1 was an NNTP account, mail.identity.id2 is my pop3. I changed the two around, so id1 would be the pop3, but still no luck.

Le me know if there's some way I can help (prefs files, etc). I really, really want this feature :-)

I was testing this with David earlier this afternoon with the same problem. 
Best *guess* so far is that it might be returning an error (which it shouldn't)
in the release builds.  I did use the test app, and can verify that it did read
my inbox.  So MAPI is working, it just needs to be debugged a bit.  

Be patient ;-)
In order for blind send to work, you need to set the hidden pref
"mapi.blind-send.enabled" to true. I'm going to change the default to true for
now, since we've already got a warning dialog setup...

I've checked in changes that will be in tomorrow's build that may or may not
help with the other problems...
Comment on attachment 147085 [details] [diff] [review]
enable blind send by default (but with warning)

Scott, see bug 102798 for more details about how this works. We pop up a
warning dialog, with a checkbox that says don't warn me again. Since that's
true, I think it's ok to change the default for blind send to true. If we leave
it as false, blind send always fails, w/o prompting.
Attachment #147085 - Flags: superreview?(mscott)
Tested with: version 0.6+ (20040427)

It does work!  

For those getting an error, may want to move all but 1 email to a folder, sync
(it should then work), then put the rest back and sync.  That took care of the
problem for me.

I haven't successfully sent, but don't know if it's a server problem or a tbird
problem at this point.  I'll have to try again later to determine.

So it is at the point where people could/should be able to test, but I wouldn't
call it production worthy quite yet.  It's still got some kinks to be worked out.

Congrats to David on some awesome work.  A very neat feature is clearly on the way.
Comment on attachment 147085 [details] [diff] [review]
enable blind send by default (but with warning)

Attachment #147085 - Flags: superreview?(mscott) → superreview+
Good to hear it works for some, but I sill can't make it cooperate. Got Thunderbird 0.6b 10040427 this morning, synced - same error. I tried the "remove everything from inbox excpet 1 message", no luck either.

Then I created a brandnew profile (removed the old, started fresh). Again, The conduit starts up TB, but while it's still contacting the server trying to download new messages, the conduit already says that there was a problem:

HotSync operation started 04/28/04 08:52:28
-- Eudora
   - Failed while trying to retrieve the next message from the Desktop Mail System.

Let me know if there's any way I can help figure this out. Patience is not one of my virtues, but debugging is, and I'm really eager to get this feature :-)
Oh, sorry, in addition to the above, Tbird must be open first.

No, that's not intentional.  Still needs to be fixed.
(In reply to comment #62)
> Good to hear it works for some, but I sill can't make it cooperate. Got
Thunderbird 0.6b 10040427 this morning, synced - same error. I tried the "remove
everything from inbox excpet 1 message", no luck either.

This stuff is checked in on the trunk so you need to get moz1.8 or tb0.6+ in
order for this to work.  The checkins that fixed this have not gone in on the
0.6 branch and therefore are not available in tb0.6b or any of the moz1.7 builds.
See comment #51

I tried the Latest Thunderbird Trunk Nightly 20040429 and am getting the same
syncing problem:

HotSync operation started 4/29/2004 2:45:07 PM
-- Eudora
   - Failed while trying to Logon to the Desktop Mail System.

I am trying to sync E-mail to Eudora on my Visor on a Windows XP Pro system. 
Thunderbird is not the default mail client, and I cannot determine whether it
thinks it is the default MAPI client.  (Where did that setting go?)
thunderbird needs to be the default mail client - usually, it will prompt you to
be the default mail client on startup, if it's not, unless you've told it not to
ask you again. Tools | Options | General - use Thunderbird as the default mail
application should set it up as the default mail client.
Switched from Iambic to Eudora Palm.  E-mail retrieves and syncs without a
problem usually, sometimes requires a reboot.  However, Mozilla build 2004042808
fails to send more than one message at a time.  Closing and restarting Mozilla
allows the next message to be sent, but simply re-syncing doesn't.
I did some testing with mail syncing, here was my setup:

Windows XP SP1
Thunderbird 20040428 (default desktop mail client)
Palm Desktop 4.1 (latest download at this time)
Palm III with OS 4.1

Palm mail clients/conduits tried:
Eudora Internet Suite 2.1 (latest download at this time)
Iambic 3.14 (latest download at this time)
VersaMail 2 (older version, latest is 2.7?)

Results were pretty much consistent across these 3 Palm mail clients.  Although
I had all three of the Palm mail clients installed on the handheld, I only
'enabled' one at a time.  My initial trials only brought a single message over
to the Palm, regardless of the Palm mail client.  It did not take long to
realize this could be related to the fact that I am using IMAP for my single
mail account in Thunderbird.  Once I set the Inbox folder in Thunderbird to
download the messages for use offline then synching worked pretty well.

I have done NO POP3 testing.

With IMAP account and offline selected for INBOX in Thunderbird:

I was regularly getting all of 5 messages I had in my Inbox including the
message bodies without trouble.  I was able to retrieve these 5 messages with
VersaMail, Iambic, and Eudora.

With IMAP account and offline NOT selected for INBOX in Thunderbird:

I would only get the latest message in the Inbox and then only the headers of
that single message.  By "latest message" I mean the last message that was added
the Inbox folder, it did not seem to have much to with date.  For example I
moved an older message from another folder to my Inbox and then upon syncing
again, this message (header only) would now show up on the Palm.  The previous
single message (header only) that was present would no longer be there.  I was
able to duplicate this single message sync occurence in Eudora, Iambic, and

Notes regarding setup of various conduits:
Eudora = I selected Generic MAPI setting for identification of desktop client
Iambic = It automaticly detected that Thunderbird was the default desktop mail
client and displayed it in the config however it also displayed "(NOT SUPPORTED)"
VersaMail = allowed for choice of Eudora 5.0 or higher and also Outlook Express,
I used "Eudora 5.0", however it seemed that the Outlook Express setting also
worked. (they both simply looked for the default MAPI client)

I never noticed that Thunderbird had to be open prior to syncing.  As with my
previous experience when syncing mail with a Palm device using MAPI, if the
default client is closed when the hotsync is started, the default desktop client
is simply opened when the hotsync operation gets to that particular conduit and
syncing continues.

I did briefly toy with attempts to delete messages (initiated on Palm) and
received various errors in the hotsync logs probably because the Palm mail
clients do not know how to delete a message from my IMAP account in Thunderbird.
 No messages were ever deleted in my Thunderbird Inbox after deletion on the
palm with any of the three Palm mail clients.  Of course the Palm mail client
would need to honor my settings in Thunderbrid regarding action on deletion of
message.  I have mine set to move deleted items to my IMAP trash folder.

I did not try sending.

Note on IMAP:
Since I only use IMAP for my mail and not POP3, I do not really have to mess
with all this stuff as I could simply utilize a Palm mail client that allows for
direct syncronization with my IMAP server and leave my desktop computer out of
the picture.  But I just wanted to play...  
Just wanted to let you know that on my Home computer where Thunderbird is the
default client this works as expected.  My compliments on your good work.

Strange how this took someone so long to figure out when it appears that it was
such a simple fix.
most of the work is in bug 108275 - it was a fair amount of work.
Glad to see this made it into 0.6, but I cannot get it to work. Using the Eudora
conduit, my Palm (Sony Clie S300) synch brings up Thunderbird just fine, but
nothing gets downloaded to the PDA. I assume this is because I haven't
designated a directory: how does one specify the identity/directory to use the
Inbox? (I have two identities, plus the "Local Folders.")
this didn't get into .6 - it's only available in trunk seamonkey and thunderbird
(In reply to comment #72)
> this didn't get into .6 - it's only available in trunk seamonkey and thunderbird
> builds.

Okay, I downloaded and installed the latest win32 trunk. Now I get an error
message in my synch log:

"-- Mail
    - Could not read message from the e-mail applications's inbox."
to answer your previous question, it uses the default account's inbox. You might
try tomorrow's build - I did fix one problem this morning if any of your
messages are larger than 64K.
(In reply to comment #74)
> to answer your previous question, it uses the default account's inbox. You might
> try tomorrow's build - I did fix one problem this morning if any of your
> messages are larger than 64K.

Perhaps I spoke too soon in comment #69.  It worked fine with the 20040429 and
20040501 builds(for Windows) for a couple of Hot Syncs and then stopped working,
giving the error where it couldn't read the next messag in the mailbox.  I tried
DLing a newer build (5/2, 5/3 and 5/4), but couldn't get any of those to load at
all.  I am now back to the 0.6 Release build.  I may try a Nightyly build again
this weekend to see what progress has been made.
are you saying you couldn't download and run the 05/02,03, or 04 trunk builds,
or you did download them but couldn't get them to do a mail sync? The 04 trunk
build has the latest be clear, none of this is in any .6 builds
Thought I'd report that the Mail conduit works fine for me now, using the 5/05
trunk build. Cool! For reference, I'm using an old Sony Clie S300 and the
"Eudora" conduit.
(In reply to comment #76)
> are you saying you couldn't download and run the 05/02,03, or 04 trunk builds,
> or you did download them but couldn't get them to do a mail sync? The 04 trunk
> build has the latest be clear, none of this is in any .6 builds

I could not get any of the 5/2, 5/3, or 5/4 builds to even load on my PC (XP
Home).  Yes I know the 0.6 Release build does not contain sync-ability, but I
could not get syncing to work on the 5/1, 4/30, or 4/29 builds.

It had been working with 4/29 and 5/1 builds, I went to read some messages on my
Visor, did a few deletions on the Visor, and tried to sync back to my PC.  Those
messages I had read but not deleted showed as read on the PC.  The messages I
read and deleted remained in my Inbox.  New messages were not DLed.  I don't
know if any of this is of use in debugging.  Like I said, I will watch for
further changes, and try a Nightly build later this week or this weekend to see
if the problem has been corrected.
(In reply to comment #78)

> Like I said, I will watch for
> further changes, and try a Nightly build later this week or this weekend to see
> if the problem has been corrected.

Having lots of things better to do tonight I blew away my 0.6 Release install
(cleared out the directory), and DLed and installed the 5/5 Nightly.  Same
problem.  I let teh HD churn for about 7 minutes before I went to the Task
Manager and killed the Thunderbird process.  I blew away the 5/5 Nightly and
loaded the 0.6 Release.  It opened up in less than a minute.
do you have multiple profiles? I can go look at recently opened bugs against
tbird and mozilla and see if anyone else is having this problem...
(In reply to comment #80)
> do you have multiple profiles? I can go look at recently opened bugs against
> tbird and mozilla and see if anyone else is having this problem...

No multiple profiles in the instance of Thunderbird.  On my Home PC there is an
installation of Mozilla 1.6 which is used by the rest of my family.  Mozilla was
not running at the time, I had done a reboot after installation of Thunderbird
(In reply to comment #81)
> (In reply to comment #80)
> > do you have multiple profiles? I can go look at recently opened bugs against
> > tbird and mozilla and see if anyone else is having this problem...
> No multiple profiles in the instance of Thunderbird.  On my Home PC there is an
> installation of Mozilla 1.6 which is used by the rest of my family.  Mozilla was
> not running at the time, I had done a reboot after installation of Thunderbird
> Nightly.

I just tried the 5/6 Nightly on my Work PC and have the same problem--it will
not load.  My best guess as to the problem is an incompatibility between one of
my extensions (Forumzilla, Tagzilla, and jslib) and the Nightlies.  That or one
of the installed skins and the Nightlies.
Once I got mail to synch with my Clie S300, I tried to create a message to send
for testing purposes. Now I get an error message when I synch Mail: (Title:
"Send Message Error") "Sending of message failed. No recipients were specified.
Please enter a recipient or newsgroup in the addressing area." Of course a
recipient is indeed specified.
Robert was having that problem too - I wonder if the conduit or palm app is
putting smtp: in the recipient address...
(In reply to comment #84)
> Robert was having that problem too - I wonder if the conduit or palm app is
> putting smtp: in the recipient address...

For the problem with smtp: see also bug 243177. The palm desktop software send
also smtp:
(In reply to comment #85)
> (In reply to comment #84)
> > Robert was having that problem too - I wonder if the conduit or palm app is
> > putting smtp: in the recipient address...
> For the problem with smtp: see also bug 243177. The palm desktop software send
> also smtp:

The "SMTP:" is the standard prefix when using MAPI to send. Both the problem in
this bug and the problem in bug 243177 are caused by bug 221673 (which bienvenu
already has taken).

a fix for  bug 221673 was checked in.
Depends on: 221673
Keywords: helpwanted
Latest seamonkey 2004051608 reports the following in a warning popup when a
hotsync of new message from palm is attempted:

Send Message Error

Sending of message failed.
No recipients were specified. Please enter a recipient or newsgroup in the
addressing area.

Corresponding hotsync log reports the following ("Test palm!" is the subject):

HotSync operation started 05/16/04 21:38:32
-- Mail
   - Could not send the following e-mail to the E-Mail application:
	To:, Test palm!
OK Mail with 1 message(s)

... so the same problem appears to be there.
Got the versamail conduit working with mailnews 1.8a4

Seems to be reading deleted messages from the default inbox (from the hotsync
log) after compacting the inbox the number of messages retrieved was correct.

Anyone else seen this?

Got the versamail conduit working with mailnews 1.8a4

Seems to be reading deleted messages from the default inbox (from the hotsync
log) after compacting the inbox the number of messages retrieved was correct.

Anyone else seen this?

Product: MailNews → Core
No longer blocks: majorbugs
50cent tour of current status: see comment 51, comment 66, comment 68, comment 74
*** Bug 320100 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Using Palm Mail 3.5 with TB 1.5.  Sync works for both sending and receiving, but the MIME encoding is ignored.  This means some messages start "This is a multi-part message in MIME format ..." and then the message is hard to read.  I think what is needed is to parse the message and use the part with content type text/plain as the message.  Alternatively the html could be used with tags stripped, <br> to nl etc.  Does anyone know where to start? Thx
Product: Core → MailNews Core
QA Contact: nbaca → palmsync
8 years later, I've given up on Palm OS and this bug.
Assignee: bienvenu → nobody
Product: MailNews Core → MailNews Core Graveyard
still legit.
Recap: see comment 51, comment 66, comment 68, comment 93
Component: Palm Sync → General
Priority: P3 → --
Product: MailNews Core Graveyard → Thunderbird
QA Contact: palm-sync → general
Summary: mail conduit for the palm sync → mail conduit for the palm devices
Whiteboard: see comment 95
Version: Trunk → unspecified
Mark, wontfix?   Palm is toast
Whiteboard: see comment 95 → [wontfix??]
Closed: 22 years ago12 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
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